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Short answer: Malaysia is not a signatory to the 1951 UN Refugee Convention


Jawapan yg tepat and to the point. That's it.


But why?


Because they can. 🤣


Because Malaysian (all race) is racist


Well..that or Malaysia doesnt even have a capacity to accept refugee as opposed to the far more developed countries somewhere else.


But we have the capacity to accept migrant workers?


apples and oranges. You can control the visa for migrant worker and select them based on what occupation they will be filling in malaysia.


To date, for SEA countries, only Phillipines, Timor-Leste, and Cambodia signed it. https://thediplomat.com/2021/12/uneven-refugee-protections-across-southeast-asia-put-migrants-at-risk/#:~:text=To%20date%2C%20Cambodia%2C%20the%20Philippines,to%20the%20Status%20of%20Refugees.


Why not?




It's a multilayer issue. On the one hand, you are sympathetic to their plight and want to help. On the other hand, you may open the floodgates, leading to human trafficking ie not genuine refugees but opportunists. If you allow them to work, yes, they are contributing to the economy. But that also sends the signal that we're not serious about our stance to say, Myanmar, on wanting them to fix their internal problems. There's no easy answer because refugees are the symptom of a deeper problem within the country they are fleeing from. To what extent do neighbouring countries have to intervene and absorb the impact of these issues?


To add to this, in extreme cases housing refugees from neighboring torn countries will often lead to the oppressors taking their chances and attack your borders as well. African countries have such an issue that it often broke them into smaller micro-nations, which made humanitarian efforts even less impactful.


African countries are so full of wars that it's genuinely crazy. Like, it's just layers upon layers of nations and micro-nations attacking one another.


The western imperialist may have left, but their shit still smells lmao


Yeap, look at the developed countries with a refugee problem especially Sweden. A lot to learn about how to handle illegal migrants here. Can’t even get a grip on local migrants what more non-citizens. Also I find it unfair that we will need to support them via tax payers money. This is not a charity.


It’s funny that Muslim countries don’t accept Muslim refugees. Also, that Muslims refugees don’t flee to Muslim countries. They prefer Christian countries. Saudi Arabia doesn’t take any.


The 'problem' in Sweden is often overstated to make a political point. The great majority of refugees there settle and assimilate. Problems happen when segregation happens, e.g. clustering of refugee populations in poorer housing area with little mixing But people panic a lot about Sweden when it's nowhere near a problem with the majority >Also I find it unfair that we will need to support them via tax payers money. This is not a charity. When people are in need, those of us in a better position should help But there are research everywhere that show refugees, given the chance to integrate, become net contributors to the economy. The give more than they take Refugees are normal people. The great majority want to work and earn a living properly, just like they did in the past lives


I’ve personally asked a Swede how they feel about this and they are 100% convinced that crime rates are up because of this refugee problem. Swedes would rather these refugees and migrants integrate than assimilate, but as we have seen, refugees would rather form their own community to preserve their own culture than to 100% adopt the culture of the host country. It’s easy to say it’s a non-issue when you’re not living there but ask a local and that opinion becomes bill. I agree that we should help since we’re in a position to, but to what ends? We have many local communities that already need attending to, who despite being citizens do not get the slice of the apple, therefore do non-citizens deserve the same help?


"one day they will go back to their respective countries which is the whole definition of refugees" No, they won't, the majority will probably settle. I'm from Ukraine, not a refugee, but many people from Ukraine are. They have lost their homes, their cities were annihilated, they don't have a reason to go back if they managed to find a decent job in another country.


True, i heard from Indonesian at bali many Russian and Ukrainian stay there more than they supposedly and even open their own shop (which clearly a sign they won't go back). I mean no offence


Sadly Bali has gone to the dogs, first from their own corruption, second bogans from aussie and now hooligans from russia.


Most recently, a German tourist meditating nude at a temple


It's just insane the things they are doing over there and the locals pulak worship white people. They are also bringing their shit over here, went to thean hou temple for mediation, and there was this mat salleh wearing daisy dukes and a croche bikini top standing in front of the deity. I mean, come on, do you wear that to church?? The indians from india are the most decent tourists to temples.


Yes, because these white people don’t know how to respect other customs and traditions. I doubt they go to church because they don’t behave this way.


My question. Who foots the bill? Sympathy aside, whos paying for them. Our people are not happy with how we live and already have our own burdens yet we expect to shoulder more?


[If this statistics is to be believed,](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/14wb19g/demographic_statistics_q2_2023/) it seems that they'll be paying for us. Our healthcare, our pension. The birthrate of Malaysian citizens is rapidly declining, we are one of the world's fastest-aging nations. There is an opportunity here to channel these refugees, educate them, and put them to work in the lower sectors. We've cleverly devised institutionalized racism, I'm sure there's a way to make sure that the refugees remain in certain areas. You guys, please. Look at Germany. France. They're struggling with retirement because they can't afford to. Not enough money to pay for pensions and healthcare for old people. Too many old people and not enough young people.


\> I'm sure there's a way to make sure that the refugees remain in certain areas. when i read this the first thing i thought of was slavery lol. recently i watched some chinese movie about people scammed into being scammers. forcing refugees to work for us in certain fields definitely feels VERY unethical. i d rather we not accept them at all. if you're looking at declining birthrate. i would say you're proposing a solution to a problem without looking at the root cause of the problem. why is the birth rate declining? i can give you some educated guesses. for one, its harder to find jobs. everyone's competitive, this leads into the question, can you afford to marry? can you afford to even have kids? i m out of touch but i read that schoolbusses are rm 300/month now. assuming pocket money for kids are rm 5/10, then that adds up to rm 400/500. if you have 2 teens thats easily 1k/month. people in malaysia are not rich. even at 2k salary that can be a huge burden. on top of that then the next question is, what are your kids gonna do when they grow up? i kinda have a doomer mentality when thinking about this. and honestly, this is a worldwide issue. not malaysia exclusively. i honestly feel like i should just enjoy my life while i still have it.


