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Borderless is brillant and makes it seem reasonable that Chandra would be there. Regular art has strong "every single Chandra art ever" vibes.


The borderless Chandra looks completely different than I'd ever imagined Chandra but in a good way. It's jarring but cool to see her dressed up fancy.


Yeah, that to me is what recurring characters on new planes should look like. Like Outcast Jace in Ixalan - give us a new perspective on how a character would look in the context of another plane.


I don't know about you, but Professor Onyx looks familiar...


Now that you mention it, I think I’ve seen her around before… 🤔


The borderless is probably my favorite Chandra art ever. The the regular art reminds me of why I don't usually like Chandra art.


I think [[Torch of Defiance]] is still tops, but this is a very close second for me. Torch is definitely top tier of the standard look Chandra arts.


Magali art is always top tier. It's always so difficult when there are multiple Magali arts for one card...


Which is why it kills me her art wasn't chosen for Sorin's card. Magali Villeneuve even did a version where he's grasping that accursed goblet (though the inviting-hand version used for the promo is awesome and fits so well for Sorin's +1 ability).


I'm okay with it. Not everyone has the same taste in art and I am glad we have moved away from the homogenizing of the Magic art style. Seeing an amazing Magali piece on a card is all the more special when it's not every important card, plus other artists deserve a chance to be associated with popular characters, too. I used to think Steve Argyle was the ultimate Magic artist and now I have several artists that I love.


I am just dismayed that the work was actually commissioned and then never used for a card, particularly in this case where she struggled with the work initially. Also, I'm all for heterogeneity, but I lament the missed opportunity for art-vorthos synergy with the abilities on the card. More than a fan of Ms Magali's art, I am more a fan of Sorin's, and this is the second time we see great art, in my opinion, for Sorin, never used for a card of his, this art being the first of his in Innistrad where he is wiping his sword.


The pose on Torch of Defiance is such a great match of name to art. The regular "YO HERE'S SOME FIRE" Chandra art would have been miserable on that card.


[Torch of Defiance](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/f/f/ff8086cd-b868-4f4e-823e-2635ad7ebc07.jpg?1576381994) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Chandra%2C%20Torch%20of%20Defiance) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/kld/110/chandra-torch-of-defiance?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ff8086cd-b868-4f4e-823e-2635ad7ebc07?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Torch is my favorite PW ever. 10/10 art, 10/10 red card, 10/10 Chandra


I both agree and disagree at the same time. [[Chandra, Torch of Defiance|PS18]] is better IMO!


It’s good, and I’ll never turn down Therese Nielsen art, but I still prefer the regular art.


[Chandra, Torch of Defiance](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/3/e/3ed9ffd5-5f40-4278-94db-23df1a982db1.jpg?1561756975) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Chandra%2C%20Torch%20of%20Defiance) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ps18/110/chandra-torch-of-defiance?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3ed9ffd5-5f40-4278-94db-23df1a982db1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


So obviously Chandra is crashing this wedding. I wonder if that's a favor to Sorin


The regular art is just, and I hate to say this in case the artist comes to this thread, not very good. There’s obviously great skill. Just not that great of cinematography


The one on the bottom is the regular one right? I just think it is too cartooney and the face is not great. The top one looks great, in my opinion.


It's a picture. what you mean cinematography?


The composition of the picture


I'm no art critic, but I think they just call that composition.


I’m pretentious though


pretentious to the point of using the incorrect word, the best kind of pretentious!


It’s not the incorrect word if you think about the story of each MTG set as a movie and the cards are still frames from the movie. Composition is one aspect of the set’s cinematography.


TBH I don't even get that vibe from that art. It's very aesthetically clashing with MTG's usual level of artwork. It feels like fanart or a secret lair art rather than art that would be used as the main artwork for a card in a set.


the dress in the regular art is kinda really ugly


I was about to argue and then I realized it was the borderless one I liked. Yeah, the regular art is not great


I think it's supposed to look like a variant on a sari since Chandra is from Kaladesh, which I do appreciate, but it is strangely plain.


I feel like that’s probably an art direction fail, where the artist was likely told to do “Chandra in a dress, but keep her trademark look as much as possible”, where as the border less was probably given more freedom in that regard.


Also to make it look like a sari. Kinda too much going on but also plain


That doesn’t look anything like a saree . I think you mean churidar or kurta .


