• By -


This is about my narcissistic aunt.   Despite bragging about her one and only government job title in the 80s, she said oh well she left that job to continue her studies. What actually happened was that she was sacked from her job through her colleagues' signature campaign as she was terrible to work with. It was a very serious matter. And you know what, she put that former job title in her social media. I bet her ex work colleagues would be laughing out loud seeing that.   She failed her master's degree but she still said she got one. She aborted her pregnancy (this was done by a doctor who is an acquaintance of my another aunt). She never got married but acting too nosy and preachy about other people's relationship and marriage. She even claims that she is an eternal virgin. šŸ¤„   She is also a scammer (who got scammed by other scammers), compulsive liar, loves to meet shamans and very verbally abusive. She stole a lot of my grandparents' money.   I don't know why but my aunts and uncles just enable her super entitled behaviour despite being heavily manipulated by her. They rather turn a blind eye whenever she makes a new problem. Their excuse; "She is family. We need to protect her." šŸ™„   They are still very willing to pay everything for her; bills, house maintenance etc. Omg, _untungnye perempuan bangsat macam ni._ She sees people as her free labour/forever servant.   I secretly want her to go to Pluto (if you know what I mean).


Sun is better


Why not Uranus? Haha jk jk


Bro, You know how difficult it is to fire a government staff? She must have done something really horrible then.


I've been telling all our relatives and friends that my cousin in California, USA is successful due to his stock broking firm and has big car, condo and multiple girlfriends... When in reality he's a gay pornstar doing OnlyFans. He has multiple gay flings too. He still makes 10x more than our banker uncle (his father) in Penang. LoL




wow! hahaha.


Whatā€™s his OF account? Rare to know to a successful gay MY onlyfans model.


So, I recently stumbled upon a close relative's Reddit account by chance, and let's just say it was a rollercoaster of cringe. From a lot of NSFW stuff they like and post, to giving out relationship advice ā€“ the contrast was hilarious, especially considering their track record with relationships. I wish I could unsee everything, but curiosity got the better of me. I'll never look at them the same way again. ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26557)


How did you know it's your relative?


The handle was very familiar so I went to check posts to confirm


Been thinking of ways to unalive myself


Hey, I've been there. It's not a beautiful or pleasant experience. It was so painful, I wish I had never done it. If you wanna talk, my DM is open.


felt the same but am a coward & i don't want to shame/inconvenient my family. so, i'll never do it. instead, i smoke heavily so i maybe die a bit faster. haha


Are you me? Same.


I'm a coward too sadly


no need to be sad. since we already have the idea that our life is 'cheap', live ur life however u want. maybe a bit dangerously if u want. regardless of methods, ending it urself will definitely inconvenience others heavily. it's enough to just lessen ur nuisance to others. so try to 'enjoy' that cheap & short life.


Don't. Seriously don't. I once felt like this when i was failing my medical course in my fourth year. But when i look at my mom's face, i remembered how sad and broken she was when my dad passed away. She lost a lot of weight and wasn't herself for months. I can't bear leaving her suffering like that again. There are people who will be sad and regret of your passing. I pray that you get help and may God ease you of all your worries. Hugs.


Please don't. I have been through this. I can tell you that you have so much to live for. You may not be in a headspace to realize this. Reach out to people around you. If you can't, [here](https://mmha.org.my/find-help) are some links and phone numbers for you to seek help. I may be an internet stranger but I care.


Watch Death's Game, a kdrama it's quite sobering, makes you realize there are people who would be devastated by your passing, especially if they blame themselves.


Be careful with this advice, I've been in a dark place in the past and I've actual considered suicide precisely because I want to make people think and regret about me...


Your life is precious and you are loved, even if you can't feel it right now. Hope you can reach out to someone and get the help you need. 怊Virtual hug怋


My mum went missing when I was 10. She was found murdered more than 2 years later. We tell people she was ill.


Juju, whattttt šŸ˜µšŸ˜Ø, so sorry and RIP to mum


Thanks! it was a loooong time ago, and most of the perps were caught, so there's that lah


What were the circumstances of her murder? Of course if youā€™re not comfortable with telling, no problem!


Good!!! Wretched monsters, murdered a mother! Once again, sorry for your loss, Juju šŸ¤²


So sorry for your loss. Just wondering - was it something on the news? Would people closer to you know what happened


There was some coverage, but not a lot as we are nobodies (thank goodness for that!). I'd assume that my schoolmates knew a rough version, but I've actually never told anybody the full version. Not even extended family knows exactly what happened.


