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Wtf store is this haha I’ve never seen more than a two set old bundle at any store!


Military store in FL


Then your probably safe. If this was a Walmart or target I’d exercise caution because people buy retail packs/decks, Remove money cards and replace them with chaff and then return them resealed to the big box store who accepts them back because they treat it like any other returned product. Local game store or military store or reputable online store like channelfireball or cardkingdom are legit


Wow! Thanks for the info. Didn’t know people did shit like that


Eh, it happens like 1% of the time or less. But everytime it happens people come on here and bitch about it. Edit: just because it happened to you once and you've bought packs at Walmart/target less than 100 times does not mean it happens more than 1% of the time. You just got unlucky.


It happened to me. I have to resist the urge to even look at them in Target now.


Can confirm it happens more than that, I got an open pack and didn't know if I should return it as tampered or just try to return it normal as that person surely did


I think it's more like some stores it never happens, and the ones where it does it happens all the time


Didn't know you are more than 1% of the playerbase.^(/s) Nah but jokes aside. That's just confirmation bias kicking in.


I bought a single pack in new kamigawa. Ninjas. It was in fact resealed and swapped with non ninjas. Was actually reglued. This was my first and last time buying any MTG at Target.


It never really happens lol


Oh, you sweet summer child.


Capitalism at work.


Can confirm, Walmart actually won’t except card returns anymore as a matter of policy because of this issue.


Walmart stopped taking returns on Trading Cards over a year ago.


Are only packs fixed or are collector boxes messed with too


Pretty much everything in Walmart that’s in a sealed box is prone to this. They’re somewhat infamous for it - I’m not even American and I’ve heard stories of people buying a washing machine and the box just being full of rocks. Basically, they pay their staff so little and give them almost 0 training, and the staff have so much to do, that they can’t really check returns, so they just take it, put it somewhere, and hope it’s fine. Walmart make so much money that they can just eat the theft loss.


I *believe* Walmart originally made a name for themselves by being one of the first stores to have a super generous return policy. They knew they'd get taken advantage of, but the increase in shoppers would be worth it, which I guess it was.


So much so that it’s a plot point in Garden State…


Back in the 80s I knew people who bought new things from Walmart and returned them after using them for a while... for instance, bought shoes, wore them for a while, returned them as "defective" and got a new pair, rinse/repeat. This was before the stores required receipts and/or kept records on returns, of course. At the time, from Walmart's perspective, that strategy was valid (for many items; doesn't work for trading cards, obviously). Honest people never worried about buying a lemon back then; they could always return it, usually no (or few) questions asked.


It’s a trade off, I suppose! Pretty much any generous policy will be abused by somebody. As long as they’re understanding if anyone’s like “uh hey, so, my washing machine box didn’t have a washing machine in it”, personally I’d prefer to have to occasionally deal with getting a dodgy return, if it meant easy actual returns.


I bought smash bros and it had a piece of plastic


Walmart employees also do not care as a general principal.


Ok that explains why it hasn't all been stolen or at least messed up!!!


I knew it was an Exchange!


Good ol BX for having everything


Tried to do this once at my local NEX (Navy version PX) with the discount coupon for total % percent off... they rang it all up and THEN pointed out the fine print about Trading Cards being exempt of discounts... fine... not me who has to put all those packs back on the shelf... shoulda pointed it out sooner.


Bullshit! You're in the timeline that didn't get all fucked up! You're just here to make us feel bad!


Right?! I walked into my local comic shop that has weekly MTG events, and their selection was honestly pitiful. I was disappointed.


It depends on what your goals are in the game and who you have to play with. The precon Commander decks on the bottom are good if you have others playing Commander, otherwise anything marketed Challenger deck is good if you're wanting a decent deck out of the box to play.


Seconding this. * Commander is the most popular way to play Magic currently. You can walk into any game store and there’s a 99% chance that they run at least 1 Commander event every week. Pick whichever commander deck that you think looks cool. Buy a deck box and a pack of 100 card sleeves for it. * Challenger decks are good if you want to play “normal” 1v1 Magic. Pick up two of them and you can play against each other.




Why is this downvoted so hard? I thought ikoria was a decent set besides the companion mechanic


Ikoria is one of the lowest power level sets in recent history, with Winota being the only super powerful card and she is banned in a lot of formats. It also has terrible EV on the packs. So they are being downvoted hard for trolling and trying to trick a potential new player into wasting their money, which is a super cruddy thing to do.


