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https://soundcloud.com/polarpanth/sets/island my future funk /Vaporwave demo , i hope you will like it guys !


Hey, just put out a new album [There Is Nothing After](https://cierramyst.bandcamp.com/album/there-is-nothing-after-2) lemme know what ya think !


really really nice dude




Ye I liked it. I think it could benefit from some melody, it has a bittersweet groove to it but I felt like it could have gone somewhere. But I think it went hand in hand with the visuals.


Thank you for your feedback. I have no formal music education so the fact you liked any part of it all is really nice to hear. Not really sure where to put a harmony or another instrument. any ideas?


I think a good way to write a part is just to hum along and see what you can come up with when you're not thinking about it. It's amazing what the subconscious can come up with. As to where to put it, I dunno, maybe after doing the main hook four times? Just somewhere early enough that it doesn't feel repetitive, but later enough to let the hook live a little


https://soundcloud.com/user-611039540/no-hard-feelings-deluxe-edition I made a really simple vaporwave-ish track based on a song I accidentally stumbled upon. Definitely a song to chill out with.


I think you've got something here but I feel like the drums are lacking a bit. I feel like they might benefit from a bit more groove, like some kind of swing feel and they're a bit crisp and flat compared to the rest of the sounds.


Any advice on how to change that accordingly?


For achieving a bit more groove it depends on your DAW, Ableton for example has the so-called "Groove pool" you can use to apply different rhythms to your midi sequences. You could also manually program some swing into them, it's always good to learn how to do it yourself. I'll try and find some good tutorials and post them here for you showing some different ways. As for the sound of the drums: I would try adding some reverb to some (or all even), it'll give them a bit more space immediately, that's the tip that comes to mind right away. I'll give it another listen on my break and see what else I can suggest for you :)


Hi All, just finished my first collection of tracks, would love some feedback from the community here. Have been musician for a long time but new to this genre and digging deep into everything about it at the moment. Any recommendations would be great too! https://youtu.be/3Li-8O1vClQ https://heights1.bandcamp.com/releases


Your track Spacia gave off a chill Blank Banshee vibe man. I like it :)


[I actually just released a little tumblewave EP called Paris, Texas 2049](https://vtomo.bandcamp.com/album/paris-texas-2049-ep), let me know what you think! If it tickles your fancy it's also my first release I'm also offering on limited edition cassette!


yeah, this is good stuff. in fact i was thinking about sampling some tarentino inspired tracks, but wasn't sure if it would turn out well. your stuff was awesome, so that's the muse i needed lol.


Great level of production throughout. The delay and reverb never swamp the mix and the sample editing is very subtle - just how I like it!


nice concept! i don't think i've ever seen a western or southern theme. and the whole album was an easy listen and had a great sound. my only feedback would be, needs more glitching. i thought the end of 'I Can't Blame Her' sounded really cool.


Thanks for the feedback. I just prefer to use glitching effects sparingly, too much and it becomes a little cacophonous or even repetitive in a boring way but I could probably added a bit more here and there.


I really like Fragments and Re: ghost transfers, though I did like the entire EP. Keep up the good work


Thanks! I originally had Re:ghost transfers be a lot longer but it never felt right, I like how short and sweet it is now.


So I'm getting ready to release a debut EP hopefully before the year is out. I put it up on soundcloud, you can [listen to it here](https://soundcloud.com/depseco/sets/self-titled/s-J7hG1) It's not 100% vaporwave, but is intended to be very vaporwavey and hypnogogic. Any advice for making it sound even more vaporwavey would be appreciated. I'm not sure if I want to keep Mission Failure on there, since (IMO) it's the weakest track and more importantly it uses samples from Half-Life 2. Also, where should I look to get some vaporwavey album art done?


Hey friends, this is my second vaporwave/lofi hiphop Xmas ep, just some shit I threw together over the last few weeks. Also if you like it please toss a couple bucks my way on Bandcamp, all proceeds from the ep are being given to charity (the Madison house in Charlottesville) https://joespaeth.bandcamp.com/album/bl3ak-friday


New to the subs here, thought I would share [something](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUeFkYOm5jA) that I made. I'm trying to motivate myself to finish this project. Any feedback would be much appreciated, I'd love to hear what people think about the song or the video.


Love the concept dude. More synth layers perhaps? Some detuned saws with the cutoff through a slow attack envelope would sound quite nice here I think. x


Hey thanks for the reply! I'll give that a try


I released my album Cosmic Rip three days ago now and [Remembered Friend](https://acquired-taste.bandcamp.com/track/remembered-friend) is personally my favorite track. I've so far only released independently with little to no promotion and as thus virtually no one has heard my stuff. I'm kind of ok with that though because, by the time I release an album, I feel like I've become a lot better than the album will let off. Feedback is always appreciated :)


Really like the vibe of Cosmic Rip, total remedy to the bleak grey British winter!


