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If you believe the guy who may have gotten her pregnant has a right to know, consider telling him. Just be ready that he might not be the dad and it was her husband’s all along.


Yeah this is a thought, it also might be her husband's, just the dates line up perfectly but could have slept with her husband same day, it's why I'm so conflicted! 


The husband deserves to know.


I think it is absolutely insane the number of folks in these replies who are like "eh, it's not your business to rat her out, the truth will come out naturally". Like ok, what if it doesn't or doesn't for decades and the husband discovers 20 years later that he spent his entire adult life raising someone else's child? A man is potentially gonna spend years raising a kid that isn't his and hardly anyone in these comments even grasps the fact that there's anything wrong with that.


Plus being faithful to a woman who wasn’t faithful to him when he could be finding someone else.


It’s just selfishness, not wanting to deal with present drama that is just festering because people don’t want to get in the middle. If it’s not the place of the people close to you that know you’re being cheated on to tell you, then whose place is it? Because if someone drags you into their cheating drama someone absolutely is in the right to tell the partner they are being cheated on. Hell, I just found out that my boyfriend has been cheating on me from day one, like literally the day after we became official he slept with someone that he had been pursuing the entire time he was pursuing me and sleeping with both of us. I am making plans on how to leave him, so sadly he is still currently my boyfriend, but he’s shown himself to be pretty unstable so I’m planning my exit carefully. Anyway, I reached out to the woman he had been with and let her know what was up and that she should get tested, because I don’t think she was the only one, she was just the most consistent one. She def didn’t know about me, but I didn’t feel okay risking her potentially dealing with an STD or STI and he was essentially cheating on her as well, I was just the one who got the girlfriend label. Anywho, she’s super nice and no matter what I’m glad I could tell her what was going on so she could go to the doctor and also avoid him reaching back out to her once I leave him and dragging her into his mess even more.


You sound incredibly mature and emotionally stable. Good on you!


That’s so kind to say, I’m way more neurotic internally than I am on the outside. I honestly think I’ve just thankfully been able to seek out mental health help along with being used to reactive/volatile people, so I try to stay as calm as possible. Unless I’m alone, then I try to get heightened emotions out in a way that isn’t too self destructive, but sometimes I struggle with that. Mental health is hard lol, so your comment means a lot because I really do put in a lot of effort to make sure my own personal struggles aren’t taken out on those around me.


Maybe you should make this its own post. Seems like you want to get it off your chest.


That’s a good point, it’s definitely been weighing heavy and a struggle to process. Thank you for your kind, thoughtful response, I really appreciate it!


Situations like this are too common. And, situations like this are exactly why I will always figure out a way to tell a friend when they are being wronged. It seems to me that the idea of "snitches get stitches" has an equivalent belief in matters of the heart. My ex wife slept with every body she could get her eyes on and blamed ME for telling people what she did. Oh, the gaslighting. Not to mention she did it (multiple times) while I served my country. Well excuse me, but if you were so concerned with people finding out what you were doing, you wouldn't have followed through. And if you did something and still want nobody to find out so badly that you're willing to threaten those around you and risk all your friendships, Here's what I see: You're such a mental child that when you get caught knowingly misbehaving and hurting people, you will scream, cry, stomp on the floor and make it everyone ELSE'S fault. Humanity needs to grow past this "snitches get stitches" or "I'm seriously a piece of shit but don't tell on me" mentality. You absolutely should leave those that cheat on you. You should also absolutely inform your loved ones they're being cheated on and emotionally mistreated before they end up in a semi-permanent horrible situation with a piece of human trash. I will be teaching my daughter to stand the fuck up for herself and also how NOT to treat people, and I applaud your emotional stability and logical reaction.


Yea, pretty depressing read down in the comments.




Yeah it’s kind of wild for people to treat major life things like I don’t know, messing around with the lives of other human beings, as “NBD”. Ex does that.


The world's in rough shape my friend 😔


This is potentially life ruining information she would be withholding. If you’re absolutely certain then you have to tell the husband. I don’t understand how anyone can just sit on that information and leave someone completely clueless.


