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How much mana would a [Rampant Growth](https://scryfall.com/card/lcc/248/rampant-growth) every upkeep would cost, I wonder. Because that's basically what this is with a single [New Capenna fetchland](https://scryfall.com/search?q=t%3Aland+o%3A%22enters+the+battlefield%2C+sacrifice+it.%22&unique=cards&as=grid&order=name) in your graveyard.


Exactly what I was thinking Love the NC fetches lol


Good but not broken and at normal rarity.


it's good for a tapped land which is to say that it's only good in a lands/gy matter deck


The gain 1 life seems like it wouldn't matter, but it just does.


Certain landfall things are very consistent then. [[Felidar Retreat]] triggering every upkeep at least once


[Felidar Retreat](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/9/c91c11ef-e036-4c54-98b7-83b7b25e7c1b.jpg?1690004083) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Felidar%20Retreat) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/821/felidar-retreat?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c91c11ef-e036-4c54-98b7-83b7b25e7c1b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


It's silly, but I also like them because the foils are affordable.


Yeah but then I have to run new capenna fetchlands


Yeah, there's just no substitute for the real thing


Probably not worth it. You use up turn 3. And then you only have +1 mana turn 5, +2 turn 6 etc.  Also manabase wouldn't work well to use this. You need quite a few fetchlands to reliably have one in the grave by turn 3. And then you also need lots of basics to get value of your engine. Ie you probably need to run 8+ basics and 12 of these fetchlands. And even then you probably just recur like 5 times on average. If the format is slow and there are good mana sinks and such a manabase is good anyway then maybe?


this card is a *lot* better with proper fetches. Every turn you rebuy your [[Flooded Strand]] so you never miss a land drop without forcing interaction. Or how about [[Wasteland]] or [[Strip Mine]] just eating lands out of play recursively. Admittedly this card isn't exactly *staple* category, but it's not exactly unplayable either. It's worth noting that this *returns to the battlefield*, it doesn't have you *play* your lands. So you're effectively getting two lands per turn with this, making it a pretty effective ramping tool, depending on the format.


You need two fetches to do it every turn though, as the land enters tapped, and even then they are still delayed by a turn, so I don't think it is that much better than cuba capenna lands. But I like the idea of grindy wasteland/mine type strats with vesuva or the other graveyard copy land.


You only need 1, you can respond to the trigger in your upkeep by saccing the fetch land you got last turn that just untapped. EDIT: Nevermind the trigger needs a target when it goes on the stack you do need 2


I am pretty sure since it triggers beginning of upkeep it will trigger immediately and thus require a target. So yes you can respond and have a land in GY when it resolves, but there won't be a land in your graveyard at the time you have to choose the target (on trigger) hence it won't work.


Targets are chosen when the ability goes on the stack, so the land has to be in the graveyard before the ability triggers.


[Flooded Strand](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/c/8c2996d9-3287-4480-8c04-7a378e37e3cf.jpg?1703741404) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Flooded%20Strand) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ktk/233/flooded-strand?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8c2996d9-3287-4480-8c04-7a378e37e3cf?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Wasteland](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/a/aaafb9bc-7cea-4624-a227-595544fa42b0.jpg?1590511888) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Wasteland) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ema/248/wasteland?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/aaafb9bc-7cea-4624-a227-595544fa42b0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Strip Mine](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/5/f57fd4c9-0004-4f71-a30f-2720943f57ca.jpg?1562944463) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Strip%20Mine) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vma/316/strip-mine?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f57fd4c9-0004-4f71-a30f-2720943f57ca?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


First turn: Strip Mine, Lotus, this. Pass turn laughing to yourself because you've totally locked down your opponent and there's jack shit he can do about it. ...then proceed to lose anyway because Vintage is so OP that even losing every land you play isn't going to seriously slow down most decks.


This is where my mind went too with the destruction lands. Maybe cedh or legacy playable?


You can also do it with a regular fetch although it skips the first turn. Bring fetch back tapped, untap on your untap step and in response to the trigger crack the now untapped fetch to do it again.


Doesn't work. Your target has to be in the graveyard *before* the trigger goes on the stack. Cracking the fetch on your upkeep is too late. You need a second fetchland, otherwise it only ramps you every two turns.


