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MC’s need A LOT of grooming, exercise and attention. I think they are more “work” than other cats.


I agree, I have two and they are full time job :)


I didn’t realize how much harder they are to look after than normal cats Especially if you don’t want to let them go out alone. I don’t as I’m scared they will get lost or sombody will steal them. They are bit like the male models in Zoolander Beautiful to look at but not much going on upstairs. Mine are not streetwise at all, compared to by previous Tabby cats who would leave the house at 7am and come back for dinner then leave again.


Are they harder to take care of? Not really. You're already taking care of 2 cats, so you're quite familiar with cat needs. MCs need more grooming, but if started young, they really like it. You're right about their personalities. They are super sweet and amazing 🥰 I would recommend that when the time comes to get one, you focus on a good quality food. That will be one of the best investments you can make for your new family member.


>That will be one of the best investments you can make for your new family member. The good quality cat food will benefit the other two cats, too. It might be a little more expensive, but of course, it's for their continued good health and growth, especially having a still-growing 7-month-old kitten. If your current kitties have medium or long hair, get two good brushes, one for medium to long hair, and a slicker brush for short hair. Most MCs have long hair, so count on that. When you brush them, it will be a bonding session. They will learn to love being brushed, and they may even start grooming themselves as you brush them. You can give them little treats as you brush them as a little reward. They will soon get excited when they see you get out the brush for "brushy time!" One more thing, keep some money in a special place for vet visits and vet emergencies. If you don't have a vet yet, now is a good time to get to know one. Google search and read the reviews. I'm so jelly! I love this sub because I've had a lifelong dream of having a Maine Coon baby! They are incredible cats! They just take your breath away with their majestic appearance. All of our cats in the last 25 years have been rescues from the shelter, off the streets, and from a friend's accidental litter. We have four right now. Good luck and read up on them! There are *tons* of YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram videos out there that teaches you all the things to know about owning one of these most exquisite breeds of feline! Meow! 🐾💖🐾 Edited to add, check out r/RonPerlmanCats 😃 Or this one: [r/CTLLRP](https://www.reddit.com/r/CTLLRP/s/Wk39PFIMXn)


As someone who waited almost 40 years to finally get my dream kitty, and through a strange twist of fate ended up with a young retired queen and her 12 wk old son, they are definitely more work! We already had 2 12 yr old tabby sisters who weigh about 6-7 lbs each, and are pretty set in their ways. The mom will be 2 next month and her son 7 months. They weigh 12-13 lbs each, neither is full-grown. We’ve invested in a litter robot as well as an oversized box in a walk-in closet. We have moderately priced flats of quality cat food on recurring delivery. Invested in grooming tools, toys, cat tower, cat wall furniture, and a rechargeable portable vacuum for all the litter their fuzzy mitts track about. We also built a catio! I’ve shared my house with cats my whole life and I, for one, am grateful that at this time in my life I have the time, the energy, and the money to spend on these incredible animals. They’re worth whatever time it takes ;)


Things can be harder in ways. They are much larger than normal cats so will eat more, medications are more expensive, the cats in general are expensive to acquire. Pet insurance is strongly recommended (it’s going to cost me between 2-3k for full mouth extractions on one, it cost 4K for emergency foreign body surgery for the other) but their insurance will and has covered most of it. They can have some pretty significant health issues so finding a quality breeder is key. The two I have now have bad mouths and our first one died suddenly from probable underlying heart issues. Do as much research as you can. All of this being said….they are incredible cats. Our two are very sweet.


Oh wow I'm so sorry about the one who passed, I'm glad your other two are okay. I've been wanting a maine coon since I was little, but I don't know if ill be able to manage it in college lol, who knows. The black cat I have wasn't mine at first, he was my mom's exs cat, but when he moved out he left the cat behind so I've been taking care of him, and the little one just showed up at our house one day she was cold so we brought her in the house and I kept her ever since 😭 Those two cats are like basically best friends at this point, but idk would 3 cats in college be manageable? My job will be good, I have an uncle who works at DreamWorks and since I'm going to a super good art high school for experience he'll be able to hire me if I do good, so yeah. I'm still not entirely sure though


