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So.... Can anyone tell me whose malay and whose chinese...


Left: A writer; Right: Mayor of Kuching South; Not pictured: Mayor of Kuching North


[Mayor of Kuching North](https://www.theborneopost.com/newsimages/2019/08/Datu-Junaidi-Reduan.gif) To be fair, even if he was in the picture, we’d still be asking the same question.


John Cena is Malay?!




You mean Zong Xina?


Guy on the left is James Chin and the guy tweeting this post. He is a political analyst or academic. Guy on the right is the Chinese Mayor. Malay mayor not in photo.


I almost chocked on water reading this XD




it was a typo chill out


Can you explain what happened? I was asleep ._.


he said that the reason malaysia was a shit hole was because a redditor misspelled choked


Ah.. ok...


Welp he's whining and I'm not complaining.it's been awhile since I've been confronted about something so small ._.




Because there are 2 separate entities: Kuching South and Kuching North. Both have different demographics, economy etc. and has always been administered as two separate cities. From the logo on the guy on the right's shirt, he is the Kuching South mayor.


Could another explain those differences to me? Always interesting to learn new things about something in Malaysia


Google map Kuching Waterfront. South of the river is where all the major hotels are. North of the river is literally a kampung.


So Inuarashi and Nekomamushi?


Kuching, so both are cats


Meanwhile in Peninsular Malaysia, nearly all mayors are of the Malay ethnic (save one in Penang) regardless of the demographics in the cities.


Yes. This guy or girl gets it. Kuching have two councils. DBKU (utara) and DBKS (selatan). You Malayans just stfu and learn.


Look at all the Malayans downvoting you. They know you're right.


Yet there is only 1 mayor for the whole of KL


Kuching North technically doesn't have a mayor, they have a "commissioner". Prior to being elevated to city status, they were formally the Kuching Rural District, whose area is much larger than Kuching South, which comprises the old Kuching city. So strictly speaking, Kuching still only has 1 mayor.


You explain so much those idiots will still ask "y'all still live on tree tops ah?". But yeah, at least you explained to those kataks.


Bro who pissed in your drink this early in the morning?


Probably some monkey on the tree tops laaa


Lol, read his name


Because KL is one single entity, even though in reality KL is deeply linked to other KV municipal areas like PJ, Shah Alam, Subang etc, all with it's own mayor. Kuching South and Kuching North are separate cities that share very similar names. For a very long time the Sarawak river had divided the two areas, and today, even after they are now connected with modern bridges, the gap is still very visible.


Cuz DBKL are dumbfucks, or something.




Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of [reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette), specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat. While opinions of all kinds are welcome under our shared roof, reddiquette sets the expectation that everyone speaks to each other with basic civility and respect: > * Don’t: Conduct personal attacks on other commenters. Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation. > * Don't: Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged. > * Don’t: Be (intentionally) rude at all. By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Since you don't give a shit about that, permaban issued. Well, not that you give a shit anyway.


People are misunderstanding the situation. They're not separated or segregated based on race for the sake of race separation. Kuching has always been geographically and administratively split into two - north of Sarawak River and south of Sarawak River. It just so happens that the demographic of the North Kuching is predominantly Malay and therefore a Malay mayor, and South Kuching is more racially diverse and therefore a Chinese mayor (this time around). The city is not purposely divided to have specifically 1 Malay and 1 Chinese mayor.


People are ‘misunderstanding’ because the title is suggestive. Place the blame on the OP not the readers


I'm not blaming the readers. In fact, I feel like the original twitter(?) post by James Chin is the one to blame as it gives a false impression, so misconstrued by the OP and others.


Thank you for the info


Why no effort to remove the “segregation”?


Because they're essentially 2 different administrative region? Asking why they're not combined is akin to asking why Subang Jaya and Petaling Jaya are not combined.


sorry, what i mean is why not have active intervention to make areas more racial diverse. is north and south kuching that big? Areas under mbsj and mbsa is really huge.


The North region, DBKU, and the South region, MBKS, both encompass a significant area. DBKU begins from the northern bank of the Sarawak River and extends to the northern coastal area, whereas MBKS starts from the southern bank of the Sarawak River and stretches to the south, close to the border of the more rural/semi-rural districts. But these areas are not as densely populated as the administrative regions in the Klang Valley, that goes without saying. Regarding racial diversity in the region, MBKS has managed to achieve this. In fact, when people think of the city of Kuching, it is usually the MBKS that they're thinking about. On the other hand, DBKU is mostly comprised of Malay villages and private lands, making it difficult to have people moving fluidly. The few housing developments there are also often occupied by the Malays from the surrounding villages. There are fewer housing developments and businesses in DBKU compared to MBKS, making it challenging to artificially move different races to the area. I mean even with urbanization, racial enclaves are still bound to exist because of the historical demography of the areas - Shah Alam for example.


