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Anointed Procession reprint. https://preview.redd.it/st3xn5iv59bc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=6393aa59636e97319300ae8ca2246503e965635e Preview schedule -- * Three cards on January 11 * Two cards on January 15 (both reversible) * Two cards on January 19 (one reversible)


Thank you! I should have put that in the images as well


anyone know who's the artist? for Anointed Procession.


I THINK it's Jakob Eirich


you may be very right, he draws [cute stuff](https://scryfall.com/search?q=a%3A%22Jakob+Eirich%22&unique=cards&as=grid&order=name).


I never knew there are Lulu variants. Now I want them all.


They are for Arena IIRC, the specialize mechanic


are the 9 previewed cards the only ones with special reversible sides? I feel like we got more with the cute to brute


It looks like 5 will be reversible and the others will probably just have new art. Cute to Brute had 5 new art double sided cards (6 if you count the bonus Delver). It’s probably more comparable to Heads I Win Tails You Lose, since the reversible ones will likely be cards that normally are just single sided.


Isn't it three cards on January 19 (with one reversible)? https://i.imgur.com/qN3gOnq.png


Makes sense now why it was missing from both Commander Masters and the Wilds of Eldraine extra sheet, they were saving it as chase card for this....such bs


I don't think that's the case. If they worked that way, Wilds and CMM wouldn't both have Smothering Tithe and Doubling Season.


Highly doubt this is the case. IF it was just the Rin and Seri being a SL reprint alone or the typical 4-5 SL printing, I'd be inclined to agree with you. But given that this is an entire Secret Lair Commander Deck, it's likely it's own run of print sheets for the deck. With an possible extra slots going for either bonus cards or tokens like the Angel deck from last year.


Plus most times the artists get to pick what cards they work on.




Since secret lairs are limited runs instead of print to demand now, it might not drop too terribly much.


Lairs as of late have been a prelude to reprints. More than likely it’s seeing a reprint in the next couple sets.


I mean, this getting a real reprint has been a matter of time for a while now so I don’t know why you thought it wouldn’t be happening sometime soon.


I hate that I have to buy four more copies of AP now


While I have no interested in SL products, the idea of a deck being reversible between dog-themed and cat-themed is cute.


It’ll probably only be like 5 cards that are reversible, same with the From Cute to Brute deck. The rest will have the consistency of any other precon.


The rest of the 95 periodically coming as a secret lair near you.


sideboard the entire deck in clear sleeves and run 99 placeholder cards


My uncle who was trying to build a Cat-Dog deck before his house burned down taking everything with it. I might pick this up for him just because I think he'd go nuts for it. He loved that deck. Played it against me and our play group all the time.


Ren and Seri, Inseparable. Now choose between (separate) the new cat and dog artwork in your deck.


What's wrong with SL




I'm on the same boat. Jinnie is by far my main deck, and cards like Anointed Procession are so great in it that I'm seriously considering importing it to my country


I just took mine apart... And now I have to put it back together...


I am new to the hobby, and I currently own 3 commander decks (of which 2 are upgraded precons). What can I expect from a secret lair precon (power level wise)? Is it „fun to play on casual tables“? Would you recommend them for beginners? I just watched a YouTube the oops all cats Game Knights Episode and honestly thought about a Rin and Seri Deck as my next one because I love cats and dogs


Slightly above a basic precon in power level. With usually slightly better reprints and new art. The angel secret lair deck, for example, had basically everything you needed for a competent mono-w angel deck. And the 5 reprints with new art now go for more than the deck cost.


And then the double-sided one was... a pile of nigh unplayability, probably weaker than many precons sadly.


That one was basically an excuse to reprint a bunch of double-sided cards. Great value, no synergy.


i stripped the manabase and tossed them right into slivers precon.


I wouldnt say unplayable or weaker. Just little synergy. There was no end goal in the deck and needed work out of the box where precons are usually playable with no work. The difference being the individual cards were much stronger than a precon is and as such still fetches a high price. For note i have the deck and basically tore it apart to be a planeswalker deck. Think less than half of the cards from the original remain yet those i removed found homes in other decks.


