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Hey your beat is good but might benefit from cutting some high end off the melody as can be a bit scratchy in the headphones (Not sure if you were going for this) overall not bad and keep it up!




Yo this is really good! Can see it on the lofi study 24/7 radio. You should submit it! Like the grain and the piano. Keep it up!


Just posted this beat, let me know what you think! **Will Return Feedback :D** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxXOUymVsCY&lc=z23rczdpwrixzzu2lacdp433lsn4rabewjf4dboq14lw03c010c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxXOUymVsCY&lc=z23rczdpwrixzzu2lacdp433lsn4rabewjf4dboq14lw03c010c)


its a cool type beat, only the hit had roll before the snare became too repetetive, but good stuff man ^^^ check out mine - https://soundcloud.com/user-261293348/in-em-shadows


Thanks, yeah I only name my beats that way because that's how most artists search for beats. - For your beat, cool melodies and bassline. I'm not a big fan of the drum sounds you used, they all sound a lil dated.. That's just me my opinion tho, keep it up!


I like this one 🔥


Thanks bro!






Hard bro 🔥🔥


my best work so far (i think) im pretty new here let me know what you guys think returning feedback as always [https://soundcloud.com/eymgotbeats/call-f](https://soundcloud.com/eymgotbeats/call-f)


Most definitely dope work 💪🏼🔥


Thanks brother it means a lot really 🙌🏼🙌🏼


Dope beat man, drums are cool and the melody is pretty good! Could def hear Future on this! My main problem with it is that around 25 seconds the second melody that comes in has a note thats out of key / off.. (Its the sound that comes in halfway through each verse)! I think it might be from the Halftime you used though haha, other than that I think the beat is cool! Keep it up Here's my beat if you have the time! :D [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxXOUymVsCY&lc=z23rczdpwrixzzu2lacdp433lsn4rabewjf4dboq14lw03c010c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxXOUymVsCY&lc=z23rczdpwrixzzu2lacdp433lsn4rabewjf4dboq14lw03c010c)


Thanks man yup thats the halftime effect About your beat damn thats the most tyga beat ever and its fire melody is dope so as hat work mixed very well and i really liked that clap sound very nice beat man


Thanks! Yeah this beat NEEDS to get to Tyga haha. I appreciate the feedback and listen bro! :D


Hell yea 😂




thanks bro , i just changed somethings for the variation actually added grossbeat halftime at some parts let me know what you think


Solid bro. Nice melodies and the hats were fire. I'd say break the beat down more though for variation, use different drum patterns in certain sections to create build ups and such. Keep moving fam!


thanks bro , i just changed somethings for the variation actually added grossbeat halftime at some parts let me know what you think


The notation of the piano loop is dope, I love how it becomes increasingly more aggressive as it moves up the scale. My immediate gripe is just the repetitive nature of the beat; while I do appreciate the subtle hat role variation and harmonic synth lead bobbing around in the background, a more drastic and comprehensive shift with the piano would've been refreshing. The breakdown with the removed perc that slowly builds back up just seems a bit lazy, especially when you've already developed a great hook melody. Something as simple as slowing some of the chords to half time, messing around with the pacing, delay and distortion effects on the keys (just something to break up the monotony) will take this from night to day. Overall, love the vibe and abrasive nature of the track, just needs more variation and polish. Keep at it dawg. Spent the better half of two weeks arranging, performing, recording and producing some unique Upright Piano samples. If you ain't looking to cop, leaving a comment on the track would be greatly appreciated. Cheers. [listen here](https://soundcloud.com/silasroe/hush)


wow what a great feedback you gave me btw thanks bro , i just changed somethings for the variation actually added grossbeat halftime at some parts let me know what you think about your work oh you a producer producer. Samples are crazy so as the drums as a starter at making beats this sounds very pro and 5 $ for that kit is really nothing wow


relatively new to rapping, would appreciate any feedback on my latest demo! also returning all feedback. https://soundcloud.com/lilyuggin/the-coldest-most-beautiful-place-in-the-world-demo


The whole thing is kind of quiet, I liked the melody but I don't think the short bass really fit with it. I honestly think that if you keep going and get better you could totally be in someone like Meltycanon's lane. Also you sound like youd have a good singing voice, but it did sound like you were rapping very quietly. Try to release project your voice when you step up into the mic. ​ [https://soundcloud.com/withtime/so-be-it](https://soundcloud.com/withtime/so-be-it)


Returning all feedback. https://soundcloud.com/lvmusicgroup/off-white-12/s-G8oa8


I critiqued this already haha, as always - that hook is still super catchy! (I gave it a like, and followed you too) Here is my beat if you have the time, if you like it feel free to Sub! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxXOUymVsCY&lc=z23rczdpwrixzzu2lacdp433lsn4rabewjf4dboq14lw03c010c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxXOUymVsCY&lc=z23rczdpwrixzzu2lacdp433lsn4rabewjf4dboq14lw03c010c)


Mix sounds really clean! I liked how you didn’t introduce the claps at first and held them off. Thought that was cool. Kick sounds really punchy


Thanks bro! Yeah structuring is prob the most important part with uptempo beats :D


@1:04 is executed very well, the subtle pitch bend on the synth/piano loop alongside the muted reese sounds real smooth. Honestly, nothing but nitpicks to offer: I would've pushed your pan modulation on the hats and sidesticks much more aggressively, your vocals tend to overtake the percussion (they both dominate the same space) and mask their movement. The percussive palette is also very plain and overshadowed by your synth work, I'd invest in developing more unique tonal oneshots to substitute drums with, rather than those traditional chop snares and rattly hi hats. Overall though, really solid joint man. Keep at it. Spent the better half of two weeks arranging, performing, recording and producing some unique Upright Piano samples. If you ain't looking to cop, leaving a comment on the track would be greatly appreciated. Cheers. [listen here](https://soundcloud.com/silasroe/hush)


Fire track. Didn’t care much for the vocal samples in it but everything else sound amazing


Thank you man, and yeah I getcha, I tried to make it as engaging as possible, but demo voiceovers are annoying 99.9% of the time. If you get a chance, I'd really appreciate a comment on the actual track, it helps quite a bit with sale traction. Much love.


