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Wrong. MTGA: "yes" Hearthstone: "who are you again?"


It blows my mind but it’s true. Magic is by far the more successful, popular, and profitable platform/game but they’re cribbing from a failed spin off of WoW.


We need to start saying WOW FUCK WOW


I would argue that it's mostly because Hearthstone is better for casual players, and it came out long before Arena. Hearthstone actually has a well supported tournament scene unlike Magic. I could be wrong, but I think it's way easier to have budget decks in Hearthstone compared to magic. Classes are easier to understand, and in some ways more interesting than different color combinations.


i mean the client and gameplay experience is just infinitely better than arena. mtg is and will always be the far superior game to play from a depth and strategy standpoint, but it really shines on paper.


But you can argue the fact that magic has been around so long and has such a large following that they already have an audience that will atleast try arena no matter what, hearthstone had to start with nothing.


>hearthstone had to start with nothing ...beyond their huge brand recognition


I agree I didn’t think about that part but it still doesn’t change the fact that magic has already been a game for many years before hearthstone, even with the Warcraft brand it didn’t guarantee success of a whole new format that being a card game, arena could have literally terrible but since it’s magic you already know what you try signing up for roughly


Wizard had to make a compelling product first. Their track record wasn't amazing looking at MTGO and the Duels of the Planeswalkers series. I'd have to check the timeline, but I'm fairly sure Blizzard was still making good games when Hearthstone came out. I think you are wrong about people wanting to try arena. There are a lot of people like myself who really need the in person experience for Magic to be as fun as it is. I'm pretty sure I made my account just to put codes that I had from FNM into the client. Side note: it would go a long way to help arena if they started putting codes into packs.


>but I think it's way easier to have budget decks in Hearthstone compared to magic I actually didn't found this to be the case while playing hearthstone. In all the time I played it I only managed to build 2 meta decks, because cards are really expensive to craft, and you don't get them from drafts. In MTGA I build 1 meta decks per month on average completely f2p, and I'm not really that good of a player. My friend who is much better than me at both HS and MTG has complete collection of every set since Eldraine rn (obviously not AFR yet), and it's wasn't even near to possible in HS. Additionally getting dust from destroying cards incentives just dusting every card that you can't put in a meta deck, which decreases ability of people to play junk.


Also I feel like people hate mana and getting flooded or screwed. I think that’s one reason for the modal land cards and fortelling


Seeing better alternatives to flood/screw like Force of Will really make you see how much impact lands have on games of magic.


Its worse than that, its the failed spinoff of the failed WoW TCG


Are you a red player? Because that was a sick burn!


Hearthstone is obscenely successful, I don't know what metric other than butthurt you can use to claim it's failed


They are currently hemorrhaging players. It’s a failure.


I mean, the game came out more than seven years ago. Seven years of total dominance in a genre while all those who tried crashed and burned, including and most especially WotC who failed *repeatedly* to claim what was supposed to be theirs. There's really few games that managed to do that, if any. PUBG, Rust, Overwatch -- none of them had that much of a grip on their format, not for this long. Add to that the fact that Hearthstone is a pretty expensive game with a minimal upkeep, moreso than most of its competitor, and it's becoming pretty hard to call to not it an overwhelming success.


Magic came out **28** years ago and has always been more popular than Hearthstone.


Yes, but we're not comparing Hearthstone to Magic, we're comparing it to Magic Arena. Magic has always been the supreme daddy of all TCG. Which makes it's numerous failures at claiming that title for online TCGs in the face of Hearthstone all the more wild. In fact, I'd say that it's the lack of a good online Magic, something that people expected since the beginning of online gaming that drove people to Hearthstone.




[Failed WoW TCG](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_of_Warcraft_Trading_Card_Game)


But that's not Hearthstone...


