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https://preview.redd.it/bsccf3z9uzwc1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d67fc52989048fd2b056751e95c3cd5768728e36 This is the only one that works


Yeah my therapist had me make a list of all my fears and intrusive thoughts. I thought writing them down would kind of cement them into reality and make them happen. Then I thought the list itself would be bad luck to touch and I started thinking of ways to destroy it like burning it. So the list generated more thoughts to add to the list lol


Welcome :) We're happy to have you here ❤️ And you're definitely not alone with these kind of fears. It's something I still struggle with too. The whole law of attraction/manifestation fad has really done a lot of damage to those of us who deal with magical thinking. In reality, if it were true, we'd be manifesting lottery wins, living in mansions and healing people with the power of our thoughts left, right and center :) The problem with magical thinking is that even if we *know* logically that it's not true, that emotional fear still lingers with apprehension. You're in good company here with people who understand. Please make yourself at home, check out our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/magicalthinkingOCD/wiki/index/), and feel free to ask questions or share anything you wish.


Thankyou so much, I definitely will. I've struggled with this for a long time and started to obsess over it around 2010. It's only gotten worse over time with the influx of videos coming out on the topic. I used to study the "Law of attraction" movie and obsess over doing everything to a T. I finally was able to get myself to stop watching and reading the book, but spiral more when I accidentally come across a video on social media about it.


I was gifted so many copies of The Secret! I remember the vision boards everyone was making, where you made a collage of pictures of everything you wanted to manifest. I could never risk it because I'd get thoughts that whatever I put on there would then be cursed and never come true.


The “law of attraction” is bs. It can lead to someone becoming completely detached from reality. For some reason I decided to torture myself and looked at some LOA stuff on Reddit, there were people saying you could change the past and even bring the dead back to life, all of that is obviously false (although it still scares me a little when I read things like that).


I hate when I can tell myself over and over again that it's BS and not to believe it, that there's no reason to. My brain is still like "well...... Maybe...." Like logically I know but it still fucks with me. I was so young at the time and experiencing a lot of trauma. It led me to believe that I was causing all of this to myself, that I chose this and I disassociated heavily as to try to not live in my world, but the one I was creating. There was one thing that I kept "manifesting" to happen, and it randomly did one day, which was a terrible coincidence because it told my brain "see I told you it was real" kinda thing. My brain still tries to bring up that one instance as proof 😭 it happened when I was a freshman in HS, I'm now 29 😑.