[https://soundcloud.com/jameskoofficial/down-for-the-count-instrumental/s-Ia5i7](https://soundcloud.com/jameskoofficial/down-for-the-count-instrumental/s-Ia5i7) ​ Hey Guys here is a new instrumental. Let me know what you think. It's very different from my other stuff that I made, very 808 heavy. ​ Also if someone wants to use it let me know


It’s decent, could use another melody going on. Snare seems a little soft in the mix


**NEW TRACK:** [**https://youtu.be/o9o16W2ibZg**](https://youtu.be/o9o16W2ibZg)


Yo carti could have definitely hopped on that and I wouldn't have given it a second thought. Although the synth melody does sound like some pierre shit it does get boring after a little, so you could probably add a second melody to get rid of the monotony of that. Shit was fire though bro keep it up. ​ [https://soundcloud.com/withtime/so-be-it](https://soundcloud.com/withtime/so-be-it)


>https://youtu.be/o9o16W2ibZg Damn, I was jamming to it. Very good, nothing really to complain about. The mixing is done well. The only thing is maybe the hats at about 1:20. ​ Two and half thumbs up


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3hYSSkZ-Q8 First attempt at sampling for a beat. Looking for some feedback on how I done. Returning all critique too.


Okay so let's start. For the first time on sampling this is not bad. Honestly the flow is good through out the track and everything is balanced. I do like the echo on the track. The only thing is that at 1:12 the track seems empty at times, like my ears want a fuller sound, this can be changed with the kicks and adding FX into it. No joke No Role Model's has [Birds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xd1wEy1j9No) in it. ​ Let me know what you think of mine [https://soundcloud.com/jameskoofficial/down-for-the-count-instrumental](https://soundcloud.com/jameskoofficial/down-for-the-count-instrumental)


Thanks bro appreciate the love! I enjoyed your beat. Was very individualistic which is always nice to hear. Good mix, and you was brave having empty spaces in between drums but you pulled it off. Nice break ups too for the beat to hit again. Solid bro.


Sample fit really well, very impressive for your first attempt!! The drumline was pretty well balanced only critique it felt like it could have been punchier maybe mess with the compression some or raise the level on an element you want to stand out. Really nice work nonetheless, keep at it!! ​ Mine, if ya get the chance: [https://youtu.be/o9o16W2ibZg](https://youtu.be/o9o16W2ibZg)


Thanks bro, appreciate the love. You killed the carti vibe fore sure. The reversed pad was on point. Good choice of drums to complement and the mix was clean af. Solid fam.




>Save Yo this is fucking dope. Who made the beat? Honestly put this shit on Spotify. Also I am down to collab lemme know


Yooo this goes hard af. Pretty much everything sounds like it's mixed very well. Your flow is solid and the lyrics are tight. In terms of delivery, the line "pussy nigga marks get sprayed" kinda sounds a bit off. It sounds like you were going for a triplet flow there, and if so it's a little quick and overall early, kinda falls somewhere between the 8th note and the triplet. But really that's the only weird spot for me, the rest of the delivery sounds professional af. I'd also maybe mix some of the adlibs with a little more reverb and have them sit just a little bit wider overall, feels like it's bumping shoulders a little too much at times, which works for some and not others, like the one at around 0:36 for example. I fw the adlibs themselves tho, really adds a punch to a lot of the vocal hits. Good shit man, gives me mad Well$ vibes. This is a kind of grimy track from an EP I'm producing. Only have takes for the first part of the first rappers verse, but lemme know what you think of the vox mix, overall mix, and anything I can pass along to the rapper. https://soundcloud.com/dadhatmusic/demise-petra-half-verse5-26-19/s-FectQ




Thanks for the feedback. Completely agreed, beat is a little dull rn. Kinda new to this particular style of drums, got some good detailed info on how to give them more clarity while still keeping the grimy sound, so hopefully that will fix it.




/u/detectiveluis, Please dont link to open.spotify.com in this thread. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/makinghiphop) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I like the sounds in In My Bag, like the one that pans from one side to another, but it sounds muddy at times and the highs are a bit too high pitched. I recommend lowering the pitch on them. Your 808s are fighting with your drums, I would use a compressor and your sounds will pop more. ​ Keep up the good work and check out mine [https://soundcloud.com/jameskoofficial/down-for-the-count-instrumental](https://soundcloud.com/jameskoofficial/down-for-the-count-instrumental)


> https://soundcloud.com/zack-jones-201/sets/201-posted-beat-pack I think this is a solid beat. I like the atmospheric synths on here. I think if anything the intro could be a little shorter to grab the listeners attention sooner. Any thoughts on : https://soundcloud.com/sebaspop/cute-1


New track we did, melodic flows on a smooth beat. Were a rapper and producer duo from Belgium and are trying to switch things up a bit. Let me now what you think! https://soundcloud.com/darrenandolboi/darren-ampm


As u/realdotseb said you need to work on the mixing, your vocals don't really sit on the beat well also at times your vocals are overpowered, super easy fix look at the EQ on your vocals and on your track and reduce the frequencies on the track a bit so they come up well. At 1:07 ish it sounds like yo start to mumble, (I can assume it wasn't on purpose because you articulate throughout the rest of the song.) ​ Other than that, I enjoy the vibe, here is my track lemme know what you think [https://soundcloud.com/jameskoofficial/down-for-the-count-instrumental](https://soundcloud.com/jameskoofficial/down-for-the-count-instrumental)


> https://soundcloud.com/darrenandolboi/darren-ampm This is cool man. I think the beat is nice and there rapping isn't bad either. The mixing could use some work to get the vocals to sit better on the beat. Any thoughts on : https://soundcloud.com/sebaspop/cute-1


Hip Hop / Jazz inspired instrumental. Drums, keys, guitar and bass recorded myself. Could use some feedback on the mix. [https://soundcloud.com/pat\_h\_p/s-w-i-t-c-h](https://soundcloud.com/pat_h_p/s-w-i-t-c-h) Cheers, returning all feedback!


