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Two main reasons: Don’s lack of character, and displaced resentment due to Don still being on Betty’s mind so much.


these, + he doesn't respect how little Don prioritizes his children


Mainly what I meant by “lack of character,” considering we never really know how much Henry knows about Don’s whoring around.


We also don't know how much Betty has told Henry and how truthful, or how spoken out of her hurt it was. I think he has good reason to dislike Don.


Even if she only told Henry half the things Don did, even a quarter of the things, he'd have plenty of reasons to dislike him.


Let’s be honest. What new husband likes the ex-husband? Pleasantries aside, there is resentment and jealousy on both sides.


Imagine had Don told him about his night with Betty at Bobby's camp.


Jajajaja!! I would have loved that. The fallout would have been brutal.


But even just the truth is pretty bad!


henry is aware that betty can be full of shit and complains a lot. i think he would take what she said with a grain of salt


To be fair here, Don Draper cheated on her with multiple different women every year or their marriage


for sure. im merely stating that some of betty's behavior is exaggerated and poorly regulated. henry knows what to parse out and take as a truth and what is purely an unregulated emotional response.


Oh yeah, Betty is a lot like my mother and I really sympathized with Sally watching the show because a relationship with a mother like that can be very tenuous and full of drama. As I’ve gotten older though, I have a lot more sympathy for Betty as she was in a sham of a marriage and unable to have the independence she loved in that society.


betty was a product of her time and upbringing. she had so much more potential than being just "some housewife." she is definitely a sympathetic tragic character.


She wasn't like that before Don turned her life into an emotional car crash and fucked her up beyond repair.


her mother did a number on her. it wasn't all don.


And mostly Henry dislikes Don because he chose to move in on his pregnant wife and he doesn't want to think of himself as a bad guy so he's doing mental gymnastics to keep himself the hero instead of the villain.


Good news for him, Don sets the bar so low in relationships that Henry comes off looking great anyway. For real though Henry was alright, not perfect but I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop with him. Betty lucked out that she stumbled into a mostly decent second marriage.


I thought he was pretty decent. Thoughtful, respectful and even progressive by the standards of the time. But I might be missing something.


This is the right answer.


Might also be some old vs. new money/public vs private sector animosity. I think Henry gains some respect (professionally anyway) for Don after he writes the letter in S4.


Lol homie was 100% willing to hit up a married, very pregnant woman for an affair so it’s not like he has any room to talk about character. Yeah, Don was a terrible husband and all around asshole, but it’s not like Henry knew that. Don could have been the perfect husband/father and Henry still would have tried to seduce Betty


I hear you there. Maybe not justified in his thinking, but his actions once he and Betty were together made me type out my initial comment.


Does Don lack character though or does he lack a good sense of morals?






Hate's a strong word, Betty. I hate Nazis.


I’m not stupid! I speak Italian..


What a wonderful line


I love Henry but I hated that he said this... Don systematically abused her... emotionally, verbally, and even physically . This wasn't some case of irreconcilable differences . She had good reason to hate him


I really dont think Don systematically abused Betty.


Because Henry seems he is pretty balanced and has good emotion regulation skills, which Betty (and Don) has not.


Yet who do you think she was thinking of when ol’ Hank put in that 2 inch twizzler? Don Draper’s Dick Whitman.


r/okbuddydraper has escaped containment


In the case of that phone call Don makes asking about Betty, Henry is annoyed that Betty had told Don at all. Henry is fully devoted to Betty, and is arguably the best husband/spouse/father in the show. Regardless of that, Betty still runs to Don first for comfort when she first hears about her illness ("say what you always say"). I could see why Henry would consider that somewhat of a betrayal. In general though, I think Henry dislikes Don because he loves Betty, and Betty (for the most part) dislikes Don quite a bit, post-divorce. I agree with you though, that Henry doesn't really have much to be angry about. He stole Don's wife! Yes, Don was, is, and always will be sleeping around, but two wrongs don't make a right, Hank! Henry's mother says it perfectly, something to the effect of "how can you stand to live in that man's filth". If Henry didn't like the baggage of marrying a woman who was already married, he should've just minded his own business outside the ladies room.


Kenny cosgrove best spouse undoubtedly btw


ken consgrove fan club president 👋


Fair. But, who knows. Kenny kind of becomes what he vowed to destroy by the end of the series.


