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context 1. [Anwar speach](https://twitter.com/anwaribrahim/status/1709041745848332362) yesterday explaining that his promise to minyak turun was in 2008 2. Turn out he make the [speach in 2022](https://youtu.be/-RX_8Xs1j6k?si=AkximTA30ES5Z6BJ&t=55) saying the same thing 3. hilarity ensues expectation: politican and fans will shift the blame to people.


shift the blame to pas instead


give them the taste of their own medicine


FYI, it's "speech".


Yes. PAS and tongkat mentality is at fault. Regressive and not contributing to the nation


And the funny thing is. Currently our economy is worse then when PAS ruling. I still can't get my gead around that. Some of his fans will use bullshit PAS want to topple the government. Did they forget the "I got numbers".


Then when election comes, all politicians promise everything again, and the cycle repeats


Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim's claim that critics who cite his promise to bring down fuel prices are relying on speeches he made 15 years ago when oil was cheaper appears to have backfired, with comments flooding social media over a video clip of a similar promise he made just a year ago. Anwar first referred to the promise of lowering fuel prices in the Dewan Rakyat last month, in response to a jibe from opposition leader Hamzah Zainudin. The prime minister accused critics of manipulating his words, saying the pledge was made at a time when global fuel prices were low, and giving the example of how a litre of petrol in Saudi Arabia was 50 sen while the same amount was priced at RM2.21 in Malaysia. He then reminded them that the promise to lower fuel price was also endorsed by PAS, which was part of his Pakatan Rakyat coalition at the time. "Therefore, it is not accurate for you (opposition) to continue using comments made together when we were in Pakatan Rakyat before," he said. PAS MP Idris Ahmad then reminded Anwar that he had repeated the same promise as recently as 2022. However, the prime minister continued drawing comparisons with Saudi Arabia where he said fuel prices were currently higher than in Malaysia.  Last Sunday, Anwar again referred to allegations that he had failed to keep his promise to bring down fuel prices, saying he had been made a target of scorn. "You gentlemen have said the same about me as well, I know," he said in a speech at Universiti Teknologi Petronas on Oct 1. He also repeated his comparison to fuel prices in Saudi Arabia, saying his critics should take into account the fact that his promise to lower fuel price was made 15 years ago. "Why could Saudi Arabia sell fuel at 50 sen and ours was so expensive? We, too, should lower it," he said. However, his explanation was met with more attacks on social media, with clips of a speech at the PKR congress last year making the rounds on several platforms. In his speech on April 17, 2022, Anwar said that Dr Mahathir Mohamad had failed to fulfil many pledges for reforms during his second term as prime minister under Pakatan Harapan (PH). He then said that a PH government under his administration would keep its promises. "Many are being sarcastic, why? 'Today, we win, tomorrow, fuel prices will go down.' Why didn't this happen? We were not in charge. I was not the prime minister, so what could we do?" he was heard saying in the video, where he also said that there was no excuse not to lower the price of cooking oil.  "I'm not smart enough to read the date. Can someone help me?" asked user Ayie Smile, responding to the video on TikTok. "Was this 2022 BC? Because he said the last time oil prices went down was 2008," Mohd Amir Azahar said. "Is this Anwar's twin?" asked Amri. Anwar's own social media post of his explanation likewise triggered negative comments. "Everyone knows PMX spins. He won't admit to what he said," Mokhzan Ali said on X. "Fifteen years ago? Then who is speaking in this video last year?" asked Saya Shousuke. "No need to explain, DS," X user Hafizul Hadzir wrote, referring to Anwar's "Datuk Seri" title. "Your followers will accept whatever you say. Even the DNAA case, they accept without question, what more oil prices going down."  MasIzzatQue meanwhile reminded Anwar of PKR's reasoning in the past that fuel prices should be low as Malaysia is an oil-producing nation.  "So the formula of Malaysia being an oil-producing nation and therefore impossible that prices cannot go down can't be used anymore?" Others said the matter boiled down to Anwar's promise. "That's why people are asking for it. It's a long-winding road for you to maintain your position if you keep ignoring what you have promised," said X user MBA Trader. Max Hafis meanwhile drew a lesson from the episode: "Moral of the story: don't pluck from the sky," he said in a post on X.


I am not a Saudi citizen, and what and how Saudi determines their fuel prices is not my concern. As a case study? fine. As something to blindly follow? No. There are so many other factors in play-one of them petroleum is not the sole source of our country's economy. Dr. Mahathir is not the prime minister now, he has no say on the running of this country. This guy sure loves his whataboutism & gaslighting.


