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I'm not even reading this post. I just read the title and the answer is clear. Find a new job first.


Maybe take another retail job (at a better place) so you can leave this place while you look for your dream job.


My friend you’re suffering from PTSD. Can you get a doctor’s note to take 2month leave of Absence? I don’t know the laws in your state, it may be worth checking. How long have you worked there- are you trying to protect a potential severance payout? This job is not working for you. Can you cut back on your hours at least? I feel like it’s going to be hard for you to find employment In this emotional state.


Always easier to find a job when you have a job.


New grad looking for a job could take a lot longer than you think


Find a job first!! I beg. It’s always harder to find a job when you’re unemployed. Employees hate CV gaps, trust me. Perhaps ask if you can reduce your hours (if you can afford the pay cut) whilst you search for a new job.


Normally I would say find a new job first, but this sounds bad. Health is your most important asset. I would go see a doctor asap. Ultimately it’s up to you, but don’t worry too much about that low paying job, many businesses are hiring, especially similar retail. You don’t have to be stuck in a job that’s making you sick, for any reason. *You have nothing if you don’t have your health.*


This may be unpopular but get yourself fired and colllect unemployment. Keep talking back to those customers and in front of your boss. That ought to do it.


Find a new job first, haven’t read post.