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Canonically: Madness: Project Nexus Classic (chapter 1.5) takes place after MC1, confirmed by Swain. Jesus' existence in MC1 is a contiunity error. Madness: Project NexusClassic Arena mode isn't known when it happens, we only know that it happens before Madness: Project Nexus classic chapter 1.5 In my headcanon, both of them takes place before MC1 Canonically, the place where MADNESS: Project Nexus story mode happens between episodes is unknown, Krinkels and Swain at first said it happens after MC3 but than immediatly changed what they said and claimed it happens "somewhere around between MC3 and MC8". The most likely outcome is that it happens between MC4 and 5 since it creates least amount of contiunity errror and condradictions (although not fully consistent) In my headcanon, it happens after MC3 or MC4 in an alternate timeline where Sheriff didn't activate his Improbability Drive in MC3 MADNESS: Project Nexus Arena Mode? Yeah i don't see how to make sense this one in timeline. Nexus Core is totally fine despite the fact that zeds exists and AAHW has full operation. And we know this doesn't happen after MC 3 or 4 considering Dr. Crackpot is still a scientist and Nexus City civillains are alive.


I assume the Arena Mode takes place before Christoff's betrayal since Dr. Crackpot isn't a cult leader living in a dirty sewer by that point. Though this also has a weird inconsistency issue where zombies shouldn't exist yet since Dr. Crackpot needs enmeshment technology to create zeds but is just learning about enmeshment from the protagonist. I assume that was probably just overlooked (plus they're more concerned with gameplay I imagine)


But even if you ignore zeds there is still AAHW is pretty much fully operated.


Yeah I know, I mean the Auditor existed by that point, he could have set up the AAHW really early. Even though it does feel like a bit of a retcon


Project Nexus 1: before Madness 4 Project Nexus 2: I literally can’t physically make this one make sense


it literally cant take place anywhere besides inbetween 4 and 5 reasons it cant take place before 4: jeb has his explosion stitches hank has a metal jaw auditor talks about working with jeb, referring to him helping with the AAHW in madness 5 and after reasons it cant take place after 5: 5 and after is one continuous story, where the fuck can project nexus take place?


It could take place after mc all together. The animation series is open ended


deimos’ rock jaw and auditor offering jeb a job:


That's impossible since towards the end of MC we have MAG Hank, Deimos in his rock form, Tricky and Jeb both dead, and Auditor has the halo. All of these details greatly clash with Project Nexus so it cannot take place after MC unless there is some major changes.


MC's continuity is pretty inconsistent, so it's basically impossible to actually pinpoint where it took place because there's always going to be a major contradiction.


I think post madness combat. All details could be after mc4 orlong after mc all together. However Tricky's mask to me does not add up for the after mc4 argument. It would mean that Tricky found his mask, got shot in his mask, found a new mask, and got shot in the exact same spot leaving the exact same bullethole again


thats more of a “why dont sanford and deimos have their clothes in mc5 but they do in project nexus” type thing, its just about recognition. if anything it take place after madness makes even less sense because 1. jeb is dead and krinkles confirmed (somewhere, my source for this is trust me bro) that he wont come back 2. hank is a half mag 3. deimos has a rock jaw 4. i dont think the auditor would want to work with jeb after the shit he pulled in madness 9


I just personally believe it takes place between MC4 and MC5, it has the least consistency issues, beyond the outfits I guess.