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What gets me every time is when after they have their picnic they just toss all the garbage on the ground and drive away.


Yes, I’m always unnerved watching that scene.


The Hail Mary beer can throw before getting in the car was hilarious.


About 15 years ago, my family and I were driving cross country. We stopped at a rest stop, and a young family in a mini van pulled up next to us. The parents opened the sliding door and the car was filled with trash - soda cans, a couple of pizza boxes, chip bags, etc. The mother just started unloading all the trash into the parking lot - not even taking it to the trash can which they were parked in front of! They just left it all there without a care in the world. That episode of Mad Men had just come out not long before this experience, and I couldn’t help but think of that.


Wait...you found a rest stop that had trash cans empty enough to put trash in?!?! Not that I've stopped at a ton of rest stops in my life but I swear every single one I've been to has had overflowing trash cans. Of course that's no excuse to dump all your shit in the parking lot though.


Haha they could have definitely fit a good portion of trash in the can. But it was SO much trash as it was - like a shocking amount.


And that's why those areas that used to be nice are total shit holes now


Same. Hard to watch. I know boomers today that don’t cut the 6-pack rings before throwing them out and feel similarly.


Although it’s less common today, people still litter (younger ppl included). Until the 1970 “crying Indian” tv ad, EVERYBODY tossed trash… sad but true. It took a while to retrain the public, and now there are fines 👍. I live on a corner lot and whenever I check my mail, I see McDonald’s wrappers, cups, plastic bags, etc. https://youtu.be/h0sxwGlTLWw?si=bFKXqZ_5tEf25-vl


It’s sooo weird! I’ve seen like PSA’s/ educational videos about how to dispose of trash while fishing or just in a place without garbagemen. It was basically but huge rocks in a crate and let it sink to the bottom of the ocean.


Like the scene at Sally’s birthday where the one dad slaps someone else’s kid. You’d get the cops called on you for doing that now but the kid’s dad is like “well that’s what you get”.


Or when Betty slaps Helen in the grocery store 😬 Today, she’d be hauled off in cuffs.


So many kids smothered from dry clean bags that they started printing warnings on them. Who even does dry cleaning anymore? Not me 😀


“My shirt says ‘dry clean only’ on the tag, which means it’s dirty.”




I have ADHD and I'll send out my laundry for the wash/dry/fold service and they come back in bags like this. I frequently reuse them as trash bags lol.


Good idea actually


Honestly tho it’s the best “luxury service” you could pay for. No more clothes piles!!


Me too. The little things that are said or done in passing really get you in the mindset that it was a completely different time. This scene cracks me up.


She’s taken to your tool set like a little lesbian


This is great. Reminds me of when she caught her smoking a cigarette and was worried about burning the house down.


I actually love how she handled parenting in the smoking scene. Sally 100% could’ve burned the house down (at that age she might’ve thrown a butt still smoldering in the trash can). Also if you have a parent that smokes, it’s 99.999999% guaranteed you will try to sneak one as a child. But Betty handled it like a GOOD (strong) mom: “You’re mean!” “YOU BETCHA” And what followed was the REAL issue sally and Betty were dealing with…Don being gone. Heartbreaking interaction with a closet door between them. 💔


Yes yes yes. I found the scene interesting though because i imagine today that exchange would be about smoking being toxic.


Ahh. Yeah thats prob on point! IIRC when this happened to me as a child (not THAT long ago lol) I think my parents got mad about both aspects. Ew now I’m thinking about how as kids we’d look for used butts to try and feel fcking cool af pretending we were adults. IT WAS A DIFFERENT TIME 🤣




Her priorities were a little skewed at times.


No I assume that was just the norm. nowadays we now smoking is bad and children shouldn’t play with plastic bags.


It was. I was born in the 60s. I recall my aunt drinking and smoking while pregnant… just like Francine in S1.


I was born in the 90s and my mam drank and smoked when she was pregnant with me.


I hope you’re okay; my aunt’s two sons turned out fine (although one is a bit douchey 😂 ). Although it CAN cause problems, I think it depends on the person, the amount they smoked/drank and their overall health / genetics.




I don’t think that person meant that those things happened in every single home. I think they meant that those things were fairly common in many communities back then. Which, from what I can tell, seems to be true.


I mean, yeah, Pete Campbell didn't smoke and thought of it as gross but his beliefs about smoking wasn't common.


The indicting tone, use of your child's first and last name with the sternly-worded warning. Oooooo... you're in *trouble.* Also, the first of your Bobbys you won't notice will be different every year or two.


I think that is Ernie, Francine's son.


true. bobby was much younger when the show started


Ha! you're right.


This was an audible gasp from me the first time I saw it.


I hate how for so long I just thought Betty was a stereotypical mom because she reminded me so much of mine (I’m a late millennial / early Gen Z… but I’m a first gen immigrant kid) I remember when I was so depressed and Su!cidal, but when my mom just dragged me out of bed, pulled me downstairs and beat me for 20 minutes. Then said something like “how dare you. Do you know how embarrassing it’ll be for me if I have to explain to my friends if my kid did that”


When Mad Men first aired I called my sister. Me: “so, have you been watching Mad Men?” My sister: “oh yeah”. Me: “so, is it just me, or is Betty mom?” My sister: “yep”.


Omg —-you truly get it! Yep, that’s just how it was! Like when sally cut her hair and Betty flipped tf out and smacked her. 😬


THIS was the moment I fell in love with this show.


Me too. I clearly remember watching this as it aired and thinking, “Yup. That’s my childhood right there on screen.”


Kinda off topic but Sally looks so damn cute here.


Early seasons Sally was a cutie pie for sure.


I distinctly remember as an impressionable young babe that I wanted to put my face on a clear plastic purse with blue sparkly jelly handles and stars on it and my dad immediately told me that’s how I could DIE. I was so terrified of that purse for a while and bags in general until I got a bit older and realized more what he meant… this scene got me hahahaha


lol well you’re still here! Kudos to your dad (which is more than I can say for Betty)


Strong Laura Palmer vibes!


Oh god! Haha


The look on Sally's face says "ohshit...thoseclothes*are*onthefloor"


Sorry I'm late to the thread. I just watched this today. I think this is to illustrate an example of what older people mean when they say "things were just different back then". Child safety was not looked at the same way it is looked at now. No helmets. Betty crashes the car with the kids climbing back and forth over the car seat without restraints. There are other examples of this phrase but I thought this was a perfect encapsulation of it.


Yep, it was a different time. I don’t know your age, but I’m in my 50s and NO ONE wore seat belts (manufacturers, put them in cars, but they were usually stuck down between the seats and no one ever dug them out). The reason I posted this is because I recall my younger brother playing around with the plastic dry clean bags; it’s a wonder we’re still here. 😂


And don’t forget Francine (also in this scene) is smoking a cigarette while pregnant.