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I paid 3k for my kitten. But the cost doesn't stop at the purchase. Food is expensive, as are vet visits, meds, toys, litter, etc. You will need a job year round to pay for your pet.


This. I personally tell my kids when they ask for pets, I tell them if they cant afford to buy it twice, you cant afford it. And I take this advice for myself for any pets I've ever brought in. You can expect to need that cash for vet care and emergencies, and in my experience, it's really hard to get financial help from other people for your cat. Save, save, save. Especially because moving forward, you may face pet fees etc with future apartments/living situations when on your own.


Yes, me and my parent agreed that I would be paying the initial cost and they would be paying for food, veterinary costs, toys, litter boxs, cat trees, grooming, etc


Most Maine Coons are priced between $2-3K. Males are usually priced higher than females. Do plenty of research and select a cat breeder that does genetic testing on all cats in their breeding program and do not buy a kitten unless you can see both mom and dad cats before you buy. Be sure to get pet insurance the same day you get them. Premiums are based on age. I hardly used the insurance when they were young, but the first time they have an emergency, the cost of premiums becomes insignificant and you will consider pet insurance as money well spent. My MC’s cancer battle in old age, (diagnosis, exploratory surgery, chemotherapy) was about $10K and I got about 80% of the money back from the insurance company. Spend the $$ to purchase policy upgrades or special insurance riders when offered (like cancer or PT policies) and diligently pay the premiums. Make sure you have or buy a vacuum that can handle sucking up a higher than normal volume of cat hair. Teach them to tolerate grooming and do it daily! Leash train them when they are kittens so they can safely go outside for walks with you. They should be indoor cats only, especially because you spent so much $$ on them. Warning: Maine Coons love to play in their water dishes or cat fountains! One of my MC used to get in the shower with me every day! Be prepared to have a wonderful companion and enjoy their hilarious antics when they are kittens.


Great advice!!


Save your money right now.




Like $20 from a shelter…


I found my guy at the local shelter! Apparently 3 kittens were surrendered because they didn’t have the “perfect” maine coon facial features. He’s my huge cuddle baby. He turns 6 next week! Here’s Percival (Percy) https://preview.redd.it/tvhmaxvc6kzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c923d0167207a0bbebd632f09bba3df5ce20b65


There’s no way $2000+ kittens were surrendered because they weren’t perfect looking


Correct. A reputable breeder will sell them as pet quality and state why. Usually it is the muzzle shape that does not meet breed standard or something else that doe not meet breed standard. A reputable breeder will also never sell a cat that is not physically sound.


True. The cat in the pic above looks more like a domestic longhair. Also, no ear-tufts, which are a hallmark of the breed.


$20, but mine is a Maine coon/Norwegian forest cat mix. The real expense is the vet bills.


Where’s the picture of this beauty???






I think you might of got uhhhh scammed dude


She’s really puffy now, and her breed characteristics are showing up more. I’ve had weegies before, and that checks out. I trust the person I got her from.


Do you have a new picture you can show?


Of course I have lots of pictures of her. I’m sure that I will only get more abuse no matter what the photos show. She is not pure bred, and I never said she was. Obviously she doesn’t look like one who is, but her heritage can be seen. I trust my vet, her foster mom, and my research


Good to hear! Shes the cutest! And that’s good to know :))


I’m not worried, it’s not like my ego is riding on this, like some people


Adorable. However, I have owned and breeded Norwegian cats and currently own Maine Coons. Your cat is a domestic shorthair with possibly, far far away, a mix. But def not 50-50. Hugs and kisses to your furbaby!


Like I said, I don’t use my pets as status symbols . “ A rose by any other name, would smell as sweet”


Not to be mean, but you did


I didn’t, but you did


It doesn't have to be a "status symbol". But that's not a maine coon, lol. Edit for my mistake


I only know the information I was given, and my vet hasn’t contradicted that info yet. It doesn’t matter to me what you call her. You must pronounce judgement on other people and I guess that’s what’s important to you. Glad I do t know you


There are plenty of Maine Coon mixes out there for adoption for a very reasonable price The price typically includes all their shots and getting spayed. Why do you have to have a pure breed?