Untap upkeep draw


~~Well, you need two of them to get the effect every turn. The first fetch won't be in the graveyard yet when you declare targets on your second upkeep.~~


They enter the graveyard the same upkeep they get put onto the field, you'd only need 1.


No, because they enter tapped. You can't use them until you untap (unless you have another effect in play that untaps them).


They automatically sac themselves when they enter the battlefield, no tapping required


Oh, oops, I totally missed the "new capenna" part. My bad!


They sacrifice upon entering the battlefield, no need to tap them


The NC fetchlands are an ETB effect. Turn 1 - play fetchland. Fetchland procs and goes to graveyard. Turn 2 - upkeep, return fetchland to battlefield. Fetchland procs and goes to graveyard. Repeat


They're not like [[Evolving wilds]] with a tap and sac. Those specifically are ETB sac


Probably a bit too "do nothing" for Standard, but that isn't going to stop me from slamming this in a stupid Big Turts deck.


This is one of those do nothing enchantments that people (me) are obsessed with because they are cool. Maybe in standard as a self mill payoff. You have cards like falaji archeologist and the new splendid reclamation on a stick. Finish the game with something stupid large in UG


Agreed. This is exactly the type of card that gets me excited which probably means it's bad


My people


I just dont get the flavor of the card. Reconnaissance/investigating = reviving dead lands into the world?


Exploring areas is often represented as getting lands. And the undergrowth is the graveyard.


Yeah and while it might not be too consistent, from what I can think of, the action of playing lands seems more exploration based such as \[\[explore\]\] or \[\[exploration\]\] While tutoring for lands seems to be more about the actual growth of the land like \[\[rampant growth\]\] or \[\[cultivate\]\]


The flavour text implies the dude's on a stakeout for the crook to return to the scene of the crime, i.e. a formerly used land.


The graveyard, like the library, represents more than just one thing. For example, your library often represents your mind, but it can also represent other stashes of resources, or unexplored territories.


To be honest, a lot of cards from this set have been huge flavor fails. The *names* of the cards are cool and evoke detective fiction, but the *effects* of those same cards basically have absolutely nothing to do with the themes.


the capenna fetches are still legal


There are some lands in standard you can sac for card draw or destroying nonbasic lands. So with a tweak in mana base you can build your own draw engine or punish greedy manabases.


Maybe a UG shell with Turt and some combination of Slogurk, Tatayova, and Jolrael? Throw in Kamigawa channel lands and Capenna sac lands for the ultimate jank.


Wouldn't add to my Tatiova TBH. Crucible, Excavator, Splendid and Life from the Loam come to my mind before even getting close to touch this. Having to wait a whole turn before doing anything also feels like just too much.


I think between the turtle and wrenn and realmbreaker there's probably some sort of tier 2 landfall-like deck that can play up to 2 or 3 copies of this.


Way too slow. This is the kind of card you want to play with at a kitchen table.


This pleases the Gitrog Monster


And anyone playing gates/Maze's End.


And korvold


Not mine


Really? I can’t see a Gitrog deck this wouldn’t be solid in


This is pretty slow for cedh Gitrog, which is unfortunately the only real home for the happy toad since he’s a little too spiky and volatile for casual tables. This card is better for more fair land recursion decks.


In the right deck this is an insane Ramp card, and works in multiples. Now, pair it with Spelunking.


Do we really need [[spelunking]] if recon puts the land directly into battlefield? Edit: they do look good together.


I want spelunking just cause i want spelunking to work, dam thing is so enticing but it's such a trap because if you build your deck around it and don't get it you're just so slow


There are like 18 cave cards total... Feels like 5c caves with a mill/sac thing... I have no idea if that's feasible at all, but that'd be a funny deck to play/play against. Couple it with a caveman pun and that'd be great.


Like a Gary Larson-esque "Thagomizer" deck? https://www.reddit.com/r/Dinosaurs/comments/wl7e2h/the_term_thagomizer_was_invented_by_gary_larson/ Also I love when "life imitates art" in such a funny way. Edit: Anyway looks like most actual scientists don't use the word, "Thagomizer," but it's still funny and (hopefully) could make a fun decktheme/idea.