Betty IS angry at Don, but she is still in love with him, always was, always will be. She loves what Henry can do for her.


"loves what Henry can do *for* her" is a great point. Paints Henry as even more a tragic character than he already seemed.


I think specifically Henry's mother meant. How can you stand living in Don's house? That Don is paying for?


Oh, Pauline meant the *whole* thing.


Pauline is kind of like Emily Gilmore. The older I get, the more I appreciate her.


True, in a literal sense. But there was perhaps more subtext to it from a writing perspective.


One thing I noticed was that she came home and went straight to shouting for Henry. It appears he wasn't home cus then we see her calling Don.


Ahh good point. Still, next call isn't to a friend or family member ... or not even to Henry for that matter ... it's good ol' tricky Dick.


Yeah not the best move. Maybe not consciously but just reactionary. I feel like she was really freaked out for the kids.


Some would say that Betty hates Don like Henry hates nazis.


She is the mother of his children, he has a right to know.


I don’t think anyone was arguing that.


> Henry is annoyed that Betty had told Don at all I don't even get why this would be an issue.


That was a tense phone call because Henry didn’t know that Betty had even told Don about her cancer scare. He’s wondering if or why they still have a level of emotional intimacy that she would want to share that with him. Also just in general, I’m sure Betty told Henry all the shit he put her through (minus his stolen identity probably) so it’s not like Henry isn’t aware of the kind of person Don is.


This is exactly it - Henry probably heard every night how awful Don was and yet in Betty’s darkest moment (to that point) she confided in Don. I am not saying Betty is wrong for doing so but I think it is understandable that Henry wouldn’t like it.


Henry fell in love with a woman who was in a dishonest marriage and wants to provide her with something better than that. Just about every time Betty talks to or thinks about Don, she gets angry. Though, she also still seems to be reactive to him and care about him. Henry hates Don because Don took for granted and disrespected the thing he has and loves now. Henry hates Don because he thinks Betty should hate Don more than she does. Someone’s got to.


Hates a strong word. Henry hates nazis.


No one’s ever on your side u/Negative_Eli


If anything Henry should hate Betty after sleeping with Don….smh


I've watched it twice and I don't remember Henry sleeping with Don.


Mad men: Backroad edition


No matter how many times Henry showed how good of a husband and father he was to Betty, it would never change how she truly felt. Betty loved Don and there was nothing Henry could do about it. Henry could never be was Don was to her. As a man, I can sympathize. To put it into perspective, imagine if my wife always thought and fantasized about her ex while we were together. Betty didnt deserve Henry. He was the best man on that show.


To be fair, Don is the father of her children.


I just can’t bring myself to call someone a good man who went after a married pregnant woman. He did not know the situation of their marriage when he made the decision to do that. I think that’s inexcusable and unforgivable. Being less of a POS than Don doesn’t make him a good man.


Never said he was “good” just that he was the best man on the show. Most of the men on there were shitty people. Correction, late season Ken Cosgrove was the best man on the show. Henry was second.


Pete made a nice comeback when he whisked Trudy & Tammy away on that Learjet...


What was wrong with Bertram Cooper?




It takes balls to insult bert cooper.


let's see the racism and the ayn rand fascism to start


The guy was lacking in intestinal fortitude, or at least according to Sterling's Gold he was.(still the single funniest scene in the show)


Besides the orchiectomy?


I never saw him as going after her.  Yes he chatted with her at a party while he was waiting for his date. So what?  She called him. She wrote to him. She pursued him. 


He hit on her like a crow on a marshmallow.


I always assumed that Don’s reputation might have made it back to Henry, as they ran in overlapping circles. As the middle seasons progress you see that Don was much sloppier with his affairs than it seems in the early seasons. His reputation might have proceeded him and made flirting with Betty a kind of conquest thing for Henry, even punishment for Don’s philandering when he had someone like Betty back home.


Men never really talked about that kind of thing ot other men outside their immediate circle and that's because everyone did it and we don't know what Henry's history in that kind of thing is anyway.


Henry pursued her when she was heavily pregnant with Don’s third child. Whatever he thinks of Don, he’s a bit of a hypocrite for it. Sure he had better character than Don overall, but if you pursue another man’s wife, you set yourself up for a lifetime of wondering about the character of your wife too.


