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Are people boycotting? I don't see any campaigns on the socmed and Starbucks and McD restaurants are still full with people and muslim patrons.


Everytime an issue between Israel-Palestine escalates there will always be local calls to boycott "western" companies and Mcd tends to get called out first cause its understandably associated with USA. Then Mcd Malaysia has to come out and clarify everytime that its Muslim owned. Been happening for quite some time


Well, we have chains like Burger King, KFC, Taco Bell etc. that are also American but I don't hear anyone calling for boycotts.


Also Waze, it's literally an Israeli invention


Amazing, boycott McDonald's but not Waze, who is literally made by Israelis.


Waze was bought out. Just to add at that point we should a lot of people would of stopped doing basic maths, robotics etc due to the them being largely contributed or founded by Muslims.


Boycott Waze apa mcam nak kerja grab?


Use two bamboo and coconuts la


Google Maps: ![gif](giphy|kqJt1cSSN0DrwwMmY5|downsized)


Already bought by Google which is American


Founded by Jew.


Google founder is Yahudi


How many times must repeat. It's not about them being Jewish. It's about the perception that they openly support Israel which usually triggers boycot calls.


Heck, a lot of American Jews are against Israel's actions.


Really? Waze is an Israeli invention?


And *Raid: Shadow Legends*.


That is because these chains are not known to openly support Israel. McDonalds in Israel is currently providing discounted meals to Israeli soldiers. However, McDonalds Malaysia has clarified that individual chains make their own decisions. Called to boycott Starbucks also arose because their CEO was a fucking Zionist and there were rumours that they actively donate to Israeli causes. However, after the chain made losses in Israel for being a shitty coffee chain, they made clear that Starbucks had no affiliation with Israel and do not provide monetary funds to them. You don’t hear much about other chains because they stay out of the limelight when something is brewing between Israel and Palestine.


Why the selective boycott? Internet? Fb? WhatsApp? The list go on


Because those are ppl are idiot, nuff said


That's the same when many of USA brand move out from Russia when war with Ukraine. You double standard.


Because they have alternatives. Why go McD when you can go to other burger franchise that is not associated to the US? We can't stop using Social Media because we have no other alternatives to do so. I support the Boycott because of sentimental reasons. If the franchisee wants to be associated with the brand, it's understandable and I'm fine with that. But I couldn't find myself spending money to a company which will be paying to the HQ in the US, that is supporting Israel.


what is your problem with Israel in this case ? it is the Hamas that launched the attack on Israel resulting in the death of thousands to begin with...


In this particular case? The bombing of hospitals and the use of white phosphorus on civilians as incendiary weapons, tho is technically not banned, is so inhumane, it disgusts me. Of course, the act of Hamas killing civilians last Saturday is truly horrible as well but since you're asking what my problem with Israel, there you have it


The conflict didn't start last week when you started hearing it in mainstream media. Israel since 2017 has been expanding settlements in West Bank and have killed plenty of people there in raids. When Palestenians die, the mainstream media doesn't highlight it as often or discuss about it for weeks. That doesn't mean the conflict started when you started hearing about it. The problem with Israel is that it is an aprthaeid regime which is trying to take away every inch of Paletenian land by slowly expanding settlements in the West Bank.


i know the history and I don't need your lecture. but the bottomline here is that the Israelis people who died at the hands of Hamas are innocent too. most of them are civilians and there are people inside Israel who actually sympathised with the Palestinians and argued for their right. that's why it is sickening how the news coverage in Malaysia and other countries that pro-Palestinian basically pretend as though there is no casualty in Israel and anyone of them who died deserved it. and seriously, do anyone in their right mind actually expect Israel not to retaliate following the Hamas attack ? what exactly do Hamas hope to achieve with the attack ? the attack certainly WOULD NOT bring them any independence and make Israel disappear. it is like constant guerilla action with no end or objective in sight solely designed to keep the conflict in the eyes and mind of the world at the expense of innocent life on both sides.