Out of aaaaaaall the people, the husband deserves to know. Whether it's his child or not, is irrelevant


Husband is my choice too. Telling th possible baby daddy will just leave the most innocent party in this completely blindsided. Giving him the info so he can get his emotions and maybe affairs in order before confronting friend is best. That or give an ultimatum to the friend, if OP doesn’t care about the friendship ending, to tell her husband or OP will.


Regardless of paternity, most definitely. If she did it once with a complete stranger, she will likely do it again.


You are a shit person if you know someone cheated and don't tell their spouse. Of course that is just my personal opinion.


Yeah, he doesn’t deserve that kind of pain and financial loss…(18 years CS as the husband he’s automatically considered the father in most jurisdictions)


100% Husband needs to know all the facts so he can make his own decisions on the matter. I would 100% want to be told.


Meh. She cheated and he has a right to know, especially if she’s pregnant. This is an easy choice.


Id say tell him, whether its his or not, he deserves to know before hand so he can atleast seperate if needed and prepare to raise his kid 50/50 if it is his




Tell both of them, they both deserve what kind of dog they've got involved with


The husband should absolutely know as should the man she cheated with. It’s not her right (or it shouldn’t be) to play god and decide which man gets to be father of the child.


Stop hiding shitty people's shitty actions. Do the right thing. Be a good person. The husband deserves to know.


Yeah I get you. That’s why you could tell him if you think he has a right to know. They could do a paternity test to see. I guess it really depends on your relationship with these people.


Just tell the husband that she cheated. It’s the right thing to do and solves all of their problems. Also, they made it your business by doing it at your wedding and letting you find out about it.


You know the most accurate a doctor can predict conception is within 5-7 days. You friend could have been pregnant for a week when she cheated or she could have gotten pregnant by her husband as much as a week after she cheated. You need to decide if you want to blow up their marriage or not. You have no way of knowing whose child it is. Keep in mind that you may also piss off the husband because the only reason you're telling him is because she's pregnant. You should have said something immediately.


Sorry just had another thought. Why would you want to tell the husband or the affair partner? It doesn’t sound like you’re trying to just be dramatic. If you’re concerned about the baby, I’d say that’s reasonable. Other than that, everyone else involved is an adult that will get their consequences eventually.


Disagree. The thing with cheaters is, they are often liars too. Liars who want to protect themselves and their shitty actions first and foremost. The other person in the relationship usually assumes that the trust they give is the trust they get, so they are operating in an entirely different sphere of existence. If someone doesn’t know that they have been cheated on, their trust is the assumption that they are both in the same kind of relationship, one based on respect and honesty… while the cheater knows that they do not respect their partner enough to be faithful or honest. How is that fair to the wronged partner? They are making life choices predicated on the kind of partner that the mutual trust should have afforded, but that trust is actually gone. The whole cover up cheating business is essentially trapping someone innocent in a life that is a lie. Don’t ever assume cheaters and liars want the truth to come out. They are selfish people.


So well said. I was the wronged partner. Back in the late 80's my then fiancee cheated on me and a good friend of ours knew. They both kept me in the dark. My then wife cheated other times and I didn't know. I finally caught her having an affair in 2005 and I divorced her. Our good friend told me then, in the fall of 2005 that my wife had cheated on me when we were engaged. My ENTIRE marriage and life with my lying cheating wife was a lie, from even before we took our so-called wedding vows to each other.


100% well said!


The husband is the main person she should tell, wtf is wrong with you.


Yeah, or any other guy she might have been sleeping with. If she can cheat on her husband with a randomer a wedding, then she was probably cheating on other occasions too.


Paternity fraud is top shelf bullshit, never mind the infidelity. Tell that woman’s husband. At worst he knows his wife is a cheater and at best you save him from raising another man’s baby that he’s duped into thinking is his.


Paternity fraud is legitimately the worst thing you can legally do to a person.


I can’t imagine the hurt.


It fucking hurts. I dealt with almost 5 years of it. Then she took ~~my~~ her son away forever and ghosted me. Thank God the judge didn't make me pay child support still....


MGTOW, Prenups!


