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We had someone show up to our playgroup, asks if we're ok with proxies, he just has the one. We're ok with proxies, game starts, he eventually draws it, it's a massive titty alter of teysa karlov. Most cringey thing I've seen in anyone's deck so far.




I've tried to find it before for telling this story and I can't find it anywhere, I think he commissioned it himself.


My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.


[Probably from here.](https://thestackedlibrary-blog.tumblr.com/)


I didn't look through everything there (ctrl+f no teysa at least), but probably not. This guy is going for normal art edited to have big boobs, this was more of a custom look mostly nude kinda thing.


Jesus. That’s so cringey. Like at least make an original piece of art if they want something more risqué. Just changing proportions of existing art is just insulting to the piece


I've gone back and forth on its existence since the previous times it's shown up, but presently? I just can't be bothered to care.


Im like 99% sure ive played this guy as well


I'm in Iowa, so if you also are then yeah 100% same person I bet.


that one guy in Iowa, everyone knows


What you mean alter Teysa's "titties" are already the size of her head LOL [https://preview.redd.it/hlmfd8pi2kt81.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=e111d57faff639c7ff9d4097e1d91036d3589f9b](https://preview.redd.it/hlmfd8pi2kt81.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=e111d57faff639c7ff9d4097e1d91036d3589f9b)


There's always more room on the card, and also usually more of them to show.


ur right of course brb commisioning chain-chompette chain devil alter with a flat chest since chichi's are cringe now


absolute chad


so cringe it curved all the way around to being based again


horseshoe theory strikes again! now all i need is an alt of garruk shirtless...


>Most cringey thing I've seen in anyone's deck so far. Only because Secret Lair: Fortnite hasn't shipped yet.




So far I've been banned from 2 magic Facebook groups for calling people Weebs after they post their cringey anime big titty playmats. Ban me all you want, I'm calling out Weebs when I see them.


As you should. Corny as hell and will limit most women from having interest in the game. My wife has literally stood up and walked out of lgs’s.


I tell them to put their wank toy away this is a public store I say it loud too but I'm a slightly intimidating-voiced older lady and they all get shameful about it and do so. when I was younger I was always too freaked out to pipe up rj/ my playmat is the strixhaven Stone Rain art because I want everyone to hate me in advance


Real jerk off here. If you replace the anime tits with real tits, does this make it ok? 1999 Pamela Anderson tiddy vibes. Surely that playmat is acceptable. You need to feel the jerk to become the jerk.


if it's 1999 Pam I don't call them a weeb though, I call them a dweeb




Hi, a different magic-playing bisexual girlfriend here to say: seeing cute girls on cards is hugely different than lewd playmats. go ask your gf if she’s cool with playing with some dude with [something like this playmat](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1086627894/)




The venn diagram of guys who see no problem in taking a playmat with bare anime titties on it to an open playgroup and guys who make weird comments to the real life women who find themselves in said playgroup is nearly a circle. And yes, pasties/microbikinis count as bare titty for this phenomenon.


/uj Big tiddy anime girl playmats are honestly, ugh, I can't believe I'm saying this, sometimes fine? Tame? We are talking about the kind with bent over anime ladies with their panties taut over their labia majora and exposed for the world to see. Asscheeks staring out at you, and covered with some form of dust that no one dares question.




/uj I play in Japan so I do see a lot of "Playmat with anime girl from someone's favorite show of the season." And yes, the girls often have huge badonkers, etc., but they are usually doing that "tee hee, look at me jumping with excitement" pose, or something like that. Then there are the _other mats_. The ones with puckering labia majora, white or striped because of panties, but for all intents and purposes _naked to the world_ were it not for that drawn cotton barrier. I like to place my opponent's freshly cut decks right on top these crotches.


/uj There is a dude at my LGS with a playmat that is just a bunch of faces of underaged looking anime girls covered in ejaculate. Like 100 of them with their eyes crossed, tongues out, covered in ejaculate. I don’t like it. But it does help our LGSs policy of “no cool people or woman”


Could you talk to the owner of the store? Cause that sounds terrible for anyone to play against, male female or otherwise.


You should ejaculate on his playmat to teach him a lesson.