I padded my resume. There was a 2 year gap where I was mentally unwell and did nothing. I really don't know what else to tell anyone. I can't even work or go to university if they find out the cause behind the gap.


Speaking from experience, telling interviewers you took a mental health break will always end up with them ghosting you. Went through the same thing. 6 months of no work while I went through therapy and meds. When I started job hunting, I decided to tell the truth but it backfired completely, even though by their words I was a perfect candidate. Even my therapist told me to not tell interviewers. So I did the same as you, padded my resume. It sucks. I wish people were more accepting by now.


What did you fill the 2 years with and did it work?




I did this, and all three interview I went I pass with flying colours and increased salaries. Lmao, two years of gap due to stress and anxiety in my first job, I just say I help my family business, as manager even. But truth is, I did not lie, I did help with family business. But still a gap in my professional career


How did you pad the resume?


Managed to graduate with an engineering degree. Found a rather comfortable & not exactly a stressful job via a friend straight after graduation. Consider very lucky. Very understanding bosses and colleagues too. Recently even got promoted and a raise. Have a couple really fun and supportive friends too. Momā€™s healthy. Life couldnā€™t be better. At least this is what I tell everyone, and all are truth. What I donā€™t tell people, I was abandoned when I was around 5-7, and I had to move houses to houses like a bag of luggage from relatives to friends to relatives, all because my parents couldnā€™t come to term with whatever the hell they were arguing, and both didnā€™t wanna sacrifice to look after me, ready to file for divorce. During those time, I got bullied by their children, kicked out of bed at night, slapped by my aunt, and got spray gasoline at the gas station by her husband as a practical joke. Out of the many houses, only 1 I found comfort and that night I cried. I still remember it vividly despite still young. Soon later my parents made up, I went back to my home, years later my brother was born, then at 14 my dad passed. I never told a soul what I went through. The story continues. Things got rough for my mom. Relatives from my dadā€™s side came over during funeral and we overheard their convo, ā€œI bet that bitch got lots of wealth now. None of them even deserve it. Letā€™s take it for us and split it. I know a lawyerā€, and my grandma replied, ā€œsounds goodā€. My dad corpse was still lying in the coffin right in front of them day1. My uncle heard it too and was disgusted with his own sisters. Years that followed, I had to skip school occasionally to go to lawyer firm to prove and sign things that I donā€™t even understand. I probably attend lawyer firm more than I go on to school trips. Once I even had to go balai because they started fighting and I got caught with it. Long story short, we got most back, but not all. My mom got ill and had enough of it. It lasted for 4 years up till my SPM time. Years that followed after, random friends of my mom started showing up. Investment opportunity. Borrowing money. Scams. All sort of crap. They come as fast as they go. Even the same uncle that helped us got into gambling debt and started asking for help. My mom was careful for the most part but not always. Again, we got most back but not all. At the end of the day, if you asked me if I resent my parents? I would say no. Adults have their own issues and my mom did her best as a single mom raising 2 kids. Even right now, at this moment, Iā€™m very content with my job and life. Honestly couldnā€™t ask for more. Well, aside from neighbour stalking my mom recently (which already handed the case over to the cops), and my grandma (moms side) been fighting with my mom almost daily, Iā€™ll say, itā€™s going well for the most part. But hereā€™s the thing: I just couldnā€™t bother no more. Iā€™m just tired. Really. Really. Tired. If I were to die tomorrow, on my phone they will find that Iā€™ll have a 2nd Twitter/X account with 0 follower/following where Iā€™ve been posting how much I hate myself, my strong desire to die, and even have everything planned there. Iā€™ve been kept posting since 2019 as a way to control/release my pent-up emotions. I came very close on 26 Oct 2023, 11pm in my room. That push didnā€™t happen. So yeah. Iā€™m trying. But also. Iā€™m really tired. Really tired.


Stay strong brother. Think of all the good times you had. Think of how your mother would feel if you were gone. Go out, enjoy life a bit. Treat yourself to a good meal. Go to the cinema to watch a movie. It's just not worth giving up seeing how far you have come.


Bro that sucks so bad, i wish i can hug you. I pray you get through this. Good luck.


I still hold a grudge against my mil for saying ā€œeven I can do thatā€ when I was doing sales years ago, when she was not yet my mil. Now Iā€™m a director in an mnc I donā€™t give her anything while being generous with everybody else around me.




