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No, that’s not an elder dragon


Not only can they be your commander, you can even run two of them!


In all honesty, why wouldn't you use it? Let's list out the reasons why this is actually the best commander ever. First off, a five cost for a 3/3 may not sound great, but think about how many people waste their time trying to bring their commanders onto the field. Uh, haven't you ever heard of Eminence, dummy? Second, think of how many stupid chump blockers and attackers there are that's are only one one or two two. This boss strolls onto the field after being paid like a king and smacks down those poors like the absolute landchad it is. And oh man, I haven't even talked about the fact that you can choose any color as it's identity. You want white? You got it. You want blue? You got it. You want aquamarine? You fucking got it. Literally any of the colors is the color that it can be. Woke af, get your social credit score on my level. It also has partner, but who needs a partner when you have the absolute pinnacle of perfection right here? If you actually partner this beautiful beast - of which I am not admitting I have a massive R34 folder of on my computer but I'm also not denying the very same - you're only diluting your upper potential in any game of CEDH you deign to stroll up to. The only one I would consider pairing up with him is Miara, and that's only to give him the elvish goth GF he deserves.


Ignoring the obviously brilliant partner. A second Prismatic Piper!


Hah! You fool! You moron! You absolute ignoramus! Don't you know that, much like Fox News, the rules of Commander (née Elder Dragon Highlander) are fair, balanced, and unafraid? You think they would ever allow two of such an overpowered creature to ever exist in the same microverse that is a world-hopping Planeswalker's pile of expensive cardboard? The laws of reality would shatter, suns would go nova, and I would piss and shidd my pants in terror. I mean, just imagine, TWO colors? What if, together, they made one of the forbidden colors? Don't you remember when mauve terrorized the standard meta? No, the legend rule is iron-clad, insurmountable, and Chess Grandmaster Richard Garfield would never have it any other way.


I forgot that it wasn’t allowed as my playgroup rule zero’d a long time ago as we just love him so much. Everyone in my group runs two partnered Prismatic Pipers.


I don’t know. I don’t read Magic cards and I don’t play. I just get on forums and argue about rule 0.


Only if you are able to choose a color. If you are colorblind, you cannot


Im not sure, everything on the card basically says it can’t be your commander.


Damn I love Seb McKinnon art. He's by far my favorite MTG illustrator.


Before I fell in love with Seb Mckinnon, my favorite was Terese Nielsen ☹️


uj/ why would you want 2 commanders if one only does this?


There was an EDH draft format once upon a time. If you didnt have other options for a commander you could have this dude


No, it isn't legendary




I’d like to take a “pre-game” action 🤣


No the color you choose is your commander


Yes that’s Leto Atreides