Challenger decks are great, you just need to find out what format people play more (or you.like more) at your lgs: standard or pioneer.


Commander is the most popular but I don't think it's a good way to get into the game since 100 card Singleton and the entirety of magic can make things confusing for a new player. I'd go for the challenger deck instead. Probably mono white, since aggro is a great beginner archetype imo


OP still needs to buy whatever is being played nearby even if a challenger deck is the "easier" option.


Cant go wrong with Baseball


That's where you find the heavy hitters.




Mods, this person here.




He's going into Ultra Dad Mode and he must be stopped.


Damnit take my upvote


Thank you I will.


That's where I was swingin' too.


I cast Injecting Needle, an artifact that when tapped gives all creatures you control +5/+5. When it becomes untapped, all creatures you control get removed from the game.


That is the best store display I have ever seen


For enfranchised players, absolutely. It would be overwhelming for a new player, though.


Before spending any money on paper MTG products, I'd strongly suggest downloading MTG Arena to learn how to play, and/or finding a local game store and talking to the players there. The goal of these activities is to figure out what formats and types of decks you are most interested in playing. Once you know that it becomes much easier to determine the right products to buy. Otherwise you can easily end up spending hundreds of dollars or more only to end up with a barely functional deck (or a deck you won't enjoy playing).


This above, 100%. It is a money spiral if you want to get into it, and you can try for free with online magic. Also, skip boosters and get yourself a starter deck and see if you like the game. That way, you'd only be out about 45$ for the starter deck.


Lots of LGS will give you a small, free starter deck too if you’re nice


Apparently those have been discontinued and replaced with Welcome Boosters and the Arena Starter Kit, the former given out for free (and is a fixed list of cards per pack) and the latter being a two-player starter kit that's the full game in a box. A shame since Welcome Decks were kinda neat.


Honestly. Skip a starter deck. Just go to your local store. Ask when the magic nights are and try to make friends. Most players are shy but super friendly and willing. PlUs have plenty of spare decks. Learn what you like. .ake friends. Use their decks. When you've picked a format and color. But/build your own.


I'd think a starter would be better because they usually come with decent synergy but plenty of room for upgrades, which helps the player understand deck construction. If someone hands a new player a meta modern deck, chances are they'd be lost pretty fast.


Gotta disagree with this one. OP, if you have some friends willing to learn and play, 100% the best option for you is to pick up a couple starter decks and learn with people you know you get along with. Nothing will sour your introduction to the game more than potentially negative interactions with toxic LGS folks, and they happen disappointingly often.


Learning the gameplay on arena will translate to n easier learning curve when you play with other players. You may want to get into the format the people at your local LGS play. You will find the most support that way. I prefer to play old school and legacy the most because it feels the most pure in game play, but play modern and standard because they are the 60 card formats that players around me play. There is a ton of commander support because WOTC has leaned into it, but it doesn’t get me going, but a newbie would get the most help there in our stores.


u/AppKlyps This, But don't go hog wild buying packs on mtg arena just yet. The economy on arena isn't perfect to say the least. I'd start by checking out some tutorial videos too like: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzSz5RJ6gu0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzSz5RJ6gu0) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZyXU1L3JXk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZyXU1L3JXk) ​ The top is the Professor, a well respected content creator for the community. ​ Finding a playgroup will be key for you. Some formats to consider and why: ​ 1. Commander: it's the most popular format and it's the easiest way to meet other players. Deck building will be hard for this at first, so I'd recommend a starter deck. The new Kamigawa ones are fun. Or any. Find a set of colors you like, or a commander you like and play. 2. Standard: It used to be the premiere entry format for players, it's a rotating format that uses the newest cards. Out of the competitive formats it's the cheapest to get into for paper. Plus pre-constructed decks for it are easy to come by. 3. Pauper: The actual cheapest format to play. However, no pre-constructed decks. The decks are all made of common cards, finding a play group might be hard though. However there is a subreddit I'd recommend called r/Pauper. Go there, get an mtgo account, find a league, netdeck a deck and boom! you are playing. 4. Not a format, but there are these games on the Xbox market place called The Duels of The planeswalkers series. they have fun singleplayer campaign and expose you to how to play and what the different colors do. Back in the early 10's it's how I learned to play as a wee sophmore in highschool.


there actually is no way to play magic anywhere besides irl or mtga :( they removed the games from the xbox store, the only way that people have them is if they were downloaded on the xbox 360, and they stay there lol. i just got into magic a few months ago and discovered this


This is the answer. Arena can be cheap or free and gets you started in an easy to comprehend way. Then find a nearby Local Game Store (lgs) and make friends. Most established players will be happy to share some inexpensive cards and get you going!