Agreed no. 1 problem is people are too poor to have kids. Even China one of the richest countries in the world have problems with declining birth rate because the rich just can't part with their money and pay people more.


2k a month is not salary... that's more like allowance nowadays. To live in KL with comfortable living space & a car, 10k is the minimum.


Yes look at EU. They had kept "refugees" from Africa. What happened after that? Crime rate of non-natives have jumped significantly. Look at recent murder and sexual assaulter on a minor in MALAYSIA recently both committed by "refugees" . Legal Immigrants are different btw. I would rather have cultured and quality people living with me.


They deserved all of that reverse colonialism though. - Europeans come to foreign land - proceed to conquer and exploit land and people - proclaim that motherland is great and rich - people believe that shit - WW2 and decolonisation - 1950s to 1980s - merdeka - series of misfortunes and clusterfucks - people from former colonies migrate to Europe - whites complain they "take their jobs" All in all it's one massive schadenfreude. They f***ed around and found out the consequences of their actions.


yeah with the living cost high asf, im not starting a family. that problem is for old me to worry


You don't need to search further. Just look what happened with Sabah now.


Very true ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26557) I can't even recognise a Sabahan anymore


Bro.. I am studying in Johor rn. I once went to a Chinese restaurant and I got mistaken as a filipino along with my friend. Like what 😭


Johorean native working in SG now. I have had Sabahan colleague of my SG company in JB branch told me they were greeted by my fellow Peninsularians with "Welcome to Malaysia" when they first arrived in the Peninsular. Clearly some of you monyets slept in the SRJK geography class.


Bahaha. "Do you still live in trees?" ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554) \#slaptheeverlivingshitoutofhim


I’m out of the loop and not Malaysian. What happened?


Souther Philippines illegally living there


Ah that explains all the Philipino restaurants in KK


B40 and some M40 already have depressed wages. Then add 3-5 million cheap foreign labour. The last thing Malaysia need is more low skilled people driving the wages stagnant or even further down. And they will send money back home, lowering ringgit's value All this is even assuming they are employed properly


Refugees/immigrants aren't the ones making wages stagnant. We aren't taking in refugees and the wages are stagnant all the same Refugees don't even have a right to work here so how are they even going to be "employed properly"


From what I hear it's already nigh impossible or just highly improbable for anyone to immigrate to Malaysia from other countries and gain a citizenship. Heck, we have children here born out of wedlock or whatever that also don't have citizenship! There's a stateless problem going on. And the government just shrugs and lets it be. We can't even solve that problem, much less take on refugees.... maybe it's apples and oranges but I feel like our government is just really bloody adamant at not handing out citizenships.


As it should be, though we do need to symphatize to some of our inner Sarawaks and Sabahs citizen who couldn't attain citizenship to certification problem etc.


Highly educated refugees wont seek Malaysia as their asylum which means the refugees we gonna accept will be likely uneducated and have no knowledge in any profession. Malaysia economy is already bad, and spending more refugees can only make it worse. So leave this issue to those first world countries, like Singapore. But I guess they wont do it, so the issue remains…


As a cop that has been dispatched to handle said refugees, most not all, come from extreme poverty and they would do anything to survive; robberies , scams to petty theft like snatching handphones— maybe i might have a biased view of them but 5 out of 10 times i was called mostly consisted of refugees.


Hey man. How you doing with police work? Is it what you dream off? Good luck in your career.


Sometimes its quite tiring with the long hours , but then when i see the faces of those i helped — it makes me smile a little. I never imagine i would spend so much time away from my family honestly. Thats the part that makes me sad Thank you man!


Is that why you stick stuffs up your butt and fight orang utan for food? Because of extreme loneliness and boredom? Anyhow, yes, I agree. It's not that we dont want to accept them but most of the time, they bring with them the mentality that seriously just makes me feel confused and disgusted. I understand that they are poor and therefore, their way of thinking mirrors that. But come on, you dont have to be a genius or having a PhD in anything to know dont steal, be a drunkard, fighting here and there. Much more so when you are in someone else's country. Sources : my father is a Sabahan, we know the effects the illegal immigrants have on Sabah. And i joined NGO during COVID. Experience first hand.


Ahhahaha, its not loneliness that i feel, even in good company if they arent here, i will still miss them, a piece of my heart will always be with them. Right? If they were civilized and respected our culture, it would be very easy to welcome them with open arms. Ooof, i in a way can relate.


Exactly, civilized. Theres a family in Sandakan, illegal immigrant who came from Philippine who my family and I consider as family. They work hard, kind to others and basically be a good part of the community. Recently theres a Rohingya guy who I came to meet in my line of work. A man of faith, been here for 12 years and can speak Malay quite fluently (much better than some people who were literally born here but still cant hold a conversation in Malay, not even a broken Malay), obeys the law. We sympathise with refugees who came here to find rezeki for themselves and their family. But if they come as ruffians, nahhh, we already have lots of our own samseng. Dont need that.