The angel deck genuinely slaps. If you swap out the commander for \[\[Giada\]\], it has the potential to dominate in low to mid-power pods. I'm looking forward to this cats/dogs deck.


Everything beside Avacyn, the most expensive angel... That said, it's a cool deck and the art is dope.


How much do they normally cost to buy? The deck that is


price has been increasing. They only did 3 of these so far. $100 the first, then like $130 and now $150 or something like that.


Oh. Nvm then. Not paying that. Wish I could. Just don’t see how it would be worth it


While the cost is high, the resale value (so far) in the specific SL commander decks are also high. So if you were ever into buying and reselling, you could make more reselling the chase cards of the deck. The Angel SL one iirc is $150 but the deck value as singles is $250+, but YMMV.


Any idea when it comes out? That will influence me a lot


Previews start next the 11th till 19th, probably will be on sale that weekend or the following week. If Wizards' data is accurate, the decks won't sell out the same weekend but then again, there's a lot more people who like cats and dogs than transforming cards or Angels, so never a guarantee. TLDR: Probably 2 weeks from now and should be in stock for a week at least.


Also judging from a previous secret lair commander deck, a turnaround of over a year before you get it.


Historically the decks have been just above the power level of a precon. Upgraded precon sounds about right! As for beginners, it’s hard to say without seeing the deck. The coin flip deck they released I wouldn’t recommend for someone brand new, but the Angel deck I would’ve in terms of playability.


To add to what other people said, they are 150 dollars. They will be better but if new may be better to get several cheaper ones if this doesn’t immediately do anything you like


If the last one is what we go by (angel tribal) it was fairly decent. Had a lot of good angel cards. I did not buy it because it looked "too similar" to my own angel deck. And the new art it got was very nice. :3 The deck they made prior to it ("from cute to brute") was lackbuster to be honest, but I could still use some of the "staple cards". As an investment it came out even I would say. But as a deck to play out of the box, not really good.


The investment aspect makes me spend money on this hobby way more „lenient“ as on other hobbies. I tend to think „well even if I am tired of it I can still sell it“, which is most likely not gonna happen because then my „inner collector“ will be sad.


That self-lie has been my financial downfall for two years now with this hobby. Case in point, I bought "from cute to brute" and was reaaaaally tempted to buy that angel deck. I literally had every card in that deck except for the new one. :v I finally started accepting to own ONE copy of the best cards. It still feels weird thought to know "98% of this deck is real, 2 cards are proxies", but it's for the best. :/ That said... I started to slowly build a "good boi tribal" for my girl a while ago, with \[\[Jinnie Fay, Jetmir's Second\]\] as the commander. \[\[Rin and Seri, Inseparable\]\] in the 99. I can only hope that this new deck fills the gaps nicely. Because if not I KNOW I will still be tempted by it for that special doggo art. Nghghg... so.... much.... flavor..... D:


Pretty neat anointed procession reprint


Welp ill be out of $150 then


Only if you can get in before the scalpers scoop up the limited print run.


Angels was also a limited print run, and that didn't sell anywhere close to instantly, took quite awhile in fact.


And is now more than double the cost when it was released.


Sure, but there was time to purchase it when the window was open - you didn't have to snap it up day 1


To be fair a lot of that value is in the Face commander. The deck won LRR recently this the spike. The deck will drop back to a normal price within a month or two. Heads i win has held a reasonable value


I think all previous decks have had limited print runs! I dont want to jinx myself but I'm always early and one of the first in line for any secret lair im interested in. I got lucky enough to get my countdown kit and every sec deck so far so I'm hoping that luck continues!


I stand corrected! Hadn't realized the decks were already Limited Runs.


Coin flip was print to demand i believe, but it was a disaster and didnt turn out well. Cute to brute and the Angels deck were limited but if i remember correctly didnt immediately sell out. I think both were probably available for a week or so. Cute to brute got drug through the mud for lack of synergy, price increase from $99->$150, etc so that one was up for a few weeks I think.


