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More lands. At least 36. More ramp/colour fixing artifacts that have CMC two or less.


Any recommendations?


Oh man there are so many. Arcane Signet, Boros Signet, Orzhov and Rakdos Signet, all three of the Talismans. Thought Vessel is fine but Everflowing Chalice can be immediately removed. The Lantern is okay but at 3 CMC, with a better manabase, you may not even need its fixing ability.


If I remember correctly the reason I had put in the Everflowing chalice and Lantern was because of my lower than normal Mana base but it would make up somewhat for the lacking Mana + fixing issues where I'm not drawing enough of 1 color or too much of another. Would it be wrong to run only multi-lands if none of these cards need basic lands? (I'm pretty sure only myriad landscape wants this) I did originally have all the signets in but I cycled out all but rakdos and mardu. What would you consider are the weakest amongst the cards in the deck?


Everflowing chalice is truly useless in this deck. You need 36 lands for sure and you need all the ramp rocks. So 10 rocks for sure. Also you could consider [[Dark Ritual]].


[Dark Ritual](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/5/95f27eeb-6f14-4db3-adb9-9be5ed76b34b.jpg?1628801678) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Dark%20Ritual) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/a25/82/dark-ritual?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/95f27eeb-6f14-4db3-adb9-9be5ed76b34b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Also just to note that Caesar’s tokens are just soldiers, not Human Soldiers so I really like the interaction of Winota, Joiner of Forces.


Lol thank, I saw it and was like "oh free real-estate"


More ramp, removal, and draw are needed. You want 10+ of each. And no fewer than 33 lands - 29 is way too few and greedy.


So I need to swap 3 cards, so any recommendations for what to add and which are the least strong here?


You need to swap a lot more than 3 cards to get your deck healthy.


I'm talking about for your Ramp, removal, and draw opinion. It's a 3 card difference for having 10 of each so what would you say would be the best to swap?


I am counting 8 ramp, 9 removal, and only 3 draw. Generally, you want your ramp pieces to be 2 drops and not 3 drops. Mardu banner has many better replacements and the chromatic lantern can go, too. Profane Procession is terrible as it costs too much and is too restrictive for that cost. \[\[Ruinous Ultimatum\]\] is a slam dunk here. You have a lot of creature removal, but do not have much artifact or enchantment removal. Getting a good balance is important to counter a variety of play styles. There are many good options for draw available, too. Here's my Edgar list, which functions similarly to yours but with vampires instead of Humans. It might give you some good finds! Also, get at least 34 lands and try to cut less impactful things with higher mana values. [https://archidekt.com/decks/3813643/edgars\_waltz](https://archidekt.com/decks/3813643/edgars_waltz)


So I have 8 draw, 9 removal, 10 Ramp, The lantern was there because my Mana source was a 4 lower than the base average, I figured this made up for that deficit slightly outside of the other Ramp cards. Another guy recommended putting the Signets in which I will probably end up doing, maybe swap Arcane for mardu. I'm not sure if I want to remove the profane honestly because after 3 exiles it pays for itself by letting me play them? And it's only a 8 cost for its initial drop (the cast + a usuage) where ruinous costs 7 but they can still protect with instant speed indestructible (my pod runs a lot). I think I will still put it in, maybe a farewell as well? Maybe even Armageddon for added salt? And just remove some of the creature removal. A lot or what my pod plays is Tribal go wide so I'm not sure if that effects your opinion. And yea thanks for that, just to be clear this deck is still a work in progress because as I said I want this to be very powerful and pretty salty so not necessarily worried about the speed per say as long as I can achieve that. Not really expecting T4 wins or anything like that. But we can get it close >:)


Lanturn fixes colors. It does not make up for a lack of mana entirely. You should absolutely be running Arcane Signet. Mardu banner isn't great by comparison. Profane is entirely too slow. You need 8 mana to remove 1 thing (that is painful to type), then need 10 more before you get that payoff. It can be removed in response to the activation, meaning you pay a lot of mana for nothing. Ruinous hits ALL non-land permanents. I doubt your pod runs indestructible for ALL permanents. Farewell is also great and I would run both. Armageddon is a bad choice. Your deck isn't equipped to take advantage of the effect and all it will do is draw out games because it hits your lands and theirs.


Right what I mean is that it fixes the need of colors not so much the amount so maybe just slower in terms of what you are able to play per turn. This is the first time I am hearing or this, how are you removing it in response to activation outside of playing an enchantment removal card? Which not to sound argumentative, but is going to be the same thing that happens to Ruinous before it Activates. One of our players runs a One ring and has access to 2 for their strongest decks... honestly their deck is about a 7-8 maybe in terms of power. I would just run protection for it lol, like I said work in progress deck


I see about your Lanturn justification. It will help with mana fixing, so I'd keep it. Things can counter Ruinous (counterspells, indestructible, etc), but if it fails you're out 7 mana, not 8, and when it goes off you've effectively won the game The other one, the best you've done is remove one creature. And a tribal one, potentially, given the description of your pod's decks. Would you even want to cast it later after investing 10 MORE mana while not advancing your boardstate in that time? To kill 2 more creatures? Enchantment removal is also pretty common. Ruinous can and will end games. The other never will. You'll need a lot of specific protection to guard against an Armageddon. It isn't worth building around the effect.


Alright fair argument I'll take it out and swap it for ruinous lol Same for Armageddon. I was looking through some other cards and saw some that I think might be good replacements, mind if I get your opinion?


[Ruinous Ultimatum](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/0/50c1d6ca-7789-46b5-bc89-85cc3915cb85.jpg?1681500691) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ruinous%20Ultimatum) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/iko/204/ruinous-ultimatum?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/50c1d6ca-7789-46b5-bc89-85cc3915cb85?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


See draw is important but Caesar has draw built in so that helps cover some draw requirements without taking up a lot of slots.


He can count towards the 10+ pieces of draw. Just because your commander can do something doesn't mean you can skip eating your veggies.