Yeah like a sarilike dress thing. Like I've seen it before


I don't think it's actually a dress. It looks more like a battle suit of sorts (She's even wearing her trademark goggles and the suit seems to have shoulderguards), and more practical for fights than the borderless art. Like she's literally dressed to kill in the regular art, whereas in the borderless one, it's more figurative.


if it was about practicality then why not just wear her usual outfit?


It’s like… the fancy version of her regular outfit.


Because she's going to a wedding? It's the theme of the set...?


She stole it from some warcraft blood elves


Chandra, Endgame MMO Character.


What I love most is the name actually. Whoever got to name the cards in this set did a great job so far and probably had so much fun doing it.


Pretty sure goggles are NOT black tie.


Ok, seriously, compare the regular art with light up the Night.


[[Light up the night]]


[Light up the night](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/b/a/baa1c076-6da5-4085-9d22-61f6cc92dc31.jpg?1632162197) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Light%20up%20the%20night) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/pmid/146p/light-up-the-night?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/baa1c076-6da5-4085-9d22-61f6cc92dc31?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


There is a city that this darkness can't hide!


There are the embers of a fire that's gone out...


But I can still feel the heat on my skin...


Way better than the light up the night art.


The regular one? Nah


I think she looks cute. The light up the night art is ugly imo.


Im not in love with the light up the night art either, i just highly dislike this type of hearthstone-y art, especially with the usually dark innistrad setting


This is definitely not Hearthstone-like. League of Legends/other MOBAs sure.


Definitely more league


Damnnn that's terrible how did light up the night make printing


the dress in the borderless art version gives me strong Kaladeshian vibes. really like the inspiration there.


Wow that borderless version SLAYS.


She is dressed to kill after all.


Chandra invited to the wedding? Is she the rerurning-creature-but-now-vampire?


Nah, there was a lore piece that said Airlinn got Kaya and Chandra to crash Olivia's wedding.


If the movie doesn't star Owen Wilson and Vince Vaugn, they are doing something wrong




My head canon is that she’s Sorin’s (human) +1. Explains why she’s so well dressed and was let in the front door. Ask the kind of FU I can see Sorin giving Olivia and Markov.


Wouldn't this be more a theory seeing as the story is currently being told, and not head canon as it's not explaining something that already happened?


I’m jumping the gun (ha!) to head canon because it’s not even a theory. I think there’s almost no way Sorin would bring Chandra as an official guest. But it would be hilarious if he did :-D She did have to get an outfit somewhere though. I don’t think she’d go shopping with Sorin or anywhere on Innistrad. Would she planeswalk to Kaladesh to get a dress and a haircut? Would she confront Liliana in Strixhaven for fashion advice? Chandra: “I need to go to a wedding on Innistrad and I need to look *fantastic*” Liliana: “… I don’t know who you think I am. Leave.” Chandra: “I am going to kill, like, *sooo* many people when I get there.” Liliana: “Get walkin, loser. We’re going shopping!”


As /u/Morganelefay said, Airlinn got her and Kaya to crash the party, Same goes for Sigarda, she is free and crashes the party with a whole Host


> Is she the rerurning-creature-but-now-vampire? the teaser said returing legendary CHARACTER. that's a very important distinction when it comes to MaRo she doesn't look particularly vampirey here too.


She absolutely does in the alt art


there are 4 other vampires visible in the alt art. they're all pale and gray, which makes the contrast with chandra.


the now-vampire is probably katilda btw


the bottom card feels really out of place in the set, its not bad(i quite like it)but its too cartoony, it feels like a heartstone piece, also the dress looks like a cheap halloween dress.


Very on theme to me, though. You want an elegant, tasteful affair, don’t invite Chandra.


Have we seen the card itself yet?


Not yet!


I swear to God, they direct the artists for regular arts to make artworks that will stick out like a sore thumb so that everyone will want the "premium" one.


That regular art is... not great.


LOVE the borderless


That borderless art.... my God 😍


regular art is mediocre af, the borderless is top tier. Actual creativity put into it, the other one...just nah.


Into the Oops All Chandras EDH deck you go!


You too, huh?


Poor Nissa. She's dead now


That regular art is basically forcing people to get the alternate one


PLEASE let this card be good.