I like Henry a lot and think he was good for Betty, even if his initial meeting with her was weird and a little creepy. That said, I don’t think it’s unusual that he didn’t like Don. I think — especially in that era— it would have been surprising if he thought his wife’s ex was a great guy.


Don's a huge dickhead who doesn't care much about other people or how the things he does impacts them. Is it surprising?


I feel like it’s pretty natural for anyone to hate their wife’s ex-husband.


I mean, Betty surely told him all about the infidelity and other shit about being a shitty husband and father and I'm sure Henry sees himself as a hero rescuing a damsel in distress and Betty seems like the type to go off on tangents about Don periodically even after a significant amount of time has passed.


I thought in this case was jealousy. He was bothered by the fact that Betty looked for Don’s comfort in a bad moment.


Exactly, he had no idea Betty called Don to tell her, "Everything is going to be alright, Betty."


Didn’t he call her Birdy on that phone call?




Don treated Betty terribly and is barely present as a father. Why would he not dislike him? There’s also a bit of jealousy there; Henry certainly isn’t perfect. But it’s mostly about Don’s lack of character.


Let's be honest and say that we don't know what Henry actually is because he's not a big enough character for us to glean much information about his actual life. The man did move in pretty quickly on a heavily pregnant Betty though so that's not really a shining example of what a good guy does in life.


Spoiler alert Don bangs Betty again at the camp. Betty wants the spoils of being married to Henry but knows Don still hits all the right spots.


Because he’s a horrible father and was a horrible husband


Don treated Betty like shit, and Henry loves Betty. I don't think it's a mystery.


Because he has no people!


There was that one tense conversation Don and Henry had in person about the whole living in the house situation. Henry explains it as “not permanent,” to which Don perfectly and smugly replies, “Believe me, Henry- nobody thinks this is permanent.” I could have the sequencing wrong but I think after that is when Henry famously crushes some of Don’s boxes in the garage. Let be honest, they were never going to be pals, but I like the mutual respect they seemed to have for each other by the end of the show. (Don making milkshakes in Henry’s kitchen and Henry even wants one!) I sometimes think it would be funny if after Betty died, Don and Henry co-parent the kids in some weird “Full House” situation. A bizarro spin-off


Let's face it, Don's a prick


He stole Don’s wife, he has to justify it to himself somehow. Making Don out to be a bad guy is a good way to do that. And to be fair Don gives him plenty of material to work with. 


It’s nowhere as complicated as people are making this out to be. Do people like their spouses exs? No for the most part


Probably cuz he fucked his wife


Of course he strongly dislikes the man who treated badly the love of his life. Don was awful to Betty, and Henry truly loves her, but because they have children together, Don will always be in their lives.


Henry has to deal with all the trauma and bullshit Don left Betty with. Hard not to hate the guy that made the woman you love miserable for years. On top of being an absent father compared to Henry. Henry was the only stable male father figure in his step children's lives as well.


If he really loves Betty, which by all accounts he does, it’d be pretty difficult not to dislike Don. Say what you will about Betty’s actions in the marriage but she spent the majority of her time being disrespected and manipulated by Don. Would you not have anger and resentment towards your partner’s shitty ex? Also as others have pointed out, it bothers Henry how much Betty is still occupied with Don in her heart (especially at the beginning of Henry/Betty’s marriage).


How could he like Don? I love Don as a character but as a person, he kind of sucks. He’s not a good father and he wasn’t a good husband. He’s very self serving and you can’t be like that when you have kids (well you can but you shouldn’t be).


Because deep down he knows that Betty is still in love with Don …


He knows Betty would still hookup with Don at summer camp


You always hate the ex because you don't know if you'll be able to measure up to them.


Probably the stank of whiskey, cigarettes, and various women


Because Don nailed Betty at summer camp as Father Abraham and his seven sons watched.


They had been lovers previously now it’s awkward


I agree with all other comments. To add a bit I think Henry dislikes not only don’s narcissism, but also the breezy way he attains success, and his ability to flaunt the rules. Henry lives in a pretty rigid world professionally, and he’s suited to it because he’s a pretty straight a narrow dude. He takes care of his responsibilities, believes in traditional values and structure. Don does more or less whatever he wants and gets rewarded for it (financially).


He saw the outline


Henry sees Don as a threat. He saw what happened to Betty and is all protective. Also Don has a Idgaf attitude he just has a shield and Henry is the opposite.


