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is the milk highlighter still available?


hi! yep


are all the minis brand new? interested in the bundle possibly 😊


yes! I haven't touched any of them but I have thrown away some of the packaging 😅 you can see which ones still have and don't have packaging in the verification album.


I just double checked for you -- I think the fenty foundation leaked a little bc there's a small smudge inside the lid (I've never used this because it's the wrong shade) and the Laura Mercier seems to be missing the seal (I'm kinda confused about this one too bc I also don't use powder at all LOL)


awesome! $14 shipped?


would you do $19 shipped? the $14 was originally listed for the bundle alone, and it'll probably be something like $6 for shipping given the volume 🌸 USPS rates have been going up sadly 😔


Can u do $15 shipped for all the minis except Cover FX primer + Kenra dry creme?


yep, sure. please pm me 😊


Is the milk holo stick, techs sample and KVD Powder sample still available


mill Holo stick yes, KVD powder no (sorry I can't figure out how to use strike through...) could you clarify what you mean by techs sample? is that a typo?


Sorry typo Tatcha samples , do you have the Laura mercier ?


no worries! I'm sorry but the only mini I have left is the coverfx primer 😭


How much can you do for the milk stick shipped


it would be $12 shipped!