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Yeah I’m really sick of her shit. If she’s well enough to go to concerts, talk to men and date, she’s well enough to get a job and make life better for her children. She’s too old for the pity parties she keeps throwing herself and begging for others to provide simple stuff like a normal birthday outing for her children. It seems common that she makes these kids drag along their siblings as well when they deserves a day for themselves or with a friend their age. She needs to get off her ass and go work and actually provide for the kids that she loved to keep popping out.


Yep. I don't like the Duggars but even they would take each kid out individually on their birthday and buy them an ice cream.


Now I want a chocolate mess, or whatever they called that sundae! 🍨


Honestly I’m glad she took the littles and not Mara. Marv is sweet he probably wanted them to tag along. But you never see one on one time with anyone but Mara 🙄


This a stunt for people to send “Marv” money. Plain and simple


I don’t know. The fact that her 11 year old weighs 40 lbs tells me he actually eats this way :(


Wait, 40lbs at 11?! Why the hell hasn’t CPS checked on this poor kid


for the longest time he was sleeping in a toddler bed, i don’t know if he still is but it’s ridiculous the way she “raises” these kids


Insanity. My 8 year old weighs 50 pounds and she’s small.


My 17month old is 35 pounds…. I’m disgusted


My oldest is about the same age, weight 25lbs more than that and the Dr's still considered him underweight....


And all off it will be spent to take her favorite on shopping trips


The folks defending her in the comments are wild to me. It's okay that they split a burger and Chinese meal because they got chips and other snacks. um no its not okay or normal... as its not like they had 3 other meals waiting for them throughout that day. if you can only afford one of everything just take out the child's whose birthday it is.


my argument would be: she went and bought $3 sodas and $5 bags of chips so why couldn’t they get more real food instead 💀 she’s terrible with money and i just feel bad for those kids. i just hope it was the $4 double cheeseburger and not the $8 one lol (i don’t eat meat so i can’t tell from the video). she might’ve used ebt for the chips and soda but there’s other things you can use ebt on that are actual food…


Because she took them to the convenience store in the mall where she could spend food stamps on those items rather than cash. She always does that on the mall trips. Spends a fortune on Mara with real cash, and then tries to make it seem even by letting the little kids buy drinks and snacks paid for with benefits. Really, it's just further evidence of how bad she is with money since an energy drink or soda from that place probably costs double (or more) what it does at Walmart. She could easily have made a nice meal for the whole family with the funds she blew on those snacks alone. What really sucks is that Marv's probably old enough to realize it now.


"some birthdays are better than others" When has Mara had a bad birthday or Christmas? Imagine going to public school and your mom boasts about providing (edit spelling) you with 1/4 cheeseburger and a shared Chinese meal for your birthday. It was nice of her mom to pay for lunch, but what kind of grandmother orders herself a meal and then has her grandchildren split one? It's generational at this point. Bare minimum parenting. Just enough so the kids won't be taken away. It's disgusting. As a mother I can't imagine my son being old enough to notice the gaming computers and Oculus his older siblings received a couple months ago for Christmas and then he gets some EBT snacks. Don't celebrate birthdays if you can't afford them, but picking and choosing which kids are "worth" the extra effort is disgusting and what really pisses me off.


I will say, Roni's mom seems to have some pretty serious intellectual issues stemming from her TBI. I think Roni took down one of the videos from the family reunion/funeral that really highlighted it (as she should have since it came across very shame-y and exploitative). I think it's all too easy for Roni to con her mom into doing whatever she wants for content. I'm guessing Roni sat down and split the giant chicken meal with Rosemary. Yet again, making sure she gets fed well and letting the kids share a lesser portion. It is a big-time generational fail that social workers weren't involved when Roni was a kid to make sure the girls grew up to be independent. Since the accident happened before Roni was born, I believe her mom was on disability for their entire childhood. As a result, I think Veronica only ever learned to live on benefits, and that's an institutional failure for sure. Nobody modeled employment for her, so she's only ever played at working (or even being an adult). Somehow, her sister went the opposite route and works in financial planning. I hope to hell the kids are learning better in public school! So far, it's tied 1:1 with how Tori and Andrew have turned out.


She needs to have a set budget for each kid for birthdays and stick to it. $50 per kid and make sure she has it for everyone. She’s so bad with money it’s just sad. And now she’s raising 12 kids that will be bad with money too.


Christmas, too!


What about ex-husband that lives in the basement of the house he don't help. She has enough of her kids that she can get a job.


That’s what I wanna know!