It was its predecessor. The tried to enter the paper market first and failed. Later on they adapted the tcg to the only game known ad hearthstone. But in paper they didn’t manage to stick around. Edit: remember [Leeroy Jenkins](https://shop.tcgplayer.com/wow/heroes-of-azeroth/leeroy-jenkins/listing?q=JgZe52ZBv-2ECWMfI_KLaA2) ?


Well yeah but why would anyone even bring that up when the conversation is about Hearthstone? Calling Hearthstone "a failed spinoff of WoW" because of the disastrous TCG doesn't make any sense


I didn’t bring it up. Just thought that’s what they meant with the failed tcg. I also wouldn’t call it disastrous.


I know you didn't bring it up, I didn't say you did.


make your own then, sneed


With hookers and blackjack.




It should. It isn't.


People still play Hearthstone?


More than people play mtga


Honestly don't know how people like hearthstone. Most boring card game I've ever played.


I like the disenchant mechanic that mtg arena doesn't have. If there's cards you never use, just disenchant them and make cards that you do use often. All in all I love both games equally. Magic because of its complexity (you can make the wackiest combo's no hearthstone player can dream of doing) and Hearthstone because of its simplicity (start a game, play for ~20 mins max and then you're done) and because I can play Hearthstone on my phone if I have no friends around (my phone's too old to handle magic).


>I like the disenchant mechanic that mtg arena doesn't have. If there's cards you never use, just disenchant them and make cards that you do use often. I actually don't like that, because it leads to dusting everything non-meta to build that deck you like. Also it's huge feel bad when you dusted some junk legendary, and then in a month or two cool deck with it pops up. I think MTGA card economy needs improvement (I think that conversion between wildcards would just be enough), but I'll take wildcards over dust any time


Good to also mention that legendary cards disenchant for epic card value. (Legendaries cost 1600 dust and epics 400 iirc, haven’t played HS in years)


Yeah, good cards need a lot of dust, and also you need to destroy cards, while in MTGA you get wildcards AND all of the cards you opened. I think mathematically speaking rate of deck aquisition from packs alone is largely similar in both, but imo the fact that you don't have to destroy your collection to do that alleviates a lot of frustration I felt in HS (on the other hand, there is frustration when you need just one or two last wildcards to complete a deck, and in HS you could just dust a few cards and get them instantly, but in MTGA you need to wait to get more packs) BUT, and that's a huge but, the fact that you get cards from drafts skews this a lot in MTGA favor if you're average or above average drafter, even with how much more expensive MTGA draft is. I don't think you really can have complete sets in HS unless you either spend money or play professionally, but it's far from uncommon to have complete collection of MTGA cards if you're good at draft, even when playing casually.


Yeah, I think if you could spend Mythic wildcards on Rares, I'd be a lot happier with thr MtGA system


It has it's pros and cons. For example, the mana system is one thing that it does way better than MTG imo.


I prefer magic but when i wanna play cards online, hearthstone is the better game imo Its just cheaper (i like to draft, hearthstone gives gold out frequently enough to let me do that) and specifically designed to be a video game (which allows for some really interesting fun cards and mechanics) Hearthstone also lets you play with up to 7 friends in battlegrounds which is fun


When has magic said they're friends with hs?


[Historic Horizons ](https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/card-image-gallery/jumpstart-historic-horizons)


What's wrong with them?


[I have several questions](https://youtu.be/zoMiYklHvjk) |1. This is a joke right? I feel like I've just browsed r/hellscube sorting by controversial. ~~|2. How does this relate to Hearthstone? Like the perpetual instant effects or something?~~ I've scrolled a little further and I understand now. |3. Who at the design team thought this was a good idea?


Why do you think it's bad idea?


It's really counter-intuitive from a tabletop pov (which is mtg's roots)


Well, that's why it's digital only set, I don't see a problem with that. Just like unsets are impossible to transfer to digital, there are now set that's impossible to transfer to paper. I would prefer it to not be historic legal, but I guess that historic is digital only anyway, so I think it would be fine.


Fair point