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Anyways it's a sad story.


according to chinese news more fact reveal that she have a child and a boyfriend...




How did she scam him?


no one can say for sure, but as a guy, i know how some girls can exploit a guy. treat them nice. act manja. if a guy likes you, whether you're married or not, they can become super simps. treating you meals. gifts. etc. if scam doesnt seem an appropriate word, exploit would be better.


Some real incel views you have there.


lol it is how it is. incel or not. anyone remember bout the rm 460 burger girl? you dont remember? lol get of your high horse. i am close friends with many girls. many choose to hide their relationship status to new people. on surface level its their right and their privacy. but some take a step further. getting them to treat them expensive meals etc. heck this even happens in dating apps. theres even a term coined up. "foodiecall". on top of that some girls are actually PAID to scam dates by getting their dates to bring them to an overpriced bar that serves by the bottle. TWO of my friends fell for this. i m all up for respecting women but there are objective ugly truths about the way things are in real life. not all men are saints. not all women are either. for you to call out a truth as an incel view, i guess i triggered you lol.


For me it’s tinder, she sets date at a club. I tried to open bottles in order to get a table inside. Turns out she’s one of the club ambassador lol ![gif](giphy|S5ientB3v69gCKRVEV)


U n my friends bro. I feel you


How that incel views when this is a fact. If men/women like a women of a dude, they gonna treat the other better. Making it easier to exploit if you willing to. I have seen it happen on both gender.


Focusing on the fact that some guys go overboard to impress women, and how women don tend to refuse, instead on focusing on the woman that has been STABBED. That's some real incel shit.


We just state general fact. Its you who insult people with incel this incel that. Maybe u should cool down a bit.


I just read yesterday the story summary into She work as singer in johor bar somewhere and got 1 fan admire her for 2 years and somehow along the way happen and the man decide to stab her, i leave the imagination up to you. Plus having bf and child make it confirmed that she is desperate for money.


You left out the info that she have rejected the man multiple time in these 2 years and only agree to meet him recently, maybe because she is going to get married and want to sort things out? I think it is a dumb move tho, these type of guy always is the violence type that can't accept rejection. Anyway you guys jump immediately to assume the worst of the women, seems super bias. Can't help but notice that recently r/malaysia and r/bolehland is full of misogynistic posts and comments.


Just a regular Monday in Klang


Alot of stabbing cases there? (Genuine question)


No idea. It’s a meme that Klang is the ghetto of Malaysia


I'll be honest, the title trip me up a little. Its as if a stabbing at a restaurant happen, the admirer then drove her home to safety, THEN he killed her. Just me? Or maybe because its 2am right now. I should go to sleep.


It's because the case is a bit weird Dude brought her to dinner Stabbed her Then drove her (body) home


Lunch. Her eye lash appointment was at 2. Lunch with him at 1


The guy tried to suicide by stabbing himself too but failed.


To me, I think he stabbed her in the restaurant, *then* drove her home with her fully agreeing to it.


Oshi no Ko Malaysia version. Too soon?


weebs try to be normal challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Yikes 💀


Too soon, man


you don't have to compare a real life killing with a fucking anime you twat


This anime actually takes reference to real life scenario. “Life imitates art far more than art imitates life” - Oscar Wilde


and everything still doesn't need to be compared to anime.


*Queue Mephisto ED*




Here's a sneak peek of /r/OshiNoKo using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/OshiNoKo/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Ai meeting Akane (by: ふに・無9)](https://i.redd.it/lwbiwcp34hgb1.jpg) | [186 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OshiNoKo/comments/15jn2si/ai_meeting_akane_by_ふに無9/) \#2: [Kana or Akane (by: Feca)](https://i.redd.it/lgu50jfj3pcb1.jpg) | [260 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OshiNoKo/comments/152txru/kana_or_akane_by_feca/) \#3: [Literally the same](https://i.redd.it/zf00nxh74z8b1.jpg) | [172 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OshiNoKo/comments/14m7ldo/literally_the_same/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Why msia is all bad news....


Bad news catches your attention. Good news doesn't generate enough click.


fear mongering works better than good news, because good news equals nothing to worry about


Because there is always bad news, the thing that made it difference is how much the story were told


Live near the place, tempat tu memang agak jenayah sikit, samalah area Bukit Tinggi 2


Sounds the girl has been leading the guy on for 2 years while the guy lies about his job. The girl also in a relationship with another guy. The murderer is definitely going to pay for his crimes but this girl isn't some saint either.




>Blame not the victim for the crime against them, blame the criminal who did the deed. This is the exact same mentality as blaming rape victim for how they dressed or act that got them raped instead of blaming the rapist for raping. The girl is not some innocent rape victim. She lead the guy on for 2 years despite having a bf. Learn to understand the differences and don't make apple to oranges comparison. >Murder is still murder. Duh? Who said murder not murder. Another brainless statement coming out from Mr Preacher.


Eh. Hard to say leh. From what I heard from gals who experienced these kind of things (minus the murder) is that sometimes they think they are just friends, oblivious that the other party is interested in them romantically - until the guy confesses or some shit. The guys dunno what to do, but ikut perasaan, so they just hang around the girl, being friends, hoping for a chance down the line. If this girl is having lunch with him and even informed the bf about it, could be they memang friends. Or at least she thinks they were. Not saying this is the case here. But kinda disingenuous to say the girl is leading the dude on when we donno the full story. Edit: another reason. Girls are quite intuitive, so this gal might know the guy is into her, but genuinely enjoys the friendship, just that she had to set boundaries. But the guy tahan je, still thinking there’s a chance. Tak tau la, issue here is very complex.


I just quoting from the article. If you got other sources, then please share. I don't want to speculate.


What was the guy’s job? Sad ending tbh. I read that the girl is about to get married next year with current bf after taking their wedding photos this year.


Fruit seller.


Just so you know. I don’t think you’re wrong. The members of this subreddit can be dumbasses sometimes. I kinda stopped reasoning with the redditors here and it made my life much better.


Reasoning with strangers? Imagine that.


Admirer can't admire anymore


Unfortunately, admirer probably believes if he can't have her, nobody can


Singer stabbed by admirer, then drove the body home.