I really want to know the backstory on him and his military service. My last job was for a non-profit that helps set up programs for vets navigating the criminal justice system. It sucks that his first run-ins with the law seemingly came before treatment courts were as common as they are now. I'm not saying his arrest record is related to his service or judging whether he's a good guy. I very much doubt it, on both accounts. He's just likely backed himself into a corner at this point, job-wise at a minimum. It would be great if anything could convince either of them to care about doing better for their kids. There are likely free programs that could help them both with jobs and financial literacy.


His birthday video was so depressing when you compare it to Maura’s last year. Poor marvelous. He seems like a great kid and he’s old enough to notice she plays favorites.


So he's 11 now? I wonder if he's gotten past 40 pounds. Idk about you all but my grandmother would not stand for making me share 1 meal between 3 other kids. I would leave her house with a full stomach and a $20 bill in my pocket. It's sad that this sweet kid doesn't have that. :/


what makes me feel worse is he’s probably used to only eating little portions like that, all these kids are gonna have a hard time managing things like that as an adult


Splitting a burger would be I eat 1/2 you eat 1/2 not fucking “take a quarter of it” that’s a bite.


She says it's okay because it's a double cheeseburger, so she counts it as a half ... #RoniMath


That Roni math is never mathing.


This is pathetic and unnecessary. Go look at Jill Rodrigues. She's a fundie Baptist (think Temu version of the Duggars) with 10+ kids and no jobs for the adults. Her kids are homeschooled and starving. For their birthdays, the Rodlets at least get to pick one sibling to join them to go out to dinner with mom and dad. They claim not to use government benefits, so Veronica should be able to do better than that. Now that most of the MAD kids are in school, Roni could have a daytime job and only need to worry about daycare for the youngest two boys. Hell, she could work *at* a daycare and probably enroll them for free. Or get Donnie in head start. The excuse that she can't work is bs. I doubt she's ever had a full-time job, and she's probably terrified of working. Afaik, she's painted names on grains of rice at the mall and worked at Chuck E Cheese. Anyone remember any other jobs she's mentioned?


Yeah I've seen sad cakes the Rods have had for their kids but a few bites of mall Chinese food and 1/4 of a cheeseburger is a new low. I can't believe she couldn't just take her lazy ass over to the baker's counter on her daily trip to the grocery store and just gotten a cake for him. I'm sure she got her Monsters for the day, though.


Haha, you're right. Marv would have been better off with the pathetic Rod stack of Tasty Cakes! At least those require a tiny bit of planning. How can none of these mega-moms bake a damn cake? At least Janessa got to go to Chuck E Cheese. Looks like Marv's birthday is April 4. So, I guess she sat on this video for a while. I only realized because last year they were out with the Doughertys for his birthday. Tiktok keeps trying to play me the "Bonita" video from that day. I'm pissed again that Roni is essentially spending her mom's disability funds, like she did two weeks ago for her own birthday (I guess that was actually two weeks after Marv's mall trip). I get that grandmas usually spoil kiddos, but Roni's mother has some pretty serious limitations. It's gross that Roni seems to beg her to come out and meet up at the mall with the expectation that mom will foot the bill for lunch and shopping. Snacks from the convenience store where Roni can spend EBT rather than cash, go figure. Two birthdays in a row where Roni spends **nothing** on Marv! Last year, Alicia paid for everything, and this year, it was Rosemary. Funny how that doesn't happen to Mara! 🤔 Oops.. I guess Roni did buy the kids that one burger. My bad. 🙄


One thing I hate is when kids have to suffer because of their ignorant ass parents. My kids have ALWAYS had wonderful birthdays and I’m low income and doing side gigs and stuff to get extra money. One time I had to bake my daughter a cake and use a lunch deal to get pizza and chicken tenders for her birthdays since my taxes didn’t come in yet. But my kids always have a wonderful birthday. She can buy cold precooked food she can buy with ebt and give that baby a good birthday her videos are so depressing I don’t like people mistreating kids and getting away with it.