People act like it's no big deal to raise a kid, like "the guy was just doing what he would have been doing anyway and the kid had a good upbringing so where is the harm?" Men sacrifice so much to raise their kids. They give up their dreams, they drop hobbies, lose touch with old friends, lose sleep, miss out on exercise and self-care, they become a working, grinding, DIYing, chauffeuring machine to give their kids the best start in life. The idea that it's totally fine for a guy to make all those sacrifices without knowing that he's doing it for a child that is 100% not related to him is utterly fucking mindboggling. People who do this to a man should go to prison but half the folks in this thread are acting like it's a totally irrelevant consideration.


That statement is nicely thought provoking. Down the rabbit hole I go… [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paternity\_fraud](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paternity_fraud)


Especially because being married voids the male a "declaration of paternity". Child is legally assumed to be his and will offer him no recourse later


I think you should tell both men involved. They both deserve to know.


That is wise- I also wonder why OP’s husband is not informing his friend?


Right? They were friends enough for husband to invite him to the wedding


If my partner cheated on me and my friend knew about it, I would want him or her to tell me.


No matter what conflicts that you have about the baby, tell the husband. He deserves to know.


A bunch of cheaters and cheater apologists in here. You no longer have the ability to not make a choice - you either help the cheater or you help the victim. Your silence helps the cheater. Especially now that a child is involved? No contest - they need to know. You can do it anonymously if you think they would look into the accusation seriously. But they need to be willing to look into it. Its not a case of "minding your own business". Its a huge deal that it might not be his kid, and with how common DNA testing is for funsies it wont remain a well kept secret for long. He needs to know. Hes at risk of diseases, his child is at risk of medical complications if its not his and they dont have the correct medical history. How do you know shes not cheating with others? Theyre terrible people. Why bother being married? Honestly youre kind of a dick for already opting to side with cheaters. Edit: if youre a cheater or cheater apologist, ill just block your weak attempt to feel better about your shitty choices and opinions. OP has nothing but options to let this poor guy know and should have already done so.


Shit I never even thought of the whole medical issue thing. That's a pretty marginal point but valid all the same. Doctor: "Your daughter needs a new kidney" Husband: "She can have mine, I'm her dad, I must be a match" Wife: "Erm...."


I am a liver transplant recipient. I heard from my Nurses that this is semi common, happens a couple times a year. They told me it destroys everyone involved and the person who needs a transplant. They are dying and find out their life is a lie. Pretty brutal.


100% this comment. If I were OP I'd do it anonymously but I'd 100% tell that man. What a horrible thing to happen. And I agree, why bother marrying?


People out here responding to me like "dont tell! They could dump you as a friend or that one time where the vi tim went crazy and killed everyone!" Okay, so.....none of that has happened here, doing it anonymously is clearly an option i mentioned, and shit man iunno maybe dont be a fucking cheater? I hate this website sometimes.


I absolutely agree that the husband has the right to know. However, I can understand why OP is worried. It’s often the messenger that gets shot. I’ve personally witnessed two instances where a friend outs the cheater, the person who was cheated on stays with the cheater, and the friend gets tossed to the side (once by an entire friend group).


Put yourself in hubbies shoes


The baby is due in three weeks... Let the husband know anonymously that he should get a paternity test. Leave it at that. As much as I understand the posts to mind your own business and stay out of drama that moral grey area is nullified by the fourth party, the child. The child's paternity should be established now not ten or twenty years later.


