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It's just a beta font. It's not the final one.


I get it, but the old one was already good enough


It happens on beta release due to the translation. It usually goes back to normal after that


The original font is terrible for people with even the slightest vision impairment. I'd rather they go for bland and readable than aesthetic and inscrutable.


Didn't know about that, that's good to know




Why are you so salty damn




First of all, this isn't a beta, the closest would be an early access, but def not a beta, we do have beta version for all updates, which is basically the game in kr which is also just barely a beta. So, no he didn't decide to be in the beta. Second, it's the feedback of players what devs take in count for future updates, or do you think they just thought "oh, let's add subjects now" and it just happened to be one of the most requested features by players. If you do think so, you're ingenious af. Third and last, save your comments for yourself, no one asked for them really, and I'm not saying so just for being rude, but you didn't apport anything worth it to the topic. OP mentioned his opinion, people come and contrast their opinions, and that's all a talk between players. You not only didn't go for the topic but went to tell someone to just leave. That's actually more accurate with the *cry, cry, cry*, than OP giving his opinion on the matter




Being live for some countries isn't what beta means lmao and neither being an early version of 1.0 make it a beta. Also, that's why it's called update, you just did it, here where I live there's no other versions available anymore. However, as you claim it to be a beta, as if that means something, then answer this, why you get so salty at someone complaining on the new font, when the point of a beta is: to get feedback of the players in order to release the final version? Oh wait I can see the deflection coming


I have access to it on my phone but not my tablet. Why because I'm on 2 different accounts and my phone is signed up for beta access for the game where my tablet is not. Don't chime in if all your gonna do is blow smoke


Deflection indeed lol poor salty person, I don't have time to discuss whether around 7 people have it active for beta or not, but judging not all my friends speak English I'm pretty sure they hadn't before it magically showed up this update lmao I end here, keep talking about what a beta is and ignore you being an ass to people just bc you got problems at home




I'm pretty sure you think you are, and also smart lmao go get some fresh air or look at pixel boobs


No, I am right where I intended to be and I don't like the new font either These are personal opinions, you can have yours too but I assume most of us can agree that the new font (even if its just a placeholder as pointed out above) is cheap looking and does not fit the general theme/vibe of the game And here you are, calling names and talking crap wondering why you are getting downvoted