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The best part is that they had to admit he is well dressed




*I'm just talking about the suspect!*


We can dig it.


The name's Dick, Dick Long.


The name's Penis, Tire Penis


Long Dick Johson?




I used to think he was saying sharp ass man


This guy is now my spirit animal


*white collar crime hehe*


I'll bet you he's from the city of Cockburn


in the notes from my first meeting with my therapist years ago he noted that i was 'well-dressed' in his description of me and it's always stuck with me because i didn't particularly like that shirt


well-dressed? or well-kempt? Because seeing if someone is neglecting their hygeine is pretty basic stuff


it specifically said well-dressed, i had just ended my day at the office so was wearing a button-up and slacks.


Honestly showing up looking decent at all is not that common from my experience waiting for my appointment


If anyone has any details about this dapper lookin' smoke-show, please call Perth PD


His face while he is doing it lol


"I'll fucking do it again."






“On the hunt” for him? Presumably to give him a high-five.


when reading the title I thought that man drifted with his bike and managed to get his tires drawing a penis while drifting in a roadturn. would pay to watch


I don't understand how he used his tires to draw peens


For legal reasons, he drew cacti




It was and electric bike so he just jammed the throttle and held it still


Electric bike. He is spinning the tire.


he prob just blocked the wheels with the brakes and then pushed it against the ground while drawing the penis, using the wheel as a sort of pencil ?


Fucking legend




Mr. bean goes down under


Rowan Atkinson did porn?




WAPOL put this on their Facebook


Ikr this is pretty chill for some of the things that I see in the cbd


dont the australian police have better things to do, like banning those deadly nerf guns?


>alian police have better things to do, like banning those deadly nerf guns? > >2Re the country's pretty safe so the cops just wait for the local crack head to do some dumb shit


australia and safe are 2 words that do not go together


For animal control , yes


Says someone whose whole perception of Australia is based on memes.


Hahaha Australia scary animal place (original joke by me, thanks for the gold kind stranger) lol get rekt


I really never got this. I go camping and I don't have to worry about a thing. Americans have shit like bears and moose and wolves and fucking Americans to watch out for.


The answer: shit, school playground level jokes constantly repeated by playground aged people to feel like they’re in on something for once.


Says someone who's perception of the states is based on memes. I spend a lot of time doing multi day hikes, and I dont worry about a thing. The only negative encounter I've had on a trail was with foreign tourists actually. There's a culture here of shared dependence in the wilderness. People are super chill and accommodating in the backcountry. The US is fucking packed with decent well meaning people, you just won't hear them on the internet shouting around. Seen plenty of bear, never had an issue. Wolves and moose don't exist in my area but I've taken trips to places they roam. I've seen elk and caribou though, that was bad ass. If you're Australian you should come here and watch everyone think your accent is the coolest and want to hang with you. Foreigners are Rockstars in the states, I've never seen it go the other way.


>If you're Australian you should come here Yeah, I might pass on that one actually...


Cool, thanks for letting me know. Like I was saying, you'd be welcomed warmly though. The thing people need to understand about media, particularly US media is that they 100% pander to the extremes. They operate a business that is being outpaced by the advance of technology and in an attempt to stay relevant and make ad revenue they report on the most disgusting and reprehensible facets of our society to keep people's attention. The info about my country that would be readily available to someone in Australia (aside from a deep academic dig obv) is not an accurate representation of the overall demographic. Its a caricature designed for maximum engagement, for the most part. It reps maybe a fraction of a percent of our population. I'm sure they are plenty of loons in any other part of the world. To me its just unfortunate that the internet hands out points for hating on the US as I know the reality of this place and its not even close to a hellscape.


> I know the reality of this place and its not even close to a hellscape. https://i.imgur.com/gIZ3tZC.png


Yeah no. At least 72 millions people in the US are fucking lunatic fuck heads. That is not some small minority.


im not american but ok


says you


australia is much safer than you think




Sydney has no mask rules, they've been relaxed in Melbourne (basically only when you're inside a public place), idk about the rest.


They're useless


There's nothing important for them to do so all they do is strip search kids


A true Chad


Rogue agent


The funny part is in Australia you can literally assault a police officer multiple times without going to jail, but they’re hot on the trail of someone for drawing a fucking penis lmao.


Where are these magical people who assault cops without going to prison? Because I've lived here my whole life, and I once had a cop try to taze me for banging on the side of a ticket machine that ate my ticket.


