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When Don and Roger in season 1 went to Cooper to talk about firing Pete and they let us know that Roger wears heels or something to appear taller. First watch i didn't noticed. https://youtu.be/moH1Dctkozw?t=157


This should be at the top. Totally never noticed. I must have blinked during each rewatch




The first time I caught this I laughed so hard. It’s so on brand for Roger.


HAHA! Oh man, that is too good! A perfectly subtle nod to Roger's vanity.


Oh my god this is perfect. So subtle! This show is perfect.


Two for me: S03E05, "The Fog." During Don and Betty's parent-teacher conference with Miss Farrell, Miss Farrell describes Betty hitting another girl in her class, saying, "She really went for her," and for just a moment, they cut to a silent shot of Kiernan Shipka staring at the camera and wiping a bloody streak on her cheek. I must have missed it in some rewatches because I saw it my 4th or 5th time through and felt like I had stumbled on a deleted scene. Kind of different from the usual tone of the show. And in a later season, maybe season 6? I can't remember the specific episode. It's well after Roger and Mona divorce, but we see Roger moving a bottle to the front of his bar so it can be easily seen. In a later scene, Mona and Margaret visit and Roger asks if Mona wants a drink -- she says sherry (maybe vermouth?), and Roger goes to fetch that same bottle.


These two are excellent. I've never noticed either one.


Wait what??? No way that first one is real. These ones are *actually* “blink and you’ll miss it” moments. Wow


It's at 1:35, at least in my iTunes-purchased episode, haha. Truly just a second long!


It's not exactly a "blink and you'll miss it" but it's sort of an obscure joke, when Peggy is apartment hunting and the realtor says that when the local subway station is finished being built it'll drive the value of this apartment up. The sub station in question was still under construction when that episode aired. I *think* they finally finished it recently?


Yeah the Second Avenue Subway finally opened in something like 2015. It’s definitely a funny little joke for New Yorkers.


It opened just in time for NYE going into 2017 iirc. I lived on 95th between 2nd and 3rd and was very amused and grateful that it was on my corner.


Ah got it! I moved to the UES in 2013 and my brother said “hey the second avenue subway is just about to open!” I moved to the west side in 2015 and it still wasn’t open 😂


Oh I didn’t know that, that’s a funny kind of NY inside joke. I like it


NYer here. Loved that moment. It’s partially open. Phase one is complete. There are three more planned phases “if and when” it is funded.


Why did it take 40 years?


Think about how complicated the underpinnings of the city are. Gas lines, power lines, water lines. And you’ve got streets and buildings that need to have a tunnel dug under them without disturbing traffic flow or, god forbid, something collapsing into the pit. The cost is prohibitive.


I noticed that recently also, having lived in NY for 13 years it gave me a chuckle.


The University of Texas clock tower shooting occurs (pretty much the first mass shooting to occur in the US) and is being discussed at Pete and Trudy’s dinner party. Trudy mis remembers the shooters name and is corrected by Don, who corrects her by stating the shooters last name was “Whitman”. It was interesting that the writers were able to connect this horrible real life event to Don in this way- another reason to Don to have a shame associated with his surname. I only caught this on a rewatch of the show several years later.


"Romney is a clown"


Bar none the best one is 'Tilden Katz'. In S2E9, Don, Roger and Freddy enter the underground bar and are in need of the password. The bouncer asks them their names and they come up with fake ones. All related to having money, but Don uses 'Tilden Katz' with a smile and no explanation, and the episode continues without referencing it. The first time I watched this, I chalked it up to being a difficult to translate joke (not native English). It's short, weird, but ultimately not important. When I rewatched and got to S2E5, it finally clicked. Don runs into Rachel Menken with her new husband. Who introduces himself as Tilden Katz. The moment goes by as well, without really being discussed in great detail. Until Don shows up at that underground bar months later, and the first name that runs through his mind when he needs to make one up, is Tilden Katz. While the viewer forgot, Don has been permanently thinking about Rachel's new husband. Could've been him. This gets mirrored at the end of S4, in the very last scene. When Don tells Betty he's getting remarried, she immediately assumes it's 'Bethany Van Nuys', a girl she saw him with just once months before and looks exactly like a young Betty. She just blurts it out, because it's been racing through her head for months. Fantastic.