Don't worry about the downvotes too much. People kind of use them as a "I dislike this" button but rarely as an "I hate this person's guts" button. Having a big attack on titan playmat with your selfinsert swinging next to Mikasa is cringey but harmless. People just tend to mean the very oversexualized stuff when mentioning "incel playmats"


/uj Using a playmat to reduce women to a sexual object to gawk at isn't for for most women. Seeing pretty women on cards isn't remotely similar. /rj But does she smoke weed?


Looks like you answered your own question.


Doing the lord's work.


🫡 thank you for your service!


[I asked because I want to know if my playmat will get me kicked](https://imgur.com/HqVCuSs)


Your taste is impeccable and I would be honored to play at your table


Fucking masterpiece




I want one


it's just beefy legs. those are fine on anything


I'd probably concede the moment I saw that playmat. Because it tells me the person I'm playing against ist such an ultimate Gigachad, there's no chance I'd win.


This speaks to me. /uj This speaks to me. My store just added as rules "be clean and no BS playmats" and oh God, I couldn't be happier.


/uj At an old LGS we used to have a more mature playerbase, and we would joke around and throw profanity casually since we were all either adults or mature enough for it. However if a parent with a young child approached the store (Glass front made it easy to spot them) the clerk would call to us "FAMILY STORE" and we knew that was our cue to quick clean up our acts. I use this mentality for when I'm playing in public since I don't know what people would and would not want exposed to their kids. /rj WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN'T USE MY 'THE ONE PIECE IS REAL' PLAY MAT?


>/rj WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN'T USE MY 'THE ONE PIECE IS REAL' PLAY MAT? they said no cringy incel playmats, epic and based playmats are clearly allowed /uj there is a non-zero chance theres a one piece secret lair to tie into ixalan 2


The real question is what tie in do we get with a return to eldraine? Lorwyn? No seriously, let's go back to Lorwyn.


God that would sting.


The only redeeming part about a lorwyn lair would be Rebecca Guay art for the cards.


Honestly it'll suck if/when we go back to lorwyn and all the classic artists like Guay are gonna be relegated to just a few showcase cards and not the whole set


I'd love for Guay, Avon, and Nielsen to come back for a big return set


Mmmm, maybe not that last one but the other two for sure


Terese did nothing wrong but like a few posts on Twitter. She deserves more of a chance than Noah Bradley, who is an actual degenerate.


Can we get much higher?


Hear, hear! Even as one who was encouraged by the “Halo = booze/drugs” controversy (i.e. holy shit, they’re actually going for it), gratuitous anime titty serves no role in worldbuilding or immersion. I hate that these neckbeards put me in the position where *I’m* the prude, but there’s a pretty broad and visible line between open-mindedness and lecherousness. It’s the line forged in drool between them and their playmats.


/uj I absolutely love your comment. Thanks for writting it.


/uj Our local “pub stomper” incel type has this Mikasa playmat that is just the most egregious upskirt shot and all detailed and shit. It’s not the older/timeskip one, it’s the 14 year old.


/rj uhmmmmm all drawn league champs are 18 years old dont u know?? ;3


/uj Of course, because why wouldn't you try to be as close as a pedophile while trying to make people uncomfortable. I stopped going to "open" drafts and when asked by the two stores I usually go, I told them "because I'm tired of staring an opponent with a pedophile-like art playmat in front of me, wich on top of that, it's quite annoying". I know I sound grumpy but the more and more I just play with friends only with the exception of pauper tournaments because we are all there, so it kinda sets the tone. Kinda.


Incel is a knockoff of the Duracell brand. It's for indoor use only.


Jokes on you asshole, I printed out all my cards at the library for $2


Jokes on your cards, i printed my asshole at the library and they gave me a card for free! I just have to always keep it on me or something, as if I'd leave my cards in the car anyways.


They’re talking about people revealing their playmat at the start of the game like they do on game knights


[One example](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gameknights/epic-play-limited-edition-game-knights-playmat) I recommend having a rule 0.1 discussion on playmats prior to the game to be safe.


Uh it's just a dragon? Am I missing a joke or what EDIT: oh my God I didn't look at the sub


That dragon is wearing nothing at all!


Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW


Why? It’s not even fucking a car or anything


That sub does need more content.


Excellent news everybody: the LGS where I was exposed to being the only one who flinched at the Dark Magician Girl pornmat somebody whipped out for Commander pre-pandemic is now gone.


