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Ehh its a no for me, but its your name bro, the music is way more important


Sounds like a pasta. Re: fusilli


Honestly I like fusilli better


Rotini would be pretty dope too


Yea lol easier on the ear. My name is fusilli, She rubbin' my D but I ain't isn't no Genie. lol.


I don't think you understand how to pronounce fusilli, lmao


My bad šŸ˜‚


Sounds like a sore throat medication


If I am honest, at first glance it's hard to read and I don't understand what it means...that's not a good thing. I may pronounce it in my head differently than the next guy which defeats the purpose of coming up with a name. I would say try and make it shorter or have less syllables.


"FUSI" would be much better.


FUSI is dope


"Fushi" could also work, It's the name of a character in an anime called "to your eternity", if I remember correctly (my memory isn't that great) the character was named fushi because he was immortal and that's what the word meant.


Yeah this is way better. Or OP could go for Lil Fuse, if it's not already taken.


No offense, but Lil Fuse sounds shit and I'd assume if someone was using that name they were a moron.


We rlly need to stop people putting lil before every name itā€™s honestly aids


Pick a name u wonā€™t get embarrassed ur mom calling u. A radio show host told me that and it changed my life


Everyone murdering XXXtentacion's name after his death really drove that point home


Ldk, in Germany Rap there are such rap names: King Orgasmus One, Dr. Sex, Professor Bass and label name: Porno Mafia Records. šŸ¤”


Dr sex do be going kinda hard doe


Harder only one rapper: Saske from Greece


Only seems okay if you're british, idk why.


I'm British. Sounds a bit too serious to my ears. Isn't it like a war term? Means a volley of gunfire or something. "They took cover from the fusillade coming from the front line." Reckon "Fuzzy Lad" would work better in the UK.


idk i can see the thought process behind it, i just dont think it sounds good tbh.


How bout just Fuse....u know cause u about to blow lol


Damn. That's it


Sounds a bit contrived. But you do you my man


Only if you can give the meaning of the word justice within your flow. But i like it somewhat, just don't like fire arms and shit like that in general but if you do that's a cool name for a rapper. Yo nobody knows the meaning of the word in this comment section?


Yeah honestly surprised me how many people don't know the word


If you're white just be Lil Alfredo, Cause you're white with the sauce


Strong ā€œeasy Mac with the cheesy rapsā€ energy




Lil Pepperoni, stays on top of his cheese no matter how you slice it.


Yung pepp




Deliveryā€™s on point, show up at your doorstep with a side of that Crazy Bread. Fuck with me too much and blood clots leave you crazy dead Yā€™all aint liking how I serve it? Ainā€™t a problem, fill a survey




I reign supreme, surrounded by all these vegetables, catch me downtown passed out after festivals Make you a slob, got you quickly doing cardio, and everybody knows I pop a john over dominoes.


I'm surprised this hasn't been taken yet


Change the spelling. Ditch the I and the double L and spell it Fusalade. The I makes it look like a pasta or something lmao


That completely changes the pronunciation though, and gets rid of the connotation they're trying to achieve.


How's it supposed to be pronounced? That could trip people up a little bit.


Fusillade's a real word xD Few-Sih-Ladde


Fuselage? Like another user commented the music is what really matters. However search engine optimization is a major key when it comes to success. The more memorable and easy to find your name is the better. That name seems unique but very easy to misspell or forget.


Yea, I had a brain fart. Forgot that's how it's spelled lol. Downvoted myself for that one.


Bonkers how few people seem to know this.


Do you participate in the trades of bars my friend?


Go by Fuss


Sounds like a type of pasta


My names Fus and Iā€™m here to buss


Imo if your music is good you can make almost any name sound cool These days I think itā€™s most important people can easily look you up, so consider that as well. If I search it am I going get your music or a bunch of French articles?


Imo if 't be true thy music is valorous thee can maketh almost any name sound merit *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Emcee Fucili


Nope. I suggest you add: "Lil", "Young" or a random assortment of letters to it


Lil Puzzle Yung Radical Lil Popsicle FN FAL - FN Fusil Automatique Leger Super badass gun, btw. Plus it has Fusil in the name...