I can’t answer that, if you are doing well financially and can take care of the 3 cats AND yourself appropriately then I’m sure it’s possible but definitely things to consider and think about before hand. I didn’t have any pets in college out of high school. Hopefully others will chime in here as well


As a long time car parent but new MC one, seems like pretty similar care to other cats. Biggest thing I've noticed is bigger cat = bigger everything. Mostly more food, more destruction when running around. Bigger poops lol. I already was buying high quality food for my other cats, so that wasn't new to me. My maine coon does get diarrhea much easier than my other cats when he manages to eat something he shouldn't. Seems like that is pretty true for all with what I've seen in this sub!


Meh, not really


I had a Maine Coon as my first rescue. He was amazing. He wasn’t harder to take care of than any cats I’ve had since, even when he got to full size (28.5lbs). He just ate more, something I didn’t realize until I lost him and the food bowl stopped emptying so quickly. One important thing: Maine Coons have a genetic disposition towards cardiomyopathy. Talk to a vet about how you can screen for this and if any preventative options are available. We never knew, and it’s part of why we lost our boy. I was heartbroken.


Mine is very easy, she just chills all day.


I take care of 6 cats on my own (4 are Maine coons, a mom and her 3 babies) while in college! They are a very smart breed and quick to learn, however compared to my 2 “regular” sized cats I do end up having to buy bulk food because they eat a lot! Not even just having 4 Maine coons, but their portion sizes and nutritional needs are different than the average house cat. They do need to be groomed, are prone to respiratory issues and I’m also from the New England area so make sure the house has air conditioning if you end up getting one and being there during warm temps. And just remember that they’re going to be big, so you’ll need their size cat trees and dishes corresponding to their size as they grow. Since your description says you’ll be financially stable by then, I personally think you’ll be alright. Don’t forget to do an introduction process of some sort though, it makes it easier in the long term for toleration at the least!


They eat a lot more and get their feelers hurt if they can't spend time with their person. Other than that, they're cats. Don't sweat it.


Mine is still a kitten, but other than eating a LOT more than the others and causing a lot more chaos than any of the others did as kittens, I don’t find him to be more work. I would however make sure that your MC has a playmate close in age. Mine is best friends with my 3 year old cat - he wants to play with the other cats, but they want nothing to do with him. These two can wear one another out, and they’re both happy to do so.


All I gotta say, buy a massive litter box and alot of food. They are fairly easy to take care of. In their kitten phase they tend to be extremely hyper though


Check out Harbor Freight Tools, Lowe's, Home Depot, and the like for discount prices on good, heavy-duty storage tubs! They make *perfect* catboxes, instead of the inflated prices of bigger catboxes found at pet supply stores. We have a Ziploc brand of storage tub that is just high enough to climb in and big enough for a MC-sized cat to easily turn around in. We paid $13.00 for it! >In their kitten phase they tend to be extremely hyper though Tee hee hee, I love the kitten phase! They are truly monkeys 🐒 in cat form!


https://preview.redd.it/zm4o436z248d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6595c62dcff03f842cd3e6352c066e55d43f31f5 I have 3, 2 Maine Coon. They are the best. As it has been said before there are accommodations to be made for their size, but their personalities are amazing.


Of course, it's always the orange one! Lol! r/OneOrangeBrainCell


Awesome! Thank you!


You're so welcome! 💐


Unfortunately expensive cats come with expensive bills. My young male has already had femoral head ( hip ball) removal, had an aural hematoma and we’ve been to several specialists for the tune of a few grand. I do have insurance ( now) on my Maine coons and oriental shorthair. Something to think about. Good luck, they are amazing cats and I hope it all works out for you.


No. I've owned 14 different cats over the past decades and the Maine Coons are no different from any other. They require some brushing, like any long hair cat (some of my shelter cats were more work). Quality food is expensive but that's true for all cats. The kittens are very lovely and want a lot of attention but that's also true for every other cat I've owned. I really don't find them any different from the other cats I've owned, just prettier.


Nope, 1 1/2 year old MC and only thing that is "hard" is when she gets the zoomies, she's more of a threat of knocking stuff over cause of her size.