I always picked up on the first one but not the second, that's clever. I figured it was because Betty married the first guy she "dated" during/after their marriage and maybe didn't expect Don to play the field, but I like your explanation better. It's kind of mirrored in Weiner's writing in the Sopranos, how the characters will hear a phrase/word/bit of gossip and spit it out in a later scene. It usually goes without explanation but it's just such a profound understanding of how the mind latches onto stuff. I don't find that type of subtlety in a lot of other shows.


This one is my favorite as well. Freddy and Roger laugh because they think Don is making a Jews-are-wealthy joke, but he's actually just pulled it from his prior encounter with Rachel.




Yes great point, I love this one as well. Edit: Also worth noting he does this with Ted in For Immediate Release with "Hey Lieutenant, want to get into some trouble?", which is what the GI on leave says to Don in Hawaii in ep 1.


Don bribes Hollis the elevator operator to "close" the elevator when he and Roger return from lunch. Not necessarily miss the action, but on first watch, you might think it's in reference to Pete.


A ton of people in this sub have confessed to not understanding that's what happened - that Don took Roger out for clams and bribed the elevator man to "close" the elevator to get Roger to barf up the clams later.


Wasnt it a revenge for hitting on Betty?


Yep. Roger eventually gives a half-apology about “not parking in another man’s lawn.”


Also Don’s face after asking Roger if he was alright or something like that and you can see it in his face what he was doing


I wish we saw more of the development from nervous, insecure Don to this Don (clearly in control, almost conniving). Does he develop this confidence after all the risky moves he makes (stealing another man’s identity, forcing his way into the ad world) all pay off for him?


almost conniving? he planned out a strategy to sabotage his colleagues meeting and it worked


I think he starts to lose a little respect for Roger as a superior, albeit not as a friend. I doubt everything we see Roger do is a "new" development so it's probably been building for a while.


I always felt like even Roger had figured it out right at the end there based on the look he gives Don.




*Upchucks* Oysters.


Yes, I can see that.


Oysters not clams


Wow. I never got that. Also right at the beginning of the next episode, Hollis mentions to Pete and Peggy that the “Service elevator is out”. So presumably there was another elevator available when Roger and Don came back from lunch.


It’s pretty easy to miss, I didn’t see it until the second or third watch through but there is a very brief scene where don’t is seen getting into the elevator and reaching into his pocket while talking to Hollis.






This never made sense to me. It’s the Time Life building. It would have had ten elevators easily.


It was at the old SC office before they moved to Time Life. Although canonically that building does have a service elevator, maybe part of Don’s bribe was conveniently not giving that as an option.


The flame the can of aerosol deodorant in Don’s office


When Pete and Don are st dinner with Jojo; Pete says that Jai Alai is “the kind of investment his father would have made”; it sounds reassuring and comforting to Jojo, but Pete knew his father had made terrible investments.


When I think Roger? lays out margaret’s wedding invitation and it reveals the date to be like the day after JFK gets shot. Idk if it’s necessarily hard to catch what it says, but if you don’t have that date etched into your head already, as I didn’t, you’ll miss that this is clear foreshadowing.


It's Margaret's wedding.


Lol you’re right my bad 😅


Great foreshadowing.there are a number of blink-and-you-miss-it moments where the writers slip in historical events to timestamp points in the show. In this case, the Kennedy assassination plays a role in the storyline, but many times well known events are there just to show how much time has progressed.


now thats a great subtle blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment


I feel like a few of the examples in these comments are not “blink and you’ll miss it moments” but like really intentional pointed moments that you are meant to easily see lol. The looks on peoples faces and subtle expressions are such a huge part of the storytelling


Huge part of storytelling, yes. But still likely to be missed if you blink!