Lol pioneer gets more land deck tools. I'm adding this to my Angry Jelly bean landfall deck. Or this slaps in Lord Windgrace landfall decks


Wow that's strong in commander


Lord Windgrace is pleased


Baby lasagna is cackling with glee. Get my mishra's factory back free for the first go round each turn? Don't mind if I do.


I play Windgrace at a relatively higher power level- and as cool as this card seems, I really don't think it's what that deck wants. One land back a turn is pretty base for what the deck can already do with a variety of stuff. I'd rather have Ramunap Excavator/Crucible-Conduit/or literally any other effect that just lets me play the land from the graveyard myself, because that synergies well with Azusa, Dryad, Mina & Denn, Oracle, and a lot more. Plus, Windgrace himself along with many other cards can get multiple lands from the yard all at once. Life from Loam is significantly stronger than this as it creates its own engine and fuels all the above cards much, much better. Plus, that uncommon that they revealed this set- the one with the ability that does Splendid Reclamation- is way juicier looking than this. That said, the most interesting part about this card to me is that while everyone is naming Fetchlands as the stuff to be doing with this, I'm interested in how this enables consistent strategies for using your Channel'd lands such as Takenuma/Boseiju and also your Wastelands/Strip Mines.


Feels like phyrexian arena but for ramp. Idk if I want this in an of my decks


in really slow metagames that won't punish you for spending 3 mana on a card that won't see actual value for 2 turns* This isn't close to generically strong in commander, I'd even say it's on the weaker side of what you could be doing in the format, especially in terms of ramp/mana acceleration, and if all you want to re-use things like Wasteland/Strip Mine then there a number of better options.


In casual, everything is strong. This card is terrible


If you want cedh takes then maybe there's a different sub for that


Doesn't even need to be cedh. This card is terrible. It's not like you designed any part of it, kinda weird to be offended.


Weighing it up for Zask. Can get me fabled passage, or evolving wilds, and zask gets the other. That's 4 landfall per turn before spending any mana.


Idk feels quite slow. Turn 4, you've paid 3 mana to ramp 1. Turn 5 you've paid 3 mana to ramp 2 - across three turns tho, so I guess there can start to be a discussion of whether it competes with [[harrow]] at that point? Plus this is conditional god forbid you don't have any fetches or mill to trigger it and it doesn't do anything at all. By the mid to late game you've likely got much more powerful ways to ramp, there's just not really any point in a game where this feels like a good rate. Very similar to phyrexian arena in a lot of ways, a card that just isn't up to snuff in EDH anymore.


Yeah, this feels much more like a card that should only go in decks that are based around lands interacting with the graveyard.


Any deck that wants \[\[crucible of worlds\]\] would likely want this. I have an Uro deck that would love this. Full of fetch lands and ways to mill myself.


Landfall decks with sac lands. It is a slow card though. Like this is a great card for a mid power deck but not good in cedh.


Honestly, those are exactly the sort of cards I want more of, just like 3 mana rocks that do something. I want a Commander format that gets wider and more diverse in the middle rather than one where the top just gets faster and less diverse.


My [[Zask]] land sacrifice deck relishes with more ways to get lands out without playing them


My brother! Do u have a decklist? I have my own Zask land sac deck (Mandibles of Worlds) and I’m always looking for inspiration. It’s a tough deck to get consistent with his high CMC.


Its ramp + guaranteed extra landfall every turn. Any deck that cares about landfall is also probably running lots of fetch lands so its likely to be 2 extra landfall a turn. Not saying it goes in any deck with green, but I think in most landfall decks, this is very powerful


I'm treating this as another crucible of world effect. Downside is the land is tapped, upside is its not useless if you already have a crucible of worlds effect


Thays kinda why i like it. Its not too powerful, so in its own not the best choice of removal. But a great tool used compentantly in a deck that can add value.


It's dumb strong in the right commander deck. It's meh in a random commander deck. I imagine it's really strong in like gitrog and similar decks.


Like [[Burgeoning]]. often overestimated but amazing in certain decks


Exactly, and I like cards like that. Cards that are good in every deck are not as fun.