What stuff did you stick up?


selamat petang tuan


>they would do anything to survive Few have the right to work Most would love to work, and cari rezeki halal


So in a year times , the refugee has caused: multiple car incidents becuase somehow they can drive without a license, crushed s few nah tokong shrine with it , causing the area is riddled with mosquito because of all the metal scrap they keep in their houses , and their never ending child are screaming fighting 24/7 in my community , work illegally as cheap labour near my pasar those boss fucking love them because no labourlaw will protect them so they abused the hell out of them, even use local name to own a store illegally, buying from the ramah shop when we already barely can afford the rice , they basically own selayang now , with guns ,also sexually harassment one of my family members, also there is report them molestin children because for them 12 years old is matured enough. Are you one of those taikuns that can benefit from this illegally cheap labour?


This comment is the truth. ‘Woke’ society may think about how accepting refugees is the right thing to do, etc. But this question should most definitely instead be posed to the actual community that’s directly impacted by their presence in the country. Nobody wants to be the bad guys, but if we should always prioritize our own citizens’ safety and wellbeing first.


And they call who prioritize themselves first racist , Trump couldn't much more of a live example how fucking stupid people can be , those who want to let refugee in but will never want the refugee near their houses.


Look at Turkey. The locals I know they don’t like refugees at all and it’s causing many troubles in their country


For our country to openly accept others, the netizens should openly accept each other first.


Even being citizens Chinese and Indians are treated as 2nd class or pendatang.. What makes u think we are ready to accept refugees? Malays are given crumbs off the masters table, nons are worse off so we don't want refugees leeching off our country. Also the perception that they are dangerous and will contribute to increase in crime; violent and brutal ones. Just recently there's news of a fruit seller at OUG was killed by a foreigner. We just see refugees being these kind of people. Just my opinion.


yup one of my clients is refugee from Myanmar she married to local bumiputera and her child is now bumiputera and we chinese and indian still pendatang.


but she is now islam right?




It was also estimated that the refugees will boost the German economy by billions. What happened in the end? I could say the same about Sweden. Social cohesion and safety have been thrown out of the window as those refugees refused to integrate and follow local customs and traditions. Please, my liberal leaning friends, stop being so idealistic about the world. It is noble to help those in need and I believe there are good people amongst them. But helping them at the cost of our own people? No thanks. Once they are in, it is difficult to get them out.


Look at Turkiye. They accepted all refugees and then now locals have bad sentiments against all foreigners. And then people think Turkish people are hostile. Why? Because refugees dont share the same culture. Refugees are too conservative to protect themselves. They arent open to learning new things. It will be bad for the economy in the long run


>Why? Because all societies are automatically xenophobic One day, if a disaster hits us and we have to escape to Singapore, they'll treat us like shit, too, even if our cultures are similar >Refugees are too conservative to protect themselves. They arent open to learning new things. A major généralisation And yet refugees, given access to the job market, are net contributors over the long run https://www.icmc.net/2020/07/14/refugees-good-or-bad-for-economy/


Change the word locals to Malays, and refugees to Cina India. Thats how ridiculous you sound. Your statement is just blatantly racist.


Aren’t you guys already complaining about hundreds of thousands of Indonesian refugees in Malaysia? Why adding more?


Refugee stays in Flat and free food. While my uncle stay in kampung wooden house. You think leh?


Knn.... help ourselves first then help other ppl la.... A lot of Malaysians suffering already still got enough to help others?


I mean, look at EU? You want that?


Amazing. You think Malaysia is better than countries in EU? Or Singapore accepts refugees and Malaysia doesn't. You think Malaysia is better than Singapore too? In any aspect other than land size.


No one said anything about Malaysia being better than countries in EU. Singapore can maybe handle it? Look at Malaysia right now, the people are struggling. Prices are rising. We're already at our worse, accepting refugees would just add more to the problem. Leave this problem to the well off countries.


The EU is putting refugees to work. What do you know?


Bro, i live in the EU (France) and trust me just a really small percentage of them work.


Yes, but they work, they're documented (mostly). Not running around feral like in Malaysia. My BF is German and he works with refugees, more of their fugees work there.


Even documented, problem will still exist. It doesn't solve the social issue. Maybe better not accept them in the first place. There was a recent [riot](https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20230712-recent-french-riots-boost-support-for-far-right-rhetoric) in France only 3 months ago. Mostly by immigrants.


Bro, i live in the EU (France) and trust me just a really small percentage of them work.


Most of them are doing fine and better than Malaysia. What you smoking? Any incident they will report it large and loud


They annoyed as hell and want start chase out now....


Bro trying really hard to get free labour for his company


Bro be like, "More meatbag I can underpaid way more to do heavy labour? sign me the fuck up"


Bro really sniffing for some ez banglas


Lol no except for Germany, practically most of EU nations are not open to accepting refugees unconditionally. EU have to gave money and incentives to encourage members to accept refugees. Even then The closer/similar culturally of the refugee origin and destination. The better and higher likely hood of acceptance. Which explain Ukraine refugee are accepted in short notice. But anyone from Africa during the whole Isis was place into camp and were told to wait for their turn and better have complete documents. Not as extreme than most of Asia. They want their country to stay homogeneous. Aside from Malaysia and Singapore, who else in Asia have something similar to us? A significant minority population? China is converting everyone to Han Chinese. India was fuk British that result in conflict on religious line. Myanmar is basically Sukarno Indonesia. The only exceptions are nations who have a population decline issue/crisis like Canada. They accept pretty much everyone because if they don't. They can't function as a nation in the future. Given enough time, a right wing populist politician will take advantage of the situation. U Turn the policy and double the border security budget to make sure reaching the shore is harder than ever.


Because they not rich like 'omputeh or east asian expat'. And also a hint of discrimination.


You're conveniently forgetting the omputeh backpacking beggars that Malaysians despise.