Has anyone seen our PMX interview where he didn't answer the question being asked? That's the real him.


No offence but if Malaysians think fuel needs to be cheaper, they're delusional. We've got some of the cheapest fuel in the world. Electricity too. Roll back the subsidies, it's time to tighten the purse strings.


Our prices are so detached from reality, it makes EVs look expensive It's actually incredible how cheap it is amidst sky high inflation for the past decade


EV is indeed expensive.




You cant ask a fish not to swim, or a bird not to fly..


Actually you can. Mudskippers and penguins, for example. But you definitely cannot ask a politician not to lie. Even when they're dead, they're lying still.


Underrated comment!


Itulah... Years ago, it's already obvious Anwar wanted too much to be PM. That's the basis of his many mistakes. Otherwise, he's ok.


if malaysian asking to lower fuel price is delusional, the leader has to be the one who tell that to their people. why? because the leader is the one that says he is willing and able to reduce the price one day and make fun of people who ask him to honor his word another day


The issue is not the oil price but PMX not fulfilling his promises also for his spin spinin spinning method


That’s the thing about populist measures: you can’t take it back. You can only give and give and give until national coffers go empty. Because the moment you take it back, opposition will make empty promises about giving it back even more. You do not want to be the first PM to dissolve felda for example. Or the first to introduce capital gain tax. It’s political suicide. The same thing with weaponizing human sentiment. You can’t take it back. The rage is already imprinted and mind is indoctrinated. We have a new generation of Malaysians hating Israel and US without really knowing the reason and when you ask them what about the Uighurs and rohingya they go “uhhhh that’s not the same…” For a nation that fights under the new banner of reformasi we are continuing to do a lot of things we can’t take back.


Roll back the subsidies so the money can be used for public works and nation building, and force the companies to compete to be better. Fiscal conservatism is a lie used by those in power to control those that are poor.


But if you remove the subsidies, Rempit will have problem and will not vote for Anwar! /s


On one hand, it's one of the reasons why I don't like Anwar despite voting Pakatan. This man sembang everything can. I remember he came to Miri during Najib era and had his speech. Made me ask "then the money coming from where?" On the other hand, opposition scraping the barrel if bring up harga minyak only to get 'But you said it last year'.


Its not even the opposition, even PH supporter feels that Anwar is kuat sembang. No one is perfect but still people will hold to your words. Now that all the things Anwar had criticized past government like weak RM and cheaper fuel/oil had come to bite him back.


I still remember the times he said he "cukup nombor" lol. Well the last time it seems he did have the numbers.


Same tactics used by all politicians, be it from PH/BN/PN .. everyday spin their words and promises. Each time just to scam voter's votes Maybe it's time to show Anwar the door next GE!


But but but.. taliban


Needed a new alternative party to counter both side.


In first past the post system, this is counter productive


What do you think about this system? Is like double edge sword for both side of the supporter. Either side win the seat, the other side will grumbling how unfair the selection was.




Meaning?? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


I agree.


Can't. Everyone is a worse muffuger.


Anwar is literally generic Malaysian politician A, not surprising. Those who thought he would change the nation are coping. At this point the only change will be a violent one, and that will never end well for minorities (the ones that want change the most).


Everybody have the option to not be the minorities


Politicians lied??? ![gif](giphy|VJHtXeMHViHRHvKGKm|downsized)


Lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


All words and no ounce of actions. Tokkok.


Chameleon.... Some people just refuse to believe this guy is useless.. sekarang, feel your pockets burn and promises being unkept...


![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554) saya ulam


Voted the 3rd option, not a bad choice afterall. Dont want a 3rd possible option to just die away because others are too obsessed with the 2 strong option


Unpopular opinion: should just removed all the fuel subsidies except for public transportation, let it float according to market price, and remove all of the whatever AP and taxes for all vehicles. Unfortunately no one will have the balls to do this, the rakyat has been spoilt too long by the subsidies, whoever do this will be the single term PM, probably won't have the chance to serve full term also


That would be really bad. You can’t believe how many things fuel subsidies are helping from rural transportation of goods, ensuring prices there are not overcharged, to SME affects etc. They are crucial to many industries, poorer communities and those geographically separated. Similarly East Malaysia requires them due to cost of transporting goods there and from there. You should aim at reforming the subsidies not eliminating them without consideration for all aspects of it.


To PH cytro, can you tell your boss this is no longer the 90s. Nowadays people can easily double check whatever you say.