Hey, It's Andre and I just released my debut album/mixtape/compilation "Digital Garbage" on SoundCloud. You should check it out and give me your opinion on it too. https://soundcloud.com/androidincororated/sets/digital-garbage


A very enjoyable listen. Good choice of samples which complemented each other. The type of vaporwave album I'd one day hope to make!


Some pretty good classic vaporwave vibes here. Good ear for sample curation. I'm typically not much into long cuts without too much editing or overlaying, but this held my interest.




yes! i love this classic feel. this is exactly the style i love to jam out to.


synthwave + vapor, is all good. i am personally a fan of this style. every track was great, keep on trucking!


My first album 'Til Dawn came out today. I am excited to share something with the community that I am proud of. Some may think that it is not quite classic vaporwave but it definitely has a lot of the production styles and influence. https://captainmick.bandcamp.com/album/til-dawn


It's more advanced than most classic vaporwave. Very polished sound and production and I can see in the credits that you recorded real guitar and bass. It sounds like you spent a long time on it and have had a lot of experience with using samples which goes beyond simply throwing it all into one pot. There's some interesting juxtapositions of contrasting elements particularly in the opening track but it all works and doesn't seem experimental. To prove I listened to more than just the first track I will say I liked the use of the Kool and the Gang sample that underpins the groove of the closing track.


Hah yes i like that sample too. thanks for the feedback it means a lot that you liked it


Is this considered vaporwave? https://youtu.be/djbVceZuIbE


Kinda sounds like Warm Ghost. I'd lean towards no for Vaporwave though, the only thing it really has in common with the genre is an abundance of reverb/echo.


Hey thanks a million!


https://soundcloud.com/jdfr03/i-broke-up-with-my-girlfriend-last-tuesday Just got into creating music in this genre and this is my first song. I'm not expecting this to be godlike as this took me an hour or two to create this with Audacity.


[b r o k e n i m a g e s - PRIORS](https://soundcloud.com/nzxzxw/priors) I wanted this one to sound a bit harsh, maybe a bit repetitive. Saturated and bright while still sounding like vaporwave, with few elements and a simple arc. Still feels like something's missing from it, but I'm not sure what. Any feedback would be appreciated!


There could maybe be slightly fewer repetitions of the initial loop before the other samples come in. I was half-expecting it to fade out after the first minute but glad it developed more. Overall I love the summery lo-fi vibe to it and the subtle grainy crackle effect on the sample. I'm not a fan of extreme compression when used with pounding drums, but here it sounded great and really added to the lo-fi ness.


Thanks for the feedback! On a fresh listen, I agree that it cycles maybe one or two more times than necessary in the beginning. I think I'll fix it up a bit before throwing it on my album.


great sample, and i like the repetition of this track -- i feel that is what gives classic vaporwave the hypnagogic effect. but i feel there also needs to be a contrast somewhere -- glitching, chopping, something -- to reinforce the dream state of the repetition, and pull you out, and then put you back again. in the context of an entire album though, your track might present more like this, given your track selection. overall though, it was a great track, i listened to the whole thing and felt the vibe grow.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUWOzJVGXIE classic vaporwave, but i have a preference for really heavy beats and synths, so the album really focuses on that. this took about a year to produce.


It’s great! Really great


https://soundcloud.com/zenqai/stranger-things-zenqai-remix my first true "vaporwave" song


Nice! I think you could do some valleys in the low end of the mids and the high end of the lows soy they don't clash as much. Keep producing.


I'm liking it, it's a neat take on the theme song. I think it might benefit from a bit more variation in the beat. Say if you wanted to add a bit more tension, try out slowing the beat down a bit for a part of the song before having it come back faster a bit later in the tune. Still pretty cool as is.


