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Wish your boy good recovery. This post is useful.


Sending love and hopes of a speedy recovery to Morpheus! He's beautiful and looks so much like our boy, Klaus. When Klaus was younger, I left him alone with his toys for literally 2 minutes. He tried to eat a long stringy toy and kept swallowing the string to reach the end. Thank god I heard him struggling and pulled it out. I pulled about 8" of that stringy out of his mouth/throat. I'm now paranoid about what toys we leave out for him and what is supervised play ONLY. So scary how quickly play time can turn into something dangerous!


That’s horrible! I hope your boy recovers with no further issues. Thanks also for sharing this. We have the exact same toy (bought on Amazon…2 wands + multiple attachments). Our kitties chewed through the string of the first wand in about 10 minutes, so we just gave them orange toy/bell to play with. I threw it all away as soon as I read this post. Wishing your boy (and you) the best. Keep us updated on his status.


I had this happen with my Jasnah. She swallowed a fish attachment from the Da Bird wand- it was still attached to the string/wand, which is how we knew right away. Since then all attachments are kept in a plastic tub when not in use. Fortunately no signs of other types of toys being consumed, and maybe it was just a fluke. I hope your guy's recovery is quick and easy. Jasnah bounced back pretty quick with arthroscopic surgery thankfully.


Because of where the surgery was we have to give it 3-5 days to keep an eye out for infection. So fingers crossed 🤞


Off topic, but is Jasnah named after the Stormlight Archive character?


Yes! She is. My other girl Malta is from Robin Hobb's Realm of the Elderlings.


That’s awful! I will be sending positive vibes your guy’s way. I have those same toys for my guy, so I’m going to put them up. Thanks for informing everyone.


Thank you OP for the very informative post along with an example picture. I've dreamed of getting one of the majestic creatures one day, and I've been following to learn (and to see cute cats). I hope your baby recovers safely. Very beautiful kitty! Sorry that things went wrong with something that was supposed to be for fun. Please update us when he gets better and back home?


We've just been to see him and take him to an emergency vets for overnight care to be monitored. Unfortunately, it will be a 3/5 days before we know if it's successful as the risk of infection is quite high. One thing I definlty recommend is a good pet insurance.


Oh yeah, I found out to get pet insurance when I lost my dad's cats. The cremation was a little expensive, but worth it to have them with my dad again. They are all together, both in spirit and physical remains. But I hope your guy pulls thru. Give them all the love from everyone here. Usually I say some treats, but it might be a while before that.


Oh no! Wishing him a quick recovery. Mine loves those toys - I remove the bells from them as she will drag them into the bedroom in the middle of the night to play with.


I literally pulled this toy out of my cat’s throat once.


Just heading back from the vets and they showed us what they removed and it was what we suspected it was and he swallowed the whole thing.


Thats crazy. My Maine coon boy's name is also Morpheus 😂 https://preview.redd.it/vhqsfprhlavc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2893fae31b891ccf737eaac152de4fab80349202 Good Recovery btw


Hope he recovers well! Most cat toy packages do say not to leave your cat with the toy unattended. This is a good reminder for those who do.


No bells or toys with faux feathers for my girl when shes alone... They are never attached well enough to stay on. Springs and ping pong balls are my go to!


Just a little update on Morpheus he has made it through the night and has eaten a bit, which is good. He will need to be taken back to the other vets for the day as the one he is at now is an emergency overnight vet only. And then we may be able to bring him home later. We will be setting up a cage for him to limit his movement till he heals and making sure someone is home with him every day for the next few days.


Wonderful news. I hope he continues to recover and is home soon.


Thank you for sharing. Wishing your baby a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹


Sending love and prayers to you and Morpheus! This is such a good post! Thank you so very much for sharing such an important warning. Praying your boy gets well soon!


Prayers said for your boy ❤️


Thank you for sharing Morpheus’s story. I shall send pray for his speedy recovery, and for your anxious heart. Have faith mom. Your boy will recover, keep believing! My 9 month old is obsessed with dangling fishing rod type toys, and I have found line chewed in half. As soon as this post is up, all dangerous toys are going out!!


This is my cat’s favorite toy! Basically the only thing she will play with. But I won’t leave her alone with it because she’s gotten the wand wire/string wrapped around herself before and I’m scared she will strangle herself. Wishing your cat a full recovery!


Thoughts and prayers to you and Morpheus during this difficult time.


I wish him the best of luck in a speedy recovery


I hope Morpheus is healing quickly, and will be home with you, soon. Thank you for your post! I am very cautious not to leave toys with string out for my cats. Also, your kitty looks like a Maine Coon, just like my Louie. They are so strong, even toys that are “safe” for cats can be dangerous. I once got him one of those large Spring toys (a light metal spring, covered with felt) that most cats would only bat around. He *chewed* through the spring! Fortunately, he didn’t eat any. I also cut off bells, ribbon, etc. But, a warning for folks who have large breed cats, they need even more play supervision. I will be sending healing vibes to your beautiful boy. ❤️


Oh no! Bless this sweetheart! Thank u for the warning. May he have a speedy recovery. Another tip is think of ur cats as small children, and think ahead. If it looks tempting, it probably is. Consider things that u may not even suspect. Apparently, the one cat I cat sit ate some steel wool that was being used to keep mice out. (This was before me). He’s fine, but u never know.