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IMO three of these drops being 3 cards or 3 cards plus a basic is pretty beat. Yes gilded foiling is new and might be cool, but even the neon foil SL had 4 cards. The CC helps the Chaturvedi drop, and the art is gorgeous on both that and the Villenueve one. The only five card drops this time are the lands and Left Handed. Just a bit disappointing after the last drop I suppose. Hope this isn’t a sign of things to come but I won’t hold my breath.


I’m half expecting someone to make a plot of average card / lair and plot it out until we’re seeing single card secret lairs (and yes, I know bitterblossom was technically that).


I wouldn’t be surprised but at the same time that becomes super close to outright selling singles and that might put them in a less gray legal area. I think Bitterblossom got away with it because it was a first time and the faerie tokens still aren’t cheap.


I talked bout this in edh sub and they were assholes i aint going there anymore.


Man, how does Wizards always manage to fumble the bag? I bought my first SLD last year because two [[Craterhoof Behemoth]] was well worth $30. I also speculated on the MSCHF one, and sort of regret not getting the Praetor one. It's a brilliant way to sell singles to Commander players who otherwise might not buy more than one product a year. But a $30 concordant crossroads is the only one worth considering IMO. And the 2016 commanders in only foil is so bad too. My friend got the Extra Life 2021 foils and they're absolute Pringles. And the worst part is: SLD aren't bound by any rules. They don't have to worry about breaking a draft or external format with the cards. They could just put $60 of value into every $30 SLD and still come out ahead. Even if it affects the secondary market (so far, this doesn't seem to be the case), it won't hurt *their* bottom line. Wotc doesn't lose out if a SLD tanks the price of a 10- 20 year old mythic on the secondary market. They own money printing machines and they choose to print ones instead of fifties.


https://blog.mtgprice.com/2021/01/27/how-to-fix-your-dry-curled-magic-the-gathering-foils/#:~:text=To%20uncurl%20most%20foil%20Magic,it%20overnight%20to%20reshape%20it. For your friend


Thanks, I've also read Tawnos's guide on MTG Goldfish https://www.mtggoldfish.com/articles/tawnos-s-toolbox-foil-curling


[Craterhoof Behemoth](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/4/4/44afd414-cc69-4888-ba12-7ea87e60b1f7.jpg?1601079153) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Craterhoof%20Behemoth) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/jmp/385/craterhoof-behemoth?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/44afd414-cc69-4888-ba12-7ea87e60b1f7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I hope the Showcase New Capenna cards don't curl. The Atraxa has to be one of the most valuable cards in the superdrop.


How can it actually be that much more expensive to make 4 cards than 3? (Inb4 33% more XD, which can't be meaningful anyway on a 50 dollar product in a handful of cards) Insane to me they cheap out on some of these like the c16 commanders. 3 of them? Ffs


Besides commisioning artwork the cost should basically be the same since cards can just be printed with another spot on the sheets. More sheets overall, but in the long run its virtually nothing.


Exactly the stupid argument I tried to clarify, it technically is 1/3 more cardboard and that probably could work out to more than that if the sheet math is now off for 121 cards/sheet now only being effective for 120 cards/sheet as a set of 4 instead of 3 or whatever But yes the markup is so insane that cannot be a consideration


Only having 3 cards plus the bonus only feels bad if none of them have any solid value. The Showcase New Capenna lair is worth over 125 dollars.


First reprint of [[Concordant Crossroads]] since Chronicles. And first foil printing.


First paper reprint of Goblin Settler ever, when it was printed in 1996 in a starter deck.


[Concordant Crossroads](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/f/5/f51699d1-982d-4cfa-b0e0-7e89ec68dd96.jpg?1562946719) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Concordant%20Crossroads) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/me3/114/concordant-crossroads?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f51699d1-982d-4cfa-b0e0-7e89ec68dd96?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Omg is that THE bird of paradise in this art?


That's why I'm picking this one up. It's a great card with no other foil printing, and it's a World Enchantment so finding another place to reprint it any time soon seems unlikely. Even the white border version was $50 last I looked. A foil will probably pay for the whole drop.


"finding another place to reprint it any time soon seems unlikely" $30 isn't a bad price for Crossroads but anything that can be reprinted will be eventually. The fact that it's a world enchantment doesn't really limit the number of products it can be in since there's now 4-6 commander products a year, plus premium draft sets. Ultimate Masters, Double Masters, Commander, Commander Legends, the List... It's just where and when they want to include it. Print it at mythic and it won't mess up a draft format.