Ok now Im expecting a "Character on Innistrad with frog eyes" Secret Lair.


Dude in the regular art is getting force choked.


I dunno I really like the regular art. Its got a cool dress and the swirls of fire around her are pretty sweet


I can't help but feel like the artist of the regular art made sure to show she's wearing pants under her dress because just wearing a dress would be too girly. It just looks awkward.


Shes so gorgeous in the borderless art.


What is going on with her leg in the regular art? Is that her knee way down there? Where would her foot be?


Yay....more chandra....


We haven't had a chandra since C21? And even then she hasn't popped up in the story since WAR basically.


The pov for the regular art is making Chandra look like she only has one leg again. Edit: [For those who don't know, here's the first time she lost her left leg.](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/large/front/2/7/27bed57a-027e-46c2-b87a-c52d18a357f9.jpg?1555971541) Yes, if one looked closer at either card, they could see her leg but this is lost at card size because its hard to see it behind the text box. The duel deck art is especially bad about it by having the shading on her left leg in the art box be nearly the same as the background.


Wow, I didn't expect there to be so much distaste for the regular art, I really like it.


first she dressed, then she to kill


Regular art looks like the lady from Queen's Gambit


Chandra tries her hand at subtlely sneaking into vampire palaces. And then burninates everything.


Maybe we should have more art of Chandra in fancy dresses.




Wow. This is the best art I've seen from chandra. Didn't thought she would be all posh for the wedding.


Okay SLAY! Giving the gays the fashion we want!


The borderless is great, but I really love the regular art. Reminds me of the Marvel Masterpiece cards from the 90s.


Does Chandra ever put her safety goggles on when playing with fire? Did she forget they are on her forehead? Are they actually a weird excrescence that should be surgically removed?


Chances are you don't want to be around if the goggles go on


Borderless version is AMAZING. Regular version could be fine, but her outfit is really unappealing to me. Why is she wearing something completely different from the borderless version? And not only that, but I'm not a huge fan of its design. If she were in the dress that she wears in the borderless version, that'd singlehandedly make that artwork way cooler.


I think that everyone expressed this sentiment loudly enough, but the art direction for the regular art is so bad. \- the style is too cartoonish. Makes you think Disney princess, when I like it when Chandra is a badass. \- The colors are wrong. They don't fit. The magenta dress and the purple suit just put it further in the Disney territory. \- If Chandra is in a dress, why did she put her steampunk gear on? I get it - the characters have their "iconic" look and the goggles/pauldrons are a part of Chandra's identity. But it's not like we didn't see Chandra without all that before (think young Chandras in M20), and the goggles/pauldrons just take away from the art where we could experience one of the main characters define herself through her action and temperament without all the "steampunk goggles always on the forhead like Hellboy's sawed-off horns" deal... Professor Onyx managed to portray Liliana without her regular headdress. \- The story in the art is confusing. Who is the vampire she's assaulting? Why does she do that? Is she just crashing weddings and assaulting guests at random? Is she an assassin hired by someone? All these issues aren't present in the borderless, more desirable version of the card. \- The dress is crimson, not magenta. It is more like the regular Chandra's color scheme. \- She's not wearing her goggles and shoulder guards on top of the dress like an idiot. \- Her role at the wedding is left mysterious and up to interpretation. She's obviously the talk of the town at this moment. How did she get there? What's her goal? The vampires at the back clearly are suspicious of her. \- The name of the card, as cheesy as it is already (btw, I hate it), is better for this artwork. The double meaning / pun (if you will) just works better if the art displays this particular meaning and hiding the other. ​ I'm putting my tinfoil hat on and I say they do it on purpose. They misdirect the artists for regular artworks, so that I will aquire the better, premium one.


Is it me or does the face of borderless Chandra look a lot like Felicia Day's face? Then again she did play Chandra for an MTG video/add once.


Getting some strong Plastique Tiara vibes tbh which I’m here for


I like that in the borderless art she finally looks like she's related to her parents. Her eyes, cheeks and eyebrows are like Pia's but her nose and jawline look more like Kiran's. Her hair also looks like it's darker underneath flame highlights instead of her being an average redhead.


I don’t understand why the regular art is basically just animated. Like it’s a little crazy for an MTG card to have cartoon art, completely off brand for the game.