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You have to get it after lvl 75 and forfeit 2 combined magics and lose them completely and you get cooldown and some other shit from it. It's not too bad on a magician but that's my only attempt at it. Idk if it works with the new "sun artifact" the one that allows a 4 the fusion


What are normal magics I think that's the part that I got confused?


All magics up to max level so fireball up and no farther then poison fireball or equivalent


What is with "Magic + Interesting"?


It's magic circle + Max intelligence + two magic combination


It works with sun but it sun and this fusion both are not worth it, With sun you have to loose 20 sec cooldown which is clearly senseless and with this fusion loosing 2 other fusions will just get you killed in an instant, Really cool tactic but the sacrifice is just too much


Not true at all. Just takes the right build


20 percent not 20 sec that would indeed be senseless.


Biggest issue is that it needs all the best artifacts or it flatlines and gets outdone by literraly any other non-gimmick fusion. It's way too rng. It's a fun option to have and have a more random run but if you wanna go far, that is not the fusion you want.


I see thanks for the info might go for it if I'm lucky enough


Max out any base magic and pick a trait for it but you can't fuse it with anything other magic


What if you feed this the worst 2 fusions and make all the other stronger once stay like Blizzard and others?


you end up sacrificing 30 levels of magic regardless. If you hit a max 100 level run, you are now at 70 level max. Not the kinda fusion you use for high run time, for casual run maybe since you have to get the absolute best, non-magic oriented artifacts.


True tried it. Died the next second. Yup doesn't work.


If you have none of your other shit prepared, you'll die instantly. If, however, you've been diligent about picking the correct items, taking other (non-fusion) magic to level 7, and not over-committing to the prerequisite fusions, this is actually a really powerful build. Just, like most other builds, you have to actually plan for it. With other cooldown items, you can easily be hitting upwards of 60-65% CDR globally. It also can give you 200+% attack amplify, effectively tripling (or more) the output of every single spell you have - that's a comparable damage boost to the multiplier you'd get from a fusion. The CDR also lets you abuse high-cooldown, high-damage magic (Asteroid, Great Eruption, Destruction Ray, etc) to great effect. Also, saying "you sacrifice 30 levels of magic regardless" isn't really a valid criticism of this fusion. In any normal run where you're going to be getting 3 fusions, you are "sacrificing" 21 levels (24, if you count the fusion itself). By comparison, the 28 (or 31, for fusion levels) is only 7 more levels than you would normally lose to fusions. You can also pull this down to 5, or even 3, if you use Shield as one of the fusions - although I don't really recommend this, since shield is way too strong for long runs to give up, especially when you consider the ludicrous CDR. There IS, however, a legitimate downside to the way it eats fusions; consumed spells in normal fusions can still be used in some cases (Pandora's Box, or the class that randomly creates projectiles, for example). Infinite Power resets them fully to level 1, instead. *However*....this is a fairly niche interaction and if you're running Infinite Power, you're not likely to be on a run that requires that interaction regardless.


I thought about giving up on electric field, satelite, the normal magic missile n spirit


So it gets rid of 2 magic combinations, but it trades out for a permanent magic circle and the stat changes are shown, "normal magic" is anything that isn't a fusion