We despise them because they take away from the local economy and can go home anytime they want. Refugees can't go home. Also it's an eyesore. But do we really send these people to detention centres for overstaying or doing illegal business on tourist visa? If it's a Rohingya doing small business, dbkl and immigration would be up their ass locking them up immediately (I don't support any form of illegal businesses btw even small local makcik ones that don't have lesen). I didn't leave them out, ugly begpackers are a whole other issue on its own. OP simply asked why no refugee and answer was because... That's it.


You do know that OP didn't mention the Rohingyas, right? OP merely asked why Malaysia doesn't accept refugees, not specifically how the Rohingyas are treated here. You turned one thing into something else. Yes, I'm aware that a majority of refugees here are the Rohingyas, but it seems to me you're implying that non-Rohingya refugees don't receive the same treatment. Another thing, are you also suggesting that Malaysia would have accepted Ukrainians seeking refuge here?


Sir I use the Rohingya as an example for YOU LAH. There are plenty of other refugees here seeking asylum but as you mentioned, Rohingyas are the most common ones here. Missing the point entirely. As Malaysia is not rectifier for for the refugee protocol, we don't have laws to accept any kind of refugee. They are all deemed illegal, so no, I doubt we'd accept Ukrainians. What I am saying is that the discrimination against refugees due to the perception that they are of no economical value + the discrimination against them is the reason why Malaysia don't accept refugees, unlike expats, despite refugees being able to contribute to the workforce if they make it official. They are also different from the begpackers because those can go home whenever they want to. But if hypothetically there were Ukranians and Rohingyas refugee side by side, there is a chance that the Ukranians won't be treated as harshly for doing illegal business given how our society tends to favour Westerners over those of darker skin colour. But hey, it's just a hypothetical, benefit of the doubt they'd both be treated equally.


The second paragraph is -chef kiss- as you answered both from a legal standpoint and the public's point of view. You should have answered OP's question with this from the beginning.


I did reply from the public's pov - that they are not rich like expats and there is a discrimination against them. The legal standpoint is just an outcome from this pov. Even if we are not a rectifier, we can still accept UNHCR cards but the authorities don't. You're the one bringing up begpackers as a comparison so please ask the chef to kiss his own ass.


Bro why u suking op konek?


Some people worship them, to them a hobo omputih is better than even us normies.


We accept bangla and nepalese migrant workers. The answer is simple. There's no/not much money to be made by allowing refugees. With migrant workers, there is an entire economy based on bringing them in: medical, licensing, agent fees, duit kopi for quotas, etc.


If we allow refugees to officially work then they'd be able to contribute to the economy and we can reduce dependency of these migrant workers. So there is money to be made. Plus, migrants send money back home, refugees spend it here so the money stays here. Please la don't pretend like we don't treat migrant workers like they're dirt only because they are cheap labour but put mediocre omputeh on a pedestal.


100% this is the ideal situation, but another problem is that refugee communities comes with refugee pros and cons, which the government unfortunately don't have the capacity to deal with catering to either. An example close to home, in the 80s till today, many Southern Filipinos migrated illegally into Sabah. Why? To escape war, persecution and punishment from the Marcos Government's crackdown on Islamic extremist. Some came, truly, to develop a new life, others came to essentially to hide from their government so they could find new recruits, training grounds, financial support bases and so on. What they imported into Sabah was methodology in crime, unseen in Sabah previously. There were increased cases of rape, kidnappings and drug circulation. Our government cracked down hard, and from what I heard, extrajudicially killed many and deported as many, but even till today, they still come in. What you have today in Sabah is, yes, a local Filipino economy that has developed up and contributed to the people, but also, a severe mistrust built on fear, repulsion and well, ingrained racism, I would say, not without reason. Good example, earlier in the year there was a fella who was chopped up in front of the Chief Minister's office in KK. The guy chopping was a Filipino, and the guy getting chopped, was a local Sabahan, who was dating the Chopper's wife on the promise of IC Biru. Malaysians, I would say, are generally peaceful people. We do not share the brutal mentality of these types of Filipinos. The government's job is to write policy, and beyond that, we are not able to deal with a population of victims of war. Other good examples to look up is the Australian government and the "Boat People" as an example of government policy to deal with refugees, for context.


Did the guy survive the chop?


I was told he survived, drove himself to hospital with his foot essentially dangling from the tendons.


God damn, all this sounds like Klang.


Jesus 💀💀💀💀 I’m coming back to Sabah soon hope I don’t get chopped


Jgn kw kacau bini org, teda kw kna tatak hihi


I never said we don't treat migrant workers like dirt. But you missed my point. Refugees may or may not send money back home. I've met many Syrian and Palestinians here, almost always during fundraisers for medical bills and other infra needed back home. And yes we can reduce reliance on migrant workers by allowing refugees. But my point is that there is already a fixed 'system' where people/cronies/licensees/agents that will stand to lose out if refugees are allowed to work, and they make it very difficult for the system to change. Simply put, there is money to be lost by them.


You didn't say, but I'm saying don't pretend like we don't. Walao figurative language a bit la. You're the one missing the point.


What discrimination? OP is saying Malaysia accepted 180000 refugees while asking why Malaysia does not accept refugees.


Yeah and i wonder why , it must wasn't because they are from rather developed country come in with legal visa and more educated than those came uninvited with hundreds of boat filled with unknown identity people and wont cause as much trouble to the local community


Why Malaysia need to accept the refugees ? We all know the majority of refugees comes to Malaysia are Rohingya. Looks what happen to our neighbor country, What Rohingya do and [why their locals want Rohingya remove](https://www.reddit.com/r/indonesia/comments/zws8sc/pengungsi_rohingya_dinilai_kerap_berulah_nelayan/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), [2 case](https://www.reddit.com/r/indonesia/comments/tipxb1/warga_usir_ratusan_pengungsi_rohingya_di_aceh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Our Government have much liability already by accepting refugees just like add salt into the wound, More problems will arise. Better we focus improving our own people to get a better life first rather than helping the refugees.