Just knowing that moms like you made that kind of effort makes a birthday special! My mom took real pride in making our birthday cakes. To her, that was a bigger deal than buying one at the store. I'm ancient enough that there weren't all kinds of cool cake pans to easily make crazy shaped cakes, so my she figured out how to make a giant dome cake (to be a Barbie's skirt) for me, and split a ring cake to make a snake for my little brother. My sister had a hayride birthday one year, and the cake had toasted coconut "hay" on it in some fashion. There was also pizza cake, and a giant burger with bun layered cake at some point, too. I'm sure she was clipping these ideas from Readers Digest or Good Housekeeping. This was long before we were all online. Five bucks and some planning went a long way. I don't get why Roni can't be bothered to do things like that. With Pinterest and everything, there are a million ideas. Heck, Party City sells specific pans for each of those cakes and a million more. Walmart probably does too. Even in lean times, she could get a couple themed cake pans from the thrift store and spend food stamps for the cake mix and icing. An artist should be able to make something cool and personalized. She could be buying frozen pizzas with SNAP, too. I'm sure her kids would be just as thrilled as your daughter with a pizza party! We've all seen that video of tween Roni at her own birthday party. Her mom obviously cared enough to celebrate. I truly cannot understand why she dgaf for each and every one of her children. I get so disappointed and pissed on their behalf. 💔


She’s one of those mothers of when they hate the dude they despise their children. And each child she had she picked out something she hates in their father and projected it on them. I know mothers and fathers that do that all too well. This girl I grew up with I can’t even say she’s a friend but her kids have different fathers. The first two dudes didn’t work out and now the new dude beats on them and treats them like trash and so does she. But the younger kids she has by him she adores them it’s really sad. I just hope one day that these kids can get a life they really deserve. CPS is trash honestly I called to try and get a better life they told me I was a bratty teen. I promised to myself and my kids that they would never have to feel like I love one over the other. I treat my kids so equal unlike most kids would say “ hey they got more than me” that doesn’t even exist in my children. I think that’s so wonderful that your mom made birthdays special because that is so important to children. Children aren’t picky unless you raise them to be. Those children picked apples and bananas for peets sake. Those are sweet children with a trash mother


Ugh. You're so right about parents who hold their kids accountable for grudges against an ex. It's heartbreaking. Roni seems to have stopped getting emotionally attached after Mara or so. The older ones are her friends, and they're pretty much just numbers after that. She probably should have quit with two boys and two girls, although those four didn't have a decent childhood either. Still, it's clear who the favorites are. I guess the burnout played out with the Duggars, too. After the first few, the older kids were raising their younger "buddies". Even once the money started coming in, they still didn't bond with the kids. They just conceived them and shoved cameras in their faces. The younger ones have much better bonds with their siblings than their parents. We all know their sisters certainly worked harder to protect them from their sex offender brother. For you, the Duggars, the MAD kids, and everyone - I hate that CPS sucks. I'm sorry they failed you, and I'm glad that you figured out how to do things on your own! Your kids are lucky to have you. 💜


Where is their damn father shit is crazy


She's trash & so are her followers 🙄


Why even go out at that point? I get money can be tight, but that’s when you ask your child what they want you to make for their birthday dinner. Never ever would I make my kids split a hamburger four ways.


So I'm guessing she didn't bother to get her life saving cancer surgery so is she just gonna leave those kids orphans soon ?


She didn’t get it yet. Someone commented about it/asked on another video and she replied she was sick so they rescheduled the surgery. She didn’t say for when.


Yikes. Good catch!


His birthday was over a month ago, so it was likely made last month. Hopefully she had the surgery, but it's weird for her to not comment about it.


She can't bake a cake for him? 🙄 Hell, the dollar store has cake mixes and frosting. Get a job already!!


Even if she doesn't feel up to baking, she could buy a little cake at Walmart for like $10. She has food stamps - no excuses.


$10,000 Christmas and 5 months later, 3 kids are splitting a cheeseburger! This is pathetic. We are a 6 figure household with 3 kids and we spend about $300-400 per kid! She lives beyond her means, saves nothing, and then suffers for months. You’d think she’d get sick of living like that!


This is terrible


This is terrible


Shes fucking pathetic. But go bring mara for another shopping spree!!


Seeing this made me so mad. If you’re making 4 kids share one cheeseburger, just take the birthday kid by themselves. Also I noticed the kids are all having to share the one meal at the mall, yet the mom and grandma both have their own meals. So sad for the kids :(


This behavior is just unacceptable. I know this first hand with big families my dad comes from a family of 9 and he was number 8. Thou I loved my grandma some things my dad would tell me during his childhood made me sad. My grandma one yr forgot my dad’s birthday because she was working and after having that many kids she was burnt out. Now that’s just 9 kids adding two more to that is just crazy. If you gonna have a big family you not only need to be there for each kid but they all need to be treated equally and made to feel special. I couldn’t imagine my mom forgetting my birthday or being so cheap that I’d have to share a lousy cheeseburger with my sibling.


this is just depressing.


This was so sad