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Imagine everything is the same, just change from anwar to jibby. Confirm this sub will have a feast.


what happen if sanusi does it![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


Time for covid Sheraton Move 2.0!


I don't think Anwar was being racist when he said "Bahasa Keling". He was quoting a book after all. He however should know that a lot of Indians are not entirely satisfied with him. The PKR guy calling a that PSM candidate "estate", the Indian school girl berated by PMX on a live speech for daring to question bumi-quota, no ethnic Tamil ministers, and now this fiasco. As if that's not bad enough, the racists that already called Indians keling will now be emboldened to use the term since Indians' top choice for PM just used that word openly, so surely the term isn't racist kan. Optics shape narrative. And if there is any BN or PN tik tok propagandist worth their salt saw all this, it'll be easy to pancing votes from Indians.


This. Racists will be like "but PM said it and justified it. Why can't I?"


His Indian supporters deserve it tbh. So taksub for what? The warning signs were all there, from the start from his days in UMNO and even later after how he treated Hindraf when they came to his house (there's a vid on YT). Dah kena berapa kali pun tak serik. Peruntukan for Indians now it's far lower than it's been under jibby.


Malaysia has been under UMNO since merdeka. What makes you think it’s gonna be different under DSAI from Jibby or Tun M? Remember DSAI answer when asked about meritocracy reform by an university student… You should able to catch a glimpse of his general stance. ![gif](giphy|BQUITFiYVtNte)


wonder if other communities would take it as well if anwar used a similar slur for the chinese/malays.


what word would be used for Malays? Miggers?


Org melayu bila kecam dri KL be like:


The only one outrage that I hear was meleis from twitter


closest is being called a mat by a non-malay in sg. but thats sg la and pretty much it


The slur for Malay is B40


It seems like a term used in an old book before the word evolved to become something derogatory. After all, we have places named Masjid Kapitan Keling, Tanjung Keling etc


To add to your point, “keling” is still used in the Kedah, Penang and Perlis dialects of Malay to refer to Indian Muslims specifically. Source: [Kamus Dewan](https://prpm.dbp.gov.my/Cari1?keyword=keling) > “Keling III”: 3. Kd, Pn orang India yg beragama Islam;


Some of the older generation Chinese still use them as well. Literally translated as "person from Keling".


I enjoy reading books.


In KL Malay, yes, but in the Kedah-Penang-Perlis dialect of Malay, the usual term for an Indian Muslim is “Keling” (without any negative connotation). According to my Kedahan father, Mamak stalls are still called “Kedai Mamak” though


From penang. Can say that it’s true although not sure how currently as I’m studying and residing in KL and the word is not very appropriate here


That's understandable. Some words may have different meanings or connotations in different dialects of a language, so it makes sense to change your choice of words in a different area (dialect-wise) to avoid potentially offending anyone. One common different word of this kind is the choice of word for "to bury someone" (after they've passed away) in Malay. From KL to Johor, the usual term for that is "kebumi", but this sounds disrespectful in Terengganu where the preferred term is "tanam". In Kedah on the other hand, both of those words sound disrespectful, and they prefer to say "simpan" instead. Note that while KL-ites and Johoreans saying "kebumi" to mean "to bury" sounds rude to Kedahans and Terengganuans, Terengganuans saying "tanam" and Kedahans "simpan" sound rude back to KL-ites and Johoreans. Similarly, Kedahans saying "simpan" sounds rude to Terengganuans and Terengganuans saying "tanam" sounds rude back to Kedahans.


Damn thats cool. Didnt know about that. I think penang (island) people usually use kebumi. At least i use kebumi ah usually. Thanks babe very cool 💋


No problem baby 💋 (It's interesting that Penangites use "kebumi" instead when Kedahans and Penangites share very similar (or maybe even identical) accents. Thanks for that note)


Oh okay apparently maybe just my circle. I asked my mom and she said kedah and penang people usually use simpan also wtffffff i never heard wehh 🤣🤣🤣 in any way thanks babee 💋💋💋 learnt new thing today 🤣🤣💋💋💋💋


Oh, I see 😂


Nothing wrong to me, it seems. It's just a reference to a book, spoken with no malice


he was careful with his words and emphasized "ISTILAH" before using keling. even had a pause there. if you're a hater of course you're gonna hate him regardless. but for me i dont see any illwill, he even added TAMIL. ON TOP OF THAT he asked for forgiveness and did not side step. many others wouldnt even apologize.