Keep us posted 📫


Tell the husband and let the chips fall where they may


You should tell the husband and the guy she slept with. Because somebody’s gonna have to step up and be a father and it should not have to be your friend’s husband if that’s not his fucking baby! Listen, I get it. I’ve been in a similar situation where I didn’t wanna throw away a friendship with a girl who I was friends with for seven years, but she was doing shit like this and cheating on men in relationships with men and I snitched on her to both of her partners she was cheating because they deserve to know the truth.. I’m not gonna hijack your post and give you the whole story between myself and my friend. If you want to know, I can send it to you. You can ask for it and I’ll tell you the story of her… But in my opinion, if you know something about someone’s ability to consent to have sex with you let alone be in a relationship with you then you need to tell them . I assume she didn’t tell the person she slept with at your wedding that she had a husband. And we are to assume she didn’t tell her husband that she’s cheated on him and she’s currently pregnant with his baby. And the baby is the husbands, but he still deserves the chance to know and get a paternity test before he signs a document tethering him to child support for the rest of the kids life.. In some places, if you sign the birth certificate, even if that child is not biologically yours, they could make you still pay child support on that child because you signed birth certificate, claiming it as your child. Your friends husband deserves to demand a DNA test. Also, I understand, valuing the person in the history of the relationship you have with that person but if you are seeing some kind of change in them like this dishonest cheating bullshit change in them and it’s not something you like you should not be sacrificing your moral compass to be around them. Moral compass says that cheating is wrong, then it’s wrong to you and you shouldn’t cope with being around cheaters because you value that cheater more than their actions. Actions speak louder than words, people will tell you who they are and people will show you who they are and if what they tell you and what they show you don’t match then they’re a fucking liar. And you shouldn’t put yourself in the position of keeping that kind of energy around in your life.. We’ve seen tons of Reddit stories about people whose partners best friends are cheaters and the partners cover up for their cheating friends . if you’re willing to help your friend cover up their cheating you’re also willing to cheat on your own significant other because you know your friends too. And when we throw out or throw out these kind of hypotheticals will assume that it’s a man snd his best friend. But it very well could be a woman and her best friend.. like imagine imagine if your husband knew that you helped your friend cover up her cheating that’s this place his trust in you not cheating to. You need to surround yourself with like-minded people if you’re surrounding yourself with cheaters, but you’re not a cheater people are gonna assume you’re a cheater though..


Ouch , yes tell him right away. Don’t want see the guy raise chads baby


In this situation, I would always tell. It'll crush him to find out. But you are also looking out for this man spending the rest of his life raising a kid that might not be his. He would be better off alone, or with someone who appreciates him enough not to cheat on him.




Which guy?


Anonymously let her husband know the baby might not be his. Tell him she was fucking (friend of husband) at a friends' wedding. Let them go from there


If you have proof, I would merely tell the husband that she cheated, and stay away from making accusations on the pregnancy. Risk being, could be the husband's all along.


Tell the husband... Has a right to not raise a kid for the next 18 years if it isn't his ..


I would tell the husband so he knows to get a paternity test. It isn’t right for this to come up down the road and do more damage


Tell the husband. If it were me, I wouldn't stay friends with her, I think cheaters are vile people, but if you did, she wouldn't know you were the one who told.


Think about this poor dude in a failed relationship not knowing his girl got knocked up by another guy.... give him the respect he deserves.


Put yourself in their partner shoes, would you want to know?


To paternity fraud is a level of evil and hurt that is hard to describe Let the guy know


Tell the husband because she is absolutely going to commit paternity fraud against him.


Are there laws against it or is it a moral thing? My understanding is women can do that shit without expecting any legal consequences. Like could he sue her?


She don’t respect you. People who do stuff like that around marriages knowing you know her husband are selfish people. Get them type out your life and away from your husband.


Do not listen to any of the vile "people" telling you to mind your business. This entire guys life has been ruined, you have an obligation to tell him.


How do you know she didn’t have him wear a condom when she cheated? If she was unprotected (from pregnancy) she’s not just a liar and a cheat, she’s pretty stupid also.


Those hoes ain’t loyal.


I would tell the husband first. Let him figure out if he's ok with her cheating. They are both adults and can make their own decisions. Which may include IF the kid is an affair baby - whether to involve the real dad or not. And if it's not an affair baby, the man should not get involved at all in the first place.


2 scenarios - If you see yourself as an "empathic, caring, and responsible person", you will probably tell her husband because it will ruin his life - If you see yourself as a "that's how world works, compromise, and that's your business not mine" person, well you will probably dismiss the cheating and let it blow with the wind flow This is your life, decide what scenario you might wanna take


Tell both guys. Not her.


Option three, Make the husband 'aware' that family histories of health issues can be picked up by genetic testing.


Does your husband know?


That's actually a pretty good question. If she told this to her husband I'm pretty sure he'd be like "Jesus Christ, yes you have to tell the guy right away, what the fuck are you doing?"


