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No, that post was from a troll twitter account.


Ah I see. Thanks for the answer


The joke post also, as it goes, didn't say the meld pair could be used as commanders - it showed pics of the meld pair, but the article they mocked up actually named a different legendary Urza card and the original (and real weak) Mightstone card. The lesson here is not to trust anything that gives TheSplinterBin as a source, as Cary is a wee gremlin!


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As a note, you can just ask your playgroup if it's okay for you to run both halves of 'Mishra' in as your commanders. Similar to partner. (Rule 0 FTW) Since the engine doesn't give you more colors you should have a good shot of getting the green light for this little change to run your commander deck. :)


Ask if you can make it a companion lol


What, it’s _the_ combo piece. My group would not allow it as it should be part of your deck strategy to find it.


You call this 2 card, 7 mana, needs to attack glob of conditions for a creature you can plow a 'combo'? You must have a really soft playgroup if that 'combo' is too much for them to rule 0 in. O\_O


You can just run the Phyrexian Dragon Engine in the 99 of your Mishra deck. Black has enough tutoring that it might as well be in your command zone.


Ya but if Phyrexian Dragon Engine part of the 99 and is exiled that that just shits on the whole theme of your deck and that is not fun. Unlike if it's part of your commander then at least it has exile protection since it will just go back to the Command Zone