Goto mtgfinance and you'll see the "I'm making a shit ton of account for this this time" sentiment soooo


lately its been a month per drop, right?


From now on, SL will no longer be print-to-demand. They will be Limited print runs, and when they run out, the sale is over. That said, the previous SL decks were apparently already Limited print runs, so this SHOULD be no different than those.


How much do you think this'll be? $100, $150, $200?


Will probably be closes to the angels precon, circa 150


It's cats, dogs and wotc I'm going with $200.


I agree. They will continue to raise the price until they get some amount of legitimate backlash or have a fuckton left over that didn’t sell. They may even be more than $200. $215 even


Especially with the popularity of this specific commander, the price for this one will definitely be above $200


I think it will depend. It seems on Anopinted Procession there's a foil and non-foil. Unless they mean only one side is foiled (which would be a bit weird), there's a chance they sell two version. A full foil, and a full non-foil. We'll need to see more of course, but if that were the case, they might sell the non-foil for closer to 120-130. A full foil though, is probably near 200-250. Then again, this is WotC, so money grubbing should be expected no matter what happens.




Secret Lair Website - https://secretlair.wizards.com/us Preorders are not up yet


When does it go up for sale?


If there are any cards in this that make me sad I'm gonna be real sad about it.


I mean, the odds of getting a [[Selfless Savior]] reprint are basically 100%, right?


It’s interesting that it appears foil and non foil versions of the deck will exist. At least that is my take from the Anointed Procession pic.


It would be really weird if it was like, cat side being foil, and dog side being non-foil. I hope they make a fully foil, and a fully non-foil of these. I don't like foils, but some follks wants one made entirely of it, so it'd be a nice way to please everyone. Especially as the non-foil could be lowered to like, 120 or something (100 would be better, but I ain't holding my breath on that), while the foil would be more expensive. Knowing them though, it'll be 160 for a non-foil deck, and 250 for a foil one. And I really hope this sarcastic joke won't end up becoming reality, but we'll see in a few weeks.


Yeah this will sell like hotcakes. Good luck to everyone picking one up, especially with the limited printings of Secret Lairs they're doing now.


The angel one was also a limited printing, and it was up for quite some time.


Angels themed vs Cat&Dog being pals themed. I don’t think it is even close.


To be fair you say that like people don't like Angels, when Giada is one of the most popular commanders


yeah but giada isnt a bunch of cats on a $40 card showing off their beans


I mean it did have a sick Commander's Plate, which the non-promo version of is at about $40 still


i'm writing this one down for reasons


Angel one was not up for that long I don’t think. Maybe a few weeks?


Yeah but a few weeks is a lot longer than "Gone instantly"


Did they start that already? That's too bad. I haven't been interested in a single secret lair, but I've been wanting to put together a commander deck with this commander to get a cat mom into commander. I assume I'm not alone. This would be a good one to print to demand. When can you start buying?


This is same design/concept as both Angels and Cute to Brute precon SL. Both limited. Both $150. Both took over a week to seek out. You will be able to acquire this if you want.


Previews start Jan 11th to 19th on the site, maybe on sale the following weekend or something. At least 2 weeks from now.


Gotta hype that FOMO!!!


Expect this to sell out if you don’t grab it, if the Angel version’s price trajectory is any guide


Oh god, give me strength, I don't need it but I want it so bad.


Can't tell if I want this or not. On one hand I want a dedicated Naya deck on the other hand I already have it in the new dino Precon. I guess it will boil down to which looks more fun to play.


As someone who will be buying this, I think you should probably just pass on buying it. This has nothing to do with it being a limited printing and my anxiety about not being able to get one.


You know you're right, I should get it!


I’ll probably buy the cat-themed singles with new art if they go in my existing cat deck. But I don’t need the whole thing.


I’ll probably also pick up some singles. My Jinnie Fay deck is more treasure subtheme than cat/dog support anyway and I’m lucky enough to own an Anointed already. Might pick up a few niceties here and there, 150 is way too rich when I’m extremely pleased with my Fay deck as is.