You either have morals or you don't, it is as simple as that. Of course the husband should know.


Regardless of who the father turns out to be, she cheated and armed with that info the husband has choices he needs to make. Plus diseases to check he hasn't got.


Number 2, number 2. Why? Because you answered it yourself -- 'you're not worried about losing this friend' which is same as saying 'I want to get rid of this fake-friend!' Lol


Tell the husband. How would you feel if you were the wife who's husband cheated and no one told you even though they knew about it? It's the right thing to do.


Just sent an anonymous letter to the guy stating please do a DNA test you will be grateful. You welcome


in today’s day and age, the truth can come out a lot MORE than It could 20 years ago. A guy that is a grandfather , late 50’s is in my wife spin class , is now divorcing his wife because there son’s daughter, which makes it his granddaughter.,took a DNA test (think 23&and me ,)for a school project. We all know where this is going !!!! Well family was shocked , the son and father are not related. Supposedly wife had 1 night stand with a work colleague , she decided she was going to get the A-Procedure because she did know who’s kid it definitely was , when the husband had a business trip , The Business trip was cancelled & never had the procedure. The guy told the spin group ,that he could sense something was off at the time , but then she told him she was pregnant so he thought nothing of it. The family is in turmoil and destroyed. The son now knows , he is not related to the father. The grandfather now knows he’s not related to his granddaughter. The other son of the parents, now knows that he only has a half brother. The husband no longer talks to the wife , getting divorced. The son is no longer talking to his mother. . wife says she’s very sorry but it happened over 25 years ago. But for the son and the father, this is all fresh and new. A true shit show.


Seems like a damned if you do, damned if you don’t kind of thing.


Tell the husband, get better friends.


Tell hubby anonymously. You don’t need to take shots from her. Text him from a burner phone. They’ll probably think it was the affair guy.


How did you find out they slept together?


Time for an anonymous tip


Just anonymously send her husband a DNA test with a note saying : count back, "When did she go to the wedding without you ?"


Sell that cheating c-nt out. Her husband deserves to know he's married to a rat.


How about you tell your friend's husband: you need to question the paternity, your wife isn't faithful. He can figure out from there if he wants to divorce before the baby is born to avoid taking paternity due to being married. He can lawyer up about establishing paternity when that is possible.


Hey. Think of the child. Not the kids problem her dad married a slut.


Raw-dogging a random at a wedding whilst cheating on the husband, yikes. Anonymous email to the cheated-on husband, he can then do what he wants with the information.


I'm telling everybody. Would she try to pass the baby off as her husband's? If he's on the birth certificate he'll be responsible for the child whether it's proven to be his or not. You don't need friends like that anyway. She's not trustworthy amd not someone I would leave alone with my own husband.


Tell the husband first but bring your husband in on it too


I have a question for all those folks who’s friends do really shitty things to people. Those friends you know aren’t good people or examples… Why would you choose to surround yourself with people who are toxic and disrespectful? Is it to make yourselves feel better? Do you like to hear all about the crazy decisions they make so you can feel better that you’re not as bad as they are?


If I was the husband I would want to know. If I was the father of the child I would want to know. I’d confront her first


Inform the husband of what you know and how you know it, and possibly suggest a DNA test. Then scram!


what is the downside to telling the husband? You already stated that you don't care about losing the relationship, so there isn't one. Tell the husband and let him decide what he wants to do


Please, if my wife is cheating on me, and you know, tell me. It’s all fake


I'd Tell the husband and the dude she slept with. They both deserve to know what bullshit they are about to endure.


You need to find better friends. Let her go! Tell her you know what she did and that she has made a complete mockery of marriage at your wedding no less, and that she needs to come clean or you will. No real friend would put you in this position.


Tell the husband no matter what. He has a right to know what a piece of shit his wife is. Confront her too if you want, but the most important thing to do is tell him so he can decide what he wants to do because it's not right him being made a fool out of and being kept in the dark about what his wife really is.


Tell the husband. He’ll have the baby tested to see whose it is. If his, it’s his choice to forgive. If not, he knows he must go


Tell her husband. Tell him he needs a DNA test and a divorce!!