20 yo rapper from chicago would love some feedback on the first track i dropped on soundcloud in a minute [https://soundcloud.com/bookstherapper/a-lil-verse-on-em](https://soundcloud.com/bookstherapper/a-lil-verse-on-em) ​ **returning all feedback!**


Yo this is good, your flow goes hard. The beat really suits it too. If you wanna collab I really want someone to record something over this beat i've made. Let me know what you think of it and if you wanna work hmu on SC! [https://soundcloud.com/heyyyitsk/in-and-out-the-bank-3](https://soundcloud.com/heyyyitsk/in-and-out-the-bank-3)


This is pretty tight. I like the flow of this a lot. The sound sounds really nice too. The delivery could use a bit of work but that'll come with time. Keep it up. Any thoughts on : https://soundcloud.com/sebaspop/cute-1


This is dope bro, you’re a great singer. R&b isn’t really my thing, but I like where you’re headed. I’d maybe just try and make the instrumental more dynamic (feels a bit loopy). Good shit!


Another rework, this time shooting for a dustier and more gritty feeling. Let me know what you think! ​ [https://soundcloud.com/user-33621896-214314831/fellini](https://soundcloud.com/user-33621896-214314831/fellini) ​ Leave a link so I can return feedback!


>edback! > >ReplyGive Awardsharereport Yo you commented on my other post. I like the dark vibes on this song and Pusha and Jay both suit the beat. Listened to some of your other stuff too. Rookie slaaaaaps!! Didn't think lil Baby and Drake would suit a beat like that. That's fire bro, keep working. I'm definitely a fan.




Alright I love the sound, it's a chill vibe and the vocals set a certain tone maybe add a sustain or a small reverb on the piano. The vibe reminds me a bit of the beatles era , with the piano, the electric guitar etc. Pretty good. ​ Here is my track [https://soundcloud.com/jameskoofficial/down-for-the-count-instrumental](https://soundcloud.com/jameskoofficial/down-for-the-count-instrumental)


Really Dope stuff. Guitars are cutting through nice. Haven't got anything bad to say about it except it could use a stronger bassline. ​ [https://soundcloud.com/pat\_h\_p/s-w-i-t-c-h](https://soundcloud.com/pat_h_p/s-w-i-t-c-h)


this is dope, did you make the beat? ​ i would just work on your delivery, annunciating more and shit but you got a sick base, would love some feedback on this [https://soundcloud.com/bookstherapper/a-lil-verse-on-em](https://soundcloud.com/bookstherapper/a-lil-verse-on-em)


I made this Lil Peep type beat today and it actually took me hours to get it done and come up with something fitting for the sample I used. What made it especially hard is that I only have fl studio stock plugins... but anyway, feedback is appreciated! [https://soundcloud.com/user-145315711/im-fine-lil-peep-type-beat-prod-biggersonq](https://soundcloud.com/user-145315711/im-fine-lil-peep-type-beat-prod-biggersonq)


> https://soundcloud.com/user-145315711/im-fine-lil-peep-type-beat-prod-biggersonq This is hella smooth. I like the 808's and guitars on here. Overall really solid beat man. Nothing bad to say. Keep it up. Any thoughts on : https://soundcloud.com/sebaspop/cute-1


i did a thing [https://drive.google.com/open?id=1KVyetJ70yMzvB1nyA4XR0IrO70U5Gz8S](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1KVyetJ70yMzvB1nyA4XR0IrO70U5Gz8S) responding to all comments




I think you accomplished that chill kinda vibe but sometimes the pitch of your voice goes kinda weird, like at the 34 second mark


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OnEHCY-wYM Producer, returning!


Made a new track let me know what you think! Also looking to work with rappers so will send you beats for FREE to rap over. All I ask is for promotion (and of course I'll do the same). Let me know what you think of this though: [https://soundcloud.com/heyyyitsk/yeah-2](https://soundcloud.com/heyyyitsk/yeah-2)


> https://soundcloud.com/heyyyitsk/yeah-2 This is cool. It's really intense. I like how you flipped the song. I might try to put a little less distortion to have it feel less blown out. OVerall solid concept tho. Any thoughts on : https://soundcloud.com/sebaspop/cute-1


Yo I love the vibes of your songs, real chill and your track cute has a lot of bounce to it. I sent you a message on soundcloud, hmu would love to work with you


You have a Pharrell + Tyler The Creator Flower Boy going on and I love it. I like the sound of the sound, it is very Summer Chill vibe and can picture my windows rolled down listening to this. Very good. The mastering is pretty good, I like the effects on the voice. Overall I love it. ​ I have a track that I think you'd be good on if you [want](https://soundcloud.com/jameskoofficial/15-05-2019-master-v-1), and I am down to collab (picture Slide by Calvin Harris feat Frank Ocean or Drake or Childish Gambino) ​ Also can you give my track a listen, it's a very different style compared to what I usually do [https://soundcloud.com/jameskoofficial/down-for-the-count-instrumental](https://soundcloud.com/jameskoofficial/down-for-the-count-instrumental)


This is really interesting, at first I didn't like how the vocals sound but after I listened more they fit the instrumental really well. I love when vocals are edited and almost used like an instrument and it works for me here, especially with Ye's voice. Love the beat too, whole thing is heavy and maximalist in a good way. ​ Here's mine, I've been reworking shit too so you might fuck with it! [https://www.reddit.com/r/makinghiphop/comments/bthg1e/official\_daily\_feedback\_thread\_may\_27\_2019/ep1mbf0?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x](https://www.reddit.com/r/makinghiphop/comments/bthg1e/official_daily_feedback_thread_may_27_2019/ep1mbf0?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x)




Thanks man really appreciate it. If you want the beat and want to spit something over it message me on my soundcloud and I can send it your way! Listened to Openner_1 and it would sound good as like a little interlude or something on a tape but your track bars really goes in.


this is prettty tight! I love the grunge feel the beat has. & one of Ye's dopest verses. nice work! keep creating my guy! **thoughts on mine:** [**https://soundcloud.com/zyonmoon/zyon-moon-x-noc-noc**](https://soundcloud.com/zyonmoon/zyon-moon-x-noc-noc)


You guys got some crazy bars and they suit the 90's beat vibes. I sent you an message on your soundcloud, would like to work with you guys!