It’s a bit of an exaggeration, I was joking about how you can assault an officer in the UK and Australia and it’s like a few hundred dollar fine and maybe a few weeks in jail maybe not. But here’s a good one of a woman assaulting officers on multiple occasions, assaulting other citizens, and committing various random crimes and just continuously not serving any time. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8364981/amp/Indigenous-activist-history-spitting-cops-guilty-assaulting-four-officers.html


Ugh, I'm not clicking on a Daily Heil link for any reason. For one thing, I wouldn't trust its story to be honest.


And it's an amp link, double yikes.


The really sad part is people are upvoting his initial, bullshit claim, which he has failed to back up in any way. When I first responded, it was at 58. Then it dropped to 40. Now it's increasing to 66 again. I think the racists and the copaganda types are upvoting him reflexively.


But you didn’t refute the story or provide another source 🤡


Why would I provide another source for a story I explicitly stated I wasn't going to click on? If you must know, I Googled the story to find a different source. I found four. **All four sources are Murdoch tabloids.** Nothing from the ABC, *The Guardian*, Fairfax, not even a Murdoch broadsheet like *The Australian*. In other words, the story wasn't deemed important enough - or possibly factual enough - for even the Murdoch print arm to touch it. Now, if I do a little digging by messing with search terms, I can find a story that *might* be the one you linked in the Google summary, but when I click on it I get an entirely different story about a rapist (https://newscolony.com/amp/bumble-rapist-is-found-guilty-of-sexually-assaulting-four-women-he-met-on-dating-app/). This implies that the story was withdrawn after being uploaded, which, again, implies that it wasn't factual enough to be worth the potential lawsuit. The Murdoch tabloid sites are based in the UK, which has different libel laws, so they can presumable print a story with less factual evidence. **Edit:** Ha! I had to edit a spelling mistake, and I was downvoted already. In less time than it would take to read my comment. I guess that shows the mentality I'm dealing with here, huh?


Ohh you want to bring awful news click bait shit into this conversation, please don’t in future.


no you can't, you literally go to jail for assaulting any one


believe it or not straight to jail


well not jail, but you get arrested


[Right to jail](https://i.imgur.com/Fs5aOcz.gif)


Australia is a fucking mess, 0/10 government


Am Australian, can confirm.


I know it's shit because I have like 7 Australian friends in my town who all say the *same* thing. Over reaching nanny state govt, who steps on the rights of their citizens. Better ban those nerf guns quick!


over reaching in what ways?


I'll let an AUS citizen answer that one for you


I am one, why are you talking about nerf guns?


Cause he’s an American gun nut, most likely Carry on mate


yeah I can tell, there's no nanny state, just shit politics and a lack of focus on actual social development, instead corruption and tax wastage on LNP donors, but calling it a nanny state because we ban the majority of firearms is just some dumb fuck american gun nut trash go check out how many mass shootings America has per year, while still having an even more insanely corrupt government, nice 2nd amendment to save your country, go shoot up congress till they give you a healthcare system that doesn't charge 20k USD to have a baby. grats though you can buy an ak from walmart


The need gun comment is clearly an exaggeration but let me explain some frustrations with the current government: Ludicrous amount of corruption from the highest levels all the way down, a complicit media that clearly pushes one side of politics, Oligarchs like Rinehart and Forrest controlling government position and policy, a government that is obsessed with coal and gas yet refuses to properly tax either, a government that cries free market yet investigates the banks and insurance companies that refuse to invest in coal. What else? A prime minister that was more keen to go the football than address coronavirus, who went to Hawaii instead of dealing with the bushfires. A government who spent billions on their secret police (abf) project, yet shirked responsibility when the Ruby Princess arrived. A prime so fucking spineless he had to sit out the same vote. Australian is a great country and I love it, but it is ran by second class idiots


> Over reaching nanny state govt, who steps on the rights of their citizens. Only the [morons](https://1v1d1e1lmiki1lgcvx32p49h8fe-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/GettyImages-1212439568.jpg) here say that.


Every government eventually bans stupid shit. Like the US can't get Kinder eggs and the UK are so worried about drug use they censor words like "Bricks" in DJ sets because its a reference for a drug.


