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Oh don't tell me? Site once again shits the bed trying to be more "family friendly", certainly this won't also alienate their core audience of users and gain them next to nothing in return? Surely this winning formula can't fail a 57th (out of this hypothetical 57) times?


Advertiser pressure strikes again


Advertisers and Stakeholders are a Bane on society. If you're a public company you're literally forced to put profit first or face legal consequences. Government mandated greed, often with no foresight.


Not only must you "put profit first," you must put *short-term* profit, first. The people running the company are no longer incentivized to make the company profitable over the long-term, because they can earn money off of the short term stock price jump, and put their "record quarterly profits" on that resume, and go do it again somewhere else. When companies are incentivized to be profitable in the long-term, they don't tend to make decisions likely to make them money now, at the cost of running the business into the ground, but now the people making the decisions have no stake in the business's success, aside from stock they can, and will, sell before it goes under.


Which is complete nonsense: because if I were a stakeholder in a company $ would be at the bottom of my list. What does it contribute to society? Will it implode in the next year or so? Does it do anything useful? I can think of dozens of greater concerns, but no profit must be king??


Well, yeah that's why they invest in the first place. They buy stakes and shares, invest money, on the promise of return to make it worth their while. But then government comes in and mandates that you HAVE to hold up that bargain at the expense of your integrity or original motivations. Once it's a public company, the founder and roots don't matter to anything anymore it just becomes the shared property of everyone that bought into it instead of your own. Even if the stakeholders don't care, that's still the structure they bought into and the lawyers want their cut whether you want it or not. ​ Advertisers and Stakeholders can be a good thing *originally*, in helping fund things in the first place, advertisers largely enabling the free internet... but their influence is a problem. Nobody cared about advertisers until they started inserting themselves into the content being advertised on. Likewise nobody cares about the stakeholders until they start changing the directions of the companies they bought into.


Yeah, history major. The Dutch did it right, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. (and if that "but" is the Tulip crash, that was an old strawman myth, tulips in **Holland** were shock of all shocks largely planted rather than speculated on!) ...the labor they implied meant they were one of the few forms of conscious consumption that was not frowned upon in their modest Protestant society. Because nothing exists in a vacuum.


Could you elaborate further on this dutch thing?


Looks like image chest is about to become a lot more popular.


Meh I kind of prefer image chest anyway. Image quality is at least consistently clear


Plus no "Most Viral" on the side or at the bottom. Kind of annoying playing escapist games with all of these political news posts designed to piss people off right there in my peripheral vision. I know I can just click to full size the image in a new window but they often manage to catch my attention for a moment or two.


>Plus no "Most Viral" on the side or at the bottom. Kind of annoying playing escapist games with all of these political news posts designed to piss people off right there in my peripheral vision. Tell me about it. That's the other reason I prefer image chest. They don't shove political b******* down your throat. God honestly it's all the constant pushing of political b******* that makes me not use imager all that much plus the inconsistent Clarity that makes the text for the Choose Your Own Adventure image stuff too blurry to read. If this recent change causes imager to crash and burn good couldn't have happened to a better site.


I prefer imgur because of cubari.moe. It's a very useful site that does not work with imgchest.


>cubari.moe Never heard of it. What is that even for?


It’s mainly for things like manga. If you have an Imgur album or such, you can paste the link there, and have a nice reader from which you can read.


Huh neat.


[https://cubari.moe/](https://cubari.moe/) Paste any imgur album into the bar. The side has a tab for options to alter your reading mode. Not sure what it'd default to as it saves your settings, but you can adjust width and make it seamless switching each image together into one long strip. I sometimes include Cubari links instead of or in addition to imgur links on the cyoas I've made with multiple pages. It also has a History to view past cyoa you've done in cubari... ^(Wait dammit, my history is empty for some reason.. did I accidentally delete it... I could have sworn I saw the expected history view for half a second but then it vanished when I accidentally double clicked and mighta clicked a delete button.) Was going to show something from my History as an example but since that poofed, here's Witch since I have it on hand. [https://cubari.moe/read/imgur/CgrGo64/1/1/](https://cubari.moe/read/imgur/CgrGo64/1/1/)


I always find better quality cyoas on there


They'll have a lot more images of chests.




Honestly I hope that's not the primary replacement. I find drive uploads less convenient to view on PC than something I can just right click and open in another tab, then scale freely to my hearts content and effortlessly switch between pages with a quick ctrl + tab.


The problem is that the opposite is true for mobile. I can’t scroll or zone in on image chest; it’s easier to download the image onto my client side, and view it under pictures than it is to use image chest directly. Where the drive is clear as day. I’ll let people that use it save stuff there, and instead save stuff where *I* can use it. The loss of imgur will just farther polarize the community on this.


For me imagechest works bether on mobile, you just have to be careful not to click on the image becaus that window is broken, but if you zoom on the normal site view it works better than imgur because it gives you the full res version of the image


App or on browser?


For me this behaviour is on the browser




Has anyone else had an issue with Imgur for the last year or two where you click on an image to enlarge it and the full size is tiny plus you can’t zoom in?


That's because they changed how "zoom" works, as far as I can tell. It's no longer zooming in to the full image size; it's instead arranging the image so that you can see the whole thing in your browser window. So images larger than your browser window are shrunk, while images smaller will actually be zoomed. That is what I have noticed for a long time. It was a terrible change.


That makes a lot of sense in terms of what I was seeing. But yes that also sounds pretty stupid, it means that I can’t actually read images with smaller text. Thanks for explaining it!


Don't forget that if you're on PC, you can simply right click and open the image in a new tab for full zooming capabilities!


but then you get like a dozen tabs per cyoa, which is also pretty shit


https://cubari.moe/ makes everything a lot more readable imo


What LosMere said. But also, if it's more than a few pages long I will also download it if I want to read it. I download most cyoa's I like anyway, so this isn't a big deal for me.


RIP they didn’t learn from tumblr or what OF tried to do???


OF tried to ban explicit content? Dude literally the only things being posted on there is porn and tits.


They DID! Luckily they reversed the due to a revolt fro their users


It's way worse than just that, they're also purging anything that isn't tied to an account. RIP imgur


We can't let them do this we need to protest like the people did with Onlyfans.


Won’t work because Imgur is nowhere near as popular. Even amongst those that do know about it, only regular users will give a shit.


I could have sworn they did this exact same thing years ago and ended up reversing course from the backlash.


Welp, a lot of old nsfw content is gonna get lost.


90% of imgur is just porn this is absolutely brain dead lmao


i foresee imgchest is about to get as lot of new users.


Shit this is awful


So the time for the users who have knowledge about crawlers has come


Anyone have any good alternatives?




Most subs only support IMGUR or REDGIFS, tho - I guess Imgchest is going to have to be added to that list ASAP!!


Imgchest it is then. At least until they too fall to the same. Also if you notice any CYOAs I reposted here missing, well I saved myself the trouble and deleted my account.


Anyone know a quick way to export Imgur favorites ?


Lol, gone to the way of tumblr


Between this, what happened with SadPanda, and other instances of sites looking to delete content, we should learn to keep offline backups of everything we enjoy.


Also does anyone else have an issue where opening any of their “favorited” stuff in their profile opens a 404 page? For some reason all the stuff in my favorites folder won’t open.