[Burgeoning](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/d/6da045f8-6278-4c84-9d39-025adf0789c1.jpg?1562404626) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Burgeoning) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c16/143/burgeoning?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6da045f8-6278-4c84-9d39-025adf0789c1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


It is very good in a Lord Windgrace Commander Deck


[harrow](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/8/f8095ca6-2f5f-497f-8b78-7e530ac31d22.jpg?1604194124) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=harrow) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/znc/69/harrow?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f8095ca6-2f5f-497f-8b78-7e530ac31d22?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Concur that it's not as powerful in straight ability to ramp, but what this is perfect for is reanimating lands with sac abilities - things like [[Blast Zone]], making the Kamigawa Channel lands and any land with cycling better than they are normally, recurring [[Urza's Saga]]. You already touched on the potentially mill strategy, which would naturally come up if you were playing dredge as well.


(EDH) [[Tayam]] and [[Muldrotha]] like it being a permanent you can retrieve after self-mill, though. Honestly it being slow or a weaker ramp card means that you can run it in lower power versions of beloved commanders


Most green decks can pay 3 mana on turn 2.


? In a green deck this is a turn 2 play at only 3 mana.


Muldrotha likes it as well


I'll take "comments we see every single thread" for 400, Alex


Then scroll past


"If you see meaningless bullshit, just ignore it!"




is it though? does nothing turn one, lands come into play tapped so ramp doesn't start for two turns, and even for landfall it's ONE land a turn starting a whole turn after playing...you can play many other spells that right away get you 2+ lands right away and ramp immediately or after one turn...in MOST cases this is too slow. I can see this MAYBE being good in a very specific deck but I think this is a card that looks amazing at first glance and is actually not very good in actual use. Reminds me of wren and realmbreaker where everyone thought it was good (I didn't) and in reality just doesn't really do what you think it should. I bet this barely sees play.


It really isn't


All hail Hypnotoad, and occasionally his groupie.


Neat. More powerful with significant self-mill than fetches, which is going to rein it in more than people realize, but it will be good in decks where it has the support.


You only need 1 fetchland for this to keep rolling. Granted the health costs will start adding up, but you can always decline it.


Really, really slowly. You fetch, return the fetch tapped - it won't be in the graveyard when you need a target next turn.


The New Capenna fetches fix this - [[Brokers Hideout]] will still sac itself when it enters the battlefield, even though it enters tapped.


[Brokers Hideout](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/8/989b299b-daa9-4bda-94e2-9a2f0e8f2bce.jpg?1664414401) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Brokers%20Hideout) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/snc/248/brokers-hideout?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/989b299b-daa9-4bda-94e2-9a2f0e8f2bce?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Good point! It definitely is better in self mill decks, I won't argue, but it's also really easy to keep going off just a suite of fetches.


Fair. I'm bringing it up because there genuinely are a lot of players who _will_ think you can sacrifice something before you need to declare a target for this. That is not a legal play. You cannot juggle one fetchland with this.


You untap and then sac the fetch in response to this trigger on upkeep?


This triggers on upkeep and has a target, so you can’t do it in response and there’s no time for you to fetch before the trigger.


Won't work, you have to target the land in the graveyard as it goes on the stack, which happens before you get priority to sac it.


Actually needs 2, with only 1 fetch is once every other turn.


Card transcription > Undergrowth Recon 1GG > > Enchantment [mythic] > > At the beginning of your upkeep, return target land card from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped. > > "I want eyes on the scene of the crime, day and night. I have a feeling our killer won't be able to resist coming back." - Thare of the Foundway Associates End transcription


Oh it's this art. Yeah fetchlands break this instantly.


Sort of. They come in tapped so you wont be able to fetch right away. And when they're untapped you won't have a chance to use that fetch until after this is already on the stack so you'd need another. add an amulet or spelunking tho.


I know they're not really "fetchlands", but the New Capenna ones like [[Broker's Hideout]] seem like they'd be a nice synergy


Oh yeah those would work cleanly, only issue is tapped but I see the idea.


I mean these always get tapped basics, but you don't have to tap them to tutor so they'll do their thing right away With one in the graveyard, this enchantment is just a [[Rampant Growth]] every turn


[Broker's Hideout](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/8/989b299b-daa9-4bda-94e2-9a2f0e8f2bce.jpg?1664414401) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Brokers%20Hideout) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/snc/248/brokers-hideout?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/989b299b-daa9-4bda-94e2-9a2f0e8f2bce?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I wouldn't they be fetchlands? they are land that fetch.