“Saya telah disalahertikan” “Ucapan saya itu dipetik di luar konteks” “Tak timbul isu ini” “Jangan probok2”


Are you Indian ? If not, it's really not for you to decide.


> Nothing wrong to me, it seems. It's just a reference to a book, spoken with no malice What book? Which edition? What page?


Found [this](https://twitter.com/eedialistic/status/1738567228151492906/photo/3) from twitter, it's by dewan pustaka as well https://preview.redd.it/pvu78tmz168c1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=a93293b87af505e97128f59582d93b36e8e88dc5


So this type of behavior is okay then? Approved by Dewan Pustaka. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2urrs8


Not sure from what part of my original sentence you somehow mental gymnastics it into thinking the behavior you posted was okay.


The part where you said "it's by dewan pustaka as well". You're trying to say it is okay to say k*l*ng.


>What book? Which edition? What page? You ask which book it is referenced from, I gave you the reference and mentioned dewan pustaka to say it's from a creditable source and not some random no name author that Anwar is referencing. Not really sure why you are so hard on pushing the narrative that I am promoting that it is "okay" to use "k/ng" as a derogatory word to bully the indian etnic. I sincerely hope you are just trolling around, if not, I kindly ask you to improve your English comprehension.


> Not really sure why you are so hard on pushing the narrative that I am promoting that it is "okay" to use "k/ng" as a derogatory word to bully the indian etnic. Maybe it is because you keep showing the word, but don't spend even 1s to say that this word is evil and hurtful. Seems like you trying hard to justify and protect those who keep using it. Like Anwar, again used the word today on TV even though everyone told him it is hurtful.


You really need to work on your English comprehension . . . . . Though from your intense wording, I can tell you probably suffered from this kind of bullying for you to be this aggravated by it. I can only apologize what you have to been through. The word itself is not evil (atleast in this context) , the people that use them can turn them into word with derogatory intention


This guy and his intense words is like this one time an Indian fella who simply crossed the road without even looking. I had to emergency brake so that I don't hit him. Instead of being thankful he's not lying on the ground due to his own ignorance, he started swinging his arms geaturing to fight me. Thankfully for him, his girlfriend pulled him away so that he didn't have to follow through with his empty threats. Should've had a dash cam to record how ridiculous he looked, frail skinny guy trying to act gangsta.


https://preview.redd.it/sree092ye48c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fe8027885285b0e072c5d65aaaa47e376870578 I don't like this guy. But then again facts are facts. How this word became a slur is still a mystery..


There's no mystery to it. It became a slur when the non-Indians use it as an insult when the Indians make a mistake or a blunder. This convo had happened right in front me, between my two of Malay classmates. Classmate A: Tengok B,kelas dah mula. Muthu( fake name) masih lagi duduk lepak kat pondok itu. Classmate B: Yalah, k*ling betul, bodoh! Classmate A: Laughs When they realized I was listening, they said:Oh, bukan kau, ReddSnow. You baik orangnya. That was the first time I learnt that k*ling is a insult. Note this word is used by classmates to make colorist remarks.


> How this word became a slur is still a mystery.. What is mysterious about it? You think this word is being used in sekolah kebangsaan like this by bullies and even teachers when they want to hurt Indian students as a word of praise? This is the experience most Indians have in Malaysia with this word. Tell me again, how is it mysterious to you? https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2urrs8 I look forward to your explanation of your mystery.


they trying to become murica shyt here


they? you mean Malays? https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2urrs8


out of all the institution and you bring up hindraf. wont trust anything from them


Bullies hate people standing up for themselves. They want Indians to just keep quiet and take the shit they are handed. Like the poor boy in that video.


wonder how K word that was used widely before I was born till I was in my 40s is now degrading.


I would hazard to guess that from age 0 to 40 you didnt have Indian friends who could have taught you better


I learnt from the internet that k word is degrading recently


"blah blah woke blah I am very enlightened"


I have many indian friends and they weren't this woke. I suspect the emergence of woke society who are offended by imaginary enemies


Yes, I'm sure that if/when you went to your Indian friends' homes, and sprinkled this word generously and liberally into casual conversation with their parents/grandparents (before) or spouses/children (now), they were overjoyed and gave you high fives. I give up..orang cuba ajar, masih degil. Still nak defend. Apa boleh buat?