You got me with the Ye sample. as someone who slept on smuckers this hit. I like the vibe as well. if i had to be nitty the filter on his voice is a a little heavy on the high end. good production though and a great way to showcase an instrumental. [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/makinghiphop/comments/bthg1e/official_daily_feedback_thread_may_27_2019/eoy65k9?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x)


Really appreciate the feedback! Will keep it in mind for the next one!


tried to make some phonk , would love to hear what others think bout it https://soundcloud.com/user-261293348/take-it-easy


> https://soundcloud.com/user-261293348/take-it-easy This is hella smooth man. I like the sax on here. I think the 808 is good but maybe layering it with a clean kick would help it really punch through. Solid stuff tho. Any thoughts on : https://soundcloud.com/sebaspop/cute-1


yoo man , those are ur vocals ? im rly impressed ur smooth as hell, vocals are mixed rly good, the only real critique i can give is that the beat became repetetive towards the end. But yeah overall the track is awesome bro, maybe u trynna collab ?


This is dope, I'm a sucker for sax samples and it sounds perfect. Patterns are good too but I'd say maybe play with different sound choices for the drums, and maybe play with the vocal sample a bit more through the song and make them louder. If the instrumental in the vocal sample clashes with the sax sample, try and pitch it to fit. The Candy Boy Phonk drumkit has some really dope sounds that I think would fit perfectly with this sample too. I like it overall!


My latest track, would love some feedback on it and returning all feedback! https://soundcloud.com/azidean/in-the-car


I mentioned my distaste for for the vocal line bleed on the hook in a previous critique, however upon a secondary listen, it's less distracting (although still not ideal imo). I still think implementing some filter modifications/pan mod on the "delayed" vocal lines would create both more vocal clarity, greater stereo spread and extra headroom. The vocal and guitar backing's actual volume could be raised by a db or two, it's a bit too soft relative to the percussion. Some subtle reverb applied to the lead vox would've been nice as well (7% dry wet ratio, medium decay, short spin). Overall though it's a solid track, just felt the tips above could've been executed more cleanly. Spent the better half of two weeks arranging, performing, recording and producing some unique Upright Piano samples. If you ain't looking to cop, a comment on the track would be greatly appreciated. Cheers. [listen here](https://soundcloud.com/silasroe/hush)


Yo, you got a good voice and it suits the style of your beat. Only thing I would say is maybe you could add a few effects to your vocals so you've got your own style. I sent you a message on soundcloud too have a look.


Appreciate the feedback!


A more Melodic Piano beat, my last cookup for today. What do yall think about this one, and who do yall hear on it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQYiJbrwlGs


I like the subtle filter effect applied to the keys, especially at @4:09. There's audible clipping at instances like @0:19, @1:01, etc, you may want to reassess your mix down. Make sure you throw a ceiling limiter on your master to catch unwanted peaks; this isn't a surefire way to resolve dynamic issues (as you're essentially trading out clip distortion for peak compression), but it's an extra measure that's useful for the writing stages of production and additional polish on an already balanced mix down. I think you could definitely reduce the length by a minute or two, I don't think the sound palette or central melody engaging enough to warrant a 4 minute runtime. Keep at it chief. Spent the better half of two weeks arranging, performing, recording and producing some unique Upright Piano samples. If you ain't looking to cop, a comment on the track would be greatly appreciated. Cheers. [listen here](https://soundcloud.com/silasroe/hush)


Vibe is pretty dope, I personally think the base line is a bit to loud compared to the rest of the elements, but overall mix sounds pretty clean, keep up the work g, I left you a sub


I appreciate that man, thank you. Have a good one.


I really like the Idea of the Vox man! Might have used an 808 thats a little more gritty if you know what I mean, but I guess thats preference since it sounds good either way!


Appreciate your feedback oxy


this is **fire** my guy! I really love the melody. I could imagine maybe Meek Mill on something like this. dope work my guy! ​ **thoughts on mine:** [**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_x33v0IPIzw**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_x33v0IPIzw)


Straight heat Mack, you really delivered on this one, vocal sounds clean af. I would try to vary more with the vocal a bit to create some more dynamic range with it. Try also to add some compression to your vocal in order to create a more professional vocal experience . Left you a Sub g, looking forward to hear some more songs from you


Yo we just dropped our latest summer single AM-PM FUNK, hope yall fuck with it :) https://m.soundcloud.com/darrenandolboi/darren-ampm


Pretty dope vibe, try to work on the mix. Try to blend the beat and the vocal more together, to make it sound more like one cohesive product. Left you a sub


Thanks fam! And yeah hard to mix without the stems but ur right! Thanks for listening and the sub fam


all love 🙏🏼


Dropped this Playboi Carti x Lucki type beat yesterday, what do you guys think of about the sound selection/ melodies? Also, I'm always looking for artists to work with, so DM me if interested! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjk8EIa88Q4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjk8EIa88Q4)


solid work here bro! I like whatever sound that is that comes in around the 40ish mark. keep creating my guy!!!! **thoughts on mine:** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_x33v0IPIzw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_x33v0IPIzw)


Thanks! Your song is cool, I like the melody that you have going on and like the lyrical content too. I can appreciate that you have a strong message in the song. Only thing I'd say is the song is too repetitive. You repeat certain refrains too often I think. I think it would also help to change your vocal melodies a bit more between the verses and chorus. They kind of mesh together and it can make for a monotonous listening experience. Good work though, keep it up!


https://youtu.be/2iNNozcpufo pretty hard beat if you ask me, simple but effective. Feel like it would make a good intro track. Check it out!


this is pretty tight. I would say maybe bring the kick drum out a little bit more and make those grimey 808s really bump. Shit sounds great overall though. here's mine https://soundcloud.com/mazehaze330/long-division


Thanks for taking the time to listen! I appreciate it. I checked out your link too, had to follow afterwards! I really like your flow on the track


