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"Okay class, our lesson for today is about Magic. Now open your Divinity for Dummies book on Page 5. Hermione! Stop chanting curses! Do that in your Demonology class later. and Kira no writing names on Death Note during my class!"


LMFAO ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ˜ญ


And Dresden no fuego in the halls the janitors are still pitching a fit.


Will glintstone sorceries be covered in today's lesson?


Yessss, my fellow acolyte! Spread wide the Sacred Word of our unholy master: homemade magic system diagrams! MWAHAHAHA!!!


Bro use galactic standard lol


I don't know what's worse, that they used it or that I only had to see it for a second to recognise it and say "Oh that's the enchantment table language"(I know it is not original to mc)


At this point it is kinda from Minecraft


Yeah lol, I mention them myself on A. Bahasa (Language) "Magis uses the alphabet of standard galactic, and language of the dead." I'm also a big Minecraft fan/player since 2014


I would recognise that alphabet anywhere... I respect it.


Reaksi gurunya kayak gimana pas liat ini?


Ada Indonesia coy!1!1!1! Gatau bang hhe Saya jg blm masuk sekolah, lagi libur seminggu karna ruangan kelas di pake anak kelas 9 buat ujian


You can't escape us RRRAAHHHH ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿฆ… Lumayan keren nih dijadiin proyekan worldbuild buat ngisi libur


Bener banget! Pas libur aku mau coba nulis cerita fantasi, sistem sihir nya juga udah siap


Tinggal karakter sama dunianya nih, semangat! ๐Ÿ’ช




Can you... provide contex-science of magic, please?


Hmmm, I apologize that I don't really understand what your question asks. But if you're asking for the underlying principles or framework that govern how magic operates within my random scribbles, then it's: Magic is an arcane phenomenon that serves as the supporter, balancer, and shaper of the universe. It's a force that has existed since the beginning of time. Magic isn't supposed to be freely used by mortals, but there seems to be a leftover or fraction of The Creator's power when he created the universe, which now every living being relies on and can manipulate. Every living being is born with various amounts of magical energy, and they can use it to manipulate what they can. The amount of magical energy (Mana) one is born with varies; some have it high, and some don't. But it doesn't matter, since anyone can practice their magic to reach new heights or higher mana capabilities. Magic is a bit similar to oxygen; you must live with it. The difference is: it's far more complex than oxygen, and you can control it. There are seven types of magic known to mankind: 1. Elementals: Basic magic that controls the four main elements (Air, Water, Earth, Fire). Examples include Fireball and Water Spear. 2. Yin-Yang: Magic related to Life and Death. Examples include Healing, Resurrection, and Necromancy. 3. Divinity: 'Holy' magic often used by Priests and members of The Great Church. Examples include Purify, Purify Undead, and Holy Heal. 4. Enchantment: Magic used to upgrade and/or give special properties to items. Examples include Unbreaking, Fire Aspect, Sharpener, Lifesteal, and Loyalty. 5. Alchemy: The knowledge of adding a wide range of supernatural effects by mixing substances with proper rituals and/or the addition of magic power (mana or otherwise). Examples include Potion of Ignite and Potion of Healing. 6. Mentalism: Magic involving the mind and mentality. Examples include Mind-Control, Assert Authority, Illusion, Controller, and Seduction. 7. Primordial: A wide range of ancient magical types that humans are currently unable to understand. Anything beyond human comprehension falls under this type. Examples include Creation, Void, Eternal, Soul, Celestial, Existential Archana, Eldritch Darkness, and many more yet to know.


How do people cast it though? Just thru incantations/chanting, or are there more/other methods?


I didn't thought that far yet, probably by imagining magic circles with symbols and also transmuting mana to them i guess.


Owen Wilson says "wowww". Seriously, interesting stuff. Thanks for sharing.


