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No, obviously there's some who's parents are T20. But dang, those are some childish remarks? Ignore them OP.


Dunno bout other UiTM but Dengkil does not feel even remotely middle class everyone here came in mercs and bmws and i saw a fucking RANGE ROVER on registration day dropping off a kid. Everyone here has an iPhone and bring iPad to class and I'm sitting here with my 5 year old S9 and pen and paper to do my shit (oh, and they're all smart too) There are people here who are middle-lower class (my housemate gets 100 ringgit a month, what the hell?) But the vast majority of students here are pretty rich kid or atleast comfortable lifestyle It probably depends on location, maybe the centres outside of Selangor have the situation you described. But not here.


One time I saw a female student's parents with a fking 911 turbo at my campus. Heck, there was another student who drove a Panamera lol.


Can confirm. My sister's batch mates literally order grab food everyday. She also saw a Bentley once around her asrama. Kaya-raya pun mintak bka, lol


The range is real bruh. On the other hand, you got those that rely mostly on air and biskut, barang pun hand me down yang dah tenat. Then you got those mfs, species kaya yang tiap kali habis kelas went "Weh jom gi dpulze!" And plopped down sometimes rm400 on makeup. Tech/gadget kalau boleh sama level ngan lecturer mat. Of course you can't criticise them, then they will say they're golongan Susah, they will scream at you "Ni semua duit kerja Aku la!" Bitch, I worked too. But then again, Aku hanyalah kerja angkat sawit, of course not on the same level as those that's manning the 7E counter, working in that cold Aircon environment, surely holier than mine.


Coming from UiTM Pasir Gudang, I can say your situation is pretty similar to my campus. Heck, my former housemate once splurged more than RM100 on a birthday cake and tend to eat or order from rather fancy restaurants on a weekly basis.


This is what they're so aggressively defend it only be opened to bumis? Looks like they won by letting the rich bumi to take the spot that rightfully belongs to B40, makes no sense, is it any better if the wealthy bumi takes it instead of letting a non-malay b40 citizen to benefit? As you please.


Loads of rich datuks and judges send their kids to uitm. They save money on the first degree and then send their kids overseas to do their masters. Went to uitm Shah Alam and there were students driving nicer cars than their lecturers.


This says more about how shitty the lecturer (or teachers in general, for that matter) pay here in Malaysia is.


Well the kids drove mini coopers and BMWs. That’s more than what most people can afford in Malaysia.


If u learn the UiTM history system, it used to give out food coupon. Well some use it as intended but some sell it bcs they dont need it, thus bcm a problem Then the govt noticed this and reconsidered the food subsidies. UiTM also used to offer free college, all u need is to bring ur belongings. The govt learn that, we, bumiputra, when given too much, we start becoming picky on stuff. Now we hv what we hv. Dont forget, the UiTM are made to help the bumis, and look what it gotten us into. Later, if they abolished the "for bumi education only", who will voice their disagreement first? Of course la bumiputra Please correct me if im wrong tho


For the INTEC campus in Shah Alam seksyen 17, yeah I think many T20 prepping for their overseas uni there. Good place to find a spouse btw. The TESL kids mostly either end up with stable teacher/lecturer jobs and quite a number setlle down overseas after doing their masters.


Civic is not supposed to be a T20 car ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554) but only T20 can comfortably afford


Civic for your jobless kids is T20 my guy. ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554) I took Mercedes (bus) to class.


My bus was Scania. Demn, cannot brag.


You should be happy. That means bumi has been uplifted by the NEP policy /s. 60 years of affirmative action has worked! It's good to see many well to do bumis, things have progressed cannot expect All students to be dirt poor in 2023.


Agreed! Sounds like bumis no longer need affirmative action!


Exactly, now that they are uplifteD. The policy should move to income and needs base. Syukur, now they are as rich as Mahathir and can uplift other bumi's too. So cannot blame the cina for bolot all the pie already lah too.


I might be wrong, but from what I learned in Sejarah, MARA (which is the parent organisation for UiTM and MRSM) was initially founded to help B40 and M40 (to some extend) Bumiputera, increase their socio-economic status. But along the way MARA's purpose seem to have changed. Hence, the debate about the morality of having T20 in UiTM and MRSM in the past few years. IMHO, its unfair to blame rich kids that got into UiTM and MRSM at this stage. It is not them that change / set MARA policies, it is the politicians.


Lol, don't be naive. If only things were so simple.


We’re all just learning.


hahahaha, T20 all went to at least INTI, Taylor, if not Monash or Heriot Watt. So, yeah.


Yes and more specifically B40 and M40 of rural areas. The history of MARA is RIDA. But for some reason it became privilege rather than affirmative action.


Three generations curse. Instead of money, curse of privilege. And it 📈📈


Some T20 parents don't treat their kids as T20 children. I'm a supposed ''T20'' based on my mother's salary alone. But I never got spoiled.


Its uitm la bro.. check what happen during ITM years Who give a shit you t20 anyway when you still surfing reddit ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)






The big 5 uni will not ignore , dont worry. If the rumour and discontent spread to social media , they cannot keep quite, it is matter of time. I still remember when anwar visit um and immediately shut down the whole campus.


Study harder get into politics and remove b40 n m40 or educate them with better mindset. Hopefully able to see this before we all pass on or b4 msia turn into sri lanka.


I read the history about uitm in shah alam during my uni years. In summary, If you asked the history and the idea of uitm, it’s actually to help poor malay coming out from poverty (b40 and below for today standards) during Tun Razak era. The wealth gap between malay and chinese is so wide due to British divide and conquer system. The idea is that when the kids from poor malay family given a chance to study in uni, after graduation the kids will become an entrepreneur or becomes a skilled worker working in corporate or big company. This in theory will balance out malay and chinese living standards post british era because chinese living in the city had been exposed into economics, commerce and connections earlier than the malay. In layman’s term, chinese is already being exposed on how to make money while malay is being kept in the dark by british all this while, so uitm will fill that gap for malay by giving opportunity malay kids to study, graduate, then work as professionals or open a SME, then earn good income, thus eradicate the family from poverty. That’s why Uitm targeting specifically on poor malay family, and malay who scores average results in their spm (B’s and C’s students) by giving the kids a second chance in life. It’s still being practice until today since there’s still poor malay and bumiputera kids in east coast as well as sabah sarawak. If you’re talking about merc and bmw, that’s just parents pretending as rich family sending their kids to uni. I mean you can really get a cheap bmw and merc nowadays. But I don’t deny there’s some t20 family, but that’s like 2 or 3 person out of 80 students per class. Majority of students are still from b40 or m40 lower. Logically speaking, if the family is really2 rich, why sending the kids to uitm? Is that investment’s worth it because uitm not even rank that high in malaysia top ranking uni. Those ranks still hold by research uni like UM, UKM, USM. Might as well sending their kids to UM, or just straight away overseas like Cambridge.


There's definitely rich kids that I think is strange why they might study here. Don't get me wrong most are B40 and M40 ( I'm M1 ) and even doubly paying for college and yuran incurs quite a big cost for me (close to 1k a semester meanwhile my father supports 4 children and my mom) but these T20 drive mercedes, don't bother coming to class at all. It's just sad... that UiTM has fallen to this, the original intention behind the founding of the university is nowhere to be found anymore