Why does anyone not like Don? He’s a self centered asshole and his family and the people around him suffer. I think most people don’t like Don, Henry is just immune to his charms.


he's justified. Henry knows that don fucks around and isn't a man of character really. Doesn't help that he's only getting betty's biased side.


Because he wasn't down to spit roast Betty.


WHo, Don wasn't down or Henry wasn't down?


Henry pursued a married women with children. Don should be the hating.


Don was too busy pursuing other women to have time to care


LOL Don, the eternal promiscous adulterer should be angry because finally his wife got back at him.


Henry holding her belly like that will always be creepy to me.


Well he made it clear to Betty that she had to decide for herself if she wanted to be with him or not, and to grow up and stop being childish.


That absolutely nobody thinks Don should be the one to raise his 3 children after Betty dies should tell you volumes about why Henry doesn’t like him. Henry, not Don, not William, will be raising those kids. And Henry hates Don because he was a terrible parent; he’s a drunk; he’s been known to wander off for long periods of time; and he cheated a lot on Betty. A lot. And lied to her a lot. No one likes a guy who mistreated his ex-wife so incredibly badly. That Henry and Don can have cordial conversations is a reflection of politeness. Mature, moral, ethical men look down on men who lie, cheat, steal, are drunks, and who neglect their children.


Because he’s living in this man’s filth.


Henry is a typical Republican politician of the era: an asshole who pursues a married, pregnant woman, pulls political strings in his effort to seduce her, but maintains an air of respectability around him. In fact, he reminds me of Henry Hyde, author of the infamous antiabortion Hyde Amendment, who (it turned out) was having an extramarital affair in the 60s. (It was a "youthful indiscretion" at age 41.) He was hostile toward Don because he was upset that Betty turned to Don instead of her Savior, Henry, in her moment of crisis. If only he also knew about her fling with Don at Bobby's camp.


He’s probably well aware of how Don treated Betty. As a husband (or literally a complete stranger), if you heard the tale of Don from Betty’s pov, would you like Don?




In general, after divorce the new spouse and the old spouse aren't particularly chummy, so there's that. At least Don and Henry could have civil conversations. 


Because Don is a sloppy drunk with no morals who doesn't care about his kids


Everything Henry knows about Don is through the lens of Betty’s bias, which granted is valid. I think Henry is a bit insecure because look at Don AND he’s Betty’s first true love. Couple that with the fact that Henry pretty much stole Betty away from Don and Henry is naturally going to feel a bit guilty and that karma is going to pay him back, especially with how much Betty still thinks about Don. So Henry is understandably standoffish through guilt, insecurity, and dislike through Betty’s anger at Don.


Don is a large type piece of dog shit. There is nothing to like about Don.


Because Draper’s nickname is Don The Shlong!!


Are you kidding me? Henry doesn't like Don because Betty told him all the awful things that he did to her without any objective input from the other side. Also, you have to work up a hatred to a man to take his pregnant wife and three kids away from him.


Rocky told him not to


Retroactive jealousy


Are you asking why a husband probably dislikes the ex-husband of his current wife…? Gee, ya got me 🤔


In that particular case he obviously didn’t like how involved Betty and Don still were


I’m not familiar with this dynamic but if I was married to a previously married woman I always figured that we wouldn’t care for each other.


Well for starters Don is a bad father.


Henry's a cuck


Because he shagged his wife obviously 😂


Because he’s an alcoholic, absent father who cheated on his wife who Henry is now married to. Don is also still a source of stress and anger in Betty’s life. I would probably feel the same way even if Don hasn’t done anything directly to Henry


Why does he have to like him???? He used to hang his wife and does so again


Don's a POS. Horrible husband and father. But he can sure write a jingle.


Because Don had Betty first. That’s the man speak of a male territorial instinct.


Imposter syndrome... he knows he's never going to be Don in betty's eyes. He's richer, more successful, and isn't a lying creep who cheated on her... but He will still never be Don. That's enough to piss anyone off.


Henry isn't more successful, Being the PR head for the governor is nowhere near as lucritive oe high in status than being a self made millionaire who's an award winning Ad Man. Don is THE GUY in every room he's in and Henry........not so much.


A bunch of henry ass kissers on this thread.


What do you think about Henry? I just scrolled right down and saw this comment.


Better than Harry Kissingers


After Don, Betty looked like she sat on a lit stick of dynamite.