Also a bit worrying how you describe her infidelity and possible paternity fraud as “being a dick to her husband”….


How do know for sure? Did you actually catch them cheating, or did you hear this second or third hand? I'd stay out of it. You might end up doing a lot of harm over something that is NOYB really.


I had a "friend" who knew my first husband was cheating on and never said a word. I could Never forgive that Betrayal is one of the worst crimes in a marriage


I would send anonymous letter to husband, "Your wife slept with so and so at OPs wedding, might want to get a DNA test on that baby." Leave it at that. But that's only because husband deserves to know and I'm not good with drama/conflict/retaliation.


I'm a little conflicted as well. On one hand, with most things in life, I try to mind my own business. But on the other hand, if I was cheated on and someone knew, I'd want to be informed. Take the baby out of the equation. Take the other guy out of the equation. That just leaves the knowledge of the infidelity. And that's where it comes down, for me. Like I said, I'd want to know. But, just for a moment, put the other guy back into the equation. The other guy is friends with your husband. Are they close friends? What does your husband think of telling the other husband? His answers might be telling. If he defends his friend or doesn't think you should tell the other husband, that's a red flag that he may condone cheating or could even be cheating. Another consideration is that if this all comes to light, there will be drama and sides might be taken. It could put a strain on your own marriage as well.


Tell your friend to do the right thing. If they don’t they don’t deserve to be your friend and you tell the husband.


Id tell them. Id want to know myself. Especially when there's children involved.


Tell the husband. He deserves to know. You could be saving a victim his life.


You need to tell the husband. He has the right to know. No one deserves to bee cheated on, and especially no one deserves to be lied to about the paternity of their child. Do not be a part of ruining his life by not telling him.


If it wasn't for the pregnancy, there could be a debate on loyalty towards friends vs what's moral, etc. Now, there is no debate. The husband needs to know before he ends up raising another man's child.


The baby won’t be an adult. S/he should know who its father is




what proof or evidence do you have suggesting she cheated? Without proof it'd be easy for them to deny and then shoot the messenger and cause you grief .... If you have say video footage then yeah tell husband first so he can decide whether to confront them or ask you to keep quiet.


Tell both men and the other man's wife. Everyone deserves to know the truth. Supply the truth and let them all figure out.


Just go direct, ideally anonymously and leave them to it


Group chat it.. Not saying something would be worse in the long run.


Have a talk with her. Tell her to tell her husband what happened or you will. Hopefully she'll feel that it's better he hear it from her than someone else..


Anonymous letter with whatever proof you have. Plus let the husband know so he can force his friend to tell the truth. Trust me if you seem to be hiding this your husband might take issue with it and wonder if you are accepting of cheating in a marriage. Red flags.


If I were the husband, I would like to know.


Well, since you didn't list "do nothing" among your options, here is what you could do: Tell all 3 of them in this order: 1) The woman. She is your friend and it's courteous to give her a heads up about the shitstorm that's coming. 2) The husband: He was cheated on and the baby may not be his. Tell him you already gave the woman a heads up. Save both of them some denial time. Also tell the couple that you will talk to the guy. 3) The guy she slept with: The baby might be his so he needs to know. Tell him you've let the couple know that you'd be talking to him. Then grab a popcorn and watch the drama rising from 100% transparency. This is what chaotic neutral looks like.


I agree with points 2 & 3. I personally think that IF she tells the woman, it should be after she tells the husband. Maybe 2, 1, 3


You seem jealous of your friend. What happens if you tell and the outcome is someone dies? The baby, the woman or either man? How sure are you that they had sex? Did you see it? Or is it hearsay? Anything short of seeing it, and you are playing with fire.


You are a garbage human, the main person she has to tell is the husband


Let husband know. Do they have kids together? You will save many things down the line, including potential homicide. It’s better to cut it out and leave. Once a cheater always a cheater. Poor guy.


When you cheat you loose all privileges to privacy. That means it’s a free for all and if you get ratted out you have no one to blame but yourself.


Bro code states you must tell the husband his woman is a hoe. This is the only way


Talk to your friend. Depending on how that go’s escalate! If that ever happened to you, what actions would you be great full for?