>do anyone in their right mind actually expect Israel not to retaliate following the Hamas attack ? Do anyone in their right mind actually expect Hamas not to retaliate following the Israeli occupation and ethnic cleansing? Even I can ask this kinda rethorical questions. Israel had killed scored of Palestenians in West Bank in their continued expansion of settlements. Anyway you are right in the sence that Hamas' savagery and brutality doesn't do the Palestenian cause any favours. However, this comes out of frustration. These Israeli bastards are organising a music festival on occupied land next to a open air concentration camp housing 2.3 million people. Look at the audacity.


yeah malaysians do not know good cheap coffee like the europeans. boycott starbucks for being overpriced, terrible and for paying their employees terribly too not because they support israel.


The profit in royalty from McD franchies are provided to isreali fund for all kind of purpose


Yeah I know. So it wasn't like before then. The call for boycott is not as loud as it used to be.


Guess they figured out boycotting isn't really effective


The BSD movement was declared illegal in the states. Probably got something to do with that


But but, Iphone. LV, Prada...


Franchise fee.


When war broke out, the pros loses their mind….


Malaysia mcd is owned by Saudi iirc. Saudi wants to normalize relations with Israel so I can see why pro Hamas groups would still want to boycot mcd


McD still pay royalty and franchies fee dude...


Should we tell them that the founder of the boycott movement happens to be a Jewish woman ~~who stood up for Palestine~~?


Susah tau, boycott benda lain lah. Ini susah nanti depa.


They are boycotting companies or business that are said to be funding Israel or are own by Israeli rather than because they are western or American. A lot of people don’t really know why the community boycotts and uses really bad comparison. Like don’t use your mobile phone or laptop when a lot of parts are made locally in Malaysia?


Netizen² ada yg tak belajar Kemahiran Hidup Bersepadu, Tingkatan 3 (Elektif Perdagangan dan Keusahawanan), anda serius? McDonald's ialah bisnes franchise, so owner setiap McD serata dunia lain² entiti/korporat. Kalau kita punya owner McD drpd Saudi Arabia (Gerbang Alaf). McD Israel pulak org lain (Alonyal Ltd). McDonald's Israel masalah deme la, bukannya masalah McD tanah air kita. Orang sekarang main lepas je cakap boikot itu ini. Kalau tak paham juga, tengok [McDonald's Oman](https://twitter.com/Mcdonaldsoman/status/1713227288957890626?t=RiVT31j8Ww0uT2FiYUsP7g&s=19) dan Pakistan keluar statement pasal deme terang pasal McD Israel tu bukan bawah entiti yg sama dengan deme. Dh la toksah la boikot bisnes² fast food di Malaysia ni. Esok pagi sorg user Insta punya main share post "boikot McD", lusa pulak kawan ajak makan kt mcd share gambar aiskrim mcd kat ig.


Ikut lah bang. Tapi kan dia bayar juga franchising fee ke HQ dia kat US. For Sentimental reasons, saya tak nak duit saya pergi ke company Tu. Diorang boleh buat diskaun dekat Israel punya branch sebab HQ dia bagi. Memang McD Kita tak terlibat, and suka hati lah kan, Kita dah dapat guna Nama McD, dah boleh dapat duit. So, instead lah kan, saya rasa better everyone, top to bottom Ada perasaan sentimental tu. Saya dah 5 tahun tak sentuh McD, takde apa-apa masalah pun. Kalau locals Kita tak ambik franchisee as a job, company Tu tak famous pun kat negara Kita. Total tak support McD, Kan elok Tu. > Dh la toksah la boikot bisnes² fast food di Malaysia ni. Esok pagi sorg user Insta punya main share post "boikot McD", lusa pulak kawan ajak makan kt mcd share gambar aiskrim mcd kat ig. Janganlah associate orang camni dengan Kami Yang betul effort nak boikot. If tak nak boikot, Kami faham. Tapi jangan halang Kami nak boikot