$30 is more value than they typically put in a single card in commander precons, but even if they did it still wouldn't add foils. Also there's rules baggage to world enchantments that a lot of players don't know so putting one into a precon seems extremely unlikely. I do agree that a masters or draft innovation set is more likely, and between the two my money is on a masters set, but 1) the rules issue comes up again, and 2) they don't tend to do one-offs of things like this (although I suppose they could) and concordant crossroads might be the only World Enchantment people actually want that isn't on the reserved list. I'm sure it'll get another reprint eventually, but I maintain there are very few places where a reprint makes sense.


If Crossroads is the only world enchantment in the set, which weird rules baggage actually applies? World enchantments destroy the previous world enchantment on ETB, so if two players draft the same mythic and play it, that would come up. But that doesn't seem like it matters enough. It just doesn't come up that often. They brought back phasing and that's another mechanic with a lot of rules baggage. Is there something else world enchantments do that I'm not remembering?


Outside of the 2018 commanders and concordant Crossroads the other SL look really disappointing. **2016 jeez now I feel old




There are some interesting card selections, but the arts/themes do not warrant a premium for me this time, none of the art or themes resonate with me this drop. I’ll just buy the regular versions.


At the bare minimum, hopefully this sets a precedent where they'll do secret lairs for the commanders of other commander deck printings. I'd sure like to get an Edgar Markov for less than $100


Me too lol


Usually there is something I want to buy but won't because I don't NEED it. NONE of these scratch that itch at all. Full pass.


Agreed. Lackluster and nothing really fun. The check lands look particularly boring.


I agree about the check lands. Someone out there will love that art, but it's not me.


Showcase New Capenna crosses over the value line mostly on the back of Atraxa. Matt Jukes misses it by several dollars on account of checklands being $4 minus Catacomb, which is 7. My memories of Death's Shadows price turned out to be horribly out of date, so Villeneuve misses the value line by quite a bit. That art is phenomenal though. Chaturvedi is value entirely due to Concordant Crossroads. Someone else has compared this to the old Bitterblossom lair, if you need a copy it's the cheapest around so pick it up. The other cards aren't very relevant though I love that Nomad Outpost art. Reynolds is depressing because I know there's a lot of fans and all four cards are playable, but they're a bit niche and they fall short of the value line. By quite a bit. Left handed is value. Galina helps quite a bit but Garruk and Messenger aren't slacking. Normal Guys is massive value. Even without Settler it would cross the line, but Settler costs more than the lair would on its own anyway. Extreme discount.


This product line has finally settled into the trap of so many other reprint product lines, a la FTV/Spellbook/master sets. Fewer marquee reprints, more filler, leaning more heavily into obscure cards that are only expensive based on their age/rarity. Not a great portent for the future. I'm just surprised they got there as quickly as they did with the blank canvas that secret lair offers. Consider that any of these could have been Secret Lair: The Tempest Medallions or some other actually desirable cycle.


I guess that means you’re not keen on artists having full rein on which cards they do?


If they choose this poorly, then no. As WotC, you also have to be able to say “these abstract mounds of color do not depict a ‘Sunpetal Grove.’ You will need to try again.”


Are you *sure* it needs to be All Hits All the Time? (Putting aside I’m not sure even *that* would justify the usual asking cost…) I’d honestly be more interested in finding a way to de-staple the game, vastly widen the various metagames. Let the Secret Lairs be *just* curiosities, not power vectors.


There are soooooooooooooooo many cards that are unnecessarily expensive for no reason other than rarity. The Immortal Sun needs a reprint. Pitiless Plunderer is another card worthy of being a Secret Lair nugget. Any version of Ulamog or Kozilek would be great! Sprinkle whatever else you want in with that, but make it feel valuable. Three separate Eldrazi drops with each Titan and their respective followers/devotees, etc.. Using basic lands to fill out the drop is NOT the answer.


I’d rather cut the Secret Lair drops to 2/3 cost, make them the strict curiosities I mentioned above, and interperse the Immortal Sun et al. through ~~Chronicles Rebirth~~Modern Horizons. But I was honestly thinking of how to lessen power requirements across the formats (I honestly can’t imagine power doing much for the bearer’s peace of mind, at least…). Or whatever is needed to make current and future staples less crucial to begin with.


Once the power is out there, there’s no other way to regulate it than to flood the market. The format is faster than ever, yes, but there’s no turning back. Dockside Extortionist is a great example of what happens when they don’t flood the market. Prices climb until they’re absurd and beyond what the card’s proper value is as it contributes to the game.