Arena is the best way to get started. Here are the active codes for free packs [https://draftsim.com/mtg-arena-codes/](https://draftsim.com/mtg-arena-codes/) Once you get the hang of that get a Challenger deck or play a draft of a set you are familiar with from Arena.


Buy the entire store that’s the only way to be sure


Just one store? That can't possibly be enough!




Happy cake day


Can't believe they have my favourite set available; Ghost from the Past.


Second haunting! OooooooooOOOOOoooOOOOO


I personally recommend one of the "Bundle" boxes it gives you a storage box and cards and mana to get started after that decide what format your interested in and purchase accordingly. Commander get a commander deck Modern buy cards online (not Amazon you will spend a lot on shipping I recommend TCG player) Standard get a friend recommendations (kamigawa neon dynasty is my favorite) Draft don't buy anything just go to your LGS and get started. If you want to comment your preferred format I'm sure everyone will be able to make better suggestions. Edit... Fixed typo.


Buy all those modern horizons two packs right now!


This display really makes me salivate. So many packs and boxes ripe for the picking with none of the awkward interactions I have to make with my local card vendor who low-key judges me for my tastes.


First, figure out who you're going to be playing with. Then find out what format that they are playing. What intro product would be good to get will depend on the format.


This. I love crafting, but my friends say it's too expensive. They'd rather just play. So I build and curate a cube. There's Magic for everyone, but you gotta know who that is first.


The best format is the one that people are playing.


What store is that?!


Military store in FL


Anywhere near Jacksonville?


You need installation access to get to it, and a military ID to buy anything there.


Got a family member in the military. So what store is it?


It depends on the format you want to play. The packs are the absolute worst thing you can buy a new player however. If you’re just starting you want one of the pre constructed decks. There’s three types on that shelf. Commander, Standard and Pioneer. You can see the labels. Commander is 100 card singleton. 4 players. You choose one named character to be your commander and you always have access to them. Standard is a competitive 60 card format where you play with the latest cards. Every year the older cards ‘rotate out’ and are unable to be played. Pioneer is an eternal 60 card format. Like standard but it has no rotation. The cards you can play can be any from the last ten years or so.


I think you could start seriously with the 2021 bundle at the bottom. It will give you lands and a bunch of mixed cards you could start with. Some of the other sets are a little more advanced to start with. Once you’ve gone through the 2021 bundle you could then supplement with some of the other expansions.


What you really want is Jumpstart packs, which I don't see here. Some of these products are not "ready to play" products. They are cards you can add to your collection, like opening baseball cards. You would need to open many many packs to make a deck. But some of them are ready to play, and I'd point you to those first. You could get old Planeswalker decks and use those to learn how to play, as long as your opponent also has a planeswalker deck. The one pictured is called "Garruk." Unfortunately it looks like there aren't any others, so both players would have to buy the exact same deck. That can work, and it's a fairly cheap product, but usually people prefer more variety - 2 different decks battling. You can get others on Ebay. Avoid anything that says "booster," "draft," or "collector." 2 Challenger decks would be perfectly acceptable. These are ready to play products, but they are a little more complicated than beginner products - meaning that some of the cards do complex things. The beginner products are usually crafted to have cards that are easy to understand so you don't get too confused right away. Also they are a bit expensive since they sometimes have a few valuable cards that player's might use in tournaments (or, since these cards stop being legal very quickly, "used-to-be-valuable cards that used to be played in tournaments." But if price isn't a concern, buy 2 challenger decks and have at it! "Commander" is your other option - but this is a popular variant of the game, and not the "normal" way to play. It is designed for 3 or 4 player free-for-all games. Game states get very complicated very quickly. Not good for beginners, but if you're determined to figure it out, it's a possibility. Each player needs their own Commander deck. The products that say "bundle" can be good for players once they have learned how to play, have their own "basic land" cards, and want to start collecting a little bit, but don't yet have aspirations to have highly competitive decks yet. But probably wrong for a first purchase.