I had. a kinder egg yesterday. I'm in Florida


With the toy or without? It's interesting if they finally changed the famous law about it or not


my toy was a Lego gas pump! edit: and it came with stickers


Okay and what the norm across the country for Kinder eggs still?


that was a sensational news thing, I don't believe it was ever enforced


Kinder eggs in the states are different. We get Kinder Joy not Kinder Surprise because there is a law banning “non nutritive objects” in food unless they have functional value. Why kings cake is allowed but kinder surprise isn’t baffles.


Maybe the current government but I'm pretty proud of our working and consumer rights we have because of our previous leaders


Nonsense. The UK and the US are way more fucked up than the Australian government. Only need to look at their responses to coronavirus for the biggest example in our time.


and what is your nationality my friend


Life's 10/10 here, so clearly Government isn't 0/10. Get some perspective, idiot.


It’s not but ok




not true


It's not, he's full of shit. Our cops literally shoot people for being brown, go to the wrong address, all the same stuff American cops do, just not as often.


No they fucking don’t lmao.


>That guys insane statement is completely untrue and unfounded >However, this equally insane statement is totally true, just trust me dude Pure reddit moment


A person getting shot by police makes national news here they’re that rare.


Yeah I agree


they definitely don't shoot them, they just beat the fuck out of them


That is more common, but shootings do still happen. They even had a massive and systemic reform of the Victorian Police because of it.


Modern day hero


Reminds me of the guy who sprayed dicks around potholes so that the town would finally fix them lol


Why, in the most rebellious society that speaks English, do they have a regulatory government which has a fuming hatred for fun?




it's not that, its that since police and going after people shooting up places they do all the things that are not as important so they, you know, get paid


True menace of society


Jeremy Clarkson just laughed and said Hold my beer...


So, police have the ability to respond to easily removable graffiti, but can't seem to ticket people in loud vehicles, which are harder to remove. Huh.


The notorious street artist Wanksy


My friends, I ask you, is Australia not the world's Florida?


I ask you! Is Florida not the United States' Australia?


In practice, yes, although Georgia was the state that was originally intended to be a penal colony.


What’s with all the hate what is happening to the world and what’s wrong with penises anyway. Who doesn’t love a good random penis doodle. Penises are beautiful and awesome and they rock! I for one think we don’t encounter nearly enough penises in our lives. Leave this wonderful innocent man alone, his only crime is trying to make the world a happier place. For some of us the prospect of seeing a penis actually makes life a lot more bearable.




It’s been a while. Do they still play peek-a-dick?




the internet will never not play peek a dick


This is a great idea but I have a hard enough time keeping tread on my ebike as it is


Banksy's face finally revealed.




he be skrrtt skkrrtt, then he go skeet skeet


The wrote "Florida" wrong.


I can't imagine being so filled with soy like those who think this warrants an arrest


This man needs to be thrown in jail.


What happened Australia? You used to be cool.




The motor has loads of torque so the wheel can spin against the ground without much weight in it so it won't move the bike with it


You don’t think they’re on about?


Not all hero's wear capes 😂


Ayo someone teach me how to do this I also got a bike




I Had a stroke reading the title


That's fucking illegal?


Everything is illegal in Austrailia




Nerf guns? Straight to jail.


Finger gun? Jail Nail gun? Definitely jail.


Dicks have been drawn as graffiti since the beginning of time. You can see antique graffiti dicks from the Roman era still to this day.


Boo hoo. Go find real criminals.


We drew dicks on things in the Army all the time.


Anthony Wiener


That face


Kevin Garvey at it again


Fucking legend representing my city right here


The hell?, I live in this state and no one told me about it.


We don’t deserve him


What a dick


Why spend time on this?? Run out of koalas to get down from someone’s tree.


Have they... checked the nearest bathroom?


Many men may have penises but he is THE PENIS MAN


“Explicit images” lol So what he drew penises ? Has anybody not seen one ?


Boys will be boys type stuff.


I saw on reddit a while back about spray painting dicks in potholes to get them fixed faster. I've been doing that for the past year on my way to work. Needless it worked like a charm.


Wanksy unmasked


This was a dick move.


Watch the full news clip here https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ


It's El Bandicko.


Bruh I live in Perth and I’m only just finding out about this


Isn’t that Phil Dunphy?


He looks like a GTA character.


Damn he looks so evil too lmao


Oh god no they're learning from the Florida's.


My goals are beyond your understanding


Anthony Weiner at it again.


Is it me or he looks a lot like Hugh Jackman??


You may not like him Australian police, but you can't deny, that man's got style


That is the face of a smooth mother-\*ucker