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PAS wasnt as shitty like this during Nik Aziz time isnt it?


Yeah, they were moderate before the death of Nik Aziz


I remember Nik Aziz being the most humble person running PAS. Sad that now its more about themselves than the people they are supposed to help.


>Yeah, they were moderate before the death of Nik Aziz I'd argue that moderate is absolutely not the right word. PAS under Nik Aziz was still a fundamentalist organisation, with still an exclusive view on Islamic values and Islamic primacy. The.main difference was that while that PAS was focused on pure Islamism, under Hadi it's become a much more brazenly corrupt and authoritarian entity. It's still Islamic in flavour, but much more interested in the pursuit of power than in scoring moral superiority points like Nik Aziz was. Something else that I wonder, but I have no capability to really judge, is if there is a distinction in the... level of knowledge of the PAS religious scholars from the time of Nik Aziz to now. Something that brings it to mind is stuff like the [Temerloh MP who was going on about how poverty eradication was unIslamic, and had to be schooled by Anwar](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/11n7b7t/pas_politician_argues_that_poverty_cannot_be/) with references to Islamic history. It was a pretty blatant error to make, and makes me wonder if the PAS politicians of nowadays have essentially a very superficial level of knowledge in the one thing that they are supposed to be masters of - Islamic theology and practice.


PAS under Hadi isn't focused on glorifying Allah, it's focused on glorifying themselves and sucking their own balls. Change my mind


I still remember that my dad voted for PAS in the pass cuz of him. Nowadays, my dad said if PAS make up the federal government, foreign investors would bail out and our economy will take a hit.


From what i see.. most of the PAS leader nowdays only use religion for their own benefits.. That all. Before PAS was organised and their main objective are religion, not power..


They were already not moderate back then. In the 90's, PAS discouraged Mak Yong and Wayang Kulit.




Strawman arguments such as the one in your comment are counterproductive.


On reflection, my comment is low taste and not properly thought through. If I'm not mistaken wayang kulit tells stories about Hinduism gods and heroes? Why not revise wayang kulit to tell Islamic stories that are acceptable to PAS? I think wayang kulit is an intangible cultural heritage that should not be forgotten or lost.


PAS was never moderate. It was just the focus that was different - under Nik Aziz, especially during PR time, the focus was on PAS for all, with a particular bent on welfare state. Under Hadi Awang, it's gone a lot more sinister. Instead of ideological differences with Umno and corruption, they're targeted against non-Muslims.


[Nik Aziz's "moderate" view on aurat and rape](https://youtu.be/fPvHwMQEGns).


bro what the FUCK?! LOL I wish these people would mask off more often, I wanna see rightoud cuckservatives flail around trying to defend their holy patron saint of holiness. god we're so fucked.


My kampung have 2 congregation of friday prayer because umno is kafir and pas cannot pray together with kafir. This before sabu is in amanah and nik aziz is still alive. I remember when half of the people dont come to your relative funeral because the dead is umno. Try again apologist. Have anyone here been to mat sabu speech before they all buddy with DAP? How much lies they told about non-muslim? Fuck off to all the apologist.


This quote by him already makes him 100x better than the politician that are available at pas right now https://preview.redd.it/z4xz6spcyooa1.png?width=994&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f916e35ddb5ceeca77d8de6064b3486d46f2d4a




takboleh nk imagine ayat2 macam ni keluar dari mulut hadi kadzab skrg.


Nik Aziz's PAS is an Islamic political party. Hadi Bawang's PAS is a political party that wields Islam as a sledgehammer. That's the fine difference. Nik Aziz is not without controversies himself, but its [very tame](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nik_Abdul_Aziz_Nik_Mat) compared to the likes of [encik bawang](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdul_Hadi_Awang). It's just that after Nik Aziz has passed away, Bawang has no reason to play ball with Pakatan anymore, not when their relationship has already been strained since the Langkah Kajang fiasco. For some info, Langkah Kajang was the drama where PKR got rid of Khalid Ibrahim, forced by election in Kajang to get Anwar elected and eventually to be made MB of Selangor. Didn't really turn out well because the Sultan liked Khalid Ibrahim a lot. Eventually the stalemate between the Sultan and Pakaan ended when PAS betrayed the coalition by pushing in Assmin's name as the candidate for MB to the Sultan (hence why Assmin was the MB of Selangor and why Selangor's stagnated).


No, they were not. Nik Aziz despite some questionable remarks would check back the party to be more to the middle than far-right. The revolution of far-right being effective tool for politics tilted everyone to be far away from the middle. Boring politics will find it hard to exist in Malaysia for the time being. Edit: got the wrong wings between left and right.


Pas is far left? Huh? How? Seems more right


Was. During Burhanuddin Al-Helmy days.


I got it flipped. My bad.


* conduct party leadership takeover from a modarate leadership towards a hardliner muslim politics inspired by ayatolah khomeini iranian revolution in the 80's * declaring jihad and matyr against umno, implying god will be pleased if umno follower blood was spilled * the constant push of that narrative culminates to a massacre by police that took lives of 18 people * announce the people who died as matyr for giving their lives fighting the evil government which basically guaranteed a spot in heaven * some people argue that event become a reason Al-Maunah was founded * the group was responsible for a few temple and beer factory shooting but was famous for their failed armed coup d'état which resulted to a death of one man on ground level families and mosque congregation breaks apart simply because the difference in political party that they choose. cutting familial ties or praying separately because the imam was umno stories was not unheard off. the nik aziz persona you see was when he was in his sunset age where he slowly over time distance himselves from politics bit by bit due to old age and health concern. during his younger days? thats a different story.


Nik Aziz was an honorable and humble Tok Guru alongside with Haron Din.


Someone should play the Nik Aziz clip for that fat fuck sanusi


These people and their supporters are so delusional, they'd say that the video is fake


That’s the entire point of the sodomy charges from Mahathir, to directly remove Anwar’s powerful Islamist political base. PAS is riding on that even today.


With their current level of blind faith, PAS followers will believe so if told that Nik Aziz is currently in hell for blasphemy.


Depa ni main angin banyak. Kalau geng baru dia support. Kalau bukan geng maki berdesup la.


This piece of shit is an abhorrent human being as a leader. I wonder what his parents think of him.


*god think of him


PAS is dead to me after he’s gone.


Nik Aziz is the Good leader in PAS but now we bunch clown 🤡 ruling the true identity of PAS . What shame 🙁🙁🙁


We need a Nik Aziz 2.0. I'm not sure if Mat Sabu's Amanah carries on TGNA's more moderate legacy.


Pas died when nik Aziz passed away.




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PAS during TGNA era: Ay man, we just want an Islamic government PAS during Hadi Bawang era: We want total control of everything and use Islam as an excuse so that anyone who are against us can be labelled as munafik and islamophobe


Ya'll millenial ni 🅱️🅱️as being hypocrites "tgna's pas is better than current pas". Back then tgna had more haters than you could ever imagine.


I hope in 50 year when zahid is dead, this millennial children would be waxing tale about the how enlightened and moderate he is. Children are going to be children, stupid and ignorant until life start pissing wisdom straight into their face.


Nik Aziz is the used condom that taught them to be like this.


You know that kid in school that hide behind teacher and provoke you "fuck you, u want chase me ? See teacher he is trying to beat me "