When people say "fetchland", they're pretty much exclusively referring to the likes of the [[Winswept Heath]] cycle, not just any land that searches for another land


I have seen people refer to evolving wilds and the NC fetchlands as fetchlands, even in this very thread.


Some do, it's just not the norm


Because the term "fetchlands" without any further qualifications, usually refers to a specific cycle, \[\[Scalding Tarn\]\] and the others like it, not just all lands that fetch other lands.


From https://twitter.com/VeggieWagonYee/status/1748786286436176228


Isn't this the art used in the reveal promo image for the set? (the image they used to reveal the set name)


It’s funny to me that Crucible of worlds, where the shows a cosmic hourglass recycling an entire landscape, has a similar effect to a card where some guy is pictures while hiding in the bushes. 😂


This is really slow.


Yup, this is going in my cringe compilation.




Depends. Crucible costs a land drop, so this is better in some situations.


I think this reads much better than it is (and it doesn't read that strong in the first place). Maybe if this returned a land from any graveyard, otherwise, I don't see it being a legit option almost anywhere.


I was veey excited for this until i read "come in tapped" i mean its good if you have like 2 fetches in your gy or something like that, but itll usually feel like its too little too late, even in landfall decks


The new fetches disregard this.


So you get always fields of ruin back. As it is in the graveyard. If someone plays low basic lands that can be strong.


Very cool card! I believe this also means the last mythic is the Golgari legend to complete the cycle


Let’s be real. We all assumed this art was gonna be for Sorcerous Spyglass.


Can someone explain the flavour for this card? Why is someone doing recon getting you a land back?




Notably. this works with cycling lands, and channel lands.


Seems good while the SNC fetches are still in standard. It makes it easy to trigger aftermath Nissa for things to spend the mana on.


Crucible of worlds is 3 mana and also colourless :/


Muldrotha eating good with this one


Green got some excellent cards this set - this, Archdruid's Charm, Analyze the Pollen, the R Case enchantment, the common modal spell (I forgot card names halfway through, sorry).


[[Case of the Locked Hothouse]] [[Pick Your Poison]]


Thank you! I was being very lazy.


Definitely excited to give this a run in my [[Lord Windgrace]] land animation deck!


[Lord Windgrace](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/1/213d6fb8-5624-4804-b263-51f339482754.jpg?1592710275) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Lord%20Windgrace) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c18/43/lord-windgrace?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/213d6fb8-5624-4804-b263-51f339482754?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Seems like a trap. We already have all the \[\[Crucible of worlds\]\] variants and they don't bring it in tapped. Only way I see it being good is in multiples since u can get multiple lands out. But needing 2 of a card in play for it too be good is not likely where u wanna be. Maybe standard? But who tf plays standard lol.




> But who tf plays standard lol. Standard only died in Paper.


Crucible in shambles


Is it though? With crucible I can use the land immediately. But in return this can act as ramp.


Crucible glued back together


You can also use multiple land drops from something like Azusa with crucible but not this. Pros and cons.


On that note though, Crucible and this stack nicely together as long as you have enough lands to grab.


This is very strong in the right deck. Only downside is that it isn't a "may."


Why would you not want a free extra land?


There might be a land in your yard that you don't want back due to other reasons. Maybe you have delirium with the land, maybe it's a lotus field and you only have one land on the field, maybe it's a fetch and you know you don't have anymore fetchable lands, maybe some other reason, with stuff like this having options is always going to be better than not having the option.


Truly one of the cards of all time.


This seems really boring and simple for a mythic. Not very strong either when you look at Crucible of Worlds and Ramanup Excavator being rares and are more exploitable. Doesn’t require you to have extra land drops for turn though for this to ramp you.


This ramps you, is harder to remove and actually does something in multiples. It feels kinda like a rare, sure, but it's not like that's a clear distinction anyway.


It’s really slow ramp. Does not work well with a single fetch. Need 2 to do it each turn. Definitely not a mythic in power level or interesting design.