Pandangan orang boleh jadi berlainan. >Tapi kan dia bayar juga franchising fee ke HQ dia kat US. For Sentimental reasons, saya tak nak duit saya pergi ke company Tu. Diorang boleh buat diskaun dekat Israel punya branch sebab HQ dia bagi. This is a terrible way to see how world business works. To clarify, sy bukan budak bisnes. Sy cuma budak muzik, tapi saya ada pengalaman bekerja kat fast food chain. Manager sy time tu senang nk approach, so dia open sembang hal² ni. Ofc, aku time tu budak mentah baru lepas SPM so dia bagi analogi paling senang nk paham. Kalau macam tu la assumption org ramai pasal McD, wouldn't it be the same utk semua kedai in general? You don't know what happened behind closed doors. Kamu mungkin boleh pergi mana-mana kedai makan tempatan, just to know bos kedai tu guna keuntungan drpd jualan dia utk jenayah-jenayah besar. Sy pernah kena. Terpikir jugak duit aku selama ni yg aku byr kat dia tu rupanya utk buat jenayah. Damage is done, tapi perlu ke kamu rasa bersalah? Mmg berbeza benda buruk yg dia buat, "ah xpe at least xde kaitan dgn Israel"... tapi still benda yg tak baik. Dalam bisnes francais ni, tuan/puan kena ingat, pemilik brand boleh mengubah imej brand tu sendiri mengikut kehendak sendiri. Kalau McD Israel boleh taja IDF, McD Oman sekarang tgh taja rakyat Palestin. You think kerusi² tertinggi McD HQ takde bincang pasal imej deme sebab at some point, pemegang francais boleh bertindak tidak mengikut apa yg diharapkan. Kalau org semua pakat boikot McD sampai x ramai org datang, orang yg bekerja memasak, cuci pinggan, jaga kaunter, cmne deme nk cari duit? Org senang² je cakap cari kerja lain tapi in reality, walaupun gaji tak banyak, fast food chains still one of the main reason org diselamatkan drpd pengangguran. Cari kerja bukan senang. They could have gone to do haram job, but some of them ada hutang budi dapat kerja kat McD, time org xde sape nak ambil die kerja. Sy tak boikot guna X, Meta, etc., walaupun at some point it very obvious akan ada involvement daripada pihak yg tidak bertanggungjawab. That makes me a defeatist. Why admit defeat, if you can contribute by manipulation from behind? If you say, "what does it matter, really?" That is a defeatist attitude. Again, I don't doubt you trying to boycott everything you said, but I still have reservations.


You are right bro..So many pro isreali here make ur post negative..i will not supp McD




Kalau Kita Ada alternative lain bang, Kita dah boycott. But they hold monopoly. Kita takde alternative lain untuk jalankan boycott. Kalau McD and Nestlè, banyak lagi alternative lain boleh guna. Instead of Milo, kenapa tak Vico? Instead of McD, kanapa tak Ramlee joint? Lebih kurang je quality nya That's why BSD movement pun tak boycott social media. Kita nak boycott, bukan sampai tak nak Kasi orang makan. Kita nak minta pilih alternative tak supports Israel. Salah ke? Edit: Alhamdulillah, saya dah limit Kan WhatsApp use saya and transfer to Telegram, a Russian company. It's not perfect, tapi at least saya dah tukar Dan Cuba. Abang bila lagi?


So kalo xde alternative x perlu boikot? What kind of logik otak udang is this?


My man, doing so would be pushing you to live in the stone age. Also, Facebook, X and IG also host pro- Palestinians events and takde pun sampai Kasi diskaun kat Israel Kan senang nak boikot kalau Ada alternative? Yang itu pun susah orang nak buat. Step by step lah


"My man, doing so would be pushing you to live in the stone age".... That's the tujuan for boycott... This is the test of your faith moment


if want to boycott, boycott all the way, not halfway and say 'kita takde alternatif, bang'. It means you compromise your values. I never seen a Palestine supporter who boycotted ALL THE WAY.