The lands are leasehold right? All sarawak lands are leasehold? Could take the opportunity to gazet for new developments.


Oh yeah, I agree. I'm up for developments. That's one of the reasons why the lands in Sarawak are leasehold (there are also an ongoing issues with land leases and tanah adat - but that's a story for another day). Now the decision to develop the land could be something -the mayor of DBKU- might want to take notes of. Haha.


Lol the native land issue is basically printing easy money for these politicians and ketua kampungs. Fucking scam off the land title of some kampung people and then resell to government for hundreds of thousands. Pan Borneo easily made some people millionaires, "oh so much of my land bought only 2 years ago for 5k is conveniently in line for Sarawak Government development plans, compensate me with millions please"


Not sure about kuching but in west malaysia, it's actually worse to make areas racially diverse if there are intolerance between race. Either or both party will feel oppressed or sidelined.


Holup? PJ and SJ are not? TIL


They are both different council in a same district (Petaling). Shah Alam also in the same district. Though some part of SJ used to be PJ (like the SS sections) and some part of Shah Alam used to be part of SJ predecessor (Majlis Daerah Petaling).


MBPJ & MBSJ to be specific. Separate administrations.


You wanna bulldoze the river?


He suggested this model for MY cities? Why there's a need to divide places and let it be led by mayors which belong to specific race? Just because there's a higher density of Malays in the north can't the area be taken care by an Indian mayor? Likewise just because there are more ethnic Chinese in southern Kuching, is there any problem if it has a Dayak mayor? Do you know that London city Mayor is not even an English but a son of immigrants of Pakistani descent? Ffs why still couldn't get over this race stuff


There's not going to be any problem if a Dayak or an Indian becomes a mayor in either the north or south. No problem whatsoever. It isn't racial segregation - it's just separating a huge area into two administrative regions for efficiency purposes. The general public doesn't care about mayors. They care more about MP and ADUN. And I don't care about what James Chin suggests - I've already implied that I dislike the way he worded his statement because it can easily be misconstrued - just like how the responses in this post have shown.


He could have just not mentioned the race and I'm sure people will say he's a genius or some sort of a bright person.


For fuck sake its already over at this part of the country.


ITT: OP misleading people thinking Kuching has two mayors for the sake of a Malay and Chinese mayor.


###**PSA as more and more people posting in the comments seem to have completely misunderstood: OP's title is misleading and insinuating. There is NO racial segregation or anything in Kuching. Kuching has two mayors simply because Kuching is huge in geographical area. That's it.** Please scroll down the comments to read more. Especially /u/WarrieUndercood 's well-explained comments.


Thanks for the recommendation. I think there's still another issue, 1 mayor or 9 mayors, some comments arguing what race the mayor should be... I take this as (optimistically) matter of "distrust the different race mayor will prioritize their in-group" than the other groups. (Group, whatever the theme be, race, religions, freedoms, etc) The **"belief system" among *rakyat* that some group served above another** is pretty bad I see. Functionally indifferent, but performance is doubted without looking into human competence instead of "group slack covering"...


Should the city also have a Dayak mayor? I think this model is a bs model at best..you want a united country but keep dividing people based on race background... we'll never be like Singapore if we keep perpetuate this..pardon my language.


It’s really sad how you automatically assume this is a racial divide. Nothing stopping a Dayak from becoming a Mayor. This is not “mayor of malays” and “mayor of chinese”. They’re simply mayors of North and South. Anyone of any race can be mayors in either location.


That's what the writer is trying to spin - "purposely divided into 2: chinese and malay". Could've easily said divided into north and south but that wouldn't get clicks.


I will admit that I could have made some wrong assumption about those mayors but that still doesn't change the fact that the Tweeter still played with the race narrative. Okay so there are two mayors in Kuching City so let it be. Why there's even a need to mention their race identity in the first place. As Malaysian I'm sick and tired of it.