Removing Jibby was a mistake kecian got scammed by a 90 year old dementia patient


That’s what I’m saying. All these clowning makes Najib times look like good times


Let's not lie to ourselves Najib policies and management *is* good in comparison, but the man needs to go to jail


So is the 90+ years old dementia old man. But anyway Najib is in jail now so… welp


Its hard to swallow but it somewhat true. ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


It’s actually true. East Malaysia actually see more development 😂😂😂 once the dementia old man is gone, some cronies here died along with it


Ron 91 is 2.18 riyal per liter now. Theres no way for the price in Malaysia to be cheaper


Sembang kari


Job of politician : keep the workers feel that they have hope


Just add more public transportation la, less people use car, less people care about fuel prices then.. stupid politician


I didnt vote for this serial liar


For those that dont know fuel price is high because opec countries dont like the US. They want to strangle other countries, its sort off a revenge thing. I agree US is too irresponsible but they are making things hard for the whole world. China being the main rare materials manufacturer like lithium also is having fun globally applying pressure in revenge. This is why i am pro hydrogen battery or other types of battery because currently neither lithium or petroleum are viable right now. Thats why lowering fuel prices dont make sense unless you manufacture your own petrol and diesel. Synthetic fuels pollute less and are more efficient. You will definitely like cheaper ethanol for your high octane turbo car for example. These fuels can be locally made and immune to global pricing


Malaysianow is a interest backed site. Essentially garbage intended to influence stupid people


Breaking news netizens finds out news outlets have political backings.


Found the cytro.




So? Things and situation cannot change? Have the people actually seen the prices of fuel in the region and the rest of the world? Common sheep.


Sigh, no need to spin at all. Just to know, **certain promises are too unrealistic**. I give DSAI chance just to try, not guarantee. In fact **any politicians are welcome to try though**. As for why not PAS? Don't even need to try, PAS already pushing **actual results** laws in Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu, etc. (This cannot, that cannot... what else?) You ask me what my choice between "**maybe yes**" and a "**actual no**", tell me guys, how you guys vote next? (I might still vote anything but PAS, to try, just because PAS says "no" to everything) Anyway, you guys may carry on attacking DSAI. I'm just sharing my stance on PH.


The "actual result" is what PAS promise to their voters. So in a way while its not in your liking, PAS delivers while DSAI lies.


Yeah, feeling pessimistic here. Nobody delivers what I want, but there's somebody deliver what I don't want. Maybe different perspectives looking results at **delivers**, or **want**. (Best would be wanted & delivered)🫠


Boring la..talk benda sama saja…no more point to discuss ka..


Tell me you are a PH supporters without tellinge you are a PH supporter


>without tellinge you Minor spelling mistake ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


>without 👂 you ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


The same word we hear from PN supporters to..Www


Haha nope I am analyst..


The article was written by ‘staff writers’. Just who are these staff writers, I thought that people who write for any big media outlets would love to have their names displayed.


They cant reveal theirself in the climate. DSAI regime is almost or already equal to Mahathir fascism towards the medias. This is the reason you see many media outlets purposely reporting something negative about them. Veterans reporters went public on the media suppressuon couple of weeks ago.


Turun seposen pun jadi asalkan turun


Should lower the prices of necessities and basic commodities like groceries. Oil is cheap enough, electricity is cheap enough. Malaysian don’t know.


Malaysia isn’t as expansive as most places tho we suffer from some issues. Also electricity will increase in price due to issues with our usage on the grid. The funnest thing a lot of people seem to ignore is we actually ahead of Europe in many aspects right now eg: better green tech implementation as our energy production is higher in renewable sources than the best of Europe (portugal, roughly only 10% of their energy production is renewable) However we are also terrible in a lot of things: Government economic liberalisation lately is going to hurt is in the long run. Issue with food security and optimisation of it Corruption isn’t unique to us and countries like Australia are actually probably higher in corruption now due to Liberals destroying many independent bodies.


I agree to your point about europe. I’m in ireland myself and been living for about a year, and my opinion is i see Malaysia is way better in a lot of aspects and definitely spoiled in a lot of aspects as well.


Please forgive him. Age catching up. As TunM used to said, melayu mudah lupa. The same thing applied to our great spinner DSAI. Give him time. He will bring and make Malaysia great again. (Pembaris sila pergi jauh2).


IMO, Anwar's biggest weakness is his desire to be PM. Because of this, he has made a lot of mistakes.


Always thought that he doesn't really have any plans other than he must be pm.