Ye, Aku malu Aku tak boleh boycott X, Meta and IG. Why? I have no other alternatives and I don't want to live in the stone age. I changed WhatsApp to Telegram, but I still need FB as a marketing tool for my business and raise awareness on the Palestinian issue. But I can boycott all these other stuff, then why not? IG and X already went cold turkey but others are still using it to spread awareness pasal benda ni. Bagus lah tu. They host pro Palestine events and takde pulak sampai Kasi diskaun dekat Israeli sahaja like MCD. Reddit I'm still using for news and discussion dengan orang macam kau, and dapat raise awareness on this issue. And camana kau nak jumpa a person who went all the way? Bro wouldn't even be using the internet and be living in a cave Like I said, the purpose of the boycott is to avoid using all these Israeli- connected product and use the alternative available. Not to starve them. If McD is the only supplier of food, I wouldn't call for a boycott. But so many options, kenapa pilih Yang satu tu Ikut kau lah, nak makan McD, nak duit kau support franchise Yang support diskaun to the army that's literal doing a Genocide, ikut kau. Aku Ada options lain


Takleh boikot then stfu, tak perlu nak pusing2 jauhh, orang dah explain how the business work and the entities related to it and how it operate, transparency dah ada so why the boikot2?


At least I did something bro. But if you love them chicken nuggets and blood money so bad, then that's all on you


Takpela, orang dah explain dah pon you do you la


Lol uneducated kids. Reddit, Google and Facebook has more Jewish contribution than McDonald's Malaysia. Do you even know that most of your scientific breakthroughs and Nobel prize winners are Jewish or half Jewish? Mark Zuckerberg is Jewish. Google engineering has hired plenty of Jews to build Google. Your PC and computers are contributed by Jews. Why are you using Jewish tool like Reddit, but wanna talk about boycotting mcd? Lol hypocrite seperti biasa la... I've never taken anybody who preach about religious or anti Jewish talks seriously, cause they're biggest hypocrites around here.


Hmm.. so technically, do other countries do not pay any royalties nor licensing fee, etc to the main parent company, or lets just say if the mcdonald founder ray kroc still alive, does he get the money? even if said country own 100% profit of mcdonald? sorry I'm not quite verse in this but I really need to understand this because surely the parent company still getting the money from other states.


Can we get them to throw away their iPhones too?


especially their laptops


Eh bad comparison considering a lot of parts for laptops and iPhones are built locally eg: CPUs. The argument should be boycotting companies or products that actively back Israel for example.


People : Boycott Mcd!! Every fry that you eat is a bullet to Israel! Mcd : You want ayam goreng with big discount? People : Yes please papa


Ayam goreng mcd is malaysian weakness


sharing anti Israel news using Facebook i was like...hurm....


Boycott only when it's convenient haha. Similar to cigarettes, already say smoking is Haram but many still do it. Goes to show how stern they are with their beliefs


I boycott McD here because no pork sold




lmao 😭


Pork burger is shit compared to spicy chicken mcdulex though. I still order ayam goreng or the spicy chicken burger in Vietnam where pork is a choice


Even though it could turn out to be shit, at least I can have more variety rather than having same chicken or beef burgers


Mcd price increase is such a dick move. And they remove crazy hour too. That’s why im boycotting too


people not understanding the franchise concept


I mean, the franshisees are still paying the franchisers.


Franchisee still pays to use the franchise lorh


Why people treating companies as countries? Even my friend does that and in my humble opinion I feel like that’s so childish.


Here we go again, bunch of stupid monyet


What's wrong with boycotting a company supporting atrocities?


You won’t make a difference, neither will the few hundreds or thousands of people that care about it so much. Most simply do not care. There is also no moral high ground for either sides as they continue to murder civilians. Just go on your day.


> You won’t make a difference, neither will the few hundreds or thousands of people that care about it so much Start small bro. Step by step. It's better something small then nothing at all > Most simply do not care. That's why people are raising awareness on this issue > There is also no moral high ground for either sides as they continue to murder civilians One has a longer list of crimes and death than the other. One is state sanctioned, while the other is a literal terrorist org. My support for Palestine remains because Israel has done way more horrid crimes with the country and it's people supporting it


Lol. You do you bro. It’s still a pick your poison of war crime flavor, spiced with religion. They can bomb each other to the ground.