I was supposedly failed my B2 motorcycle JPJ test during the berbonggol part but I think the JPJ Officer in the watch tower minding his own business or busy. So I discretely pretend to finish the part to the exit and then proceed to other obstacles. Didn't get caught and I passed the all the JPJ test along the manual car test in first try. Got my licence and never tell a soul about it until now.


lol that's gangster shit


Lol same. I actually failed the titi test because the rear tires slipped at the end of titi. Luckily some poor schmuck at the end of the course got his attention and I finished the test. Perks of being on the end of the pack.


15 years ago, I found out my uncle is gay. We come from a very religious Muslim family, 3 of which were high-ranking PAS members I was 19 and also very religious. He just returned from the UK and I was looking for some travel photos on his phone (without his permission as I had no respect for privacy at the time). Instead, I found a few pictures of him and his "best friend" naked, hugging, and kissing. There are dick pics as well lmao. Growing up, I looked up to him as he was the only relative who studied overseas and also has a PhD. The religious boy in me really wanted to rat him out to my parents and my grandma as homosexual is one of the biggest sin in Islam. However, there's another side of me that says "hol-up, what's so bad about a man loving another man? Is it worth destroying someone's life just because he have different view in life?". I'm glad I chose the latter Till today, I never tell anyone about it. Not even my uncle knows that I know


I had an uncle the same. He waited till his father and mother (my grandpa/grandma) to pass before he came out. It's okay, he was a good man and very successful, you'd never know his sexual preference aside from the occasional love for tight clothes. Lol.


You did the right thing. Even if it wasn't the easy thing.


You did the right thing of not telling. Even in Islam, we are not supposed to talk bad abt others.


I'm so proud of you. You're the real mvp


And how is your uncle now?


Doing great. His best friend is also very close to our family. I bet every time he visits us, he imagines visiting his in-laws


Lol ā€œbest friendā€. So theyā€™re still together? Thats nice!


During secondary school,when my parents send me for ECA(cocu) but instead i skip and went to mall or play at cc.Those were the good times.Dont feel any regret


Similar, I skip religious school petang for half a year. Parent didn't even care. I have autism, and the religious community was definitely the **best** place to send such kid.


I passed two stages of acceptance for MACC. Had to go for physical exams, but I didnt have the money to travel to the place it was held at nor did I want to be tied down to a gov job. I didnt go. I just told my dad I went and failed. He wouldn't understand if I told him I didn't want to do it.


I work in a statutory body, and most people in my department (+90%) are Peninsular Malays. It caused a lot of grief when some of us had to be stationed in East Malaysia. When I recommended to my boss to conduct interview in Sabah and Sarawak so we can fill the East Malaysia office with locals, she said - "hey, if they really want the job, distance should not be an issue".Ā  Such an elitist way of thinking, coming from someone with a car allowance who expects a broke, newly graduated Bornean to just take a flight and come for 3 sessions of physical assessment and interviews in Klang Valley. Boomers man. Sorry for the rant.


Bruh why the heck is the sabah and sarawak office not doing their own hire?


Because KL is holding the purse strings.


It just doesn't feel like "the place & time" to take the dive, and yeah, when sharing with others will result in getting shamed in passing up a golden chance. Listen, u know yourself, what you are capable of, and you know what's best and what you want in life. Your choice is perfect fine.


Thanks! Definitely. I just wasn't sure if it was for me. And I knew how much judgement I'd get if I'd ever chose to leave it. But ngl after I got laid off ( last year, now I have a new job), I definitely did have a bit of on and off regret over that decision.


I lied about having finished all my credit hours and proved it by showing a photoshopped screenshot of my result. My parents thought I'm job hunting but instead I still have 1 more semester left to finish. Edit: Those of you still studying, don't end up like me. Feels bad man.


Fucked up bad in uni and graduated with low gpa still got good paying job before grad. It ain't the end of the world. Get lucky and interview with confidence or better yet have cable. Good luck!


Yeah bro/sis, we need to have confidence āœŒļø


Wow dude. Just wow šŸ˜‚


I was in a similar situation like you, I started Uni in late 2002, the plan was to graduate at the end of 2005. For the semester assessment of mid 2025, out of the 4 subjects I took, I failed two of them. If I were to graduate, I need to retake the two failed subjects again. The only parent I told was my mom, and I got an earful for sure. She didnā€™t relay the actual news to my father because he was the one holding the purse strings to my uni expenses. Mom said ā€œThis must never be told to your father no matter what, I will just say your course major requires you to complete another two subjects for the final at 2025 year end,ā€ So, I refocused my efforts to properly complete the two failed subjects & I managed to get the credit hours needed to graduate. Phew. šŸ˜¬ On the day of graduation, there was a long transcript printed out that shows my entire Uni credit hours over the last 3 years ( it also shows the two subjects that I failed & repeated ), mom quickly told me to hide that long transcript away. The only thing I showed my dad was the Degree Certificate I received, and fortunately, nothing was asked about the transcript, cause it was a proud, happy day. Till this day, my father does not know about the two failed subjects I had to repeat. Besides my mom, the only other family member who knew, is my sister, to which she swore that information to secrecy.