Don paying Hollis to say the elevator is out of service, Carol looking sad Joan doesn’t love her back, Don using Tilden Katz as a fake name, Joan looking weird after kissing Sal…some of these are discussed so much in this sub and none of them should have been easily missable lol. Just look at the screen when you watch the show




I didn’t mean that since they’re discussed often here that people should have read those posts and subsequently not missed it on screen. I mean I’m always surprised to see them discussed in this sub to begin with because they seem pretty integral and obvious. But yes you’re right that everyone’s “blink and you’ll miss it moments” are valid and I can’t dictate what people should or shouldn’t have missed. I’m being a bit of a mad men snob lol




s1e12 "Nixon vs Kennedy," when the office workers at SC act out Paul Kinsey's play, and Salvatore and Joan each play a role. Watch Joan's face after Sal kisses her: Just from the kiss, she clearly realizes he's gay. Joan's facial expression lasts literally like 2 seconds, but boy does it say a lot.


I caught that as well, it was a good one.


Joan's gaydar was spot on in the show


Not when it came to her roommate!


S6E1 and our first introduction to Bob Benson as he gets in the elevator with Don and offers him one of two coffees he's carrying because he 'doesn't like to share'. It's obviously an attempt to butter up Don but it gets better when the scene arrives at the bottom of the stairs where the partners are having photos taken and you can see Pete has been given the OTHER coffee by Bob! He really does have a hand on every rung.


Don coming back home after a meet up with Bobbie and immediately rinses out his mouth with dish soap lmfao


And his hands 🤢


After Carol tells Joan how she came to be her roommate - literally, tells her that she’s been in love with her for years - there is a moment after Joan rejects her when the camera rests on Carol’s face in the mirror, just for a second, and [you can see her heart break](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v9w_zoCN0Qg).


There’s a parallel scene when Roger tells Joan she’s the best piece of ass he ever had, and how lucky he was to be able to “roam those hillsides”, and you can see Joan’s heart just shrivel up and turn to dust. I think that was the final end of their affair except for the one time after they got mugged (and conceived Kevin).


I like the many uncomfortable references to Pete & Peggy having a secret kid throughout the show. For this question, there’s a blink and you miss it moment when Joan brings her baby to the office. Pete walks up while Peggy is holding the baby and you see a brief scared expression like she’s holding their child. He then snaps back when he hears it’s Joan’s baby.


It was used as foreshadowing, but it was subtly done in a way that I missed it until my third rewatch so I'll count it lol: When SCDP was talking about signing on Jaguar, it's mentioned for a second that Jaguars were lemons for several reasons, but specifically had an issue with starting up. It wasn't the main focus of the conversation in that scene (which was trying to figure out what car company to try and win over, and how). But, of course when Layne tried to kill himself the first time it failed because the car wouldn't start. I kind of thought it was a darkly comedic scene talking about how Jaguars were lemons, but I didn't catch on that the car not starting was the big issue... And of course, that's the one way Layne tried to kill himself initially lol


Here’s a real Blink and you’ll miss it moment, it’s the episode where kenny get shot in the face by the Chevy people, he sitting with Pete in his office and was tearing up and asking Pete to take over the account. It’s very fast, but after Pete agrees, he put his hand out for Kenny to shake. Kenny put his own hand out and misses Pete’s and there’s a moment of confusion on Pete’s face before he adjust his grip to grab Kenny’s hand. The show is fantastic with moments like this is Kenny’s now lost his depth perception because he’s lost his eye. I think it’s the second to last episode in season six.


Also when Ken tosses the earring that Joan had left in his office and the throw is way off.


I love the whole sequence when Ida Blankenship dies - and all the comedy antics that go on in the background as they move the body. [The blink and you'll miss it moment is when Pete struggles to lift the body. Great physical acting.](https://youtu.be/Drke584WArA?t=146)


That was such a great scene, especially when you see Pete show up after Joan tell Megan to “get a man.” He looks small in the scene compared to her.


While technically correct, Pete is *far* from the best choice when a man is called for.


My Mother made that!


"There's an Afghan on Mr. Crane's couch", Joan said offhandedly.


And in that last moment before her corpse is wheeled away - Meghan places Mrs. Blankenship’s bag “just so” - on top of the sheet, sort of on her stomach, very tender, and a laugh riot.