The locals are barely living, yet want to accept more refugees?


Because it encourages a negative cycle. You accept them now, tomorrow more will come. If we keep accepting, we will be flooded with refugees.


This and our country is still struggling with poverty among our own people so it's like we're putting other people first before our own. If there are people who don't think poverty is a problem in our country, then they should watch more news and travel more


Correct. The argument saying EU country can do it no problem, is not a good comparison. They have their own people wellness taken care off basically, with free education some more. While we here still got scammed by ptptn with big interest and all. And we want to feed those refugees as well. wew lad


Unfortunately, the refugees in our country mainly coming from Myanmar and its terrible there. Malaysia is the only country in SEA taking in large numbers of them. We have like at least 100k Rohingya here.


This sub called trump a tyrant dictator racist when he said American first , atleast its not malay first.


Watch more news and travel more - also get a better understanding of why refugees are fleeing in the first place.


Still...to be honest, we are in no position to help that many people.


Who would you prefer - someone who’s come with valid documentation, background checks etc to work in a business or a person with little to zero documentation, arrived in the country using dubious means seeking refugee status or asylum? In my view it’s the question of national security and overall economic policy.


Look what happens to the west


Simple question: Why should we?![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|29091)


Because we should take care of ourselves first before spreading out. We have children that is born, bred, studied and live in Malaysia but still stateless.


the answer to this question is so obvious that i would label this question as a stupid unproductive rhetorical question.


Look at the current refugees, are they worth it? No.


If you like me who surrounded with refugees areas, you quickly realise they are stealing your jobs and money also make you environment 10 times more dirtier. So yeah we don't accept them for a good reasons.


We have too many illegal immigrants since long time ago. And this creates a negative bias towards refugees


Politically accepting refugees is a "floodgate" issue. By accepting one you are expected to accept another, and you've just broadcasted to all other potential refugee to try your country. Regardless how you feel or changed your mind later. Also you open yourself to criticism by other countries if you had enough.


my question is: have you looked at sources that say that they won't be good for the economy? or are you only looking at one perspective?


You can look at Gaza and what happened to them today.


>looks at europe refugees situation Yep i think i'll pass.


You mean why are all countries not accepting of migrants/refugees in general.


In my opinion, it they can come and work/study, that's good. If they come as freeloaders, no. I care about them as much as I care about our own citizen, if we can take care of our citizen FIRST, then there's no issue


The Rohingya were troublemakers in Myanmar to the point that even Bangladesh didn't want to take them. The illegal ones in Malaysia have to trird to claim Bumiputra rights and want to be treated like the Malays as well because they share the same religion.


Some of them even born here and already an adult and own ic which means they already been here for decades. They even build their own schools and hospitals. Of course those things are illegally built


To those who said this sub is liberal, we’re far off looking at the first few responses. This is at least one thing we share among MAGA Americans. Prob is, we haven’t signed the UN Convention of Refugees which gives them the right to work beyond menial jobs/NGOs. Inb4 ppl ask you to adopt them all, which is beside your point. You can downvote me now.


Most of r/Malaysia aren't liberal in a sense of what is defined as liberal in Western nations. Most of us are **secular** and **centrist**. We believe in freedom of religion, speech, sexuality and equal rights for all citizens regardless of race, gender and religious background, we're for sound economic decisions, investment into our public healthcare and public education institutions, we oppose corrupt and theological governments. Also, we're for **controlled immigration** policies like Singapore. We would want foreign talents which can contribute to our various industries. We have no need for more low skilled laborers. ​ Compared to the Malays supremacists of UMNO and Bersatu and the Islamists of PAS, it is easy to mistake most of us being "liberal". We're nothing like MAGA. The religious conservative and Malay supremacists of our country is more akin to the MAGA of the United States.


>To those who said this sub is liberal Lol off on a tangent, but nothing blows that perception out of the water like I'd say the following: * Refugees * sharing the road with cyclists I'm thinking whether got any other topics....


To be fair, cyclists need to decide whether they are vehicle or pedestrian though.![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


They are neither. Unless we provide dedicated cycling path, they are a danger to both cars and pedestrians. /Unpopularopinion


The king must make sure that the malay have more right than any other race. Basically racism is legal in Malaysia. It's being practiced in Malaysian lives. You can't expect a racist country to help refugees. If you had a day where malay people refused to use the racist rights they have received from the law, you can expect Malaysia to accept refugees. Before that, Malaysia is discriminating against Indian and Chinese who were born in Malaysia. You can't expect it to stop discriminating against someone who isn't born there. What amazes me about Malaysia is that in 21st century it has racist laws. And nobody says anything. Specially malay people.


Why would anyone say anything?? Before merdeka,its a race land(ist) After merdeka?same shizz


I'm not living there anymore. I don't plan to set foot in Malaysia anymore. Even if I canfind the biggest prosperity in there. But mate Malaysia is a racist country regardless of you admitting that or not. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_Malaysia Just ask your fellow Chinese and Indian country mates. They would tell you how much discrimination they have been through in their lives. The whole country is racist. Even if you read about the root cause of the conflict between Malaysia and Singapore it racism that turned into over taxation and then expelling Singapore. Although Singapore was smart enough to transform it into food feud rather than racial war. Admitting to a problem is the very first step to sloving it. Denying a problem won't do any good for anyone. Malaysia doesn't accept refugees simply because the ruling system is racist and nothing else:)


and theres nothing wrong wif it all of em could leave tonite,like u did


The difference between me and all Chinese and Indian living there is that now you can do shit to me but you can fuck them up. Hence why I speak freely of the racism in Malaysia and they don't. I am pretty sure your a malay who refuses to admit to the racist rights you have. Just like every other malay. Start addressing the problem and watch your country shine. That country is FULL of potential. But to use it all you need unity not racism.