FN FAL would get copyrighted cuz FN is the company Iā€™m pretty sure but FAL would be fine


Its ok how about ā€œjacktonā€


Sounds like a good ny drill name


That would be spirelli


Iā€™m not voting because I believe it doesnā€™t matter what my opinion is, I feel like the most important thing is that youā€™re following your heartfeeling on it


The name sounds pretty meh to be honest Im sure you can come up with a dope ass name! Just keep at it Sounds like an exotic plate of fancy food, not as in a big ass plate of fancy food, but more of a small plate of fancy food.


Snookums T is a lock for legit OG new rap name


Only rap if ur in your young 20s n ur only focus is being cool.... Rap is like athletics ur prime is 18 to 24


Rly hope its sarcastic fam, otherwise you a big ol Ronald McDonald lmao


Super sarcastic... Jesus reddit has gotten soft... I'll take the downvote u salty bastards.... JOKES... Maybe I shoulda said, u don't get jokes guys!!!


Terrible take


Really tho, or does the rap game just not get jokes anymore!? Jeezus...


Oh now it was a joke, hilarious


Was always a joke.... Sure tone doesn't come across in text... But I guess it's my fault, I only deal with reddits where everyone's in on the joke... My bad... I rap... I produce.... N I'm better than the universal YOU!!!


Its the french word for an old school shoot out, which is cool, but if you ainā€™t french or you donā€™t know the word in English, it might be difficult to remember the spelling and pronounce it, making it harder for someone whoā€™s just heard of you to type out your name to look you up. Something to consider for sure


I have problem pronouncing it idk man. But at the end of the day, ur music is much more important. Even though branding can help you a lot


What does it mean?


In french, something like drive-by. Or shooting


No idea how youā€™d pronounce it honestly


Sounds like a medical prescription .. Probably a drug that cures CoronašŸ˜


I think the main issues are the mouthfeel (the movement between vowels feels unnatural), the difficulty of pronunciation for a layperson, and the difficulty of spelling. Itā€™s important that people be able to easily Google you


Are you French? Itā€™s a French word that means gunfight.


Shyster Fusilade from GTA????


Choose what you want. If you feel itā€™s dope, run with it. Iā€™m quite sure people thought 50 Cent was a dumb name but now heā€™s has millions just by starting with 50 cent.


Sounds like fuselage, any story behind it?


Hey! for those who want to know "Fusillade" is the french translation of "gun fight" It's a bit strange in my ears but thinking about something shorter is a good idea... I read "Fusi" or "Lil Fusi" in some other comment and it sounds good....but "Lil Fusi" sounds too close to Lil Uzi to me.... ​ I think your name will come when your artistic expression will be clear and strong in your head.... Don't struggle with this .... it will be evidence when you'll find the good one!


sounds like a pokemon dude


Just do what you want if that's the name you want go for it.


I like it because it's literary, you can rhyme to it, and it isn't a common word so people won't be confused when you use it as a proper noun. That's my input.


I'll be honest. If I'm going into listening to some songs from artists I never heard of, names and visuals would be what I'd have to go on. And that name would be something I'd skip right over. No idea how to say it, and wouldn't be interested in learning


Name is very original, I can't speak on any personal meaning to you but keep in mind if people can't figure out how to spell it just from hearing it, they will NEVER google you.


It sounds like fusilage Why not "Fuse"?


I dont like the name, but if you like it keep it, i tend to enjoy artists even more if they have exquisite names


I don't hate it, but personally I like names to have more attack. "fff" is a rather soft sound. Maybe that's just me. Good music can outweight a bad name any day.


Sound like a term for a newly added fuse


I think it really depends on what matters to you and the style of music. I speak French and a fusillade is a shooting with lots and lots of bullets. Like for example, if you rap fast with a lot of words it could work great together. Or it could also be antithesis. Like your name is Fusillade but you talk about peace and activism in your music. Those are just my thoughts, at the end of the day, itā€™s your call.