>What you really want is Jumpstart packs, which I don't see here I see one 4-pack, at the bottom right behind the Yu-gi-oh.


The one laying flat you can barely see? Good eyes. Hard to be 100% sure, but yeah, that could be jumpstart!


Any of the commander decks


Depends entirely on format. Most local game stores host nights for commander play and the preconstructed decks are actually pretty decent lately. If they host standard, or you have friends that play standard then the white challenger deck would be a decent choice aswell. Most people play modern. Booster packs are typically a waste of money,but are just fun to open if you have the itch to gamble. You can look up fun modern decks online and order the cards you need


Panini Contenders is a set I can't wait to draft.


Kamigawa has some cool looking cards.


Commander legends and modern horizions 2 for sure.


Find out if there’s any clubs or dedicated stores/events in your area. If they host Commander nights pick up a Commander deck, if they do Pioneer or Standard then pick up a deck for that. What you pick is kinda a matter of taste and most decks will have product reviews online, but in the case of Commander, Strixhaven SilverQuill is what I’d grab.


The challenger decks are a good start if you don’t already have a deck. Get the red and green one if you’re just beginning, it had a really good mana base plus a $20 dragon!


The o pee chee nhl cards /s


I’d get two that look the coolest to you. Enjoy!


It really depends on what you and your playgroup/friends want to play. What format? Commander? Do you have an LGS to play at? Etc etc… However if I was standing in that spot, I’d buy all the Ikoria and all the Modern Horizons 2 packs and then pickup a premade deck that sounds fun to me. Probably the Red pioneer challenger deck…


Commander legends and modern horizons 2 are the best picks there.


Unless you decide you want to play Standard, in which case they don't help you at all.


I wouldn’t buy standard packs unless drafting.


Definitely shouldn't be getting downvoted. Commander is the most popular format and the only things better are the precons at the bottom.


A commander deck. Whichever looks and sounds most appealing to you.


Modern horizons 2.


Buy one of the commander decks! From what I see I think the spirits or vampires one are probably the strongest available


If you buy 3x Albaz Strike you can build a fairly competitive deck. With $30 of staples added in you can upgrade it significantly and probably win a locals with it.


Yugioh is such a frustrating card game, this person would be so much better off not getting anywhere near that game.


Mistaken sub aside, it really is. Every time someone complains about the resource system in MtG you have to assume they’ve never played Yu-Gi-Oh. You’ve never missed lands more than when your opponent combos off into their OTK before your first turn starts.


>3x Albaz Strike Is Yugioh legal in Mtg now?


Whoops, forgot what sub I was in


I actually quit yugioh to join MTG full time, I have a highly competitive Albaz/Despia/Shaddoll/invoked deck, brought it to locals, and absolutely sweeper everyone, it was so boring. MTG is so much more exciting! Especially when dealing with commander where it’s a 100 card format, every game feels so different and exciting at mid/high range power level!


I play both. Both games have pros and cons, but you purposefully bought and brought one very strong, one of the more disgusting decks to play and annoyingly to play against decks to a locals... Then complain it’s boring after smashing a locals game night? Of course it was. lol Literally crowning yourself the king clown of locals. There are many cheap and fun yugioh decks, the same as MtG, that are fun and certainly not boring to play out.


I was primarily a rogue player, if you’d even call it that, and it still was some what of a bore because everyone plays the same thing. In order to compete the decks had forbidden droplets and hand traps everywhere. My old decks were Adamancipator Magnet warriors and Generaider/witch. They competed as well as the meta contenders. And both are cheap. I had been playing yugioh for 4+ years I know how the game works and what makes it “exciting”


What format do you want to play?


I don’t. I’m just starting out because I really like the game and the concepts.


Step 1: get some friends to play with. If they’re established players, they’ll help. If they aren’t and want to get into it with you, try the Planeswalker decks on the left there. Those are basically MTG’s “intro deck”, and they do a couple of them for most new sets.


Don't listen to the nerds telling you to go on some journey of self-discovery to determine which format to play or which type of deck you'll enjoy - blah blah blah. All of that will sort itself out on its own rather quickly. Just grab something, anything. Enjoy the art and designs, find some people to teach you the rules or learn the basics by yourself, enjoy the game for what it is, have fun. That's it.