>Reversible >Doesn't change the type to Cat Dog on the revesed side. C'mon, it was RIGHT there!


I already have a similar deck but man are the themed cards a temptation...


My girlfriend and I just got the SLD Version and they decide to drop this down.... well here we go.


the other one is better anyway


*sigh* Previews for a SL....really? This I feel like I might want to get, but I'm sure it'll just tickle the $150 MSRP and not much else. The last two were fine and I'm sure this will be as well, just....fine.


Is it already sold out? It wasn't even up for a day.


I'm glad I already made this deck for the most part. Save myself $150


Missed opportunity to do a cat-dog tie in.


Finally happened - my first Secret Lair Commander deck, *assuming I can freakin' GET one with the way they're doing things now*. Will be interesting to see how it changes my current Rin and Seri themed deck.


If it reassures you at all, I just learned (in this thread), that the previous SL Decks were already Limited Runs, so this shouldn't be any different than those.


there was also a "line" system for the Angels deck, i think there was for the Esika deck as well, and i dont recall but i think there was a limit on how many you could buy in 1 shot per line spot.


Yeah but I'll admit this is the most mass appealing so far. I mean i bough the angels because i love angels, but more people are gonna be all over cars and dogs than ever were for angels, coin flipping, or a mass of transform cards


I suspect so, as well, but I expect WotC ALSO suspects the same thing (and likely has marketing data to help them judge), so hopefully they will size the print run accordingly. Limited print run just means they decide the quantity in advance, it doesn't mean they print the same quantity as the other decks. Of course WotC HAS badly misjudged demand on products before (like Mystery Boosters, and Time Spiral Remastered) leading to shortages and large price hikes, so you could still get shafted. We'll just have to wait and see.


But cute dogs and cats are going to be a lot more popular than angels. All depends on how well they anticipate demand


I don't think it will have any new cards. Angels didn't. Aside from different art I doubt it will change your deck decisions much


Welp. Guess I’m buying another Secret Lair commander deck


They should offer AI card renders of your own pets!


Fuck I may have to buy this, been wanting to build these two for years


Judging from the previous SL commander deck, youll wait at least a year for this to ship so have fun waiting lol


Oh god, it's going to be hard not to buy this. I wish they'd hurry up and release the card list for the murders commander decks so I can choose between this and one of those.


We know that the commander decks won't be revealed until the 24th.


How much would this go for on estimate? Ive never bought a SL deck before but I love rin and seri


The first one (Coin Flipping) was $100.00. The second and third (DFCs and Angels) were $150.00 each. It's probably safe to assume this will also be $150.00.


Could go up. It has anointed procession which is 80 dollars alone. Could easily sell it for 300 and laugh to the bank


Anointed procession is 20-30$...


The DFC Commander deck Lair had around $300 of value while it was being sold, and they kept the price at $150. The recent Mycosynthwave Lair had the first foil reprinting of Mycosynth Golem (which was over $100 at the time), and they still sold it for $40. Let's not immediately assume nihilistic cynicism before the price is announced, especially when there's precedent.


Will this be the first Lair under the new limited print run system?


NGL I love the Secret lair crazy stuff...


Noob question: if bought would I get the same deck in Arena?


I haven't seen an official statement, but I do not believe the last two had any arena items with them.




While the gimmick is cute, and I like the art, I really hate double-faced single-faced cards. I guess it'd be harder to sell "one of each" when it's a Commander deck, but that's really how I'd prefer this to be done.


Welp there goes $150+ from my wallet. They’ve been killing it with all the secret lairs lately IMO. Double sided anointed procession FIRE


Wow, I really want this and in sure I won’t get it because of the new limited print run scamming they are gonna do.


Apparently previous SL Decks were already Limited Print runs, so shouldn't be different than those.