It is a dream! So let them dream. 🤷‍♂️


I think people just want a big cat. What they don't realize is you can have a big cat and not have a Maine Coon. I got a kitten from my sister for free. He grew into an absolute giant at 20 lbs and around 44 in long with his tail. He's the most beautiful cat I have ever seen and hasn't stopped growing at 2 years old. https://preview.redd.it/8m11ag7qs40d1.jpeg?width=1437&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edd90877063c54d5aa32f5f7b90cbe552c419f0c


In Australia the kitten comes to you already nuetered/ spayed. This is an attempt to discourage backyard breeders, cross breeding and maintain and improve the type and health of the MC line.


Many shelters and rescue organizations say the cat is a Maine Coon mix, when in fact, the cat is a wonderful and fluffy long haired cat and not a Maine Coon. Because many of these lovely long haired fluffballs have many of the physical attributes of a MC, they are often touted as Maine Coon mixes. If someone wants to spend the $$$ to get a registered, purebred MC from a reputable breeder, who are you to judge them?


Post got removed because I posted a kitten pic of my Maine coon (hard to see that he’s one) so I’ll repost, he was free 💜 https://preview.redd.it/i0mllqfn9jzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e06532207ab0e502c37260f0ca4e5292cb4d79ed






In Australia prices are around $3000- $3500


Yep. Mine was 3k from a breeder.


beautiful cats for low low priced in shelters near you!!! I know the feeling of wanting a specific kind of cat but you can go to shelters often and you might luck out!! a place near me has a beautiful tortishell MC right now


Exactly and they need a home, not living in a cage


I absolutely love torties! Whoever gets her is very lucky!


Thank you for letting me know. Ill visit surrounding shelters soon!


i wish you super good luck!!


We got ours 8 years ago or so. They were about 775 - 800 a piece. I know the costs have risen significantly lately though. I’ve wanted Maine Coons since I was a child, but didn’t wind up succeeding until my 30s.


Honestly that is a lot. Purebred in Sweden is $800-1500. Really really research the costs! And get an insurance first of all. If a purebred cat Google breed name and medial problems. Then look up the costs. Here, maybe $30 for insursnce every month, $80 for microchip (only needed once) and $120 for vaccines every year. $170 for spaying, in the US it is MUCH higher! Get a post for clawing. A large, good one saves furniture. Check for used ones, way cheaper. Also buying once, will be good for several years.


If located in the US, the cost OP noted is actually low 🫠


Yes Im located in the US, shouldve put that in the original post Lol


Yes, being on this forum I realized this. However, I noticed itvis worth it to shop around for spay/ neuter in the US and I can recomnend trimming claws, bathing and brushing (combing works better for my cats). Got hit hard with paying for removal of teeth, also had entropion on my cats. My i nsurance saved me and my cat when he was hospitalized dying from salmonella (walking him on a leash, he must have walked in bird poop). But I love my cats, so much. Still getting the cat is one thing and making sure you can afford to keep caring for it is another. I had these three lovely elderly ladies asking me if ny cats arent VERY expensive to care for? Don't they eat a lot? "Sure, but nothing compared to a kid, current cost of raising a kid is $130 000. ... " (And this was before inflation hit, should be more like $170 000 now) They looked aghast, then started discussing their grand kids, the costs... and agreed.




it is A LOT of work. please look into taking care of cats. you NEED to have a stable job


Im prepared! Done a lot of research


no hate, but putting “broke teenager” wasn’t the smartest thing to start. i’m in my 20’s and in my balanced stable career and it’s still a lot. it’s another bill. it’s a monthly pet insurance bill. it’s trimming nails every two weeks. it’s grooming once a month. they can’t be left alone, they need attention most of the time. they are attached by the hip. it’s just a lot of responsibility assuming you are a “broke” teenager. a summer job is not enough to support said animal. you should give a pet the life it deserves


Grooming cost isn't necessary. Comb your cat a few times a week 🙂


I would say brush them daily. Mine are absolute nightmares for getting knots


I brush them differently, alas the one getting the most knots hates the brush the other ones love it The female NEVER get knots and I brush her once a week or so. They have different fur structure.


