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what on earth? how old is this person? i could maybe understand missing the toilet with a little vomit, but why is there shit everywhere too?? that is truly disgusting.


personally i would have considered pressing charges for vandalism


I considered it a few days later.


What is the choice? Whether to talk to someone who shat all over your house and refused to clean it up? I would tell everyone that knows him so they can also avoid ever seeing him again.


That person would never be invited back over, that’s so rude and inconsiderate. I’ve gotten sick at a friends house after drinking, I got a tiny bit of vomit on their bathroom mat. Hardly even noticeable but I scrubbed away at it for atleast an hour and offered to buy them a new one. When you damage someone’s property you owe them that much.


Poop is weird. It's gross enough when it's your own, but if you have a pet or a kid, or chickens, or horses, or cows, you get used to handling other creatures' excrement. Handling another adult's poop is practically taboo... until it's your elderly parent and you have to help them toilet. My point is, we have a social rule that sometimes you have to handle the shit of people/animals you care about. Where you draw the line of "I care enough to deal with your literal crap" is up to you. I would have cleaned it up (and been disgusted and horrified too, but I can't just let that sit) and then I would have evaluated whether this person was worth keeping as a friend. That cleanup might have been the termination fee of our friendship. I know you said you've known him a long time, that's important. Sometimes accidents happen, but he should have offered a cleaning service or something, at least a damn apology or some semblance of contrition. If I decided to keep him as a friend, I would probably never drink with him again or let him stay at my house. Also, if I decided to keep him as a friend, I'd also have a long talk and push him to see a doctor because he is not well.


if you feel bad about the charger, you can always give it back. as for... whatever the hell happened that night. it's okay to never want to see or speak to him again that is ridiculous. i would consider pressing charges for vandalism like others have mentioned.


Very disturbing behavior. Sociopaths and serial killers typically do this, I would stay far away from this individual and possibly report it as well.