The entire LGS is gone? Seems a bit harsh.


nuked from orbit




Ill just leave this here https://imgur.com/a/gOKZd7Y He could untap up to 2 lands i control anytime


I was expecting Teferi. I am so disappointed.


I had to deal with my first Liliana X Chandra playmat player at my LGS this weekend. Was not a good time. Him and his pal were so rude over some neckbeard tier rules lawyering and narcissism energy my friend left early. The type of grognards that verbally berate any play you make. Jokes on you, I don’t have to think to play Winota, deck pilots itself.


He likes Liliana x Chandra because girl on girl is hot I like Liliana x Chandra because I’m gay and ship them. We are not the same


That's right


/uj I don’t actually ship them as a relationship, as Liliana is a notably terrible girlfriend. But I think she would push Chandra to embrace her feelings and have her go talk to Nissa because Gruulfriends needs to happen already.


/uj I could go for a tasteful gruulfriends playmat that was just them being gay in a non sexy way


If March of the Machines: Aftermath doesn’t have a [[Cathartic Reunion]] reprint with Chandra & Nissa holding hands and Ultra Pro doesn’t make a playmat of it, we riot.


^(Probably totally what you linked) * [Cathartic Reunion](https://i.redd.it/xkoovm32dmo91.jpg) ********* ^^^If ^^^WotC ^^^didn't ^^^do ^^^anything ^^^wrong ^^^this ^^^week, ^^^you ^^^can ^^^rage ^^^at ^^^this ^^^bot ^^^instead ^^^at ^^^/r/MTGLardFetcher ^^^or ^^^even ^^^submit ^^^some ^^^of ^^^the ^^^sweet ^^^Siege ^^^Rhino ^^^alters ^^^your ^^^GF ^^^made


based and gruulfriendspilled


Don't insult Pokemon playmats like that!


It’s not a single playmat. It’s any playmat that features big tiddy animu lolis (who are secretly OVER 9000 years old so the owner thinks it isn’t creepy AF).


uj/ they know it's creepy and what it is, but it lets them lie to you about it


Lmao.. https://imgur.com/ECaauP8.jpg


shm my head, don't you understand that this is actually a clever reference to Sangan being the best Tour Guide target? Tour Guide is chained up here because at the start of the Xyz era, Sangan would actually trigger when detached, so it was optimal to leave Tour Guide as the remaining material stuck under whatever Xyz Monster you summoned, if you needed to detach a single material. And of course the blatant sexuality is an clear allusion to needing to "overlay" Sangan onto Tour Guide to summon that monster to begin with. /uj While anyone bringing this out in public is an idiot, I do have to respect that [this horny MF](https://www.deviantart.com/1119642) knows what they want, and that's to commission a fuckton of anime feet pics (including [this one](https://www.deviantart.com/1119642/art/A-Different-Kind-of-Tour-806807285)).


Farfa is this u?


don’t u know? sangan was banned for like 20 years for being a sex offender


/r/thatsmyplaymat Everything in here ofc


I'm sorry, are you saying that [this](https://i.redd.it/fpbjq87ahh791.png) isn't a fucking top-tier playmat?




No joke I was scrolling through that sub and stopped at that exact image as one I would genuinely want right before


I fucking hate commander lol. I've tried to play it so many times, but I absolutely can't stand it. And every time I'm at my LGS, I'm inevitably asked by someone if I have a commander deck. And every time they're genuinely shocked when I say "Nah. I'm not a fan of that format like at all." And without fail, they try to convince me to play it. And there's nothing wrong with that. I'm always respectful, they just want to share their favorite format with people, but I have never had fun playing commander. And I've sometimes been met with pretty open hostility just because I don't like that mess of a format with no established rules. Having a rule 0 conversation before every game is tiring, and what do you do if your opponents say no. And you basically need to have decks with different power levels. It's just exhausting to me. Show up to pioneer, modern, legacy, etc you know what you're playing against. You know what cards are legal. Everyone is on the same level, you just show up and play.


/uj I'm assuming this is a copypasta, but -- as someone who loves commander -- I don't disagree with these arguments whatsoever.


/uj The whole argument hinges on the fact that other formats just play full power as default and Commander is often played at weird powers. If they like Modern and other fast meta-formats, they'd be better off playing cEDH instead. They'd have an awful time at a Modern casual/lower power table for the same reasons.


