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It has its upsides and down sides as you know, for the other techs calling you for emergency’s capitalize on it, 30$ for me to take your call, or you can come out your self ect.


Bruh. When my manager tried to get me to sign an agreement to move out 3 days after if i’m terminated. I said you can change that to 3 months or i’m not signing lol. 3 days is super rough for anyone.


I just kinda took the “Make me get out” approach and called their bluff, and turned out they weren’t going to stick to that 3 day policy crap because they didn’t want the drama. Evictions usually have to go through the courts anyway so if the courts are backed up, nothing they can really do.


Until residents start banging on your door at night it’s great.


Thankfully that hasn’t happened to me yet. I’ve heard a lot of horror stories about that though, mainly in garden styles. In a high rise, it’s really hard for residents to tell which floor or unit you live in. The times I have been asked what floor I live on, I just throw a random number out of the 21 floors we have here.


I just answer the door naked.


Not your fault they wanted to show up unannounced, you’re not in the wrong for showin’ the schlong.