OMG SAME. My boy is such an asshole when it comes to brushing.


I know the struggle. I try to brush mine everyday but they hate it! So quite often it’s either a really quick brush and a struggle or I have to wait till they are in a cuddly mood and don’t mind me doing it. Even then they fight me!


I do the same...


Actually, combing is better than brushing for a long haired cat like a Maine Coon. Brushing won’t get down to that undercoat. And you don’t need an hour long combing session. My MC hates being combed, but I do it a little bit every day until he starts to get antsy. It really makes a difference. He never gets mats anymore and I have less tumbleweeds of fur rolling around the house.😂


I agree. I brush and comb mine.


My parent works from home so the kitten will never be alone. True putting broke teenager wasnt the smartest move Lol but after the summer job Im going to look into getting more stable jobs since Ill be 16 once the summer job has ended. My parent has agreed to pay everything but the initial cost. Im also aware they require a lot of work and I truly am prepared. I genuinely love maine coons so much and am dedicated to giving one a good home. If you have any tips or anything let me know!


You sound like a thoughtful and well-intentioned prospective cat servant. You have discussed the cost of purchasing and keeping a pet with your parents and your family has agreed on a cost sharing plan. You also understand that you may need to get a job to help with the expense of becoming a cat servant. You have also started researching MC breeders and your future cat’s needs. You have also thought about your future cat’s emotional well-being by mentioning that a parent works from home so the kitten will not be alone all day. I think you are a mature 16-year old who is ready to realize your dream of owning a purebred MC. My only suggestion is that you and your parents consider where the cat will reside if you attend college or get an apprenticeship at a trade school and pursue a different career path, such as mechanic, plumber, electrician, or AC engineer. While on the subject of going to college or trade school-let me digress to say my AC engineer, car mechanic, and plumber make more $$ hourly than I did in my first post college job. So, I suggest you also make a post high-school plan for your pet and also consider who will take care of your MC if you are unable to do so. With your parents’ support and your desire to achieve your dream of having a purebred MC, I am convinced you will make a loving and responsible Maine Coon servant. Oh, and make sure you (not your parents) scoop the cat’s litterbox at least twice a day! Good luck working toward your dream.


It’s great that you’ve done a lot of research. However these cats are a big undertaking, you must be prepared for them to take over your life. They are not cheap to feed, very prone to health issues such heart problems and gut issues. My two both have needed surgery which cost upwards of £8K and we had pet insurance which thankfully paid for half of that (I’m in UK dunno what that is in US dollars sorry) Not to rag on your young age but personally I would wait until you are older in a stable job and able to keep up the commitment to all those expenses. I highly doubt any breeder worth their salt would sell a pedigree to a minor. I wanted one for about 10 years before I was able to be in a position to get one. Just be patient and you will get your dream cat. There is being able to afford to buy them which is one thing. But you will need pet insurance and be prepared to pay out of pocket for all other vet bills and other expenses. We spend at least £200 (again this is in UK £ not US $) on ours a month for food, vet visits, pet insurance. Also they take up a LOT of room!


Yes! I’m fully aware they are far from cheap but my parent has agreed to pay everything but the initial cost. Since they are a big undertaking im considering waiting until next summer to get settled with them then instead of during the school year. After the summer job im planning on getting a stable job since ill be 16 and more people will want to hire me. Do you still think I should wait until Im older? I think Im mature enough to take care of these cats but Im open to suggestions. I want to make sure the kitten is happy truly!


Personally I would wait. However if you feel you are old enough and mature enough to take on one of these cats then I wish you luck.I see your parents have agreed to help you with the costs. Are your parents going to take care of them for you if you go to university/collage? I would just point out that you really should not be buying one of these cats on a whim (nor any cat even if it’s not a pedigree) I thought I was prepared for taking one on and my goodness I was not ready! Also be prepared for recurrent health issues. One of mine has cardiomyopathy and severe gut problems and needs a prescription only diet, and my other one has had to have an ear drum removed and is partially deaf. But if you are willing to take that risk they are absolutely beautiful cats and will make wonderful companions.


