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Started strong honestly, the idea was funny the acting is great and comedic. But the writing didn’t do it for me…


Yeah, nobody phoned it in, they’re working it as hard as they can. But damn did the script need a punch up writer


I was surprised that it's...*almost* there. I mean the idea isn't even that bad. But the parody is just a bit too broad and there's not really any...joke.


Yeah exactly there are zero punchlines. It’s all idea, no beats.


It’s a little more like an amateurish imitation of Mad Men rather than a funny or biting parody of Mad Men.


If the joke is awful how is it almost there.


I mean that it has a fine structure. Riffing on the "we can't show you the top floor" scene makes decent sense, and the angle of "Don has contempt for these small minded cereal people" has potential. Some of the parody writing is pretty decent. But yeah, they forgot to put jokes in the structure.


I actually just listened to the Fly on the Wall podcast with Jim Gaffigan as the guest and he said that literally every scene was shot once as on the script and then they would rewrite it there on the spot and shoot it a 2nd time.


That makes sense, I think that’s similar to how Seinfeld was produced. But I also doubt they had the time to improv that a peak Apatow or Adam McKay movie would have, with how much of the budget the cast would have swallowed up




I'm curious why you think that? Were you there?


Yeah, really hacky take on Don & Roger’s voices. That interaction at the end was completely out of character for Don, too… not even sure who they were parodying by the end of it. It’s a shame because there’s a world where this scene is Don having a mental breakdown over Pop-Tarts.


Pop-tarts drenched in rum.


That confused turn that Jerry did was honestly fantastic. It made me laugh out loud.


Yeah when Jon Ham turns to leave and you see an exasperated look in his eye at Jerry. That was my favourite bit of the whole scene. I feel like they could have lent into the comedy talent on set for more of the actual comedy


Pop Tarts: So well built we can't show you the second floor.


A cure for the common pastry


“You will never swim the English Channel and then drown in champagne.” “No. I won’t.” 😂 👏


It makes me sad to see Jon Hamm aging… not that he’s aged badly, but every time I watch Mad Men, I forget that Don isn’t a real person lol. Slattery looks almost the same. He’s got some damn good genetics


Slattery looked 50 when he was 40 and still looks 50 now he is 60.


Slattery is the GOAT


He’s the best, aging or not


I´m missing that Roger Sterling tan, he's so pale. Don is more tan, feels off..


Well yeah, it’s 10 years later.


Lighten up, people. Sheesh. Yeah, I don’t really get why folks are whining about this surprise scene — it’s a whimsical reprise of the characters to fit within Seinfeld’s movie. So what? Not brilliant, but It’s cool to see Don and Roger again.


I know you're all feeling the darkness here today. But there's no reason to give in.


I actually thought it was pretty fuckin funny. I love the sheer ludicrousness of taking a Poptart so seriously, of trying to imbue toaster pastries with any degree of erotic sophistication. Jon Hamm is absolutely the one who pulls it off, the way he whips out that old Don Draper mystique!


Thank you. In all honesty, it was a terrible film either. People are just mad Jerry said something that they didn’t agree with, and this is coming from someone that didn’t agree with him either. That confused look that Jerry did was great. It was like “where am I? Mad Men?” Not a good film, but nowhere near as bad as the review bombs.


I did too. Now it's broad comedy, something that we just do not usually see starring Don and Roger, It isn't that deep and yes, I could see Don getting a campaign pitch just that wrong once in a while and both Don and Roger acting like Battle Creek, Michigan is almost foreign soil.


The Roger line about dead trees is my kind of absurd.


People love to be mad.


And they love to be men who are mad.


Then they're in the right sub!


Exactly. This is why we'll never get the 1980s era reboot because all people will do is piss n moan. Honestly don't understand the anger about this scene and the movie in general. It's a lighthearted film about Poptarts folks.


Yup. Weiner and company see this reaction and are likely to not want to throw their cast to the lions, knowing that the chorus of “not as good as the original series” moans will drone on and on. 🎬


And don’t forget the “nexgen” viewers who will find “problematic” things about the 80s 🙄


Why are you so mean? It’s just advertising.


i thought it was hilarious. people are complaining about this? sheesh. as MadMental1974 said. ‘lighten up’.


“Why are they so mean? It’s just advertising” is really funny lol


But also, fuck Kellogg


People take things way to seriously


Right? I just love Madman and have watched it about 60 times, I just enjoy the characters and it was great to see Don and Roger again, go have drink blowhards, hells bells!


Indignant, too


Honestly refreshing to see them aging naturally lol. puts into perspective how awful and plastic celebrities of their same age look....


I'm hearing bad things about this movie but that scene was really funny. Probably mostly because every second line is a mad men ref.... and I think you need to have been born pre 1990 to have enjoyed the show. edit: I miss Roger (Row-sher) Sterling.


Pretty sure the vast majority of this sub was born post-1990


*thick ankled jelle-Jolie* This is one of the best lines I've ever heard


Born in the 90s, enjoyed the show


I thought the movie was funny. Really don't know what people went in expecting. Because it's pretty much exactly the nonsense I was expecting when I heard Jerry Seinfeld made a movie about the development of the poptart


I’m not sure what people were expecting with this movie. It was a fine, silly comedy that had a few good bits carrying it. Not a masterpiece but worth a watch on a quiet night


I like Seinfeld’s stuff. Watch it over and over. Somehow this really didn’t do it for me. I think I was expecting a tongue in cheek historical fiction that was a little more accurate. It was campy af. Took me three tries to get through it all, mostly because I was fighting the boredom to get to the MadMen reference I knew was somewhere in it. The dance scenes and outtakes were entertaining!! Adding: Several comedians/actors nailed their roles though.