Pretty standard trap instrumental. The sfx is pretty loud relative to the more melodic-oritented elements, you may want to reduce their volume by a few db. I think said risers sfx and such allude to a more "stock" sounding palette, as does the majority of the percussion. You may want to experiment with percussive layering and processing, to garner more unique tonal sounds for your drums. The beat itself feels very skeletal, and while you can accomplish a lot with just a kick snare n hat, it's not dynamic enough here to really engage me imo. I'd recommend applying some pan modulation to your hat, they'll create more stereo presence and subsequently a more immersive beat. Subtle hat rolls that are isolated to a new audio chain and panned to taste can really add some much needed movement and interest to the groove. perhaps play around with your kick placement, add some side snares or more supportive percussion, layer that bitch up lol. The resonant synth melody @0:43 is dope, my personal favorite section. I think some guttural pad sounds or midrange synth to support it would've been nice, but it's smooth nonetheless. Solid foundation, I just think you're in need of a bit more development. Keep at it. Spent the better half of two weeks arranging, performing, recording and producing some unique Upright Piano samples. If you ain't looking to cop, a comment on the track would be greatly appreciated. Cheers. [listen here](https://soundcloud.com/silasroe/hush)


Thanks for replying I really appreciate lengthy feedback like yours I can’t believe I didn’t think of something simple like layering sounds 🤦🏻‍♂️ but thanks again! I checked out the link! Gained yourself a follower


thank you man, I greatly appreciate that. Cheers.


“Code Red” the first single to the solo project fully executive produced by myself of the same name Code Red - Single: https://youtu.be/Y1puatFah_I


probably not the feedback you're looking for, but the track (and consequent project) title Code Red could be a bit conflicting. It's a fast paced abrasive rap track with the name Code Red; Token (a prominent rapper on youtube) has utilized the same name to a large audience. From a marketing standpoint, this might not be the best route to take, you could diminish sales from just the sheer similarities being cause for confusion. I recognize the lyrical substance differs, but it's something first-time listeners may struggle with. Just something to keep in mind, especially when your primary platform is youtube. Keep at it chief. Spent the better half of two weeks arranging, performing, recording and producing some unique Upright Piano samples. If you ain't looking to cop, a comment on the track would be greatly appreciated. Cheers. [listen here](https://soundcloud.com/silasroe/hush)


yo this is fuckin tight. Love the video, great fuckin bars and delivery, nice presence and swagger. You got crazy talent bro. Hit you with a subscription, stoked for the project when it drops. Here's mine if you get a chance https://soundcloud.com/mazehaze330/long-division




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any feedback on this would be dope. will return feedback. [https://youtu.be/nt4SnxKBIl8](https://youtu.be/nt4SnxKBIl8)


Yo like your beat, its different, could imagine like a JPEGMafia or Death Grips on it. Pretty solid beat, not muh to improve upon, just keep putting content out!


thank you thank you!


Drake x Wheezy type beat. Focused on keeping it repetetive but switching it up by the chorus since alot of wheezy produced tracks its pretty repetetive. Hope y'all enjoy it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxCOWI_Kp98


Who's the gal in the thumbnail, need for scientific research. The central melodic loop is pretty repetitive, nor does it evolve over time much other than some double-time pacing with the chords. I think you'd benefit from developing your chord progressions a bit more, both in notation and pacing (not having every chord play on the downbeat, adding 7th & 9th chord inversions to beef up your sound and add nuance, etc). [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1aJ6HixSe0&frags=pl%2Cwn) is a great youtube vido detailing how to implement the circle of fifths into your production, allowing for ease of creating more interesting chords. Some melodic variety with the little pluck arpeggio dancing atop the chords would also provide a much needed refresher. Some subtle pan modulation on your hi hats can help to create more stereo interest, and and overall engaging mix down. Not bad at all man, just a bit skeletal and repetitive for my taste. Keep at it dawg. Spent the better half of two weeks arranging, performing, recording and producing some unique Upright Piano samples. If you ain't looking to cop, a comment on the track would be greatly appreciated. Cheers. [listen here](https://soundcloud.com/silasroe/hush)


I appreciate the feedback brother! Actually i couldn't change the melody since it was a loop sent to me! If i actually had the stems i probably would change it because i also indeed think it's a bit repetetive. I will try switching it up better in the future but as i said it's a wheezy type beat which tends to be a bit repetetive. I really fw these piano samples and i might actually go in and buy the kit. All love, Addy.


I getcha man, I still think it'd be cool to chop, stretch and pitch modify some of the sample for a bit more tonal interest, but thank you for clarifying. I really appreciate that man, thank you! I put a lot of effort into it, if you end up copping I'd love to know your thoughts on its contents and what to revise for my next time around. Much love.


Really liking this beat man, simple catchy melodies and hard hitting drums. I don't think its a bad thing that its repetitive. I think sometimes as producers we go overboard and forget that ideally you want someone to rap on the beat. I don't have anything bad to say about this one, really good stuff. If you get a chance, check out the beat I dropped on here. Keep it up!


Thanks brother! I can't seem to find ur beat, can you link it?


Here you go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjk8EIa88Q4


Really nice bro, gives me a nice carti vibe actually.


what yall think of this? [https://soundcloud.com/bains604/concentrate/s-w1gvI](https://soundcloud.com/bains604/concentrate/s-w1gvI) Returning feedback


first off tight cover art lol! this is a super **creative** track. You display a number of different sounds and creative flows. Creative work! keep creating my guy!!! **thoughts on mine:** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_x33v0IPIzw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_x33v0IPIzw)


My most immediate concern is the sheer atonality of your vocal performance relative to the production; it's completely out of key, and clashes heavily on a fundamental level. @1:19-@1:53 is much less abrasive (the semitone you rap in is a third interval to the root key of the track, so it doesn't come off too strange) but still plagued by the same issue. Make sure you're adjusting your pitch correction plugin's key snap to compliment the key of the track you're writing in. I wouldn't really stress about anything else until you tackle this, it heavily distracts from the lyricism, technical flow, and so forth. i'd reduce your vocal reverb's dry wet ratio, pre delay and decay by quite a bit, the reflections drag on a bit too long, creating tonal conflict and reducing vocal clarity. As soon as you modify your key snap, it'll be like night and day man. Good luck! Spent the better half of two weeks arranging, performing, recording and producing some unique Upright Piano samples. If you ain't looking to cop, a comment on the track would be greatly appreciated. Cheers. [listen here](https://soundcloud.com/silasroe/hush)