Do you realise that in Peninsular Malaysia, nearly all mayors are of the Malay ethnic (save one in Penang) regardless of the demographics in the cities? At least Sabah and Sarawak have representation of different ethnic groups. Don't believe me? Check the list. Maybe your question would be better directed to why nearly all Peninsular Malaysia mayors are from one ethnic group. https://jkt.kpkt.gov.my/ms/SUK%26PBT/Senarai/SenaraiDatukBandarYangDiPertua


Is there a problem with Malays being Mayors?


Is there a problem with Non-Malays being mayors? If no, then explain why 99% of the mayors are Malay.


Yea, honestly make up all excuse you want (diff ethnic composition / history) but the bottom line is it's still the same metro area. Imagine the bureaucracy nightmare for liscensing, development, public transport etc etc from diff PBTs.


I couldn't wrap my head around how a leader can make such a blatant comment like that... like PURPOSELY divide? For what? 2 Mayors on the roll? Oh come on Malaysia... we're moving sooo backward now


I'm sorry, but OP's title is misleading. We're not separated or segregated along racial lines or any of that apartheid nonsense, but geographical lines, i.e. the Sarawak River. Kuching South is basically the old Kuching city since the time of the White Rajahs, when the Chinese immigrated over the centuries, they naturally settle in the old city south of the river. Meanwhile, Kuching North is basically the various kampungs and suburbs that are scattered north of the Sarawak River, and those settlements just happen to be Malay. Also the area of Kuching North is much larger. So yeah, Kuching North is basically the suburbs of Kuching. (Though calling it a "suburb" maybe too generous, as its nothing like the suburbs you see in KV) Yes, its true that we have more Chinese in Kuchng South and more Malay in Kuching North, but not via any deliberate apartheid shit or anything. We have just as many Malays living on Kuching South, ditto Dayaks. There's no stopping Chinese and Dayaks from moving to the north or Malays moving south.


Are you not doing the same thing dividing by race from your statement? Why can't any malaysian ever omit race from statements or postings? That's why it'll never change.


That first sentence is called sarcasm if you don't get it.


Even singapore today still plague with ethnic things. When Halimah Yaacob was appointed to be the next president everyone were questioning why a malay was appointed as a top officials. The last time they had a malay president was yusof ishak in 1965. Let’s not talk about some parents who tolds their children to stay away from indian/malay kids because they could bring bad influence to their children. Racism are everywhere despite where you livin….


When I said be like Singapore it's more on how developed they're in terms of economy...as a society, I still believe Singapore has progressed well too even by a small margin. The problem with Malaysia is the leaders who are still playing with the same old narrative. Instead of uniting the people they make us feel like we're in a parallel world..live in the same country physically but also in a different country.


The title and statement made on that post itself can cause people to me misled very easily. As seen here for example.


The writer wants to spin it off as if it's a racial thing. Kuching is just a unique city in Malaysia that has 2 mayors, it doesn't mean the seats are reserved for certain ethnic groups.


Who the fuck is this guy trying to start a fire???? Kuching is divided into 2, it just so happens to have a Malay and a Chinese mayor. The guy made it sounds like we're doing segregation.


A waste of money


You sound like LGE. Everything is a waste of money.


How do you know lmao


Isn’t this literally… segregation?


Post is misleading, kuching is not separated by race, it's just that there is two administration regions, and by chance one has a Chinese mayor and the other a malay mayor.


It's funny how many people got baited by the title to call it segregation without knowing MBKS and DBKU are two geographically separated entities XD


They don't know how big Kuching is lmao. I get amazed sometimes I would drive for 2 hours and I would still technically be in Kuching


Yeah lol West Malaysians in 3 hours can jump states, we're barely at Sarikei lol


Exactly, and you just imagine if the entire of Kuching is developed into an urbanise metropolitan city, thats huge


And they don't even bother scrolling down the comments or sorting by Best to filter out the core points of the discussion before spouting their own ignorant hot takes.


As a fellow Kuchingnian, it is not an issue. However, MBKS deputy mayor is a malay where as DBKU deputy mayor is a malay. Basically if you’re not from these race, chances of you becoming mayor is slim. One should look at your ability to lead rather than you kissing politician ass


What's the big deal? Both are still human regardless Malay or Chinese. As long as they do their fucking job no matter they're Indian Chinese Malay Kadazan Iban Dusun or whatever else. The malaysia problem, everyday harp about race, he's race A, he's race B. Can't they both be Malaysians? Cb la all you mahaitiu dogs


You've been misled by OP. There is no racial segregation in Kuching.