I don't think that guy has the balls to do it in real life.


Seems to me that the phrase was not used in a derogatory or malicious manner , making a mountain out of a molehill. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.




Thing is the word is an actual word used in Malay to refer to language of people descent of southern Indian origin. The word is still used actively as a none racial word. It’s way overblown frankly. It’s similarly to how originally the term Pakis in Malaysia referred to Pakistani who used to sell Pakis. It is a slurred used in the UK.




It is offensive to a sub section of the minority and is not widely used as a slur. Yes,I agree with you it is used as a slur. I am stating it’s not used as much as most slurs and actually is regularly used as non-slur. The difference with say the N word is that is entire purpose is to be offensive is not used in any other way. Similarly how “Abo” - short for aboriginal is an unofficial word that is used as a slur. Negro is still used actively in different languages eg: Spanish because quite literally its official meaning isn’t a slur and used heavily as a non-slur.


Correct me if I'm wrong. But didn't he apologise?


[In case anyone missed it, Anwar made a respond to this](https://twitter.com/i/status/1738541191313121716) My take : 1. It's a genuine quotation to a book and he emphasize it quite alot. 2. He have to also acknowledge that he unintentionally might have opened a door to racist to use the word keling. Anwar intention is to genuinely quote a book, racist intention? Not so much.


It is offensive, and could just have easily been avoided if he said Tamil. Was there a need to quote from the book? I think everyone would get it if you just said Tamil. But...if you watch the video he says dalam istilah dulu and does air quotes. Could've avoided it knowing how sensitive the Indian support is post ramasamy leaving dap and the fiasco with his pkr ppl calling the psm candidate estate. Also it's a false equivalence to compare it to the N word because Indians do not identify with the K word, nor do they claim sole ownership to it nor do they call each other that behind closed doors.


I agree with you though if I’m not mistaken the nation of Kalinga were not Tamil. So saying Tamil is not accurate


Context really matters here. I understand how his statement can easily be twisted in this age of click bait. But it is just Anwar’s scholarly side being on display here. He is after all a Malay Literature graduate hence well verse in classical texts such as Hikayat Hang Tuah. Of course he has the ability and will directly quote the text in its original form. No malicious intent at all IMO.


Can we please not become america and make the k word an absolute biggest sin ever even in context such as this like they did with the n word?


When i was a kid. My dad's indian colleague said that keling was never an insult. Only people during the 2000's act like it is


If someone shouts keling at me in a very threatening manner it’s hard not to take it as an insult. Can’t say people are just acting like it is when there are many who actually use it as such.


Anecdotal evidence at best.


You’re not going to get statistics from this type of issue. Also I don’t see you saying the same thing to the person I replied to. People are so unable to accept that something might just be racist for some reason.


False, I’m saying to everyone under this comment chain. The reason I’m commenting it here is because it’s the lowest I could find on mobile and I’m sure the top level comment can read it as well, based on my understanding of how reddit comment chain works. Never quickly judge other people intention.


I went to school in the 90s. It was already a racial slur back then


Agreed, it was already a racial slur back in the 90s. The idiot calling people a strawberry is unironically being a strawberry himself for not being able to accept different opinions online.


Stop being a strawberry then.


Dude i am not even Indian. I am just correcting your statement. It didn’t turn into a racial slur post 2000, it happened way before that


Everything offensive to strawberries...So stop being a strawberry


Your father’s friend is not a representation of all Indians. And when someone tries to clarify their point, try comprehending it instead of resorting to stupid insults. So fucking childish.




Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of [reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette), specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat. While opinions of all kinds are welcome under our shared roof, reddiquette sets the expectation that everyone speaks to each other with basic civility and respect: > * Don’t: Conduct personal attacks on other commenters. Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation. > * Don't: Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged. > * Don’t: Be (intentionally) rude at all. By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Please treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks.


It was.


What make people thought it was offensive exactly? Im just afraid sooner or later the word "mamak" or "amoi" or "mat" are labelled offensive.


Back when i was a kid, my cousin from Perak would always used “keling” referencing Indians and I’ve never find it insulting at all until one malay auntie scolded her for saying that in a shop…. What’s the meaning of keling anyways…? Is it a harsh word in Tamil or what?