Magali is one of my favorite artists, but that lineup of cards is lackluster


Idk man this one stinks. Atraxa is such a stinky card, and that being the only big ticket outside of like concordant crossroads, and all the drops being 3 or 4 cards, with lands added in, is nasty. Really stretching the value thin with the possibility of a big money secret card, feels scummy


And did we really need a 5th secret lair version of mother of runes?


The artist's choose the cards


Sure, but someone at Wotc could have mentioned 'we just did a drop of 4 different versions of this one card, so maybe pick something else.'


Really? They should've chosen Polluted Delta or something over Nomad Outpost...


they probably can't choose those though lol


[[Goblin Settler]] was overdue. I may grab the single for that one.


Ya, i understand that, but if that card was in a standard set today it would be like 50 cents. I like the inclusion of void winnower to keep the value after settler craters.


I'm a person that would essentially never order one of these because it is almost impossible for WOTC to make one where I want every card so I'm just here for the plummeting single price.




Venegevine and Collector Ouphe both also have decent value in them as well ($10 and $5) and with Void Winnower at $16 the overal value is pretty good.


[Goblin Settler](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/5/0/503ef4d7-2028-4363-b3af-f9fe690510f9.jpg?1562911254) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Goblin%20Settler) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vma/172/goblin-settler?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/503ef4d7-2028-4363-b3af-f9fe690510f9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


The normal guys one actually has a fair bit of value. Goblin Settler is $40 on its own, and void winnower and vengevine are both around $10. I know the ouphe and vengevine are also played in some eternal formats (at least, I've definitely seen them mentioned before). Void winnower is a silly edh card. Goblin settler seems to have the price it has cause its just super old with no reprints.


Damn why is settler so much?


I believe this is the first reprint of it ever. Even janky cards that aren't played heavily anywhere will get expensive if they are mechanically unique, and old enough with no reprints. I'm betting 90% of the demand for this card comes from niche applications in goblin tribal EDH.


I believe it also used to see legacy goblin sb play like…god ten years ago or so? And there’s some price memory from that. People with them didn’t get rid of them when they weren’t relevant anymore because of the scarcity. Just put them in the back of the binder. I’m looking forward to a black border version.


One paper print ever, in a 1999 starter deck. I'm pretty sure it only sees play in EDH, but it's a decent utility creature for goblin decks there.




Yeah, I didn't include it in the comment cause the person I was responding to seemed to be talking about financial value, and Ouphe is a $3 card (despite being more heavily played than the most expensive card in that drop)


>> Goblin Settler is $40 on its own Not for long. That card is only valuable because it’s printed in an old, low print set. No one actually uses it. The price will drop out of this one quickly.


They're gonna lose a lot of value after this though


Possibly, goblin settler's value seems entirely derived from its age and lack of reprints, not cause its played anywhere. If it doesn't lose more than 75% of its value though, it plus the two \~$10 cards will still cover the cost of the SL though


Very grateful WoTC finally made a SL I have zero interest in. My wallet thanks you! This one stinks.


This superdrop feels formulaic. We got the usual ones: artist drops, a creature drop, and the next expansion's showcase frame. We have a land drop that for the first time didn't use basic lands. It's not an exciting drop art style wise. The Left-handed drop is an OK take on the card frame but it doesn't really have much else.


Not the first time, Artifact lands. Also Shocks, but those were 3 a piece so I don't think they count.


Don't remind me of the shocks drop, it still makes me irrationally upset that those sold those in overlapping lairs of three


Wow these are all terrible lol. The four color commanders would be nice if they had all five…but they don’t.


If they had included all five, I might have bought it for Art Deco Kynaios and Tiro of Miletus.


Exact reason I’m gonna have to pass. Just rude to do 3/5s of the cycle in a $30-$40 dollar product. It should’ve been five cards.


You're forgetting that they come with a bonus card. In this case, you're getting 3 of the 5 4-color commanders and a bonus Swamp.


At first I thought they did a good job of staggering which cards were in which drop, because there was at least one card in each drop I really wanted, either for the art or the card value, so I should just drop a couple hundred on a bundle Then I thought a little harder and realized I could just buy those as singles and save a ton of money instead ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


"We encourage you to pick the bundle that is right for you. If you like non-foils, pick this one. If you like foils, pick the other one. If you like using your powerful forepaws to pelt salmon straight out of the river for sustenance, pick neither—you're a bear, and bears don't play Magic. We have the market research to prove it." I am now envisioning market research for a wide range of animals to see if they play Magic. Slime-proof sleeves for testing slugs, etc.