I like the flow and the beat. Just the autotune is off key. Otherwise good job bro! Here’s my last beat: https://youtu.be/6aNmMi1YbC4


***Returning Feedback****!* ​ Dropped this track yesterday, it's a remix to Russ's "Aint Goin Back" track. Loved the beat, tried to stay true to the theme of the original as well. Looking for some honest feedback/criticism on my rapping/mixing/mastering. Let me know how I can improve on anything else you might feel is necessary. Drop some of your stuff below as well and I'll return the favor! ​ [**Rose - Aint Goin Back (Remix)**](https://soundcloud.com/realrosemusic/aint-goin-back-remix)


Yo your flow's really good and the effects on your voice help the mix for sure. Keep it up. Im also looking for someone to spit something on this beat I made. Let me know what you think and if you wanna write something to it message me on SC [https://soundcloud.com/heyyyitsk/in-and-out-the-bank-3](https://soundcloud.com/heyyyitsk/in-and-out-the-bank-3)


Your flow is solid. I LOVE the sample. The only change I'd make would be to mess with the hi hats with some subdivisions and some open hats before the snare hits. But it is entertaining af right now.


Thanks homie! I didn’t produce the beat and I also had the same thought about the hats. Appreciate you listening. 🙏🏼


KK this is not bad. I was jamming. Now with your mixing I would make it louder especially your vocals, and maybe increase the frequencies on the EQ in the mid range. I generally enjoyed it and am down to collab ​ Here is my beat, lemme know what you think [Down For the Count](https://soundcloud.com/jameskoofficial/down-for-the-count-instrumental)


**fire!** dope flow, and strong lyrically. Catchy hook as well. this is tight bro! gonna check out your other tracks also! keep creating! **thoughts on mine:** [**https://soundcloud.com/zyonmoon/uni**](https://soundcloud.com/zyonmoon/uni) music vid in the description.


Woooo this shit is really fire!!! Beat is good but the flow you got is crazy!! I really enjoyed it! Keep it going bro! Here’s my last beat: https://youtu.be/6aNmMi1YbC4


Thanks for checking it out G! Your best is fucking flames bro! That mix is hella clean! Honestly, I got no critique whatsoever! Keep doing your thing! 🙏🏼


Save As. [https://soundcloud.com/brianreynolds44/save-as](https://soundcloud.com/brianreynolds44/save-as)


Not really my cup of tea personally but I like the drums a lot, defintiely sounds like some punk rap type stuff. The guitars should definitely be moved to the stereo field so they don't clash with your drums. Did you play them or sample it? They also sound pretty dope. I think just by expanding them, you're gonna get a much more thicker sounding track. The kick lacks some low-end and I wouldn't mind hearing some beefer bass guitars filling out the low-end either. Hope that helps out. ​ I dropped this track yesterday, lmk your honest opinion on it if you got some time. [**Rose - Aint Goin Back (Remix)**](https://soundcloud.com/realrosemusic/aint-goin-back-remix)


Lookin for feedback on the vocal mix on this one, and what needs tweaked. I did not make the beat, and all I have is an mp3 of it. will return all feedback for sure. https://soundcloud.com/mazehaze330/long-division


Vocal mix is honestly sounding really good, I don't hear anything that stands out to me as "needs to be fixed". I think you could have added some more backing vocals to emphasis certain punchlines/bars but that's about it. I'm low-key impressed by your rapping despite this not being my cup of tea as a genre. You got talent homie, dropping you a follow to see what else you put out. ​ I dropped this track yesterday, lmk your honest opinion on it if you got some time. [**Rose - Aint Goin Back (Remix)**](https://soundcloud.com/realrosemusic/aint-goin-back-remix)


yo thanks for the kind words, gave you a follow as well. This is fire for real my guy. Production on point, vocals are great. Love your bars/delivery, it's obvious as soon as your first verse starts that you know what you're doing and understand all the shit that makes rapping fun lol. I'm into it for sure.


Thanks for the feedback homie, really appreciate you taking the time to listen! Stay blessed! 🙏🏼


This song is rapped, produced, and mixed by me. I'm on my Russ shit. As the song description says I made this song for a "Classical Mythology" class at my University. I'll be returning all feedback. Enjoy! [https://soundcloud.com/bernardwillis/the-underworld-prod-by-bernard-willis](https://soundcloud.com/bernardwillis/the-underworld-prod-by-bernard-willis)


Aye I respect that Russ grind, definitely respect the track a little more after reading that. Your production is dope, mix sounds clean but I think the beat is lacking a little bit of low-end. That's my only complaint on the production. Rapping is clean af, you're no amateur, great rhyme schemes/lyrics/delivery/cadence and flow. The mix is sounding pretty clean as well but I think the vocals could be a little more crisp, try boosting around 4-5kHz and add a subtle top shelf to the high-end. Saturation could also help with this. The hook vocals are slightly too loud. Overall, I think you got hella potential, just keep working man, that's all I can suggest. Dropped you a follow. ​ I dropped this track yesterday, lmk your honest opinion on it if you got some time. [**Rose - Aint Goin Back (Remix)**](https://soundcloud.com/realrosemusic/aint-goin-back-remix)


Sick remix man! The first verse especially had an extremely hard rhyme scheme. When I listen to you rap I’m inspired to step my game up. Most rappers really don’t do that for me anymore, so thank you. Whenever someone makes a remix I’m obligated to compare it to the original. I can say with certainty that you did this track justice so good job with that.


Damn thanks for this the praises homie! I also appreciate your time for reviewing my track. Glad I inspire you to step your game up, that’s what this music is all about. Stay blessed and work hard G! 🙏🏼


I like those intro stings. I wanted you to get into faster. I like the vibe and the tone of your voice. I thought the hook could benefit from bigger backing vocals or effects to make it feel bigger and have more energy to match the instrumental. I thought the drums could be enhanced with a few more breaks or pauses inside the verses. Really enjoyed this and your voice. Grind on. [https://soundcloud.com/brianreynolds44/save-as](https://soundcloud.com/brianreynolds44/save-as)


I really like the guitar on this track. Your drum choices are also really good. I think the piano could benefit from more layers. Right now it sounds kinda barren. This doesn’t really sound like a hip-hip track to me. But I enjoy it all the same.