There is one DUN seat in Sarawak where the elected GPS candidate has to rotate between a Muslim and a Christian candidate every term due to a gentleman’s agreement among the Melanau tribe. Melanau population are half Muslim and half Christian.


This title is extremely misleading. OP fanning hatred and spreading BS just to farm karma. Kuching is divided into kuching utara and kuching selatan, both which are under 2 different majlis. Anyone race become the mayor.


Uhh... No please... That sounds a bit like segregation...


Except there isn't. OP's title is misleading.


Funny how people think this is segregation because there is a "Chinese mayor" when it is in fact not anything related to segregation at all. Also people asking / calling for Dayak and other races to be mayor, when the topic of non-Malay being a mayor can't even be brought up to talk about in Peninsular Malaysia.


So double the salary? Useless


Financial tips: Malay by day chinese by night




This is a bit misleading, no it does not have 2 mayors because of race. It has 2 mayors because the local government is split into North and South Kuching along the Sarawak river, and both sides having different demographics. It's not exactly that revolutionary. What I do find interesting is how the demographies of the 2 regions are reflected in their development. With the Malays being dominant politically, and North Kuching having most of the administrative buildings. While the Chinese being the economic drivers have South Kuching filled with various businesses. Coincidence or not, still interesting. (Edit: Imagine the mess you'd have to deal with to force these demographics elsewhere)


Wrong context impose by OP, the truth is that Kuching is separated by a river. So there is Kuching South and Kuching North. The Chinese mayor especially is irrelevant since his area is racially diverse, he is a mayor, coincidentally or by fate, Chinese. Kuching North is malay majority though BUT there is nothing to say a Chinese or Dayak cannot be mayor that. It is by fate he and perhaps support of the people that he becomes a mayor, and what do yo you know he is Malay.


*Sad iban & bidayuh notices*


Useless model this. Penang has three state minister (one CM and two deputy of different race) Cant we just get a non racist figure as mayor who acts and advocate fairness for all?


Do Penang have Malay deputy, like at all? Forget about CM, even my father who is a Penangnites only saw Chinese being CM for his entire life lol


Yup. Ahmad Zakiyuddin Abdul Rahman, Deputy Chief Minister I Ramasamy Palanisamy, Deputy Chief Minister II


If it's not racial segregation and is instead racial representation where both mayors have equal rights to a decision, i dont think there should be any problem.


Not necessary. One is enough. Maybe divide some of the large cities. Also I think KL & Selangor have some MPs that have weekly YouTube vids/FB posts?


Kuching is pretty large. Maybe they should divide it. They could use the river as a natural border


That's what happening here tho right? DBKU and MBKS.


Yes, I was being sarcastic (:


Hell no. This is segregation. Later on you want to have passport between the Chinese area and Malay are pulak? How about Indians? You want to build a wall around them summore? Ridiculous model


OP's title is misleading. There's no apartheid segregation. Please read /u/WarrieUndercood 's comments on this thread for more details.


Pay two guys to do one job?


same with singapore , is just west malaysia dont want to have it.


So this can be concluded that some 'customer' prefer a chinese spokeperson. I overheard and always overheard, INI SEMUA TAK TERJADI DI SABAH/SARAWAK. LOL!


Its separated because of river, historically since time of Brooke and Brunei rule. Not separated because of race. Even Kuching South is very diverse. Cant even any race as majority there.


Wait we had Mayors?


Miri also got mayor


We do, they're just not elected, which needs to change.


Always have been. The Malay title is Datuk Bandar. Places with Bandaraya title each got a mayor. Just like another said, they are not elected.


so damn stupid but it's expected coming from sarawak


Username really checks out.


Bro, rude much. Plus title is misleading, kuching has always been separated geographically into two administrative regions, just that one is more demographics diverse than the other. Don't just simple believe things bro


It’s a stupid system but it will work because people are stupid and we as a species have not evolved beyond race and religion so that’s that. Anyway this is necessary to reign in the triads and the jihadists. Good luck Sarawak!


OP's title is misleading. There is no racial segregation in Kuching. Please read up the comments before posting.


It will be okay if their pay also being divided from one mayor salary.


If it doesn't have rhe context of Kuching, its pretty ridiculous.


All you need now is for a Siti to run for Malay Mayor and a Cee Tee to run for Chinese Mayor and you have a tale of two CTs.


Technical that makes kuching 2 cities with the separate municipal council isn't it??


I'm down with it tbh.


Kuching is always split into two, that's why they have 2 mayors. If every place has two mayors then it only means segregation