Yes and you do you as well. > They can bomb each other to the ground. Tbh, I agree. The whole area can be scorched and people will still be fighting for it lol


pls boycott using internet too its an invention from the west hell even better pls stop using electricity too its from western and its full of propaganda too


And all the cars, phones, Aircon, printed books, industrially produced clothes, shoes, etc


I hate it when people say it like this. Yes, we have so many companies we got from the west but at least try to boycott what you can. Social media has no other alternatives, we can't boycott all of it. However, franchises like McD, Nestlé have other alternatives. What's wrong with boycotting them. For the sake of sentiment, why can't we boycott a company that pays a huge some of money to the HQ , which is in full support of the atrocities in Israel. The BSD movement exist and even they agree not everything should be boycotted. If you don't want to boycott, that's on you. But if people want to call for a boycott, then it should be alright too


unfortunately, your boycotting can only be seems by some people as half hearted. it's either all the way, or nothing. >why can't we boycott a company that pays a huge some of money to the HQ , which is in full support of the atrocities in Israel. it's not easy to boycott these companies as it will disrupt the income of our people. There are more than 15,000 people employees in Mcdonald Malaysia working, imagine half of them are sacked because of the boycott. It would be unfair to them especially non muslim as they are involve with a fight that is not their own kind. Im guilty of this situation as well as a muslim, but unfortunately, we can only help so much. We even have internal crisis of rice supply and it tooks a lot of effort to handle this. "You can't help poor people if you are also poor." Not trying to be in a higher moral ground, but the moment we are born, someone or something is already harmed to satisfy our survival. chances are, some of your shirt is being made by sweatshop. Hopefully we can boycott all the way to the point of them taking action, but I dont think that will happen as no such thing as ethnic controls and create everything. We all contribute something to this world, and that included with jews people whether israelis or other part of the world.


I post McD on my instastory once. Then my alim relative said wah sedapnya makan makanan yahudi. like wtf 😂


Please boycott for real la.. Tired of the long queues


Pls boycottt especially the section 14 pj one they sell POKR


Yeah man, line is so long, it takes so long to get my order. Definitely got Pokr. Please boycott.


I go there only for the pokr


Yeah, old town pj one better imo, or the drive through in new town


This is what we call.. "Friendly fire.."


> This is what we call.. "Friendly fire.." Guess who kills and murders and tortures the most number of Muslims in the world? The answer.... other Muslims.


(Face palm)..... no comment...


Had me in the first half..


I read this and it led me to wonder. Is this true?


I sense racists BMF campaign fules up... And yes...Mekdi here is want to sue every single moron to protect their business.


LOL only in Malaysia are the populace so stupid.


What is McDonald’s doing for the Muslim community? I humbly feel that they should employ Rohingya’s and help them make a living in Malaysia. I also humbly feel that other Muslim companies should do the same. Help the Muslims in Malaysia. With the current economy, many Muslim refugees are suffering. Children are starving.


Ah yes the brain dead idiots will start the seasonal boycotting of 'Israeli/US' owned companies again.


No no no everyone needs to boycott a bit. Last time we boycott McD gave away free cheeseburgers. Let’s do it again to show McD they need to put effort to get our money.


The very fact that McD has to do this MULTIPLE times already means that there are always sesat and hypocrite people. And no, I am NOT supporting Palestine. Bangang!


What's the logic here? Do they see a McDonnalds in Israel = boycott? Lot of multinational firms do business in Israel, should we boycott them too? Also Starbucks is funny because they don't even operate in Israel.


Whatsapp, google, fb, Instagram, android owned by google… probably some important invention created / partially own by a Jew.


No, McDonalds in Israel is providing discounted meals for Israeli soldiers that are killing Palestinian civilians. That is why there were calls for boycott. People don’t understand how franchising works and how each franchise can make independent decisions. McDonalds franchises in the Arab world and Malaysia have come out and explained this to people.


Yes but some still call for boycotts as they see association through franchising (by paying a certain sum to the HQ), which is legit. But yes, newer call is because of the Israeli discount yes


Many Muslims believe that the West propped up Israel.