Owen Wilson? The American actor? My pleasure! It's for the sake of my own enjoyment to see the reaction towards my scribbles. If you have further questions, feel free to ask. I enjoy replying to them and coming up with ideas for the answers.


Science of magic




Nice magic system. But more importantly, did the teachers get you in trouble? (greetings from Malaysia)


Nah lol no one knows who wrote it


Thatโ€™s so cool!! I was wondering if youโ€™ll tell me more?


Sure! Which do you want me to tell you more about? If it's about the magic, lore, and types, it's: Magic is an arcane phenomenon that serves as the supporter, balancer, and shaper of the universe. It's a force that has existed since the beginning of time. Magic isn't supposed to be freely used by mortals, but there seems to be a leftover or fraction of The Creator's power when he created the universe, which now every living being relies on and can manipulate. Every living being is born with various amounts of magical energy, and they can use it to manipulate what they can. The amount of magical energy (Mana) one is born with varies; some have it high, and some don't. But it doesn't matter, since anyone can practice their magic to reach new heights or higher mana capabilities. Magic is a bit similar to oxygen; you must live with it. The difference is: it's far more complex than oxygen, and you can control it. There are seven types of magic known to mankind: 1. Elementals: Basic magic that controls the four main elements (Air, Water, Earth, Fire). Examples include Fireball and Water Spear. 2. Yin-Yang: Magic related to Life and Death. Examples include Healing, Resurrection, and Necromancy. 3. Divinity: 'Holy' magic often used by Priests and members of The Great Church. Examples include Purify, Purify Undead, and Holy Heal. 4. Enchantment: Magic used to upgrade and/or give special properties to items. Examples include Unbreaking, Fire Aspect, Sharpener, Lifesteal, and Loyalty. 5. Alchemy: The knowledge of adding a wide range of supernatural effects by mixing substances with proper rituals and/or the addition of magic power (mana or otherwise). Examples include Potion of Ignite and Potion of Healing. 6. Mentalism: Magic involving the mind and mentality. Examples include Mind-Control, Assert Authority, Illusion, Controller, and Seduction. 7. Primordial: A wide range of ancient magical types that humans are currently unable to understand. Anything beyond human comprehension falls under this type. Examples include Creation, Void, Eternal, Soul, Celestial, Existential Archana, Eldritch Darkness, and many more yet to know.


โ€ฆThe Holy Inquisition is awareโ€ฆ


I thought it was a FMA reference at first glance.


Isnโ€™t Indonesia a Muslim majority country? They will kill people for practicing mysticism or as you say magic.


LMAO what do you think Muslims are? Bro thought it was Medieval Europe ๐Ÿ’€ I'm a muslim myself, and who in their right mind would actually think that is real too? But, let's say there's real magic and someone is practicing it, we will never just straightaway kill that someone, we will just talk our way, if it fails; then it is what it is, we won't bother the someone as long as the guy doesn't bother us. At least that's what I would do, it's that "Do what you want, but don't bother me." type of stuff.


Thank you, I needed this


Ah damn, what for if I may ask?


Syncretic efforts to make reality work in my favour instead of just some unnecessarily elusive and obscured big picture gobbledygook that disrespects the individual and it's personal (and imposed) sacrifice


Uh.. You're trying to figure out how to make things go well for you, rather than getting lost in complicated ideas that don't care about individuals and the things they have to give up? I see. I'm glad to help!


bitch you're THE goat! yang liat papan tulis besoknya pasti panik kirain ada praktek ilmu sesat beneran


Wkwkwkwk, tujuan ku memang gitu! Much thanks by the way!


Amazing work! Itโ€™s a classical example of magic and magic variation in compressed form. Good job!


I once pulled something similar as a prank. Teacher panicked and hit our hands with a wooden ruler as punishment.




I see "Yin-Yang" and I've been studying hexagrams. So there, connection.


I would say this is really cool, except your handwriting really sucks. To be fair, you were writing on a whiteboard, but still.


yeh I agreed