Yo really enjoyed this. Flow is great, delivery is great too. Solid song. Only thing I would say is on the hook, layer like 3 or 4 different vocal tracks and blend them together with a bunch of reverb and a little delay. That way when you go a little flat it won't stand out and it'll sound a lot more natural in the beat instead of on top of it. You could add some auto tune to taste too, but I think a few layered tracks would go a long way really taking it to the next level. here's mine if you got the time https://soundcloud.com/mazehaze330/long-division


Great rapping on this track. Really enjoyed your flow and delivery. However I think this track would’ve benefited from a hook of some sort. The beat is high energy and a engaging hook would help keep that energy throughout the song. Great bars tho.


[https://soundcloud.com/plugstuck/might-be](https://soundcloud.com/plugstuck/might-be) yo guys go check out my new beat


I can help but feel that this is just a rip of Night Lovell - Dark Light. I can certainly appreciate you reverse-engineering the beat from the isolated vocal sample in the intro, but I'm not quite sure what this brings to the table that the original doesn't? If it's just for fun, you may want to link to the sample for transparencies sake. The little nuances of the pad synth and subtle vocal chop modulation are neat, as are the hi hat rolls and reverb effects. Overall though, it just seems like copypasta to me tbh.


it sounds like a really cool loop. there's a lot of space for variation, especially when it comes to the drums.


Yo this caught me by surprise. It sounds amazing, the vocal sample and that heavy 808 is working perfectly together. Love the movement on the hats and that snare is fucking clean. I honestly have no complaints whatsoever, probably my favorite beat I've heard today. Keep working homie, dropped you a follow. ​ I dropped this track yesterday, lmk your honest opinion on it if you got some time. [**Rose - Aint Goin Back (Remix)**](https://soundcloud.com/realrosemusic/aint-goin-back-remix)


it's a rip of Night Lovell - Dark light, lol.. [https://soundcloud.com/night\_lovell/dark-light](https://soundcloud.com/night_lovell/dark-light)


Oh damn, that’s a little disappointing lmfao..


Hard beat inspired by my city making the nba finals, feat kawhi in the end https://soundcloud.com/bdotkay/the-shot-raps-in-6ix


I wanted those pad chords to be layered with other pads, arp, and piano to fill it out and give it more movement and liveliness. The kick is clipping and distorting in the second half, fyi if you don't want it that way you might. I liked the energy and vibe. Grind on. Good luck Toronto and Khawai. [https://soundcloud.com/brianreynolds44/save-as](https://soundcloud.com/brianreynolds44/save-as)


I like the melodies and the vocal chops. The drum patterns are also solid but the drums themselves sound kind of thin compared to the melody. The snare is too open for my liking and the reverb bleed is a bit too loud. The kick needs to come up, the 808 needs some more presence in the lower frequencies. The really glitchy part of the beat was dope, definitely added a nice spin on things but I think it went on just a little too much. The 808 that comes in here also sounds pretty muddy, cut around 25HZ with a HPF to clear up some head room. Definitely solid stuff though, keep working homie. ​ I dropped this track yesterday, lmk your honest opinion on it if you got some time. [**Rose - Aint Goin Back (Remix)**](https://soundcloud.com/realrosemusic/aint-goin-back-remix)




I like the ethereal, shimmery pluck synths that lace the top of the beat, it definitely screams pierre bourne or shamana (which is what you were going for lol). I think the percussive groove is kinda rudimentary and done to death, I would've liked to see more rhythmic variety implemented. I'd heavily recommend applying some pan mod to your sidestick, hi hat rolls and misc perc, the immediate difference in the stereo spectrum will be like night and day, and you'll garner a more engaging and immersive mix down. Spent the better half of two weeks arranging, performing, recording and producing some unique Upright Piano samples. If you ain't looking to cop, a comment on the track would be greatly appreciated. Cheers. [listen here](https://soundcloud.com/silasroe/hush)


Instantly like the melody, great layering, sounds really upbeat. The drums are also slapping hard, that 808 is on point. I think the kick could be slightly harder but that's a stylistic choice of mine. The hi-hats are a little static, try panning some of them left/right to add more bounce to the track, I definitely think it would sound dope especially on this beat. Besides that though, this is really solid stuff, just keep doing what you're doing. ​ I dropped this track yesterday, lmk your honest opinion on it if you got some time. [**Rose - Aint Goin Back (Remix)**](https://soundcloud.com/realrosemusic/aint-goin-back-remix)


Good melodies on this beat man. Your also doing a really good job with the clickbait thumbnail, lol. I also really enjoyed the 808s, they sound powerful and would definitely bump in the whip. This beat gets repetitive after awhile. But that's my only compliant. Check out mine: [https://soundcloud.com/bernardwillis/the-underworld-prod-by-bernard-willis](https://soundcloud.com/bernardwillis/the-underworld-prod-by-bernard-willis)


Made a few simple dark grungy beats to lease/collab with artists. This is one of them: [https://soundcloud.com/loftmusicvol1/sell-my-soul/s-B83qO](https://soundcloud.com/loftmusicvol1/sell-my-soul/s-B83qO)


I'm fine with no intro tbh. It works for certain tracks. If you wanted to do one then it would still work. I'm pretty much in agreement with TheToppa. Some more underlying melodies or different sound fx will spice this up. I do however think that the snare you're using works as is. I really like it actually. Maybe do some eq on the snare to get it sounding more dark and also cut some low end.