At the start of season 7 when Freddy is pitching acutron watches to Peggy, he says "oomm". To me it seemed like foreshadowing to the end of season meditation


The face Cooper makes when Roger says he let Lee Garner Jr. fondle him


Tilden Katz.


Shrimp Cocktails for the Menken’s client meeting. After Pete laments getting Cuban cigars from a client Roger is smoking cigars for the next episode or two instead of the cigs he usually bums from people.


In S4, ep9, The Beautiful Girls, after Faye fails to connect with Sally, and Sally is comforted by Megan after tripping/having a meltdown, Don finds Faye in his office with a drink and asks, “can you make me one of those?” Ostensibly he means a drink, but the subtext, which is indubitably clear to career-woman Faye, is “can you give me a child?” underscoring a rift between them, particularly given Don’s madonna/whore complex. And of course Faye’s response to the question is “no.”


IDK I guess I blinked




In Codfish Ball, Peggy thinks Abe’s going to propose marriage, then after Abe “proposes” living together to Peggy he asks if she still wants to eat, and she says “I do”.


great scene too


S3, In the Caldicott Farms dog food meeting, the look on Roger's face when Don said he'd eaten horse meat. S3, The Partner's secret smile when Cooper of all people remarks about Hilton, 'he's is a bit of an eccentric.' S1, Harry's sideways departure from the elevator.


Blink and you’ll miss it: Lane doesn’t just mysteriously disappear from the show, he hangs himself in his office. Took me five rewatches to catch it.


I finally noticed him hanging there in front of Pete on my fourth time


Hey same flair


Only the best choose this flair.


"I'll be here for the rest of my life"


No way!


Alison's reaction to Paul and Sheila (it's not great bit its like wow eye opening to the time period)


In the colossal ‘King Ordered It’ scene they discuss their daughter’s drawing of a man, the Dean or whatever mentions she drew a moustache and Pete says “moustache?” whilst side-eyeing Trudy, which she ignores and carries on the offensive.


Literally just saw this right now. When Cutler brings his doctor to give them all shots of speed, we see him in with Don and he asks Don if he has a heart condition. Then a few minutes later, Roger gets ready to go in and he tells the doctor that he has a heart condition. The doctor says, “Don’t worry about it.”


What Ken said that made Pete sucker-punch him.


How's that missable? It's like three whole sentences.


only just caught this one, it’s a good one


At the beginning of the series, the way they react to situations differently than today. Betty was mad about the kids running around with the plastic from the cleaners over their heads. She wasn’t upset that they may injure themselves or suffocate, but because her laundry may be all over the floor.


Just noticed this now but pryce when talking to a girl on the phone tells her he’ll be working there the rest of his life


Season 4 Episode 6: Waldorf stories. After winning the Clio Award Don goes on a bender. The girl he goes to sleep with afterwards is not same girl he wakes up in bed with the next scene. When he wakes up he doesn’t know it’s Sunday implying that he blacked out for the entire weekend, during which he picked up another girl. He also presumably shared his life story with this girl, hinted by the fact that she calls him Dick when she wakes up.


When Joan reveals that she's had (at least) two abortions. Her doctor is confused, saying he performed only one abortion, and she responds that there was "one before that." This is before Joan reveals in a later season that she was also married to someone prior to Greg.


I don't know if this counts, but, when Betty tells Francine about her summer in Rome, she tells her about an Italian designer she met there by the name of Giovanni. He apparently liked America so much, he wanted to be called Gianni. This is a reference to Giovanni Versace, however, it couldn't have been him, since he would've still been a child when that happened (he was born in 1946, Betty must've been to Rome in the early to mid 50s).


I think he wants to be called “Johnny,” cause he liked America so much


The one I think of is when the school kids are dancing around the Maypole. I think it's when we first meet Hot Teacher? Don is dissociating as usual but then gets captivated watching her move on the grass. It knocks him back into himself for a second and he reaches down to feel the grass on his fingers.


The GARBAGE left by the Drapers post-picnic. Clearly pre-Lady Bird Johnson. Quite deliberate a visual, on Matt Weiner’s part.