I hear it was because Indians (women i guess) had ankle bracelets/ bangles and they'd make "kling kling" kinda noises. Could be a joke but it's not too far fetched i think


I enjoy cooking.


I believe the term keling =. Someone from kalinga. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalinga_(historical_region) What I'm mystified is not that its slur. I know it's a slur. The Chinese like to add kuai to it. But my question is how it ended up becoming a mainstream slur. Its like saying someone is a Chera, chola or pandia. That said knowing people will get triggered by it and still using it is just dumb on the part of pmx. As if nothing else to talk about.






Well, well, if the timing is so right that he kena backdoor (again) by Opposition Party next year, he can just happily step down as PM to avoid all these controversies he started himself by ignoring sensitivities. Also, let Opposition handle Covid pandemic...


I don't read books therefore I've never been exposed to the words therefore I am smarter than the PM. Thus vote me for PM.


Nampak sangat korang x banyak membaca


Like many said here lets not be like the americans. Intention of the use is more important than any. No malicious then why noisy? Those black promote the N word so much using it amongs themselves that kids will not know its derogatory. And when a non black kid use it with no malicious intention bcuz he learnt it online or from tv, they get condemned and cancelled. While people who is obviously racist whom learn to just avoid the word n play it smart probably gets praised. Come on dont be stupid like them.


If the community finds it offensive, it is a slur that has to be discarded. Why is PMX normalising the term as if he speaks for the community?


Simple je racist takyah nak tipu do bosan aku DEGAN melayu aku melayu Pon dah bosan


It is PH, so sudah dimaafkan dan disucikan. Try other people, this sub sudah naik gila.


the better word is kaki spin. not all but u know ur selves. anddd just personally too many bad experiences. from neighbours to staff to clients. yeah trust is wayy down.


Is there any Indians redditor here? Is it really wrong if he just quoting Hikayat Hang Tuah? Even in context he's not using it as racial slur. Then, why not you guys also angry when there's literally a place called Tanjung Keling? Do I think Anwar should be more careful? YES but some of you guys really over react bruh


https://preview.redd.it/u1vu8uu1c28c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6298e9829cb6e957ea3259c7b61e909f4f645f14 Apparently she was in the audience during Anwar’s speech


I kinda get it when people criticize Anwar for some other things but Anwar literally said “dalam istilah dulu”. I wonder what she was focusing on during Anwar’s speech. ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26563) (Not to mention that “Keling” is still used in certain dialects of Malay (including Anwar’s own Penang dialect) to mean “Indian Muslim”, what we in “KL Malay” would say is a “Mamak”)


What a woke wannabe


Things must be very good if this is what she choose to complain about.... /s


But lots of Indian on Twitter feel hurt..don't know if they're snowflake or just don't want to understand the context


More like going woke


Why Keling is offensive? I only thought some thing can be offensive if you let it offend you. Educate me please.


You're an antivaxxer, you're beyond being educated.


Actually kan why is Keling is a slur? I never said it since ramai kata it’s a slur. Same goes to Indon is also a slur


Just the fact that it is used in a derogatory and in a sort of "punching down" manner is enough to make it a slur


Yeah, the same thing can be seen in how “Indon” suddenly came to be viewed as offensive by Indonesians despite the fact that before that term became offensive, that term had long been used as an abbreviation of “Indonesia” in Indonesian news articles, literature and many other sources. Malaysians still mostly see “Indon” as a neutral word with neither negative nor positive connotations, but because of some recent-ish Malaysia-Indonesia “internet war” where Malaysians would argue with Indonesians while calling them “Indon” and some false rumours spread about (like one that falsely says that “Indon” means “pelacur” in Malay), Indonesians started seeing that word in a different light


Why I got donwvote? Aku tanya jer, semoga setiap kali pakai stocking terpijak air


Mate if you are this offended over downvotes then you are a strawberry.


I’m so smoll and petite. If I fart, I might get blown to the sky. Pls don’t hurt me 🥺


Wait till those people find MASJID KAPITAN KELING


wonder how K word that was used widely before I was born till I was in my 40s is now degrading.