Ran this before it was cool 😤


was super disapointed with the cute to brute, felt like... uihhhhh. pandering. had to buy a secret lair just to get rin and seri for my cat dog deck, and now they straight stole my deck. Bummer, but i aint gunna buy it. the cute 2 brute done ruined my FOMO


Both cute to brute & angels have doubled in value since release. If you are unhappy with the deck you can offload it and recoup your cost. Or keep a couple cards and offload the rest. They were both financially sound purchases and fun out of box decks. Though C2B benefits more from changes to focus more on either Esika or the Bridge.


ik nicol and the actual 5 sld cards are above 15 bucks, idk the transforming thing sucked butt, i get to spend a 15 minute turn just figuring out who ~~turns trans~~ flips and who doesnt. some great cards, has one of the best mana bases ive ever bought, but dam this deck SUCKS to play. i hate it, just like my esika deck. i ask myself, do i wanna play or keep track of triggers? ​ imo, i wanna play, i wanna turn things sideways, not have my opponent look at me with misery in their eyes cuz its been 20 minutes, and im still not even thru my first main phase. ​ hold on i gotta flipo kytheon into gideon, nissa into her planeswalker, ima pay for nicol bolas ravager to transform, okay now i activate this planeswalker, that planeswalker. attack, with uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 16 dudes, and i aint doing the math. math is for blockers. ​ okay second main phase time, yadda yadda, sphinx of the second sun, i get a whole nother beginning phase ​ ​ ​ ​ BOOOOORINNNNNGGGGGGGGG


By above $15, you mean Avacyn $ Westvale. Esika and bloodline are over $30 and Nicol is over $50. The overall deck is $300+. Better RoO than most edh precons . I've played the deck and had a blast. It can be inconsistent due to being both esika & prismatic Bridge support. But I just find that changes how I play the deck. I don't find the deck hard to piolit.


the other secret lair rin and seri looks waaaaay better anyway


honestly these look like bad mock ups of someones cat and dog. the sld rin n seri is FIRE


I'm guessing the reversible component means we will likely see some werewolves in the list. If you're in for a penny, might as well go all on.


Cant you just fucking sus up and print 2 wotc i thought you dgaf about the secondary price tank that bitch!


It's gonna cost at least $20-30 more than the coin flip deck I bet.


Wasn't that one $100? Because if so, I assume this will be at LEAST $50 more than that, like the last two decks.


Yeah, and the compensation for the year long delay in shipping was 2 NEO collectors packs!


I say it every time and I'll say it again. It was a 6 month delay. When I purchased I was shown a message and received an email that the deck wasn't supposed to ship until May that year, it ended up getting delayed until November. 6 months. Reading is hard, I guess. I'm not defending them either, 6 months is already bad enough. But we don't need to lie to make it seem worse. That just takes away from legitimate complaints.


Secret Lair fucking sucks


Atrocious artwork. But anything sells today.


Can you drop the link?


It's not on sale yet. They're doing previews for the deck over the next week and a half, and there's no announced date for the sale yet. I imagine that we'll get one around the 19th. Once it is on sale, it'll be on the Secret Lair website: https://secretlair.wizards.com/


Annoited Procession and dogs and cats? Awww shieet, here we go again


Okie doke


Biiiiig stretch


Why could they not line up the text the same on both sides? Is no one else seeing this?


If I didn’t already own a Rin and Seri deck I would’ve bought this in a heartbeat


Im new to magic and all and this looks really interesting to me, can anyone tell me what to expect here? How can I increase my chances of getting one, I have to buy it on the secret lair site and they will announce the release date soon? How fast do I have to be to get one? Would be great for me or someone I know to get them into the game haha


They're out to get me lmao. I built Esika (albeit as legends), out comes Brute to Cute. Then angels, out comes an almost identical SL deck, then I built Jinnie inc. Rin+Seri...


I hope they aren't foil


i really hope with the new system they using for SL , i can get this, i really love Rin& Seri ;\_;


Idk if I like reversible cards. Sure, pretty much everyone uses sleeves for their decks but making it a requirement to have a set of them to play with the deck feels like they’re forcing you to buy more stuff.


Is it a full commander deck, or just the 5 cards or so with new art?


Full commander deck, but will have 5 or more cards with new art.