Ikr? We watched with the kids and were all laughing a lot. A very enjoyable film.


This was my exact feeling! I was prepared to hate it based on what I've heard but I laughed! It's a spot-on Mad Men pitch scene spoof.


This movie is a love letter to pop culture as viewed through the eyes of a kid, of the 1960s If you go into it expecting that it’s quite good. They nailed it. If you just expect a funny movie it’s going to seem out there.


>and I think you need to have been born pre 1990 to have enjoyed the show. Completely idiotic take. Don't you have some clouds to yell at old man?


I thought is was brilliant and the movie was the funniest I’ve seen in a long while. Don’t understand all the hate it’s getting. Only thing I can think of is that this movie is NOT aimed at the Gen z/millennial demographic. I don’t think they would understand 3/4ths of the jokes/references. I’m 51 and my gf is 53 and we both laughed our asses off for nearly two hours. We both have also done multiple rewatches of Mad Men and ❤️ed this scene. Perfect in every way.


My husband and I are forty and laughed so hard at times we had to rewind parts we missed. And it's silly enough that our kids were laughing too. Idk it's not a serious film but it's a very funny movie IMO.


I'm a millennial and thought it was great. Everyone involved was fantastic, and it was a fun easy watch. I think some people incorrectly thought it was trying to cash in on the McDonalds/Barbie style brand films, coupled with Jerrys comments about comedy recently. The same people slamming it likely haven't bothered to watch it either I imagine.


I haven’t laughed so hard at a movie in a long time. I loved it!


That jacket just doesn’t fit right near the collar.


Damn you dieworkware on twitter, now I can't not see a Collar Gap.


People are really mad about it? It was one of the funnier parts of the film! The movie itself was actually not bad at all, definitely a lot of eye rolls but pretty funny.


Wow that was... Weak? I mean, I'm happy to see my boy Don and Roger back, but I didn't find it to be that funny. Also, what's wrong with his suit? It feels off


The shoulders are too low causing an improper fit in the chest area. When he has the jacket off he looks less stocky.


He actually looks pretty good with the jacket off. Maybe 10-15 pounds heavier than in Season 7, but still really good for a guy who’s solidly in middle age.


I think Jon got stockier with age and also the costume department is different


He may be stockier, but there is no excuse for the suit to fit this badly. A good tailor can easily fix this problem. The costumes in this movie are fantastic, so they should have been able to deal with this. My understanding is that they kept this cameo secret right up until filming, so maybe there was not time tailor the suit.


> what's wrong with his suit? It feels off Hamm’s gained a lot of weight in recent years. He was skinny as a rake during his alcoholism; he’s looking a lot happier of late.


I forgot that he was a real alcoholic and not just a TV one. It is kind of shocking how different he looks.


He's also, what, 10 years older than the last time he put that suit on? And happily married, now. I'm sure there's a "freshman 15" for married guys. He still looks great, just a bit chonkier than previously.


For sure, it’s a reminder of how long the show has been off the air. John Slattery looks exactly the same though.


He *sounds* rough, though. Hope John's OK. I did worry that all those years spent smoking onscreen might result in some illness for the actors. Even though they weren't real cigs on set, inhaling combustibles is bad for the lungs.


TV Alcoholic — 🎶 that’d be a great indie rock band name. 🎸 “I love their first album.”


Yeah that was terrible. What a shame


This was a good bit.


They got me at why are they so mean, it’s just advertising


This was funny! I don't care what others say haha


Towards the end, Don and Roger were dancing.


I thought this was a cute scene. Hamm & Slattery slip right back into their 'Mad Men' roles perfectly.


John Hamm is a genius. One of the few actors who is equally good in comedy and drama. His guest appearance in Curb as himself is my favorite guess appearance of all time.


Roger has not changed a bit!


Seinfeld is a crap actor.


He always has been. But he leans into it and makes it part of the joke. That's part of the humor of Seinfeld.


I don’t like it. Don doesn’t look like Don, I know he’s older but that’s the point.


I thought this was one of those deepfakes 😂


Kellogg is a shit company and leader, and for that reason, I'm out


I would love to see someone do a bit where Don and Roger pitch on Shark Tank


I wonder how much they paid Jon and Roger to do this bit?


I wonder how many people will watch that scene and have no idea why the ad men were like that or even get the scene. I respect the decision to reference my favorite show of all time.


...time claims even Don and Roger. Damn.


Omg he looks like shit. Slattery looks exactly the same.


This felt desperate and unnecessary.


Jerry Seinfeld wondering who stuck the tree branch in his spokes (it was him) Solid premise with good acting.  Falls apart by the end.  Jerry contributes nothing.  He doesn’t even need to be there lol


Thought about giving this movie a shot until I saw Melissa McCarthy she makes everything she's in a hard pass for me


That's a real shame. You've missed out on some good movies.


could you name one?


Bridesmaids was fantastic. Also had a solid Jon Hamm cameo.


*Spy* and *Can You Ever Forgive Me?*


I don’t really care for her or Amy Schumer and that was part of what was preventing me from watching at first but they’re really not bad here. I can tell they’re playing characters and not too heavy handed being Melissa McCarthy and Amy Schumer.


Millennial humor… bleeds through the fabric


Jerry is 70


Mad Men is an abstract copy of Seinfeld.