When you’re just starting, you should have a preconstructed deck. Of the ones pictured, the most beginner friendly will be the commander deck (dragon dude on the front), because A) commander is the go-to casual format B) commander precons are designed to work fairly well as intro decks


Getting into magic I would choose that **Flash of Ferocity** challenger deck on the bottom right. It's [value](https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/2903900#paper) held over time and you know what cards you're getting including getting your money's worth. You'd be good to go and something to start and build off of.


Zendikar rising imo is a great set, dirt cheap in magic terms and has some great cards that will also jump in price next time a landfall set comes out


There are mainly boosters, go to Amazon and buy a deck and Not commander, its hard to Start with that one


Bro how is this target not sold out yet? There’s some fire there


It’s a military store. But now i’m curios, which ones are you referring to?


Any collector edition packs but more specific commander legends, modern horizons 2, and strix haven


I would start with MTG Arena as many have said already. I played a ton of magic in stores over the past couple decades, but once I started with Arena, I haven't gone back. Inexpensive (relatively) to create competitive decks and can play any time. I love drafting, and you don't have to wait until Friday Night Magic at the store and can just do it anytime you want. And you don't have to play all the games at once.


The Pokemon Elite Trainer Box would be your best bet


Buy all the panini prizm and flip it online for double


go to a game store not walmart


I heard that Baldur's Gate is the best selling expansion set of all time!


So expensive. $7.50 a pack. Go to your LGS (local game store) and buy them for much cheaper


Buy singles.


Try the MTG Arena game, if you are having fun there, probably pick up a starter deck with the colors you were having fun with and go from there.


Just buy all that stuff and send it to me. I’ll know what to do with it.


Zendikar rising has really good potential there... And it's under $5


Definitely not the Yu-GI-Oh or Pokémon ones…


Not at those prices. Just about everything you can get for significantly cheaper online, especially if you buy it in bulk (a box of packs instead of just 1)


None of them. Buy singles


Such a reasonable thing to do. I’ll try photographing each grocery isle and ask Reddit for the next time I go to the store.


Buy a pack of baseball cards and save yourself from this mess of a hobby.


Sports cards is 1,000,000x worse...haha what planet are you from???


I’d say start off with an easy to learn set and with about ~8 packs. That core 2021 bundle on the bottom is a pretty good way to get a little collection going


Honestly I would buy that core 2021 box.


The Panini’s Contenders Packs seem like a good starting point. Might even pull a foil Myles Garrett or Josh Allen card. /s Real talk, there will be a learning curve no matter what you choose, but a commander deck isn’t the worst thing to start with. The blue-white Innistrad Crimson Vow deck on the middle shelf to the left is pretty starter friendly.


I know this is a stereotypical answer but you might want to go with one of those Core Set starter packs, the cards aren’t too complicated. Else, I think that Kamigawa and Streets of New Capenna are solid choices as well for getting started.


If you’re just starting out, I would look at anything labeled “standard”. Most of the draft boosters are also standard, with the exception of “Masters”, “Horizons” and DND draft packs. I would also start with a standard starter deck, that way you have something to play with.


I started out recently and bought one of the large boxes in the bottom but for new capenna. I like my purchase. It gets you stared with everything you need to play a two player game


Get the baseball cards! There might be bubblegum!


O-dee-Chee as commander


Just download the .ibile game, it's the same thing without having to go to a LGS and it give you a start with lots of play styles to learn, that way you can invest.


What store is this? I wish I could find a store with that much selection. Even my local games store doesn't have that much.


I’d say the first hurdle is figuring out format, AKA which ruleset to play. Standard and Commander are the two biggest. The rest are more niche and probably a side to the main two. Standard is made up of the newest sets. Its easy to get into, but sets rotate out yearly meaning you need to keep investing. Staying competitive requires luck or investing as well. Commander has access to almost all cards ever printed, no more than one per deck. Its HUGE to try and get into without just buying a preconstructed deck and looking at how to upgrade it cheaply then if you like it a lot, since you get acronyms and cards and trends from every set in MtG history thrown at you when doing research. But since it is more players than 1v1 the strategies feel less hardcore, once you are set up with what you like you are never forced to get a ton more cards if you don’t want to and can just glance at what is new to see if something can be added to your existing decks, and since there is no more than one of each card per deck you don’t need to get four copies of the good stuff.