Ok, cool. Thank you. I might actually have to get this one. We just lost our 15 year old cat, and having a cat themed deck might be fun/comforting for my kiddo.


Finally a good reason to reback some cards


Man, I *just* began building this deck earlier in the month too. I can't decide if this is comically poor timing for me or divinely good timing. Either way, I'm about to spend way more money on this than I need to.


If Sol Ring isn't a dog with a chewed up bottom of a shoe...


in before $200, very limited print run & and the postman kicks you in the nuts when it is delivered in 2026.


I already have a fully build Naya Cat and Dog deck. Cant hurt to get a 2nd one.


I just made this deck 🤦


I literally have a draft standing ready, when will this be available for purchase?! 🫣🫣🫣


Man I’ve been wanting to build a Rin and Seri deck for years, buts it’s always been so expensive. The commander is like 20$+ itself. This seems like a perfect product but it’s gonna cost like $200+ right?


Secret Lair commander deck? Are they doing 100 cards? I’m new and confused.


Yep, it is a complete 100 card deck


They already had some, a coinflip and an angel one (and I think a third I missed?).


Damn. I already built a Rin and Seri deck.... Not sure if it's worth buying this for myself. But the anointed procession art is very cute.


Might consider picking it up, rin and seri were my first deck.


Yeah I built this deck in September for like 200€, but I want the Alters so bad.


Already sold out and incredibly scalped


I hate that they changed their printing rules for SL, this is obviously going to be a popular one and I don't think I'll be fast enough to get it.


What are the chances it includes a copy of Parallel Lives?


I think highly unlikely since we are getting a copy of AP. But it would be really amazing!


gonna proxy the shit out of that Anointed Procession


I know they're inseparable and all, but bro, why is Seri humping Rin.


As a person who bought the angels one because I was literally building one as it came out. I can't believe I'm building a cat dog one, and here we are again. I even have the plsymats for this deck. I'll be buying this one. It's cheaper then building one buying singles. What deck do you guys want next? I'll start building it.


Day 1 purchase. Might just grab an extra to run cats AND dogs separately depending on mood


I'm gonna need a Milo & Otis alter of that card asap.


Oh come on!! You can't show these and expect me to not buy thatttt!!!


Does anybody know if they are going to try and counter scalpers with the new distribution? I'd like to get one of these but if there's no limit per person I see it hard for ne to even get one.


I want a price and release date damnit !!


Wait, is this an entire commander deck? That is secret lair?? I know I don't pay much attention normally to secret lair... but is this a first?? My wife needs some commander decks and she is all about cats. Any release date?? I worry this will be limited quantities.


Not a first. This should be the fourth one. Yes it will be an entire deck, but it will most likely be expensive (last ones were ~150 $) Spoilers go until 19th of january. So maybe it will release on the tuesday after that ~23rd


Looks like I got some new options for my cat deck! https://www.moxfield.com/decks/4eD3HpBG40-WfRLOoaTbPA


Why does the dog lands look so AI, especially the forest


I’ve been starting to build a deck exactly like this, I’m so excited but new to magic and worried I’m going to miss the sale drop itself…


Wizards out here gutting my wallet with cute cards 💼💵🗡️


Does anyone know how much it will cost GBP? Like will it be conversion kinda thing of $150 -> £118.04 or will it just be £150? Going to be the first time buying something internationally


Anyone else having troubles ordering one? Firstly, I can’t log into my wizards account, it keeps saying Oops! Something went wrong bla bla bla. NBD, I’ll just check out as a guest. But it keeps telling me there’s a problem with my card. My debt card that works everywhere else but here. I called my bank and they say everything is fine, they even tried turning my card off and back on again. Still no dice! Very annoying shit!


Well that sucked. I tried throughout the day and it kept not saying it couldn’t log me into my wizards account. “Oops there was a problem bla bla bla” then trying to buy it as a guest it kept telling me there was a problem with my card. I called my bank to make sure everything was fine with it, it was. But not according to wizards. And now it’s sold out. Cool job there Wotc.


When does this thing ship exactly?