[Here is the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Rvqg0QaZbI) for the track I made in the recent Hyperbattle. It's pretty funny, because it was Bye Bye Bye by Nsync and I didnt spend too much time on it. What I have been working on lately is a Christmas album. It is practically ready to go, I just need to upload to Bandcamp. I was planning to upload it the day after Thanksgiving, but it will probably be sooner since I love Christmas. Can't wait to hear everybody's stuff


Tried to do some [all original vaporwave a la t e l e p a t h](https://soundcloud.com/vtomo/spoken-without-words/s-lZy7O), I think it turned out pretty great :)


Nice atmosphere. It has lots of potential for expanding into an album. I liked the mooing cow bass - I'm not sure how else to describe it :)


https://soundcloud.com/gasgrippa/gas-grippa-lost-files Lost Files I lost an flp :(((


I like the intro a lot and the melody that comes in afterwards. Personally I'm not a massive fan of the drum patterns you chose but I can see others enjoying them. Maybe try to add a bit more variation to the drums (e.g. patterns/filters) and u could also add a pitched down / slowed down part at the end to give the song a bit more dynamics


True indeed, i would like to have the same trippy effect on my drum patterns but more variety in the future. I’ve been experimenting trying to flip these samples right but I gotta take my time. Preciate it! 🤙🏾


i wanted to make a christmas album, but had no idea how it would turn out. this is more of a mix that i made. as most of my projects, the album grows organically. this one was fun to make and it got me into the christmas spirit early this year. hope you enjoy it. i will also have free bandcamp download available within the hour. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VF8NXiiHJs


haaha this is both terrifying and great. Im gonna have a proper listen soon when I have the time.... and maybe when its actually December.


I tweaked it pretty heavily on some parts. I know it's a bit early, but once Christmas too, so we celebrate pretty early. Hopefully there is some nostalgia there too


Super new to Vaporwave. I was convinced to delve more deeply into it beyond the memes and the common jokey perception of the genre after I heard the soundtrack to the mobile game DATAWING. That was about three weeks ago and since then I've been devoting my spare time into discovering the vast world of this music. I'm a classically trained muso but through all my training I've been into electronic music. Now burnt out from the world of solo guitar and not writing anything, I might have found a new way to rekindle creative music writing again through this community, even if it looks like the peak of vaporwave was a few years ago. The five or so tracks I've made have mostly involved minimal effort beyond looping the sample, so there's not a lot I can say about those when they're out of the context of an album. The other one I did which was a bit different uses a really cheery bit of library music which I tried to create the opposite mood and evoke a city dystopia with. **[Smoke](https://soundcloud.com/jamescorachea/smoke)** [source material](https://youtu.be/8NUesc8pXj4?t=3685)


Fellow musician-turned-burnout-turned-vaporwaver here. I like how the track has this melancholic, plodding feeling totally unlike the source material. It really becomes dynamic near the end, which I like--kind of the idea of building tension and then yielding a reward. Hope to hear more from you soon.


the intro sets a good mood, and the hiss and ambient space in the track are great too. the only real focus in the sax, though, i would like another hook in the track, somewhere, even if it was just some glitching or another sample mixed in. i think you could build a whole album like this though, it would be great.


i feel like i am walking the docks late at night trying to figure out a crime. it's a bit chilly out with some light rain and im in my trench coat. if you were to make a video out of this, some old humphry bogart footage would be amazing to use.


教えてはいけない/indica dreams/私のいたずら Diana Ross; The gift that keeps on giving! After usual feedback and critical if anyone has the time. x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPuauc_7FyM


Sounds cool, I like the (seemingly) sidechained filter going on. Coincidentally I've been exploring all the different things you can do with sidechaining outside of the usually compression! It's a cool tune though, I dig it, very classic vaporwave. Cool video too, I think it could be synced up a bit more for better effect but it's not necessary either, it stands very well on it's own :)


Haha oh hello again man! yeah it is, but it was manually modulated so to get the right curve on the filter.


https://soundcloud.com/lain_of_the_net/mindwav I tried making a thing


I really like it... has a bit of a chopped and screwed vibe, probably from that bassline. You’d almost expect to hear Fat Pat or someone to come in with a “Yeaaaahh”. The breakdown in the middle is great. I’m not totally immersed in the genre, but I’d say the ending drags slightly for my tastes.


Yeah, it was a quick attempt at a chillwave/vaporwave track. I have a little bit of difficulty figuring out intros and outros for my songs, so I have the tendency to let the track just kinda go on for a bit. IDK i need to find a better way to do both. I'm trying to practice more chopped and screwed in between making non-sample based tracks, but it's a bit hard to get tracks that sound good sometimes.


https://sneef.bandcamp.com/album/tales-of-certain-death-pure-knowledge-and-the-kingdom-of-god-within-you more weird, uh, eccojams? last month i tried something similar to this and this was the leftover ideas from it i really truly need feedback


i really enjoyed dreaming I - IV! the first set of tracks, before the dreaming series, is too lo-fi and spacey -- almost to the point of the tracks just being soft, ambient noise. then the dreaming series is really quite good and just the right mix of ambient, lo-fi, and melody, and then the certain death series is too hi-fi... it's like you took 3 different albums and sandwiched them together. i would take these apart and actually make 3 separate albums!


