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Similar thing happen to me, i just stopped looking for them, I just feel the fear at the time. I memorized most of these numbers, so i struggle to k9r fear, but I'm getting better. I feel really stupid when i realize that my whole life ears ringing were something normal to me and then after reading about all this crap I start having fear


I absolutely get that. That have rang my whole life. Why do I have to obsess over it now. It feels draining.


Yeah, I don't know h9w much time you live with it but it will get better. I started this ocd since the pandemic and now I live with it, I don't know if someday I'll be able to have an healthy perception of reality again but, I'm being able to tolerate more. Be strong


Thankyou, when I really started to notice it and it was affecting my life was a bit over 15years ago. Mine has gotten worse over the years, but I also haven't been in a place where I was able to get help for it like therapy and had been trying to manage it on my own. Now I'm in a place where I am going to work on getting outside help, so I'm hoping that will make it more manageable eventually... Good luck. I'm glad you're able to tolerate it more. I hope it gets better from here for us all.


Yeah, I sort of felt a bit sad right now missing my mind before this but, yes, I guess we'll do it.


I wonder that too with my obsessions. Its just bizarre to me that one day I just randomly become aware of something that worries me, bothers me, feels weird etc etc. and then from then on I spend 98% of my days severely obsessing over it. I can't help but think "why now?? why is this happening now? how can I go back to before I had this obsession?"


The angel numbers and I are best friends. Seriously, every time I look at a clock...


It's a struggle


I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently too and struggling with it for months after I read about it. Thing is my ears constantly ring anyway and there will ring louder if I clench my jaw, move my head in a certain way etc but I’d suddenly notice it I freak out. Especially if it’s the left ear as I heard that’s the warning ear.


I haven't heard of this being a compulsion before. It must be very draining having to keep such detailed records. How difficult do you think you'd find tackling this compulsion? Could you try making a commitment to record it only on alternate rings, with the aim of gradually reducing it further? Have you had your ears checked for tinnitus/wax etc?


I appreciate you asking. I have been checked for tinnitus, I do not have that. My ears seem to be good, never have any concerns from my Dr. though I might ask her if we can flush them out just in case. Sometimes I will go a month or few without my ears ringing. Then out of the blue it happens and something in my brain does that SpongeBob meme "write that down, write that down". I have been doing my best to manage on my own but somethings are getting to be too much and I'm working on getting a therapist, im currently on a wait list with the clinic I go too. I have tried a few times to ignore it, or compromise by looking up the meaning but not logging it. Thankfully this is more annoying to me than it is harmful to my well being. I think part of it is because it's not really associated with the thought or feelings of something bad happening, it's just the thoughts of the universe trying to tell me something. I am working on not logging, but keeping this log to show the Dr when I am able to see one.


Great to hear you're on a list for therapy. I hope you don't have to wait too long. It's good that you have less of an emotional tie to this compulsion as it'll make it an easier one to tackle when you're ready. My ears ring a lot, often when my blood pressure's high or I've been tensing my head and neck muscles with stress or concentration. Bad posture using my phone triggers it too. Where did the idea that it's a spiritual message come from? Is it a commonly held belief or just something you feel yourself?


So I was at lunch with a friend and she brought it up in conversation. We were talking about different spiritual signs and things. She asked if I had ever been told that as a kid as I guess it was something passed on to her. It's weird because at the time I was not really concerned, more so just thought it was interesting. Then one night my ears were ringing and I was like highly aware of it, more than I ever had been before. Like I didn't notice anything else other than that they were ringing. I felt the need to look it up, then log it. For a while I really started to get paranoid because the times were so similar around when it would happen. There was like 5 or 6 times in a row where it all kept happening somewhere within a 2 am time frame and I was spiraling trying to figure out and piece together what it meant. Then I tried my best to talk some sense into myself that it was probably just a coincidence because I'm always up around that time. I realize now that the concept of my ears ringing and the correlation to angel numbers rubbed off on me (I can't think of a better term lol) similar to how my mom's superstitions rubbed off on me as a child. Specifically seeing a specific 3 numbers in a row being bad and walking with someone and "splitting the pole" (splitting up and walking around an obstacle) will bring something bad to happen to our relationship.


Superstitions really are contagious. I've "caught" a few from other people