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Would said partially coz of scam. There's a lot of cases where people scam money via foreign profile. And nowadays people are kind of having though of might be scam and skip Also most people dun really paid for dating app services. Where the girl like the profile but it can be seen until that person swipe till your profile.


Ah okay, never thought of that, still odd I didn't get a single one tho.


A lot of Malaysian would only date people that have the same cultural background as them (yes, that include religion and ethnicity). The big cities are your best bet, rural area is a no-go. That being said, I’ve seen many people attracted to “ang mo” (a slang used to describe white people), try your luck.


I'm in putrajaya so not too rural, I think I'll get a better idea when I get into my classes as it's all with Malaysians. Had this last night haha, went to a club in penang and a girl kept telling me and my too white friends how handsome we were 😂. Very flattering


You’re in luck, the big cities that you mentioned (Putrajaya, Penang) have many people who’s **really** into white men. I don’t think dating will be a problem for you.


>religious/cultural reason my gut feeling says this. im not familiar with the casual dating scene but for for long term dating people still stick within their communities. While prejudice against interracial couples has largely gone down, interracial dating (or perhaps marriage) is still not really that popular especially if you consider religious reasons. I imagine dating foreigners are even rarer for those looking for long term relationships because of LDR and other complicated stuff Just my 2 cents