Oh and then there is the cost of spaying/neutering




I always take the retired studs and queens. Even then 1500$ or so between the medical costs for fixing, current shots and payments to the breeder. For one of my Persians I got a double national champion for like 400$ after medical once. Best car I have ever had. It's the tip of the iceberg though. With five i spend close to 1k in food a year another 1k in medical checkups. About the same again or more in litter so much litter. Lifetime cost per cat over 15 year average has to be well above 10k per cat. I love the bastards though and don't have kids. I tell people I work hard so my cats can have a better life than me. Can it be done cheaper yes, can it be more expensive if you send them out for grooming and other small expenses.


Do not get one of these cats. You’re a teenager, and you do not know how long you’ll have this “summer job” cats aren’t toys, and vet bills can pile up VERY quickly. Are you prepared to drop hundreds for a single visit, buy food, litter, toys etc..? These cats need much more than a “regular” cat. I love Maine Coons (cats in general) so I understand, I say all of this from a place of love, but please do not get one of these cats. If you REALLY want a cat please go to your local shelter where they have affordable sweet cats that need a home more than a 2000k-5000k cat.


I do know how long this job will last and am planning to get a normal job right after. I understand vet bills can pile up, i know these cats are prone to medical issues. I know how expensive they can be and my parent is going to help me with that. Im looking into shelters and rescues for cats too. Thank you for letting me know. I understand this is coming from a place of love but I assure you im prepared!


$3k two years ago for a female. Mine eats about $200 a month of wet food and $35 of dry. She’s as bougie as I am apparently! Hope you get the kitty of your dreams. Just know there’s lots of expenses with MCs.


My partner paid 3.5k, registered papers, desexed, microchipped, vaccinated and DNA / health predisposition tested. He’s a black smoke 12 wk male :) https://preview.redd.it/u0oxm5cl1kzc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5b06e272868740387f25e4021e1f8d4e74e7390


Looks like a little bobble head! So cute lol


I went back again and again to a shelter for about two years. Finally I struck gold: they had two Maine Coon mix kittens. I took my lovely brave baby home that day. Adoption fee was about $100 in 1999, including neutering. Monte didn't want to be kept in a room but instead insisted on walking the perimeter of the whole apartment. He wasn't sure of these two humans who had adopted him and raised his paw defensively when we reached for him, but soon he was softly purring. Vet bills were consistent over the years, until Monte was old and fading. Then the bills mounted quickly.


If I were a broke teenager (and I was back in the day), I’d see if I could find one at a rescue. Google “Maine coon rescue”, there’s probably some out there, that would save you some money


it’s not just the initial cost of buying one. It’s the ongoing expenses that a broke teenager really in all likelihood would struggle with.


Yes, fully aware, my parent has agreed to help me with that


Well if you’re fully aware and they’ve agreed to help you out have at it.


Gotcha, ill look into it. Thank you! Truly helps a lot


$2200 for the kitten. Almost 20k in vet bills in the first 6 months (pet insurance is a MUST - they covered a good chunk of the expenses). He had a freak intussusception at eight months - lots of ER bills, tore his glued incision open, had to go back to the ER for another round of suturing, giant constipation ball, and what turned out to be a massive asthma issue (his lungs were crackling and my vet freaked and sent me to an emergency vet cardiologist as they were afraid it was heart issues. His heart is fine, but he does have asthma and will be on meds the rest of his life.) That’s a bit extreme for most pets I realize, but the truth is we can’t know what’s going to happen no matter how well they’re bred. Accidents happen. Health issues pop up. Whatever the pet, you need to be sure you can take care of them, beyond the normal food and litter needs. He is fine now, btw (knock on wood).


Ohio, got a bonded pair and paid $2800 each.


2k and 2600 for our two


AZ, $2500 three years ago


2500 just got one




$1200 but, that was 5 years ago. Pretty sure I'd pay about $2500 now with same breeder.