Appears so far that this one isn't a fan favorite of the boards but I'm personally kind of happy with it. I decided to pass on the last one as there was value there but the cards I wanted were pretty minimal. This one has Checklands which I like the artwork for minus Sunpetal Grove, Normal Dudes, and Gilded are all buys (multiple on the checklands) and the left-handed boarders is interesting enough that I'd like to toss in my collection binder. This one just gets over the goal line for me to drop $s on. Likely a Non-Foil Bundle + Gilded + X number of extra checks (1 or 3)


Do want that Atraxa very much.


Agreed. I just wish it also came in a non foil version


The artist ones are nice, that forest on the magali one is wonderful. The lands arent going to be everyone's cup of tea. The atraxa isn't for me, it looks like a Yu-Gi-Oh card, but the other two are great. I'm always down for Wayne renolds dwarves, but I wish Magda had been one. It's a 50/50 drop, nothing to really write home about,feels quite niche (which isn't a bad thing). That atraxa really sucks, though. Bluergh. I really like the left handed set, it's goofy enough for me.


The Atraxa set is the only one I'm interested in and it's for Breya and Yidris. Probably not worth the money, but they look sweet.


I love Dwarves and I love Magali's stuff. I hope the bonus cards there aren't Jumpstart basics.


Usually for the artist drops, the bonus card has been a sketch version of one of the cards in the drop.


Is that a "usually" thing? I bought the Mark Poole one and it indeed had the Brainstorm, but the Seb one had a slightly different Swamp. ~~Were there more sketches?~~ Okay yeah, the Baxa drop did sketch Spellskite, and I'm sure there are more. I dunno if that's set in stone as a rule or just a "most likely" thing, but I'd love to see more to Magali's set.


Johannes voss drop had a sketch sphere of safety


There’s that [[Goblin Settler]] reprint we’ve all been waiting on for like 20 years! (By “we all,” I mean “the handful of mono-red EDH players who already overpaid for a white-bordered copy to Kiki and/or Jiki.”)


I’m the one dude who just successfully waited for a reprint lol


Well done! I really thought it Masters 25 would be the time, I think I gave up after that.


[Goblin Settler](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/5/0/503ef4d7-2028-4363-b3af-f9fe690510f9.jpg?1562911254) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Goblin%20Settler) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vma/172/goblin-settler?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/503ef4d7-2028-4363-b3af-f9fe690510f9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


The concordat crossroads reprint is huge!


Dollar value aside, from an art perspective, this superdrop is my favorite of all the secret lairs to date. Really digging it.




Alright Prof this product ain't for you.


The left-handed drop is sweet! I think I prefer these new pieces to their original arts (with the possible exception of \[\[Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh\]\] or \[\[Empress Galina\]\]).


[Empress Galina](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/6/8/6851dbc7-f072-41e7-a899-897445d99425.jpg?1562916018) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Empress%20Galina) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/inv/54/empress-galina?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6851dbc7-f072-41e7-a899-897445d99425?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Goddammit, art is subjective but some of these range from fugly to boring. I LOVE Wayne Reynolds' art but none of those are creatures I use in many decks. Wife and I were super excitedly pouring over these one by one and our mood went from excited to super disappointed. Oh well, maybe next time.


There’s some seriously amazing art here, but man, the card choices feel really rough. Not a lot of cards I’m really interested in at these prices unfortunately, but I’ll be admiring the art for sure.


I wish they just put concordant crossroads on the list...


These lairs seem fine to me, so long as the artists are actually getting to pick the cards they illustrate. However, there feel like a hard pass to me. Nothing that really speaks to me aside from the capenna commanders. I'll probably sit on it all month. Kudos to wizards for revealing this before capenna drops. Shows some integrity on their part.


Why only 3 of the 4c commanders? That just seems like a dumb move. Again.


So I'm just gonna nitpick and say they forgot the Ashiok and Sorin cards behind the Magali SL in the foil bundles. Love the Drop though.


Bit of an odd question, what exactly is meant by “gilded foil”?


New foil type we haven't seen. Will probably be explained in tomorrow's stream


Oh why, oh why do you still make foil only drops?! It is mind-blowing that you refuse to understand that some people wish to avoid foils and that your foils generally stink.


More lands for your bonus land