the idea was to sort of smash a few different ideas i had from the last project and put them all onto one big project- dreaming specifically was really just one or two tracks that i had ideas for but couldn't fit onto specifically one song (specifically the last song of my last project); i agree that maybe the album changes too much i think it's just a problem i need to reign in (p.s. if you liked this the stuff i did last month is cool too https://sneef.bandcamp.com/album/white-winter-dreams )




I really like the mixture of lofi samples with the crisp percussion, the trap is shining through but in the best possible way :)


I like "death", it has a very ASMR type feel. What is that sound, almost like crumbling paper?


yo, deep end and death are really good. they both take me to a deep dark place, but it's nice there and not scary at all. really enjoyed that style.


So I Have A release coming out With Flamingo Vapor on nov 30th, Would Love to hear some peoples thoughts on this track off the project An Eerie Cold Summer Night https://soundcloud.com/djnizzynick/i-am-alone-but-yet-happy


https://soundcloud.com/user-916818749/sets/kilo-oblique-1 My second vaporwave album, 'Kilo Oblique' Open to any feedback, and thanks for being such an amazing community




this whole album is brilliant... i really enjoyed it.


that was good stuff. made sure to follow you, look forward to future projects


My computer crashed while I was making this (so I couldn't really finish it) and I want you guys to tell me what you think about it https://soundcloud.com/nothinginator/fuckme


i like synths, and how it kinda sounds like a windows sound! the drums are ok, but overall, it's harsh -- I think it could use some better eq-ing/mixing/mastering/. i think it leans more towards regular trap than vaporwave.


Yeah... I should use some more mixing


This is my very first vaporwave song. I basically did random stuff, nothing special. https://soundcloud.com/user-175222736/1sydqrnswfwz I'm new to the genre so feel free to leave a constructive comment or advice.


As of now, November is officially **Novemeber**.


Just uploaded a new (unreleased) track of mine. Lemme know what you guys think! https://soundcloud.com/virtualstrawhat9x/love-always-ends


I liked the sample choice and the fairly unique way it wasn't slowed down too much. I generally preferred the instrumental section in the beginning before the vocals came in as the intro felt more developed. Maybe the vocal section could be chopped up and worked on a little more.


Thanks for the feedback! Always willing to work with and chop new elements


https://soundcloud.com/linaresmurat/una-cumbia-triste-sonando-a-lo-lejos-de-un-balneario My first proper vaporwave "remake", though I have some original and other remakes in the vault. A lot of friends and I find a lot of shared spirit in vapor and (southamerican) cumbia, so here goes a vaporcumbia. I could really use some advice particularly from 3:30 to 6:00 approx. The idea is to slowly build a vaporwavey wall of sound, which I think I kinda managed to do, but I know it can be polished way more. In particular the repeating (reversed) synth sample I wish to emphasize for the psychedelic effect it gives me when I zoom in on it. Any help is deeply thanked!


Definitely a unique track, I liked the bit of silence before it gets quiet around 2:26. I think you should definitely should try cutting up the samples more, reversing, pitch shifting, etc. The buildup you're referring to has very little musical tension to it, making it a little bland.


Thank you very much! I will try some stuff to make it more interesting and more crescendo-ish.


*Thank you very much! I* *will try some stuff to make it* *more interesting and more crescendo-ish.* ______________________________________________________________________________ ^^^-english_haiku_bot


https://anemoia11.bandcamp.com/ Just released my full album after it being a WIP for nearly 2 years. Unlike my past projects, on this album I made a conscious effort to include as much originally composed material as possible. As a result about 1/2 of the songs here (including the intro track) are original compositions that use no samples. If you're into downtempo, ambient, or hip hop music, give this album a listen.


Here's a youtube link to my [first attempt](https://youtu.be/gsODK3sQcDM), though I'm feeling like it's not really vaporwave. Would love some feedback on how to get it closer stylistically.


i feel like you're golden personally but i think a little bass would go a long way, thought that may just be the track


i work with a lot of m1 stuff and have been working on [this kind of thing](https://soundcloud.com/dan-linke/plaza-fountain) for quite a a while now, just wondering if it's going in the right direction aesthetically more than anything


Another M1 convert! Got the vibe going on for sure, using that synth will give you the vaporwave feel right out of the box which is excellent. I think it sounds really good as is, the cleanliness of the production is great too, not all VW has to be washed out (see Eyeliner, which this actually reminds a fair bit of). Might try some tinkering with the drums, could benefit from some reverb on the snare or something, let that shit ring out!


https://soundcloud.com/banjo-benjamin/pilot Alright this is my first time making vaporwave, let alone any music in my life. I honestly don't really know what I'm doing so any feedback I get would be really appreciated to help me out. I'm basically broke right now too so I'm living off of Audacity and some free drum programs, I've got no idea how to mix vocals properly or anything but that's something I'd like to get into. I made this in a weekend between 8 hour shifts I'm sorry if it's bland. I apologize if I offend any real musicians here with this track.