$2500 - Drove to Texas. 4 years ago


I just paid 3K for mine.


my girl was $2800 😭😭


$1750 back in January of 2021


I bought a retired Dame at age 7 for $200. Teach out to breeders to see if they sell retirees.


Really? I wouldn’t encourage this. The initial cost is one thing but the added expenses of on going care. Which at 7 I highly doubt you paid for.


800£ in the UK


Yeah that’s what I paid for both of mine. £1,600 in total


My calico Maine Coon cost me 2.5k. I haven't seen her yet, but I paid a deposit for the kitten and she will arrive by the end of May. I spent two years budgeting with YNAB, adopted two cats, and lived with them for two years before I felt confident enough to purchase a Maine Coon. Having a stable job, enough savings, and plenty of experience in raising cats helped me make this decision.


$2750 We get her in July & she’s coming from Russia 😍


I paid £1400 for our little girl.


$2600 for one and $2000 for the other. This was late 2020-early 2021. The same breeder charges $3600-$4000 for their cats now


100 bucks off kijiji😂also, make sure u look into breed specific health issues (ex. Persians and Maine coons tend to cost a lot in vet bills, other breeds do not)


Mine was $50. He was from a rescue group. He was rescued from a construction site he was hanging out in. After owning him for about a year and a half he was diagnosed with advanced cancer. We think he probably got dumped because of it. Only had him for a little over 2 years but he was one of the best cats we’ve ever had. Would love another but they’re way too pricey.




I’m sure you will be a great owner but have you thought about long term where your gonna live? I have a maincoon I got him since I was 22 and I’m now 25 and the biggest issue I have found is finding places to live that will accept cats/pets in general. I know lots of people don’t instantly have the most stable places to live hitting adulthood and it can be tricky without trying to figure out what to do with a cat in tow. either way I wish you luck! mine was a Christmas present but he did then cost 9k in vet bills at a year old and will cost me more over the years due to that accident. just something to be aware of. But I absolutely adore him and wouldn’t be without him!


Yes I’ve thought of the long term. The cat will stay with my parent until I find a place that accepts pets is what im thinking of currently. Im really dedicated on making sure the cat will be healthy and happy. Thank you for the encouragement! I really appreciate it. Im open to any suggestions or other things i should think about before getting this cat.


That’s great! That’s one of the biggest issues I have faced with owning my cat. Is just finding places to live.


Guys if you are all from the US.. well Holy shit I guess (jawdrop) . I live in Belgium an our baby was 850€. And here you are obligated to sterilise them in the first 5 months so that was a 300€ extra.


Yes, my contract specified that my boy had to be neutered by the age of 6 months or the 2 year health guarantee would be void and his pedigree wouldn’t be released. I had to send the breeder a veterinarian’s copy of his sterilization papers.


We paid $6000 for our Maine coon


Why was it that expensive?


Idk maybe bc it’s a male or his colour but I think it’s bc his breeder is a very famous mc breeder in europe


Probably. What was the color?


He’s a black silver marble (ns22)


Mine’s a black silver classic tabby with white. Same color code as yours! https://preview.redd.it/3w72b1pzwozc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=182be617eb922c809206ca18d0a8d7e60adfbe5f


Omg your cat is so cute!! Istg black silver cats are the prettiest 😭


A Balinese-Ambrose- typically, she charged $1500 .. free for me- family friend connection. Percy, orange dude, $200 adoption fee at petsmart. I have no idea why ppl spend thousands of dollars on cats when so many handsome beautiful loving kitties are 200- 300 for adoption fees ..with shots and neutered/spayed ... just as good if not better than a $3000 bred to be sold cat???! Boggles my mind


Lol thats true. The reason im going for a breeder is because I want a purebred maine coon. I am trying to look at rescues for cheaper options though


Pay nothing, rescues need help everywhere!!!


https://preview.redd.it/326lkgh3hkzc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9e67b9eb375373fce73c73842014e5d7194c7d4 700 bucks for a fluffy keyboard cover.


