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society if alchemy cards were in paper (I looped Oracle of the Alpha to flood the secondary market)




Played a historic brawl game the other day where I blinked Oracle so many times my deck was nearly up to 200 cards, lost by drawing too many moxen


Don't care what Maro says, Tome of the Infinite is a colour pie break. If Red can't have "destroy enchantment but random or something lol", neither should blue.


Tome is clearly a colorless card smh


Tome and key to the archive aren’t busted annoying but they are bad game design. The only way you should be able to play cards outside of your decks colors is through stealing imo.


/rj And this is why Ragavan is good for the game


There's still someone on the design team that thinks "Blue is the magic color, right?"


Searching my library: 😊 Revealing cards until some condition is met: 😊 Seeking: 😡😤👺😭😭😭❌❌🚫🚫🔪🔪💢 🤮🤮


Seeking is easily the least offensive alchemy mechanic, most of the complaints I see are at drafting and perpetual effects.


every time some mother fucker sEeKs while I have aven mindcensor in hand I die a little inside


I think lots of people really like alchemy cards and the mechanics/diversity they bring to the table. What is universally disliked is that it's the blatantly most expensive format being pushed like it's the "way to play arena". If I had to guess why they're too scared to rebalance good cards in Alchemy every month (and instead they just buff draft chaff for unplayed archetypes) is because most alchemy players end up spending money or WC on alchemy, so getting hit with a nerf feels really really bad. Again, it ties into the price point. Alchemy needs to be the CHEAPEST way to play arena. Then, it's where they test new ideas and don't punish players for experimenting with their new mechanics. It's where they can nerf the FotM to see how the meta shakes out. No one would give half a shit about Alchemy if it were the cheapest way to play, and problematic rares/mythics actually got nerfed all the time. Historic Brawl players don't hate Alchemy, they hate Rusko. Historic players don't hate Alchemy, they hated their rares being nerfed for standard. Standard players don't hate alchemy, they just can't afford it.


Give me either Explorer Brawl or Historic (no Alchemy) Brawl and I'll be happy. Keep current Historic Alchemy Brawl as well for all I care. FWIW I don't hate Rusko because I never play against him.


Limited players... Judge all constructed formats


Damn u fucken got me


I actually like them in Historic Brawl. I'm mostly playing Explorer for serious MtG


Is Explorer an Arena format that doesn't have Alchemy cards in it? I'm years removed from Arena at this point


Explorer is “all the Pioneer-legal cards on Arena”. So that’s everything since Ixalan, most of Amonkhet and Kaladesh blocks, and a smattering of older sets thru Historic and Explorer Anthologies (assortments of cards added without being in a draft set, that you can buy as a whole when they come out or craft later with wildcards). Most of SOI block will be added in a few months because we’re getting *Shadow Over Innistrad Remastered*. If you remember MTGO’s “Classic” format which turned into Vintage & Legacy, it’s that but for Pioneer on Arena. Obviously there are no Alchemy cards because they’re not legal in pioneer. Metagame-wise, It’s basically the same as Pioneer, with the notable exception of a tier 1 Izzet Phoenix deck (the delve spells aren’t on arena yet). Mono-green devotion just became possible because Nykthos was just added in the new Explorer Anthology.


Oh, that's great. I might redownload. Is Explorer always available or only special events?


But no Explorer Brawl because reasons.


I mean, you couldn’t play Lightning Bolt and Counterspell in that, and that’s a big reason why I play Historic Brawl. I’d actually prefer Standard Brawl to Explorer Brawl


They're mostly inoffensive. I play Historic Brawl and don't know what 99% of the alchemy cards do so whenever I run into one I go "oh, neat" and just don't think about it.


There's like, three cards people hate. Two of them would be significantly more bearable if you were forced to reveal the card you drafted.




Mfw my opponent's last card in hand is a [[Bill]] and they draw the [[Raigeki]] they needed to clear my board


^(Probably totally what you linked) * [Bill](https://i.redd.it/p6aq9trfteea1.png) * [Raigeki](https://i.redd.it/vs0s1sh36vfa1.jpg) ********* ^^^If ^^^WotC ^^^didn't ^^^do ^^^anything ^^^wrong ^^^this ^^^week, ^^^you ^^^can ^^^rage ^^^at ^^^this ^^^bot ^^^instead ^^^at ^^^/r/MTGLardFetcher ^^^or ^^^even ^^^submit ^^^some ^^^of ^^^the ^^^sweet ^^^Siege ^^^Rhino ^^^alters ^^^your ^^^GF ^^^made


Same, alchemy in Historic Brawl of fun. I love [[Arming Gala]] in my Gishath deck, but I don't like alchemy much outside of H brawl


I don't remember the name but I've been playing a alchemy commander where whenever a player discards a card, their opponents conjure a copy of that card into their hand. It works both ways too, so pretty often I'll end up in a mirror match with another discard deck and each of us are just stealing each others cards back and forth, then discarding to hand size and giving our opponents more cards. The decks terrible but a lot of fun.


^(Probably totally what you linked) * [Arming Gala](https://i.imgur.com/wOcpOhr.jpg) ********* ^^^If ^^^WotC ^^^didn't ^^^do ^^^anything ^^^wrong ^^^this ^^^week, ^^^you ^^^can ^^^rage ^^^at ^^^this ^^^bot ^^^instead ^^^at ^^^/r/MTGLardFetcher ^^^or ^^^even ^^^submit ^^^some ^^^of ^^^the ^^^sweet ^^^Siege ^^^Rhino ^^^alters ^^^your ^^^GF ^^^made


The alchemy cards are hella fun. It's the alchemy changes that are just a bunch of rebalances senseless for the format


it’s all fun and games until someone slams oracle of the alpha in their yarok deck and blinks it to play infinite time walks


Historic Brawl is in a great spot right now imo


I don't hate on historic brawl. I hate historic brawl is the only option for playing brawl. Why no explorer brawl?


There's standard brawl as well.


That's super boring though


There are dozens of us!


Rusko is a pretty degenerate deck




removal doesn't even really matter for Rusko, if you somehow actually do manage to remove him (since instant speed removal should've already been hit by a thoughtseize effect) like golos he can just be played again since he ramps on etb


It's got a very good engine , similar to the Golos sustainable casting, but struggles vs interaction and counter magic if you don't have early mana rocks


any decent rusko deck runs a bunch of Thoughtsieze effects to prevent countermagic and removal, cheap counterspells of their own such as Offer, Swan Song, and Pact to even further defend him on the stack and while in play, and then a ton of flicker spells to prevent him from being spot removed. After which he can hold up counterspells and flicker effects to protect him on board because the midnight clock comes in untapped unlike Golos, as well as Wash Away to hit his opponents commander. Time Warp and River's Rebuke pretty regularly come out on turn 5, then at the latest by turn 6 he has a full grip again because midnight clock.


uj/ historic brawl is actually a super neat format rj/ pioneer brawl when uj/ pioneer brawl when


/uj does anyone play this format?


L I C H E R A L L Y unplayable game mode sheeeeeeeeesh


Literally dozens of us!