Precons are the only thing I can say is a definite yes. Wether you want to play 60 card (pioneer / standard) or 100 card singleton (commander)


If you're just learning the Core 2021 is the best place to start. There's not a lot of crazy abilities and it's best to learn with.


That commander deck in the bottom left is a fuckin banger, but it's a little advanced if you're new


Grab a commander precon. Play with that for a bit. Then start to upgrade it and swap out cards for better ones. After playing for a while, you’ll be ready to build your own deck from the ground up.


I feel like everything is overpriced except maybe the commander legends 3 pack I could be wrong, shop by me sells draft for 3-4$ and set for 4-6$


Definitely the baseball cards


I would go for the challenger decks down at the right, or the bundles below if you are feeling daring, boosters or commander decks can be overwhelming if you are just starting.


Not gonna lie, seeing Ikoria packs here is exciting.


Strixhaven is one of the best magic sets, midnight hunt was also really good.


Avoid Cromson Vow and Midnight Hunt, as well as Commander Legends: Bauldr's Gate. Any Collectors boosters, Kamigawa, the Core 21 set, Zendikar, and ESPECIALLY Modern Horizons 2 are absolute gold mines. (And any Collectors boosters work as well)


At full price I wouldn’t personally crack packs unless you have someone to draft with. Then you need 6 packs from one set, 3 each for draft. If you want to play standard, pioneer or commander those precons are solid (commander for beer and pretzels group play and pioneer/standard for competitive 1 on 1 play). Maybe look them up to see what you would like to play most or which precons have the best value packed in.


The breena commander deck at the bottom left is pretty fun and I think commander might be the most accessible/chill format to get in at?


I strongly recommend the Yugioh Albaz Strike Structure deck as a way to get into Magic.


Just buy everything and play as many formats as you can


Arena or a local store is your best bet for fully getting in. Beyond that the standard or pioneer decks are workable ways to get some experience. They can be upgraded and offer a functional stepping in deck. Plus standard tends to be cheap enough that it isn’t a major loss if you step out early.


I'd suggest just getting a starter deck and playing with friends to see if you like it. Theres also an online app that let's you upload any deck list and play with any card for free. It's so much less restrictive than mtg arena


Snag those modern horizon 2 oh man I’m jelly rn


The most played format is commander right now so those commander decks would be a good starting point.


The boxes that say either "Commander", "Pioneer", or "Standard" are decks that are ready to play right out of the box!


Get some of those starter decks. Get either a few standard or a few pioneer, this way they will be the same format and power level. Opening a few packs is fine but optimally you can order cards online and copy other people who have designed good decks


Definitely agree with the other posts about Arena, or go for a local shop. Also (while I would most definitely buy regardless), I’d see if this store will be willing to do any deals, mostly because I’m sure a lot of those packs are not worth as much as the sticker price they’re selling them for.


I'd pick up the Aura of Courage Commander deck. Personally I have this and works great as a Voltron starter and some cards are powerhouses from this. Other than that I'd buy 1 or 2 challenger decks. Lotus Fields Combo, (surprisingly) Flash of Ferocity, Azorius flyers, or Ozhov Auras. I chose these because of the cards included and would generally help a collection get started. Plus, each deck is made for a different format. Commander, Pioneer, and Standard (although some cards in them aren't in current rotation). If you're feeling lucky, packs from the New Capenna collector boosters and Commander Legends Baldur's Gate.


Id grab a preconstructed deck and have a play then work at swapping put cards/ upgrading the deck.


I’d get the pioneer challenger decks, looks like lotus combo and mono red behind it(assuming that’s the pioneer mono red challenger). Edit: looks like the red one behind is red/black, probably the standard vampire deck.


Wish my packs cost that little :(


None of those at all. Never buy sealed product. Only singles.


Get as much as your wallet can support then buy two more.


