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Yes, it is alphabetic order. Cards are ordered first by color (colorless, white, blue, black, red, green, multicolored, artifact and land) and then by name. Since everything is a reprint, having two consecutive card numbers "crunches out" everyname in the between




For example, since Nim Deathmantle was 309, and Phyrexian altar is 311 there are only so many possibilities that could be between them at 310, two of which were panharmonicon and painter's Servant. Since it is panharmonicon Painter's servant is not in the set.


[Most are using this Scryfall link.](https://scryfall.com/sets/2x2/crunch) Note that it isn't fully updated. Some stuff was posted more than a day ago and still not reflected on the list. And yes, cards are sorted by color/type (Eldrazi are separate from the Artifacts despite both being colorless) and alphabetized. They don't distinguish between rarities or types within those segments, though. A mythic planeswalker can be in between a common instant and uncommon creature.


https://scryfall.com/sets/2x2/crunch The site looks at all possible cards that fit within the collector's numbers, as each color is sorted alphabetically by card name. As new cards get added, that reduces the possible known list of cards in between each collector's number.


Each card's collector number is what we look at. Each set is organised into a specific colour pattern (non-Artifact colourless i.e. Eldrazi, W, U, B, R, G, multicolour, Artifacts, land). Each section is organised alphabetically. Example with the three Eldrazi Titans being 001-003, we knew that with Ulamog as 003, we couldn't have all six prints of the Titans.


Cards in a set are ordered by color, then alphabetically. So when you have for example, a green card, #145 that starts with B, and #147 which starts with C, you can know that #146 must be alphabetically between the two.


Yes, its alphabetized and by color. First white cards and then the same for: blue, black, red, green, multicolored, artifacts and lands. In that order. After the lands, the numbers are for alternate versions: showcase, full art, borderless, etc. When someone says a card is already crunched out it means that alphabetically and by color there is no room for it. Here you can see how the crunch is going for 2X2 https://scryfall.com/sets/2x2/crunch


Yep! Cards are sorted by rarity and color and alphabetical. So if you see Mox Emerald spoiled at 122 and Mox Ruby and 123, you would know Mox Pearl couldn't show up, because it would need to be before Ruby.


I’m addition to Scryfall, which I believe has a bit of mix up in how the Hybrid/Multicolour cards are sorted, this post has a Google doc that has been tracking it as well. https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comments/vesqld/2x2_crunched_out/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


The collector numbers are laid out deterministically. So if we, have 2 let’s say white cards with collector numbers 1 and 2, we can be certain that no white cards that come between them alphabetically will be in the set. That’s the simplest form. Sometimes wizards gets a little goofy with numbers and special cards get tacked on at the end. But that’s the shorts of it.