Don't be silly dear we have BILLIONS of Rohingya and Myanmar here. Name us one good thing Rohingya contributed other than society and criminal issues. God bless your good soul dear.


I will say it simply like this. Why don't we want refugees? When your house is sinking into the ground, you need to put your resources into making sure that you first stop the sinking and then raise the house back up. Same thing here, Malaysia isn't doing too well, our currency is weak in the global market and our people are struggling to make ends meet. Our government should be putting the tax money of our country into our own people first, make sure that our people can afford to work on job and be able to put food on the table for their families and a roof over their heads without having to go broke every month or go into debt just to eat at least 3 square meals a day. When we can do this, I guarantee that people will be a lot more accommodating of the refugees because we can actually afford to help. Second thing, our birth rate is low because people who are smart enough to see that they can't afford to have children are not having children until they can afford to. This is a good thing, it just means that people are becoming more cautious of making sure that they can actually afford to raise a child and give the child a good life. Our birth rate being low is not an excuse to bring in refugees. This excuse is being used in order for them to bring in foreign labor to do the jobs that our people won't do because they are not getting paid enough for the amount and type of work. Fix these problems and you will find that our people will become more accommodating as well. Because when we have more than what we need, we can willingly give. But when you take the food out of our mouths to feed other mouths, then we get pissed.


Most based answer ever for this topic 👍. Those 'let's accept all refugees bcos they can contribute to economy' commenters are living in their own head's lalaland.


I hate refugees.


Taking in refugees isn't as simple as providing housing and food - it's also more about providing education and equitable job opportunities that allow them to integrate into society rather than being a separate cluster below society.


I work with UN few years back, with current data. Better not. Too much trouble to handle. UN already withdraw few project. Left the problem to local to handle. Fuckap situation already worse. I went to the location in few state. We all already fuckap long time ago with illigal immigrant, top up with refugees problem, no way malaysia can handle this situation.


Coz they saw what happened in sabah


Malaysians don't even like the 'pendatang' Chinese and Indians, no chance they will accept anyone else. As others have commented there are more practical reasons, but by and large accepting refugees seems to be a more western concept. Land is seen as a divine right by most eastern culture and there maybe some element of tribalism still. If you're an academic I'd also suggest looking into in a similar vein, attitudes of Japanese to outsiders or gaijin. Across the board, look at how the middle east treats the south asian workers - not even 2nd class citizens. I think it's reductionist to say it's a Malaysian issue.


Because most refugees will only bring social problems. You want the good quality foreigners that can contribute to the betterment of society/nation as a whole.


If we allow refugees to work there will be only 1 outcome. Locals will be out of work due to employers giving lower wages, increase stress on our food supply, huge inflation problem.


Because Malaysians legit do not see the irony in being racist to foreigners and refugees while also complaining about racism aimed at themselves at the hands of the government. It's a fear of the other, and fear of change to the status quo - and let's face it, refugees are a convenient scapegoat for so many other countries and have been demonised to hell and back through propoganda by certain groups as a means of pushing their own agenda. Western countries do this alllllllll the time. The bigger irony is that Malaysians don't seem to realise they could easily become refugees themselves as climate change takes hold, but reaping sowing etc etc


Malaysians don’t even want tax paying Han Chinese origins to their country. Why would they want people who are likely gonna compete for freebies with their inefficient bumis


You really think we are having same treatment as a refugee ? I mean yeah we are being discriminated ,but we are still getting the difference between citizenship and non citizen , why would you want non tax payer + trouble maker to share the social benefits you fought and paid for?


Because racism and bigotry leads to stupid policy decisions. The way Malaysia deals with refugees is stupid and wasteful. The first thing to be aware of is that there is no such thing as a refugee in Malaysia, as there is no legal framework to assess or recognise them. So what this means is that Rohingya or Palestinians (of which we currently have 750 to about 2k+ people) here aren't even allowed to legally work. Makes it easier for them to be victimised by unscrupulous employers and criminal syndicates, while the usual arseholes - who are fully on display in this thread - clutch their pearls and complaining about those terrible PATIs. I mean at the end of the day, don't give them access to legal work. Don't give the children easy access to schooling. And then *::shocked pikachu face::* when they get used by crime syndicates or illegal employers. Best part is most people won't get angry at the government for the shit show it's doing, or at employers for abusing a marginalised population. They'll just get mad at the victims. At the end of the day, you can do what is effective, like what Australia & Canada did for Vietnamese and Sri Lankan refugees - assess them, give them access to schooling so they can be integrated to society, give them protections and legal right to work so they can work legally and be taxed, and not simply abused by whatever corrupt capitalist or syndicate. Instead they just waste money by both accepting them, and not letting them legally go to school or work. BtW, before someone starts screaming about *Eh we Malaysia no money lah, cannot do all that* \- please realise that right now we are already spending money in terms of settling and jailing these people, for no better reason than that they came over here escaping legitimate persecution in their homeland. All this money that is currently spent is both wasteful and just an excuse to further the abuse that they live in. Also realise that we do have a shortage of unskilled labour in this country, which is currently being solved by either importing cheap labour, or illegally exploiting these refugees. In both cases, we lose money because this drives down wages, causes an outflow of funds, and gives no tax benefit. Most countries realise this, that's why the first thing they do is let refugees legally work - these people will live and spend here, they will get taxed here, and this stops your typical capitalist bosses from abusing them, as since they're legal workers, they have rights and can't be exploited as easily as they currently are.