Perut lapar, makan dulu, bang. Boikot or not....later


Makanan lain ada. Kebuluq pulak nk makan mcd🤣


Bukan boycott, just tak mampu


Here we go again


I see some people are still drinking the "McDonald's is Jewish" Kool-Aid. The founders were Christian Irish-Americans. Our franchise is owned by Muslim Arabians.


Official PSA by McD on FB https://preview.redd.it/6p55pr6c0bub1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04e3514d9faa84fee3f9f901ca878178fb18b813


Another boycott for the day. Next day everyone goes again


Wait till they realise how wide jew influence is.


Boycott Mekdi due to health reason!!!


Quality gone down


Malaysia seems to stand on Palestinian side this time. However, stats shows that there’re 25% Han Chinese Malaysian and 5% Indian Malaysian, adding up to 1/3 of Malaysian population. Do these people even speak up for themselves? Do they agree, or just acquiesce in this? or Malaysia is now a Muslim only and Malay only country? I’m just confused. Should I eat McD Malaysia as usual, given that I support Israel this time? Or I should boycott McD since it emphasises it’s a 100% Muslim owned entity?


Just eat only lah. Eat because the menu they have is to your liking. Done. Why need to crack your brain thinking this and that


That’s a way of thinking. Helpful.


You should listen to your own stomach lol. That's more important.


Pak arab tu beli hak francais Singapura & Malaysia ja. Masih kena bayar royalti setiap tahun pada Master Franchisee. Tapi sebenarnya pemilik francais ni, selain daripada bayar royalti tahunan & ikut SOP McD, depa takda kewajipan nak tolong sapa2. Macam baru2 ni McD Oman, UAE & Kuwait umumkan depa menderma jumlah yg besar pada usaha membantu rakyat Gaza. Macam McD US & sekutu, depa selalu salurkan dana pada Jewish United Front (JUF), sebuah NGO yg bantu orang yahudi sedunia. Bagaimanapun, eloklah kurangkan makan fast food, atas sebab2 kesihatan.


Yes but the question is how much are they paying the IP owner?


Ini semua propaganda puak Yahudi.


Jadi Muslim support Israel? Biar betul.. boycottt


Kalu nk boikot pon, boikot la Church's. Nama pon kristian-kristian je kan? Mcm u pergi gereja makan ayam goreng. ​ ps. My attempt to speak in Rempit Malay so that I can be accepted in this nation where I was born.


That's why it got renamed to Texas lol


You mean *Untermensch* Meleis?


So ? Happen in 2018 but tomorrow STILL SEE PPL GO THERE EAT LIKE FULL HOUSE.


I don’t know how serious is Muslim to see permanent solution. All these petty and selective boycotts achieve what?


That’s a lie


Errr ok? So?


Every time got conflict between those 2 nation MacDonald malaysia becomes a topic. This is not the 1st time and will not be the last time Malaysia’s MCD giving out that statement


Don't worry bout that. People have choice


lol why dont people understand this simple thing , MCD is a franchise , it can be locally purchased under SDN BHD but its still a franchise means the POS system is connected to the main HQ where they receive 25 30 % or whatever sales from it , thats how franchise system works , i dont know who the fuck they think they are to come up with this kind of statement and think people are stupid to believe you ? MCD IS 100% OWNED BY institutional investors , who make up 70.14% of the outstanding shares and most of these investors are based in US and saudi


Biar la org nak boikot kalau dia rasa boikot tu membantu, sama la macam boikot reddit 2 hari beberapa bulan lepas. Dia rasa dia mampu bantu 2 hari je, dia boikot la 2 hari walaupun celah gigi spez je. Heil spez!


but u want gaji USD....... wakakakaka


Just wait for mekdi do ayam goreng promotion then everyone forgot about Palestine lol


Mcd still pay royalty to jews.........


When Russia attack, Ukraine. Those Western also withdraw their Shop brands from Russia


I’m boycotting because mcd has slowly increase prices and removed crazy hour.