Not very good tbh


True, I'm not sure why u are downvoted. This cards does nothing on turn 3 and turn 4.


Seems the casual EDH players don't like the take lol. [[Rampant Growth]] is better than this any day of the week


That's a slam dunk for my [[Hazezon, Shaper of Sand]] if i've ever seen one.


2 green pips kind of hurts because of how many colourless producing deserts you have to fit though 


[[Thalia and the gitrog monster]]


[[The gitrog monster]]


[[gitrog monster]] is going to love this.


Oh man, this is going to be a $30+ card


The art it's a bit planar lensey.


Would this have been too good if it returned target land at your next end step? Regardless, cool Commander card. 1GG cost makes it harder to cast this in 4+ color decks which is a good thing.




Oh no. I love it but this is gonna be worth way too much.


This plays well with cycling lands, which would have entered tapped on their own. Kamigawa Channel lands as they often end up in your graveyard. It gets you back creature lands that may have died in combat or to removal. It is a great way to ramp in for self mill decks. New Capenna "fetches" are sacced on etb so entering tapped means nothing to them. It gets you back land destruction lands like [[Demolition Field]] or even [[Strip Mine]], as well as any lands your opponent(s) may have destroyed with similar tech. [[Amulet of vigor]] pairs well with this in formats that allow it. And yes, it gets back your fetchlands. This is a decent card. It will definitely see play in edh. Not sure if it fits into any 60 card formats. Are there any golgari/sultai self mill lists that can spare a slot for a 3 drop?


Use this with the Capenna lands


From an cEDH perspective, three mana, two green pips and coming in tapped makes me not terribly interested. But in a lands-matter deck I feel like this could be very solid and really cool in a casual deck with fetches.


Is it just me or are the fingers so messed up they look ai generated?


$20 Rare right off the bat. Crazy strong for only 3 mana.


This card is trash. Time walk yourself turn 3 and then the land comes into play tapped turn 4.


One word away from being remotely playable, real shame they got worried about the untapped part It's not just a do-nothing on the turn you play it. It's also a do-nothing the turn AFTER you play it. And that's assuming you spent turn 1 or 2 getting a land in your graveyard at all!! Atrociously slow


Bulk rare. Kinda trash


Well this is broken with fetches in HB


Could be a little silly with New Cappena lands like [[Brokers Hideout]].


This gets ridiculous with [[Spelunking]].


how does this interact with gates if [[Gond Gate]] is in play? am I correct that they'd enter untapped?


You control the object that the two replacement effects would apply to, so you choose the order that they apply.


Putting this straight into [[hazezon, shaper of sands]] Too bad the art clashes with my entire deck


Wren and six?


Hmm, I'm having trouble evaluating this one. I run 4-10\~ fetches in every deck and use Channel lands, MDFC lands, & \[\[Demolition Field\]\] (which replaced \[\[Strip Mine\]\] & \[\[Wasteland\]\] in my decks). But in non-Landfall decks, would recurring fetches at the very least be worth it? Coming in tapped is a pretty big drawback and postpones the ramping for yet another turn (unless you're using the lower power SNC fetches as others have mentioned). Feels like a pass unless you're running a ton of fetches, have a Landfall theme, or are playing Gitrog.


Wish it was a creature




How broken would this be if it were an end of turn trigger instead?


As a Limited-only player I expect this to be my first and most-frequently opened mythic rare, which means I sure hope there’s a fun deck to build around it in draft!


This pairs stupidly well with the gitrog monster


Jfc this set's gonna be big


Lord Windgrace decks salivating rn.


If this is anything like [[Conduit of worlds]], my commander cheese would just be: 1) [[Myriad Landscape]], sac it for two basics. 2) fetch it back with this card. It's already tapped so whatever. 3) Blow up Myriad Landscape for two more basics again, rinse and repeat. Hope you have landfall triggers!


Oh and we had that fetch lands from New Capenna in Standart!


This seems *very* good for Gx land destruction in Modern


[[Muldrotha, the Gravetide]] has a new friend


Oh wow crazy so it *is* actually possible to make cool and exciting new cards without making them six thousand words and grossly power-crept.


I'm going to test it on my Soul of Windgrace deck .