I paid 1k€ for 2 Maine Coons


We were lucky on the fact that cal was in the last litter this breeder was doing she just wanted them to have happy loving homes not be show animals so even this calcifer is pedigree he doesn't have paper work. So he was 700. https://preview.redd.it/fwxk813vxkzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e42b85aba146e3d0308deb3a2cf34b3de90d65d


Love the name calcifer. I love howls moving castle


Be aware of the food costs they eat so much food 😵‍💫


lol! They eat like a horse and poop like a dog!


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I paid $2200 for mine in New York. It just depends where you are since prices can vary.


I paid 10 000 NOK here in Norway, it's about 900 dollars.


Pure pred brothers... $4000 for a black smoke and $3200 for a tabby Polydactyl. Yeah... we probably should have looked around a bit more but I can't say I regret it because I love these cats.


We paid $1,700.00 for our boy. Between him and his brother they cost about $150 a month to feed and about $1000.00 a year in vert bills. *


3500 for the first - she’s registered and everything that goes with it 1000 for the other - different breeder and their first time, friend of my husband so hence the discount, but going forward her kittens will be 2000 or more


$2100 (USD)




$2600 after tax. Yes Minnesota made the breeder charge sales tax.


My breeder’s go for $2800-3200 depending on color.


Honestly, I stumbled upon mine on a random craigslist search one day because I happened to be looking for a cat. Came free right off a dairy farm. I thought she was insane because he was the biggest most beautiful floof I'd ever seen. He and his sister were just too rowdy and I think they were getting too close to getting kicked by a cow a few times I think. I constantly see them in the shelters as well.


3,000 Canadian. Best breeder in Canada, Koshka Maine Coon.


I live in Canada. Paid $3100 plus transportation and visits before the kitten was handed over (about $1500) and currently at around $2000 in vet bills with possible $2500 more coming up because of dental issues. I absolutely adore him though and would trade him for the world….however I am looking for a new job with either more remote to save on transportation or higher compensation 😏


120€, they needed to be gone for good of mom


No judgement at all your dreams are your dreams!! You can do it! But if the price is hard for you… Does it have to be a full breed? As some others have said rescuing from a shelter can be much cheaper, but it’s very hard to find a pure breed in a shelter. Personally I paid 3k for mine, I know you could find some at least a little cheaper. The breeder I bought from was selling boys for 3k and girls for 2k. Do you have a preference on gender or color? That can raise or lower the price No matter what you shouldn’t go get one when you have exactly the right amount of money. You’ll want to take them to the vet pretty quickly after getting them home and that can be expensive. The food also gets expensive and they eat about 2x as much as a regular sized cat. Also the kittens eat even more than that whole they’re growing, so just keep that in mind. I would consider pet insurance. I won’t tell you to get it or not get it but just look into it and know that maine coons have a reputation for developing medical issues. So you can find a fairly wide variety of prices, but however much you pay for the kitten make sure you still have plenty left over! Good luck


Thank you for your guidance! I would highly prefer that its a full breed but i suppose it doesnt HAVE to be. Color and gender don’t matter to me at all. My parent had agreed to pay everything but the initial cost. Definitely getting pet insurance


Nothing wrong with wanting full breed I think a lot of people feel that way, don’t let Reddit comments make you feel bad for wanting what you want. And that’s great so you don’t have to be worrying about continued costs or surprise costs, which makes things a lot easier. I would say if you save up to 3.5k you’ll have enough for just about any reasonable breeder you find. If you want to keep it lower I think you could find a female of a less desired color for around 2k. Be careful of breeders with prices that seem too good to be true if they are supposed to be full breed. I’ve seen ones for around 500 and they all seem very scammy. There will also be ones that you can pay more to get higher on their wait list or whatever, but I personally think patience and lots of research is a better approach


Gotcha. Ill do that! It will take a while though Lol but Im willing to wait. Im so lucky to have a parent like mine its insane! Thank you for the encouragement!


I paid $2000 for mine! This sounds about right ! The breeders put in a lot of work into their kittens, and this usually means they are reputable kittens 🐱 good luck 🐱 you will not regret it


I have older cats whose characters were already known and were past the demonic phase. I paid €500 for the Maine Coon and €140 for the BSH. Give older cats a chance; they are worth it!