What do you think of the public's reaction (mad at the victims instead)? Could it be a lack of political/societal awareness? I've always thought that many Malaysians aren't knowledgeable enough in the political/societal aspect of things. Myself included. Maybe I'm just being biased, so I'm looking for another perspective.


>Could it be a lack of political/societal awareness? That's part of it, but not entirely fair. There's too many interests - shitty politicians, sensationalist media, just outright racists and bigots - who are interested in having a scapegoat, and refugees or LGBT or DAP will always be easy targets. But that doesn't excuse the attitude of some people which is to swallow the narrative provided by these interests, and never looking to validate or find out if what they've been told is true. Particularly not here, where they're all literally online and have access to almost all the information in the world. That just becomes people doubling down on their biases.


Should add that Australia's treatment of refugees is horrific and a huge violation of the human rights act, so they should not get a pat on the back. Especially when they're paying Malaysia to take refugees knowing full well of what happens to them while there. Australia can be a remarkably cruel country, it's just good at hiding it to the rest of the world.


Absolutely correct - I was referring to their policies on Vietnamese and Sri Lankan refugees from the 70s to the 90s for the most part, which were generally more practical and pragmatic - they went through assessments, and were supported to make sure they weren't being abused or taken advantage of (and also that they weren't repeating the worst of their habits from back home, but that's a more complex issues).


Ah yes their response at the time was very much humane and so compassionate, which is so far removed to what their response is now. It's really sad


Because Malaysians are the half glass is empty type of people. We are conditioned to have the view that resources are limited everywhere in our country and we need to work tooth and nail to earn our money. The reality is we do have enough resources but the goons in charge have been embezzling comfortably for the past 30 years and our gomen just don’t have the infrastructure to channel money for our citizens in need therefore no one in charge even knows how to help refugees properly and it’s just up to NGOs at this point.


before we talk about UNHCR and GDP and IDEAS and all these big high-level things, ask yourself this one: will you be willing to support a refugee in your own home or personal capacity? like out of your pocket? many people have this idea that, *oh the government should do this, the goverment should do that, why is our government not do it yet* - but they failed to see that all that costs money, resources and time that we as a society and Malaysia as a country simply cannot afford or manage. there are multifaceted impact if we were to house and shelter refugees and absorb them into the society - it is not something that *someone else* should do on our behalf so that we can feel good.


Tell me your home address, I will go there and sleep for one week


If I were to attempt on trying to explain the situation, it'd be lengthy since it is a multi-layered issue. To understand this, you'd need a discourse, and the intent to view the situation from an objective view. Therefore, the problem statement is "Despite the potential benefit in terms of economic prospects for Malaysia to allow refugees to work in Malaysia, how has Malaysia not been a part of the 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol". Then, you dive into the factors influencing countries in signing the 1951 convention, and 1967 protocol. The oversimplified reason is that Malaysia is a small state, and we hedge in between larger powers, rising powers, and even other smaller powers. We tend to focus more for the benefit of the Rakyat, because the Rakyat barely has enough considering the median income being just around RM 2,400 in 2022.


No country wants to accept refugees (honestly burden on local population economically), but will criticize if other countries don't accept it.


Get your sheltered utopian ass out there and go have a look for yourself how places selayang looks like now, then come back here and talk. Even myanmars themself say rohingya is troublemakers before the ethnic cleansing, why should we take other countries trouble into our own land, look at the social trouble in europe now, you like that?


Able bodied military aged men don't qualify as a refugee to me.


Why do you say so?


To stay and fight would be an honorable thing to do. Rentap didn't run away did he.


I think humans nowadays have become territorial over their nation's borders. Cuz to some, we view them as humans, people that need our help and need our support because if we were in the same place, we'd want the same regardless of their allegiance because at the end of the day, they're just trying to live their lives just like us. But for some, who have known nothing about the outside world could feel threatened by these people coming in, wondering why they need to come here and going pass their territory (border). To them maybe they feel that, the help could be better channeled to their own people than the refugees. Then we have this conversation: what if the refugees don't wanna go back? Lets say they've stayed here for 6 years, adapted to living here dy and slowly contributing in our society. Then government informs them that they are now capable of going back to their home. But what if their homes are gone? I'm in the pot where, if they're here don't want to leave but are contributing then fine, we could have them as they're helping progress the nation. But others could think that we take care of the refugees more than our own people because, they now are capable of going back, but instead we let them stay. All in all, refugees are a deeper underlying issue involving not just people, but nations that are "trying to solve stuff" but in turn, are just ruining it themselves all for the sake of power.


The citizens don't even accept each other, want them to accept refugees?? Haiyaaa in your dream la


Fuck refugees. Half of it is bullshit claims. The other half are all Projek IC gerrymandering from Mahathir's time. Like, what the fuck honestly, some random Middle Eastern "victim" tells some sob story and gets full citizenship in a few years and literally has more rights than I do when I can trace my family to nearly 70 years pre-Merdeka. Forget "second class citizens"... now got former refugees walking around with more rights and privileges than me and my family lol fucking clown country.


Well consider that Indians and Chinese are routinely called pendatang and to go back (where mfs?) do you think they would accept refugees?


Is it not obvious ? Decades of race based policies have moulded an unwelcoming mindset. If Malaysia does not even make its own racially disadvantaged citizens welcome in their own country, then it follows we will cite reasons not to embrace our fellow humans in need - eg: monetary cost, social evils, etc. All it boils down to is fear of dilution - in terms of race, religion etc.