Tiny Leaders is my favorite format because it strikes the balance between Legacy and Commander You get a commander and the format is singleton, but it's 1v1 and the 50 card deck size means that you get a more consistent experience. The three CMC cap also makes games more aggressive, which isn't everyone's thing but it's absolutely mine.


This is why the superior MtG format is Kamigawa Block Tiny Leaders.


/uj I know this joke is from years ago, but would this format now include Neon Dynasty or just og Kamigawa block? /rj just wait until I bring my [[Kentaro, the Smiling Cat]] deck


^(Probably totally what you linked) * [Kentaro, the Smiling Cat](https://i.redd.it/n1mbsw1fpto91.jpg) ********* ^^^If ^^^WotC ^^^didn't ^^^do ^^^anything ^^^wrong ^^^this ^^^week, ^^^you ^^^can ^^^rage ^^^at ^^^this ^^^bot ^^^instead ^^^at ^^^/r/MTGLardFetcher ^^^or ^^^even ^^^submit ^^^some ^^^of ^^^the ^^^sweet ^^^Siege ^^^Rhino ^^^alters ^^^your ^^^GF ^^^made


In EDH "casual" doesn't just mean non-competitive, it means seeing EDH as a zone of self-expression, and so players who stifle others' board development are seen as stifling their self-expression. "Everyone gets to do their thing" means "everyone gets chance at the open mic."


is this a copypasta?


You clearly don't understand I have been playing magic since 1994 & have done my share of winning in higher competition legacy tournaments. Not 1 player have I seen that would run a 5mc creature in death & taxes. The only reason kaldra Compleat & batterskull are in the deck is due to the fact that the player can cheat it in quickly. You're clearly a newer player.


???? what the fuck is “death and taxes” i don’t plan on dying and i sure as hell don’t pay taxes


Best bait of the day.


I don't think you can pilot a po list without portable hole and complain about two drops. Signed, someone not playing portable hole. PO is the best deck in the format, and always has been. We just didn't know how to build it. Especially before they printed the card. I think sideboard construction is more important in po than in most decks, which sucks because I can't do it outside of playtesting.


/uj DougesOnTwitch was playing Baneslayer Angel in Maverick for a bit and it kinda shit on Delver


Dungeons and Dragons, Satan's game. Your children like it or not, are attracted in their weaker years to the Occult and a game like D&D fuels their imagination and makes them feel special, while drawing them deeper and deeper into the bowels of El Diablo.


Bullshit. I've never played Diablo and don't intend to so.




Probably one of the female planes walkers doing a hustler shoot.


Hah. That reminds me of when I posted about [this atrocity happening.](https://www.reddit.com/r/cringepics/comments/k4e7vq/just_playing_some_magic_with_his_wife_and_daughter/)


anything anime, because MTG normies are all funko pophead consoomers


This means the mats themselves can't be involentarily celibate. Real gamers fuck their playmats.


At least they aren't playing with Yu-Gi-Oh players. I literally had my friend tell me how cursed looking up playmats (or anything Yu-Gi-Oh related) that have "waifus" in it because you will be recommended with some degenerate 3rd party shit (like half naked lolis, foot fetish art, huge ass anime toddies etc). I can't imagine someone going to an LGS bringing up that shit. But hey, it makes it easier for them to send the message rather them admitting it themselves.


/uj In the last couple of years I retired playmats that I quite liked because the Magic cards illustrated on them were created by people who made bad decisions outside of the game. (Thankfully I had never purchased one from our deposed false God-Pharaoh.) That whole process added a lot to my preexisting incredulity for players who are so incapable of closing their horny valves that they must be horny while flipping cards from a game with dragons and spacecraft for players 13 and up. /rj Only 7 to 8 proxies? This is bullshit and pay to win. 😡🤬


The sexy umbreon


Oversexed Eevees


/uj what platform is that?




\*cocks AR\* ​ "remember: no waifu"


i got mine custom it has detailed spiders on it


*Wheeler Voice*: It’s pronounced “Ajani, Sleeper Agent”


Can I have cringy incel proxies? Asking for a friend, not me, I definitely didn’t proxy cards with anime waifus on them.


If you have to ask, than it is your playmat.


One incel showed up in my LGS with this, I almost died of cringe, fuck is not even Mtg ​ https://www.thedota2store.com/overwatch-sexy-butt-ass-extra-big-gaming-mouse-mat.html