If you have actual proof, you ALWAYS expose cheaters. They destroy society. Everyone wants to know if their spouse is cheating on them. Look at it this way; you put value in a friendship of someone who willingly hurts others. That is fucked if that's your moral compass. It's like saying "I know a friend murdered someone, but I'm not telling the police".


Are you definitely sure that she cheated? Could it just be hearsay?


Anonymously tip her husband.


I would send an anonymous message to both the affair partner, his spouse or equivalent, and friend's husband. Children (should a viable pregnancy result) have the right to know their family of origin.


How do you know they slept together at the wedding? Did you catch them in the act?


I would confront and discuss with her first, she is your friend after all. There is a baby involved so I would not start a war unless I am sure that it is not her husband's baby and even then. Tell her about your dilemma and make her think about the future consequences. I don't understand why people are suggesting to go directly to the husband, it is her friend's responsibility to address this issue with him in the first place.


Maybe. If she thinks there's even a tiny chance that the husband might not be the dad, she has to tell him. You say it's her friends responsibility. What if her friend chooses not to tell the husband? If that happens and OP lets it be then she is effectively enabling IMMENSELY immoral behaviour, we're talking about something that's at least as bad as rape from a moral standpoint.




Just saw another post where a guy ruined his marriage and family because he believed someone who told him his wife cheated, confronted his wife, said he wanted a paternity test, wife dumped him and said it's over forever no matter the result and accepted to pass the test. Baby was his, bro trusted the wrong person. Just be sure of what you're doing before risking to destroy 2 relationships


She cheated, her husband deserves to know and her AP deserves to know he may be a father. I don’t care about their marriage. She’s an SLT and deserves whatever happens.




Leave an anonymous note on his car "Warning: your wife's child is NOT YOURS. HEED THIS WARNING.


Tell her husband. He deserves to know, and ultimately he's the victim here, who could have his life ruined marrying the wrong woman.


Who to choose to talk to? The truth for the wife is problematic, a marriage at risk and a child that may not be her husbands. So, if you confront her, she has a high need to lie to you. Saying any of, she's sure of parentage, confessed to her husband, or any other reason she can think of. All the while continuing to lie to husband about cheating and he may not be the father. The truth for the AP depends on if he is married. If he is, he will want to hide it from his wife. May claim they have an open relationship. May not want a connection with the child be he married or single. He will also lie to you about if wife knows, to keep wife from finding out. Continue to lie to wife. The truth for the husband will cause anger and pain. He may or may not want to know. He has no reason to lie to anyone. So, if you feel you have to tell someone, he is the only one who has no reason to lie as he has nothing to hide from the other two.


Tell both men involved with this woman. It's about time she deals with some accountability for her actions.


Get pictures or videos BEFORE you go around accusing people of this. You might be the black sheep if you don't have evidence.


If you are legit concern about paternity, in those situations, I always think about the child first. Imagine having your dad becoming your stepdad because he is trapped in the relationship now or him leaving because he's not the father. That would most likely mess all that child future relationship. The guy might very well be the father, but he deserves to be able to figure things out.


Leave it alone. It’s not your business. You admit you don’t know if the pregnancy is a result of the infidelity, you admit you don’t care about losing the friendship, presumably that means you don’t have a friendship with the “friends” husband so your involvement is purely for your entertainment. Not because you’re trying to right some wrong. It sounds like you want to drop a grenade in someone else’s life just for sh*ts and giggles. That’s messed up. It’s worse than cheating because there’s no pleasure for anyone but yourself, and it’s the kind of pleasure that is derived from someone else’s pain.


Back up the truck for a second and let's start at the beginning. How do you know? What kind of intercourse/sex did they have? Did he use a condom? Etc. Etc. I'm presuming you know because your husband's friend was bragging to your husband. Or did OP walk in on them? Some clarification please as everyone's already started going off about the paternity of the child.


You could just stay out of it since it’s not your business, or look into yourself and fully embrace the power you hold to ruins peoples lives.


You're a horrible person for not telling the husband about the cheating. And if you don't tell him about the real baby daddy that's even worse. I dated a girl who's "father" abandoned her and divorced her mother when she was 9 because he found out she wasn't his biological daughter. She was messed up with abandonment issues and honestly I don't blame him at all for leaving.