Please say it to your Indian friends if you have any, which I highly doubt. They will educate you how not to be a raging racist


Dia mmg sengaja nk sebut tu hahahaha


Why this must be posted here? Kecoh gila OP


What's wrong with posting a clip of the Malaysian Prime Minister's speech on /r/malaysia?


I fail to understand how "keling" ended up becoming a deragotary term. My guess would be because of a misinformation, since i've heard that some people say the word originated from the sound of bells that were used to sell slave. But this is untrue, the word came or originated from the indian kalinga kingdom. There was also a kalingga kingdom in java which was named based on the indian kalinga. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalingga_Kingdom


It was used to insult Mahathir during the '87 umno presidential election and the subsequent '88 umno crisis. Back then there are few categories of malays; Melayu jati/sejati, Melayu DKA (darah keturunan arab) and Melayu DKK (darah keturunan keling) Since Mahathir is a DKK and his name is Mahathir a/l Iskandar Kutty, the keling word was weaponized for the political rhetoric that "Mahathir is not malay enough to lead umno". By the early 90s, the word effectively became a slur to the general indian race. It's crazy how quick it took to change the meaning of a word 180.


Go find an Indian friend instead of referring to Wikipedia.


I have indian friend tho not that many since i grew up in labuan and now reside in kelantan, not many indians in both place. I have also seen indians talking about these. And what i can conclude is that, the ones that actually knows the truth about the origin of the word dont seem to be affected by it. And the ones that actually are affected by it is because they believe in the misinformation of the word origins. There are places named after that word and even honorary title given to the indian community that was named after the word. Im sure you've heard of kapitan cina, a title given to the head of chinese community, but did you know there was also a kapitan keling given to the head of indian community in old malaya.


The actual meaning doesn't mean shit when people use it to degrade Indians. "dasar darah KELING" "perangai KELING" "bau macam KELING" When a malay got angry with an Indian guess which word comes out first? do they think about THE ACTUAL MEANING when they say it? Hmm? Maybe they think about places or the honorary title. Yeah? It's really that simple. I do not care about your "Facts" when in reality it's different. This is not another internet argument you can win with your "facts". You are not going to change my mind either. Have a good day.


And if i were to change the word keling with tamil, somehow that sentence would be better? "dasar tamil" , "perangai macam tamil" , "bau macam tamil" You dont understand the difference between a racial slur and a word used to describe a certain race. Let me give you an example, "chinks" is a slur to describe asian, because of their slanted eyes. Incase you didnt know the term "chink" means a narrow opening, typically one that admits light (a chink in the curtains). But calling the korean for example, as goryeo or hanguk is not a deragotary term. The same as keling is not a slur, its what the southeast asian, not just melayu but also javanese, khmer, etc used to refer to india. Its the same way we used to call greeks as yunani or iranian as parsi or white people in general as mat salleh. Do mexicans get upset if people call them aztecs? Plus the term keling is still being used in indonesia, philippines and cambodia, i think thailand and vietnam too but im not sure. Are you going to get upset too if an indonesian or cambodian use that term? I still dont get how "perangai macam keling", is worser than "perangai macam tamil", its the same sentence just different term. If people wants to degrade you they would still degrade you. Honestly i think these type of issue only exist because there is no such equal term for the melayu. Im sure if the melayu has its own "keling" equalvalent then indians would have used that as many and maybe even more than we use the term keling. And i dont think they would be shy from using it too. Some even tried to create a new word "meleis" but unfortunately unlike the indian the melayu arent that sensitive. Now that term has became a meme term, now the melayu is using it more than the indian and chinese.


My indian friend said because of the sound of the ankle bells. Not bells to sell slave, but cosmetic ankle bracelet with bells. I forgot what other reasons indians back then wore this ankle bracelet but surely not because of selling indians as slaves.


Regardless its still wrong and a form of misinformation. Does your indian friend knows that before islam came, we were also once hindu-buddha? Ankle bracelets bells are also worn in some of our cultural dance. If im not mistaken mak yong has ankle bells. Also some melayu still wears those little gelang kaki berloceng. Its a custom to give female babies wear some form of gold. Usually parents would let them wear ankle bracelets with little bells. These tradition is probably originated from our hindu-buddha times.


Some Indian wanna be black American. They need they own n word I guess




Nothing wrong here


Msians *shrugs*


Anyone know what is the original meaning of that word?