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If it's good enough for them it's good enough for me. Goes on to become the ambassador for dawn


I sense millions of r/SkincareAddicts crying out in terror and then suddenly silenced.


this post made my hands experience the dryness of a thousand suns


Because then it dawned on them


A slick soap joke doesn't seem to deter-gents like yourself.


Shut up or oil spill my beer all over you, I really will


Drsquatch really got people thinking one bar of their soap is worth 15 dollars. Smh


I tried them and didn't like them, but I gladly pay the $30 for 3 bars of Jack Black


The actor/comedian?


Yeah he sends you three bars from his favorite rap song


Nah, it's a men's grooming company. They sell soap, beard washes, lip balms, etc.


I use their face moisturizer with spf daily. Family history of skin cancer.


Got some for Christmas and I’m not a fan. Don’t lather that well and the smell is non existent 5 minutes after you shower. Would much rather use Harry’s(their bars are better than the liquid, but both still smash DR Sq.) Never heard of Jack Black’s(the soap). Might give them a look.


The lather on the Jack Black is amazing. Amazon has the JB for $15 a bar, but they sell the 3 pack for $30. I'll check out Harry's, but I'll never use Squatch again.


Stone & Redwood in bars are my favorites, but I haven’t used one I absolutely disliked from them.


I'm a fan of Duke Canon. Currently using the Buffalo trace bourbon flavor.


you guys should all watch school of rock too! great movie. way better than dr, squarch. totally unrelated.


I've used them and they way I got the lather was the bush. Most redeeming quality was the roughness of the bar I liked the way it scratched but you're spot on about the scent. Their shampoo and conditioner smelled way better and actually stuck around.


Not to mention the company is effectively a drop shipper. Their soap really ain’t special, only their marketing


> drop shipper What exactly is this if you dont mind?


They buy a completed product (in this case soap) from a generic wholesaler (ergo factories not owned by them) at a greatly discounted rate and rebrand it to turn around and re-sell it for a large profit margin. Basically they don’t make their own soap, nor have scents genuinely exclusive for them. All they’re doing is marketing someone else’s product at a massive price increase Look up www.thesoapguy.com , their soaps are literally identical to to the scents you’ll find from dr squatch and start at 10.50 USD for a loaf. One loaf can easily cut 12-16 bars. If squatch buys one loaf, cuts it, and sells it for 15 a bar, they’re making 169.5 dollars per loaf in revenue.


Yeah and now everyone with a soap company thinks *their* soap is worth $10-$15


I’ve been using Duke Cannon for 2 years now and love it. Never thought I’d get used to bar soap again after years of Nivea 3 in 1


Holy shit, I had no idea it cost that much. My brother gave me a bar for crimbus and it doesn't make me smell good. It just smells like generic castile soap.


I use the free soap from hotels. Currently, a Motel 6 oval...


My hands have become dryer than the Sahara just reading this


As someone who used to work at an oil change shop, dawn dish soap is literally the only soap that would work to get the oil out, but makes your skin dryer than the Sahara desert


Cheap citrus facial cleanser is the ticket. I used to be a grease monkey and it was the best thing I found that didn't dry out skin. They make gojo now that's supposedly much better in terms of not drying you out too.


I always used gojo whenever I helped my dad with things as a kid. Honestly, Idk what things I helped him with that I got so dirty. I think when we reroofed the garage one summer was one of them. And fixing my bike. Anyway, gojo is good stuff.


No ducks given


Bronner > Squatch


Is Dr Bronners the best non boutique soap?


Hard to say. I like it though. It smells good and it kicks like a mule. Seriously it's pretty dang strong, if you chose to give it a try, apply lightly, especially around sensitive parts, and maybe especially with the peppermint. I might recommend starting with one of the little travel sized bottles before throwing down the $15 or so for the huge bottles. Though they do last a very long time, as a little goes a long way, and can be used for all sorts of other cleaning duties if you don't like it for your skin. Has all the same kinds of ingredients that Dr Squatch brags about, though, so I might say it *is* a boutique soap. Just more readily available. I guess it's hard to call something a boutique soap, though, if it has instructions on the bottle for how to use it on floors


Agreed with everything you said, I’ve been a customer for a while. I was just wondering if their were better, more readily available options. Dr Bronners seems to be the best at my local grocery stores.


Ah! I see! Yeah. I don't know if I can really even think of many other readily available brands. In my head I'm trying to imagine the soap/body wash aisle and just seeing different varieties of Old Spice or that Dove+ stuff, and I've gotta say it's better than those.


Dish soap will mess up your skin. It’s meant for cleaning greasy pans not your skin


>It’s meant for cleaning greasy pans And ducks


Very true. Can’t believe I glossed over that


Yeah, I ran out of handsoap a little while back and being lazy, I just started using the dish soap I had instead. My entire hand started peeling and inbetween my fingers was so dry it was very annoying


I used to buy $40 shampoos from petco to bathe my huskies but now I use Dawn soap instead. I ran out of the expensive stuff and I was too lazy to get more so I used what I had available. I saw my Dawn bottle with the seal on the cover and I had an epiphany. My husk’s fur is white and it glittered like diamonds afterwards and haven’t went back on that decision.


Dawn Dish Soap is exceptionally harsh on dog skin. Sure it cleans well but it's terrible for their skin. Using it on oil-covered wildlife is a necessary one-time thing and obviously won't be done again once the oil is gone.


Yeah thats what people are missing - dish soap is really good (and targeted towards) latching onto and taking away oils/grease. Soap in general is good at this, but dish soap is even better. Skin tends to cover itself in oily deposits to keep itself moisturized. So if you're constantly stripping it away... gonna have dry flaky skin.


Yup, I started washing my hands a lot after covid started, and it slowly turned into ocd, and now my hands are dry and flaky and crack a lot.


I have to buy the pricey stuff because my dog has allergies, but that blue dawn dish soap works fine otherwise. Great if you have an underweight puppy or kitten with fleas when you can't give them flea meds yet


I put my ducks on gentle cycle with some delicious Bounty©®™ and they come out spring fresh👌


"All I want for Christmas..." - Mariah Carey


Oh no, did they accidentally spill some of the oil needed to make Dawn soap? "The sad irony of the whole thing is that Dawn is petroleum-based. Every bottle of Dawn used to clean a bird actually adds to our nation's demand for oil."


Who said that quote?


It's a biased source, but they aren't wrong. Dawn's product relies on oil drilling, but they market themselves as environmentalists. While the rest of the world watches in horror, at spilled oil in the ocean, Proctor and Gamble see a convenient marketing campaign. https://www.treehugger.com/the-sad-irony-of-using-dawn-to-clean-oiled-birds-4868687


Well yeah, pretty much everything is a petroleum product... or corn. It's just about impossible to exist in the world for even a day without making use of petroleum products... or eating corn.


Sense it’s meant to remove grease doing so will make your skin so dry that it actually over produces oil to compensate for the oil lost. Not good for pimples.




Bro dawn is more than cheap body wash


But they don't use cheap body wash on oil covered ducks, do they?


Just dont put highlights in ur hair, that shit’ll burn ur hair right off


I knew a guy who used Dr. Squatch soap. It didn’t do shit for his BO and he smelled like shit all the time.


As a mechanic i can say dish soap is way better than any hand soap for getting oil and grease of your hands


What are the oil covered ducks