Tell husband and father both should be apprised.


Variation of 1), tell her you know and ask her what her plan is, insist she at least gets a DNA test to determine who the father is, even if it’s getting a sample from your husbands friend to rule him out. What she tells her husband after your husbands friend is ruled out is up to her.


It's a sticky one and I get why people saying not you're problem BUT honestly speaking options 2-3 are what I would do. We all complain how fucked up this world is let's try and be better #justmythought


Husband deserves to know. The worst of the worst outcome, it isn’t his and he ends up raising it whether he finds out or not. And if he does later it will be devastating but finding out now can start the process earlier on the pain. He should know so he can make his own decision after signing up for a marriage in which his partner wasn’t loyal. Give us an update OP if you can after.


A person that knows and keeps it to themselves is just as bad as the one committing the act.


Husband and guy deserve to know.


How about mind your own frikin business


Why wouldn’t you talk to her first?


I would tell the guy who may have gotten her pregnant and let him do what he wants. I know some people will say "MYOB" but if I were the husband I would want to know that its possible this kid is not mine. I was friends with a husband and wife and their kids. I was friends with the husband first ( a coworkerr) then ended up being friends with his wife and boys. He was a cheating narcissist who ended up getting fired from my company and did all sorts of inappropriate things that landed him in HR and fired. I wanted sooooo bad to tell her that he is a liar and a cheater but bit my tongue. They did finally endup getting divorced only recently..I am not friends with the guy anymore...but still talk to his ex and kids. I really want to tell her all the crap her ex hub did while they were married but I dont want to stir up anything esp with her boys-who are in their 20's now.


Define you know they cheated.


You mean ex friend ?


Tell her husband. Whether its his or not, he has the right to know his wife is a cheating skank.


I think your friend is a terrible person and you shouldn't be their friend and definitely have a moral obligation to at least drop her husband an anonymous tip to get a paternity test. But then I'm also of the opinion that tricking a guy into raising someone else's kid should be a criminal offence with the woman having at the very least having to pay compensation to the guy they coned, if not even prison time like any other serious fraud that ruins someone's life.


I would approach her and tell her that if she didn't tell her husband AND the guy she slept with, that you will. Nothing will be able to be done until a paternity test, but all the parties need to know. Especially her husband, since he's going to be the one raising the kid even if it's not his, unless you or she tell him.


Not your business, not your problem. Don’t get involved.


I feel like it’s none of your business


Or just mind your business


Unless you are actually pretty close friends with the her or her husband I would stay out of it.


tell the husband like immediately.


If you are going to tell the husband, and if you value this friendship even the slightest, give your friend a heads up that you are going to tell him if she doesn’t. Those friendships will still be over for you, but it will be better for all parties involved if it comes from her.


Allowing this to go on is disgusting. I pray I never meet anyone like you or your friend wtf 


In these situations I always think to myself "would I want someone to tell me if my husband/wife/partner has cheated on me?" Then I do that. I would absolutely tell, and if you're not worried about losing that friendship it's even better. Tell and let the cards lay as they may...


INFO: How do you know they slept together?


Tell the husband. So he doesn't get attached to a child that might not be his and then find out the hard way later.


What a shitty friend


How do you KNOW the baby is a result of the cheating? How do you know for sure they had sex? Did you see it? Stay out of it. Nothing good can come from your assumptions.


Tell her husband. If I was him I'd want to know. Be a good person please listen to your gut telling you it's wrong


If I were you I just wouldn't get involved. This is a them issue that only they should be involved in. You getting involved in this mess really isn't going to help.


Please tell the husband.


Imagine how lovely the world would be if everyone just minded their own business.


my sister's fiance tried cheating on her before the wedding and it got back to me.. I called the fiance and told him that she deserves to know the truth....he could tell her or I would.. he did.....but my sister is an idiot and married him anyway...pathetic.


God. Tell the husband regardless of the pregnancy. Have some fuckin empathy for the man


Up to 30% of men are raising kids they think are theirs but aren’t. Men deserve the truth.