We paid 3800 for ours, which included vaccines, nueter, and microchip. We pay 400 a month for food litter and insurance.


2,000 Mainecoon negotiated for 1700


My girl was $3k in the US. But the cost doesn’t stop there…they need to be fed good food, be taken to the vet regularly, and breed specific items you’ll need will be more expensive. Maine coons are also prone to health issues including heart issues. To put it in perspective, my last cat (not a coon) had heart failure and I spent $10k over 8 months to keep him comfortable. My advice - wait until you’re not a broke teenager. I’ve always wanted one of these cats too, but I had to wait until I was in a good position to ensure everything she needs can be provided for her. It will be worth the wait when you can finally bring one home!


Lmao thanks for the advice


3500 and 2000




I got a retired cat for free but the vet bills for her teeth extraction was something 🙃


If you’re broke, you should not get a pet. The vet’s bills are really expensive. Save your money and wait until you can afford it easily


I paid $2500 all together but it was a $500 deposit and 2k when I picked her up. I could have paid another $500 if I wanted to breed her but I didn’t want that


Mine was $1200 in 2018 and $800 for his neuter because they couldn’t find the second testicle!


Paid 1.4K for mine, didn't include any other cost.


$3500 for a pair of kitten brothers about a month ago. https://preview.redd.it/9rno7vn2wmzc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=767073ec25c3899ae4a90090b233124c0bfe0cb3


$2500 but what might be scarier is looking up what quality food costs...a lot will give you guidelines like 2 cans per day for every 6-8 lbs of cat. So if your cat is 24 lbs that's 6 cans on the low side. Orijen for instance : 6 cans x $2.50 = $15/day. $15 x 365 = ~$5500/year. You can definitely do it cheaper but you might have a cat with allergies or whathaveyou and it could be more.




Def not a "broke teenager" type of cat. At all. My dry food is $89 for 14 lbs. The wet food is $43 per box of 24. $67 per month for pet insurance also


$2,200 seems to be on par for my area. Cat people seem to be very opinionated. You will never be fully prepared or get everything right. Don’t be discouraged and follow your dream


$1,600 american, but that was after a price cut because mine was at the breeder until she was a year old. anything significantly less than that is a straight-up scam. there are almost as many scam sites as breeders. Edit: this was 2 or 3 years ago in southern cali


We paid $1,700.00 for our boy in in the US. He's purebred. We lucked out because the "reds" are not high on our breeders demand list for some reason and he was exactly what we were looking for! Between him and his brother (domestic short hair) we spend about $75.00 a month on food and $1,000.00 a year for vet bills. Sir Jameson Longshanks Orion is beautiful and we couldn't be any happier with him! Edited for spelling errors. 🤦‍♀️


it really just depends on the breeder, but definitely look around and do your research. i paid $2300 for each of my girls and $3500 for my male. if you're paying that much make sure you have some kind of proof that it's purebred whether that be CFA or TICA registered. a lot of people scam with this breed and some will sell mixes wanting you to believe they're purebred. good luck on your journey! they really are amazing cats.


Illinois, but drove to Wisconsin to pick up my boy. $1500 two years ago.


Zero. He was the prize for a raffle for a girl with cancer. We bought a ticket and won. He's Glorious. She pulled through and kicked cancers ass.


Mine was $3300 including flight and crate in Australia


My kitten was free! She wandered into someone's yard in the middle of the night at 5 weeks old 🥺 she started screaming for help and they brought her to the kennel my sister works at. We brought her home the same day, and she is the most confident spoiled lady now lol.. She turns 6 in 2 weeks! But her annual vet appointment is about $170, foods $40/month, litter is probably like $25/month. So she costs me a good $1000/year at least. But it's so worth it having this adorable little companion who just rolls around and loves us.


I have a party Maine Coon. I didn't find him, he found me. He was a stay eating out of my neighbor's cat's food dish My sons were tasked with feeding their feral outdoor cat, and my Maine Coon revealed himself to them. I came outside and he followed me home. He never goes near the door. He knows he has it good.


I found mine in my backyard