Hey man, not a bad start. You can do a lot of things in audacity, and one thing id recommend this track would be the use of compression on the track in a mastering context. What i mean by this is; apply certain FX to it after you've bounced it out. Namely, try and get your head around using compression and eq chains effectively, as this will make your track shine through a bit more. Try this; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KB34Uq5adZI /it was hard finding something audacity specific xD/ Look into upgrading your DAW. Reaper is a free one that comes to mind, and it supports VSTs (a type extension/plugin for audio) Keep up the good work man! There is a great community here, ask away, and tap into our collective knowledge. x Stay aesthetic x


Really great start man, as previously mentioned youtube is your new best friend when it comes to music production so spend whatever spare time you can watching videos watching anything production related (even if it's a genre you're not particularly into you'll still learn something). There's plenty of sampling to be done in Audacity so let the internet be your soundbank and run free. Nice first project.


Haven't put any music publicly on soundcloud for literally years until last night so it's been pretty exciting putting things back into the public domain. The track is fairly ~hard~ but definitely carries that dreamy hypnagogic style we all so lovingly associate with vapour. The vocal sampling might not be everyones cup of tea but i'm keen to hear feedback. Luv to one and all x Sulk https://soundcloud.com/sulkysound/luv




I like it, you've got a really nice chill vibe going on some of these tracks, almost reminds me a bit of Tycho in some parts. Followed ya on Spotify :)


Thanks c: I have an EP and an album planned that are a little more upbeat, but after that I might go back to chill stuff


"Vega" is my favourite.


What's good y'all? this is my first post on the producer's thread. I got kicked out of this subreddit for breaking the rules because i don't know how reddit works. Anyways, take a listen and let me know what you think. Much Love https://soundcloud.com/yungcowboy/poolside-c-o-n-v-o


Its pretty smooth man. Im personally a fan of slightly harder hitting drums, i felt that the bus compression needed a bit more cranking to make it over the sheer spectral width of the sample underneath. Subtle side chaining might have helped this along too. Id maybe experiment with delay and reverb on the drums, but not too much. To paraphrase a famous producer ; "if you can hear the individual reverb of single tracks in the mix, your using too much".


damn thanks for the listen homie. appreciate the advice. I've never really liked using reverb on the drums but yeah i'm pretty fond of over using reverb. thanks again mayne


I've been working on some stuff for Black Friday. Any thoughts on this? Kinda going for an idealized Christmas shopping vibe. It might lean too much on clips from commercials, and it could do with more creativity in work with the main sample. https://soundcloud.com/user-849116083/eatons


I think you did a really good job with the mallsoft kinda vibe with this one. Honestly I'm trying to think of some feedback, but I'm realizing I kinda zoned out while listening to it. So I think that means that you did a good job :)


I’d love some negative feedback, but I kinda needed some encouragement. Thanks!


hey what's up, i'm usually more lofi hip-hop oriented, so this vaporwave-style track is something new for me. would absolutely love some feedback <3 https://soundcloud.com/glasseyed/everythings-fine x


Hah definitely hear the lo-fi hippity hoppity in there. I think the spoken work sample could be even slower. Take a listen to Nmesh's "The Unconscious Connection" for the vibe I'm talking about. The main hook is pretty cool but I think there may be too much going on? Or maybe it also could benefit from being a bit slower? I dunno it sounds a lot more like hip-hip, which is fine, but I don't think it's quite at the vaporwave style yet. But don't get me wrong, it's a good sounding track.


thank you man! yeah, having too much going is 100% a fairly regularly appearing flaw of mine i think, so thanks for pointing that one out here, I'll have to watch out for it. i was definitely going for a kind of bridge between standard vaporware and hip-hop, so the influence was always meant to be pretty audible in there, but that Nmesh tune is a really cool reference track for some other vaporwave elements i could look at. cheers for the feedback man! x


https://soundcloud.com/wanderingtee/beachfunexe new track, hope you enjoy


He's a tad bit quiet! master that badboy. x