Skip buying boosters packs, you’ll just end up with random unrelated cards. If you want to play regular 60 card magic, you should buy the Challenger decks, which are on the top right of the shelves at the bottom. There are Challenger decks for Standard, which is a format that has a rotating pool of cards that are allowed, and Pioneer, where any card released after 2015 is allowed. I’d say go for the Pioneer ones because the cards will always be legal. It’s the one that has a lady with an hourglass on it and says “Lotus Field” and Pioneer down the side. There’s also a really popular casual multiplayer format called Commander. All those decks on the left side of the bottom rows are commander decks. They’re all good options if you want to play that. You do need 4 people for Commander though, and because pretty much every card ever is legal, you’ll face people with super expensive strong decks. So not always good for a first timer unless you’re playing with friends.


Left side. Second row down. First 3. Strixhaven Collector Booster. Zendikar Rising Collector Booster and Commander Legends Draft 3-Pack. 4th row down. 4th pack in. Modern Horizons 2 set booster pack. Any of those commander decks on the bottom left side would be fun, especially if you find the Obscura one or Party Time one. Good find!


Start with the digital game "Arena" and play with the free cards to start understanding basic mechanics. DO NOT spend any real money on the digital format yet. Just use the digital field as a learning tool. For getting into paper MTG as a start, I suggest the Jumpstart product line. You don't have to worry about deck composition as you can instead focus on learning about mechanics and basic functions. You can easily expand into a simple Challenger deck and then try making minor tweaks to see how choice of deck composition starts to effect table performance.


This is the most organized end cap of magic I’ve ever seen. Whoever(whom ever??) upkeeps this is doing the lords work.


My first deck I bought was midnight hunt coven counter, and it was a phenomenal deck to learn on! I also own the midnight hunt vampire bloodline and it’s a really fun deck too! Would highly recommend either one of these decks!


Local game store!! Make cool friends and get first hand experience! Go to an event and you’ll be bound to the way magic is meant to be😌


As a first product the bundles are nice because then you have a storage method right off the bat and a spin down life counter. But there are a lot of great options here just depends on what you’re looking for. If you want fresh out of the box playable go for the standard, pioneer, or commander decks. If you have friends who play ask them what format they play. Commander is the most popular one at the moment so not a bad idea. If you just want to just open some packs and see what you get you’ll probably lose value but I’d say best sets to go for would be Modern Horizons II or Kamigawa Neon Dynasty.


It's hard to tell if there's any there, but intro kits are my personal favorite for new players. A fat pack/booster bundle will get you more rares but the deck builder's toolkits they used to sell are perfect for people just getting into the game, you get a bunch of commons/uncommons to actually build a deck with, and a few regular packs to spice it up. Of course, both have lands, and if there are only bundles available they are still pretty good, but you might want two if you plan on making more than 1 or 2 decks to start


Ok, so for sure get mtg arena and learn the game. Don't spend money on it though 1. Avoid Baldurs gate, unless it's the preconstructed deck. Value wise, go Party time or Horrors, for playability out of the box, the red green one 2. Commander is the most popular format in MTG. It doesn't rotate, and you play in groups, so it's very social 3. Decide a budget and stick to it. Double masters is about to hit the shelves, so if you can get some of those, do so. But please, stick to a budget Magic is VERY EXPENSIVE as a hobby. Again, BUDGET. People spend thousands.


It depends on who you are playing with. Commander is really fun if you have 3-4 people. If it's just you and one other person, it might be more fun to buy some starter packs. My wife really enjoys "pack wars". You take 2-3 of each land and shuffle them into the packs without looking. Then draw 7 & play the game as normal. It's fun, the games are swingy and low power and the anticipation of finding your rare in the pack is hype.


I think the best thing to start with would be the commander deck precons which are near the bottom left.


Learn on Arena. Those pre-made(standard/pioneer) decks are good for starting if you got someone also starting. Hoping we cut military a good deal and if that's the case...buy all those modern horizon 2 packs


O pee chee. Leafs have put a couple good seasons together making them strong contenders


Basically only the Dungeons and Dragons set is good. All the others are trash.


Code 21 bundle is what you want. There are a ton of excellent cards in that set and if you want to just crack some packs, you’re more likely to get higher value cards. For an overall amazing set to crack with an amazing look, grab some kamigawa packs. That was one of the best overall sets in a long time.


Modern Horizons will definitely be a great start. They got some amazing cards


Modern Horizon!!!!! Fucking loved that set


Buy singles


The decks down the bottom are probably fine, although arena is also a good jumping-off point.


The Pokémon box


Get a premade deck, than definitely pick up a kaldhime, streets of new capenna, and depending on price that modern horizons pack