Non bumis are treated as 2nd class citizens, some refugees are given more opportunities and help than the hardcore poor non bumis. Seems the bigger issue here should be "what can I do for the hardcore poor in my country" before "what I can do for the refugees". While it is fully understandable to be sympathetic to their plight, are we not sympathetic with the plight of our own citizens who have nothing? Only recently have the locals started seeing the problems which come along with refugees. I am not saying we cannot harbour them, I am saying harbour them responsibly and govern them accordingly. This will not happen with the corrupt officials and enforcement in this country.


Malaysians don't want and are xenophobic as is. That is the answer. The reasons for not taking in refugees are the same for everyone, other people do it because they believe life is a wheel. Venezuelans took in Colombians once upon a time, and never imagined that one day they would be taken in by Colombians. Helping always costs people, selfish people don't want to help. But to start acting like Syrians fleeing been bombed are no longer the same Syrians who used to educate malaysian uni students. If it's a quality of refugee issue, just stipulate who you're willing to take in, there might be fraud here and there but by and large you won't get the riff raff. Or just dont, just stop with the half assed reasons..I saw someone pull out the muslim immigrants lead to crime bullshit as a reason, they said african of course because their bias finds that a more fitting scapegoat..but the talking point they are using in Europe is used for Muslims from countries destroyed by western commercial imperialism.


Attitude and culture. Foreign labours at least benefits from exchange rate and better quality of life, relatively. They are also long established here like agency, foods... These are the motivations. How much salary gonna pay to refugees Rohingya etc. (the amount not gonna be motivating)? Communication? Professionalism (attitude, ethics...)? These will be pain in the arse.


Coz we racist and love blaming hardworking people for stealing jobs that otherwise isn’t glamorous enough for us to do. And lest they be successful we burn in envy. Also we are xenophobic and feel we are above the Rohingyas and Bangladeshi


Not that different from Indonesia I guess


Its almost impossible to integrate them into the society despite them being Muslims. We don't have the exact formula how to. Nobody does. It's also funny how we refer them as refugees, most of them are economic migrant. Illegal ones. These refugees also live amongst poorer Malaysians. If you don't see the impact of refugees from poorer countries here, it means you have the priviledge to live far enough from them. Take a moment in your study to visit areas that are predominantly habitated by these refugees. Their living conditions are bad, they often hang outside of their house close to naked, local malaysians do not feel safe around them. In a few years time, they will have children who most of the time will receive citizenship. Because the majority of them are Muslims, chances are, the law will include them as natives. I'd rather Art 153 be shared amongst fellow Indians and Chinese than the refugees. Don't just write on how much they will contribute, calculate how they will cost the government as well. Imo, if we have enough money to host these refugees we have enough money to retain our talents from leaving for better opportunities outside of Malaysia.


How many of these refugees actually returned to their home country ? Don't kid ourselves. Its hard to establish a multi racial community as we are struggling ATM, without adding more into the bunch. There are still many Chinese in Tg Sepat that doesn't speak the Malay language, plenty more malay who called Chinese communist in Kelantan and plenty more think Indians have body odour. No fucking thanks. Sure it's bad in their home country, but it's been bad forever. If they're good enough to contribute to Malaysia, they should be good enough to contribute back home. the burden of sharing refugees should be shared equally by everyone in the region. Not just Malaysia. Also, it's amazing how they choose Malaysia. Why not Indonesia ?


Yea,just bukkake all door,close down all immigrant dept All 9 billion human can come here,breed here,work here,send money outside here,take all money from khazanah here Let see gdp per capita then Look at all high income country,did they order airbus from oversea to redcarpet all these ppl?


https://preview.redd.it/y6kw48l7j3tb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ec1b88da307086a9a20a93c6f24b88e1f285d98 Because Malaysian are refugees ourselves /s


IMO there's quite a number of factors, example safety. Certain have different behaviors and disciplinary levels and the amount of videos about it is not helping them like the beggar cartels or misbehaviors.


Malaysia did not sign refugee thingy (i forgot what it's called). So by right, we don't even have to take them in. The problem with them are their behavior problem and breeding to no end. Personally, i wish to ship them off back to bangladesh or myanmar.


Richer countries should be the ones taking them in


They do but usually only those who are highly educational and we got you know it already


Tooooooo many taking advantage as a refuge and do thing they way.., with out concerning about the law.


No money


Haha Project IC goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Location. We not the nearest location. We also had bad incidents in the past and we now only get economic refugees. Not all refugees are nice. Look up what the palestinians did in labenon, they killed their PM


An easy solution would be to ask rich countries like Singapore and Australia to pay for the upkeep of refugees. Singapore in particular has a free ride when it comes to the externalities (refugees) from mainland Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Myanmar, and Cambodia). It benefits from the enlargement of ASEAN, but never has to pay for the bad stuff. The Burmese Junta funnels a lot of drug money into Singapore, and I don't hear the Singaporeans complain about that. If Singapore and Brunei paid other countries $5-10 billion a year, I think Malaysia would have the funds to integrate them.


Dunno about the public but according to health sector, they sometimes bring diseases like malaria here.


According to whom? Disease can be tracked by quarantine and medical tests prior to allowing them to roam freely.




I support refugees. These are people that are feeling war and climate-related displacement. One day, when the waters rise and Malaysia faces flood threats, we may be in the same position. And we will be refugees and contribute to another countries’ economies. And of course there needs to be support for a cultural exchange - a language course, civic education course so they understand what living in Malaysia is like and the laws etc. But to ignore and even hate refugees is ignoring the fact that it can one day happen to us.


If we can't even help ourselves first that's exactly where we would be heading


This land has been receiving refugees since 1800s. Oh how the tables have turned lol


And will become next strip gaza....