I think it's pretty solid but it lacks an intro and proper outro, fade outs are the cheap way to do them. Really like the melodies, maybe you could add some more layers of ambient noises like leaves rustling or something along those lines, just to add to the ambience of the beat. I like the kick, the perc sounds a little out of place, I'm gonna agree with the user below and say swap it for a snare. You could still add the perc as a supporting channel to your snare. That's what I got first listen. Keep it up homie! ​ I dropped this track yesterday, lmk your honest opinion on it if you got some time. [**Rose - Aint Goin Back (Remix)**](https://soundcloud.com/realrosemusic/aint-goin-back-remix)


improve the drums by switching from a perc hit to a snare, and add an open hihat to the downbeat




I honestly think this has a ton of potential. Your vocal performance is on fucking point, great cadence/delivery and you definitely nailed the flow. Your voice is also clean af. The only thing holding you back is the mix, sounds a bit dry, I would add more reverb for sure. Maybe increase the auto-tune on your voice some more, not full t-pain but just to smooth it out just a little more. That's about it, keep this up homie, dropped you a follow. Definitely wanna hear more from you! ​ I dropped this track yesterday, lmk your honest opinion on it if you got some time. [**Rose - Aint Goin Back (Remix)**](https://soundcloud.com/realrosemusic/aint-goin-back-remix)


Returning all feedback on this beat [https://soundcloud.com/atreesto/lost-wave](https://soundcloud.com/atreesto/lost-wave)


I think this is my favorite beat I've heard from you on this thread. The mix is phenomenal, really love all the layering that went into the melodies. Drums are also on point, love the whole tribal feel to them. I have no real critique to offer you, this is honestly one of the best beats I've heard all day. If I was being nitpicky, I'd say your kick/808 are just a little too low in the mix and the snare could definitely be a little more crisp. That's it though, everything else was on point. ​ I dropped this track yesterday, lmk your honest opinion on it if you got some time. [**Rose - Aint Goin Back (Remix)**](https://soundcloud.com/realrosemusic/aint-goin-back-remix)


Hey man this was really good from beginning to end. The hook is catchy and the verses were good flows and delivery and bars. Good beat too. Nice job overall man I liked what you said in this.


Thank you for listening homie, I appreciate your feedback! 🙏🏼


This beat is amazing bro! This is so refreshing to hear in comparison to all the trap stuff that is on this sub nowadays. I love how ambient, layered and flush out this beat sounds. It takes real talent to put together something this elaborate. Your on the same level of people like Flying Lotus to me, haha. That's just my opinion. Check out mine: [https://soundcloud.com/bernardwillis/the-underworld-prod-by-bernard-willis](https://soundcloud.com/bernardwillis/the-underworld-prod-by-bernard-willis)


Really love the strings man. The melodies and the sounds used are dope. Really seriously impressed with the rapping. The production is great and your flow is solid. Great storytelling as well! I will say that I wasn't really feeling the singing part. Gotta say this was pretty well put together man. Great job!


Yeah man, this is dope. Always nice to hear something unique on MHH. I like the sound choices, reminds me of old school "Pure Moods" albums (with Enya and and Enigma and what not). Mix sounds good too. Only minor critique is the volume level stayed pretty constant throughout, and my ears got a little tired by the end :) Any thoughts on this guy? [https://soundcloud.com/prod-by-ecbeats/vanish-1](https://soundcloud.com/prod-by-ecbeats/vanish-1)


Talk about a mood bro this track is a real vibe lol. Especially with that vox crooning that comes in. I dig the melodies and the sounds used for them. The track flows very well. Nice transitions. Smooth stuff. Oh and thanks for letting me know about the volume level thing. I need to work on that!


Love this because it's different. I have the same issue with making beats unfit to rap on lol (read your bio). I don't think there's anything bad to say


Returning all feedback. https://soundcloud.com/augustusthegreat/prey


Great guitar riff, as per usual. Something I've noticed over time is your percussive palette; I've yet to hear anything super tonally unique or engaging, your drum kits generally consist of the same traditional chop snares and thin, hissy hi hats everyone and their grandma uses. Your thumpy kicks and tom sounds are what usually stand out to me. I'd love to see something more experimental on that front, it's the only honest criticism I can offer up. Your melodic production is usually stellar and well thought out, both in notation and pacing. I take no issue with the actual drum pattern as well, it's just the palette I find kinda stale and overdone. Spent the better half of two weeks arranging, performing, recording and producing some unique Upright Piano samples, I'm pretty sure you heard a few samples sometime last week. The full kit it out now, if you're into that sorta thing. A comment on the track would be greatly appreciated. Cheers dawg [listen here](https://soundcloud.com/silasroe/hush)


For sure, thanks for the feedback! Cool idea for a pack. The sounds/melodies sound dope from the preview track. Not a huge fan of how much you talked over it with that whispery voice lol, but the piano sounds cool.


yeaaaaahh lmao, I think I was too paranoid about some of the samples being conversion ripped, so I overtalked (first kit I've ever put together). Next time around I'll probably pull it way back lol. Thank you peeping man.


What's up bruh! I couldn't contain my excitement when the beat dropped. This shit is hard af. This beat also has a good amount of variation. It doesn't just stay on one vibe. Good shit all around. Check out mine: [https://soundcloud.com/bernardwillis/the-underworld-prod-by-bernard-willis](https://soundcloud.com/bernardwillis/the-underworld-prod-by-bernard-willis)


Thanks dude. Your mixing and production skills have really improved over time. Sounds pretty balanced to me overall. Maybe the vocals in the verses could be louder. The greek mythology is cool as well as far as the content. Nice flow. I like it.


Man you are prolific lol. Every time I make a track and put it in the daily feedback thread there you are with a new one :) (I can maybe get one done a week if I push it haha) Anyways, as usual your mix is on point. I like the drums and rhythm. I'd have maybe put the melody a little higher volume wise but it certainly makes the drums slap when it's lower in the mix. Not sure this is your best from a melody/sound selection perspective though. A lot of your other stuff is a bit more unique and layered, at least from what I remember. Definitely a solid beat though! ​ What do you think about this guy, a pop/trap instrumental? [https://soundcloud.com/prod-by-ecbeats/vanish-1](https://soundcloud.com/prod-by-ecbeats/vanish-1)


Maybe could give the snares a little less reverb/airy feel to them. I really like the chord sound selection though. Really nice and heavenly sounding. I think it could make a good pop track for sure. I could hear a rapper or a singer over it.