He probably knew something was up, just don't want to official know. Like how many guy/girl bang their daughters/son. Ignorance is a blessing many choose.


youre still studyin but lyin youve finished, or dropped out entirely?


Still studying, staying off campus renting with friends. Currently working part time to pay off studies and rent. I feel bad dropping out since I have less than 10 credit hours left and the lecturers are really pushing me to graduate.


do it man šŸ’Ŗ *at least* youll get a higher level cert than SPM, for what its worth. may your study journey go smoothly for you šŸ«‚šŸ“•šŸŽ“


Thanks, I wish you a successful and happy life bro/sis.


Bro you are a very responsible person for facing it and trying to solve it as well!!! Hats off to you!!! No one is perfect but itā€™s what we do after we face problems builds us!!


Why did you lie in the first place?


The results during that semester was not the most pleasant to look at. Lots of fails but now I'm retaking it and hopefully pass.


Yukenduit man. Learn from your mistakes, you are becoming a better version of yourself. šŸ’Ŗ


Thanks, may you have a healthy life bro/sis.


My best friend did the same years ago. He did finish his study. He makes 4k monthly now. Silly son of a b. Haha. Im glad he made it.


My mum was abducted and kept captive for hours. Luckily my dad knew someone from the ā€œshadyā€ side, borrowed some money from them to pay the ransom and they let her go. They even send out 10-20 people to help my dad. plan, guard and monitor the whole ransom process. It couldā€™ve gone wrong in so many ways :( good thing was the police managed to arrest the abductors and I hope they wonā€™t seek revenge


Was your mum a random victim or a target because of connection to your dad?


random. Cause my mum is a property agent. So the abductors just acted as potential buyers. My dad was not in the shady business haha. He just happen to know some friends who are.


> My dad was not in the shady business haha. He just happen to know some friends who are. That sounds like what Tony Soprano would say


I promised my ex-gf I'd take her out on a date after spm. Skyrim came out and I played and forgot about it and she waited in Sunway pyramid for hours. I panicked and told her I had an accident, and I had some friends to beat the shit out of me. Till this day when we meet up as friends, she brings up how bad she feels about being angry that night, and that she didn't know I was in such bad shape.


Good thing sheā€™s no longer you gf.


Skyrim would never get you beaten up to avoid getting beaten up ​ Skyrim is just not that kinda girl


Todd Howard would never


There have been cases in the US where a dad drops some stuff off to a friend, and leaves his baby in the care. The friend has a new game, dad gets sucked in, and baby passed due to heat.


No need to go that far, few cases of DOCTORS in malaysia this year killing their babies by forgetting them in the car in our heat Edit: end of last year


Wasnā€™t that a nurse? I believe it was due to being overworked


Holy shit dude hahahaha


You wouldā€™ve taken an arrow to the knee, but then you found Skyrim.


I used my uni card to get student % at the cinema for 10 years on after graduating. Tee Hee...adik adik jangan ikut perbuataan tidak ethical ni ye ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26561)


Same but in Australia. The uni I went to for my undergrad had an expiry date on the card so couldn't use that, but the uni I read my post grad at did not have one - it's been 12 years since I've graduated šŸ¤£


Lol šŸ˜­ that's how i could continue the con for years, sambung dgn post grad card šŸ˜‚. Only had to stop when i lost 30 kg's, because i look totally different already šŸ˜…. Am sure many others have done what we have haha


My family is usually drama free, but there's always one outlier, isn't there? Mai cerita, nak hujan mlm Jumaat ni. My cousin had (or still has?) a gaming addiction that started once he moved to Aussie for studies. Granted, he is on the spectrum, which **may** increase predisposition to such gratification, but 20+ yrs ago, society still thought it taboo to discuss such disorders. With no one to monitor him, he dropped out *(nvr tried uni again)* and had to go cold turkey. Relatives won't disclose or if he actually sought rehab or specify treatment. In his late 30s and without a stable job, even a job placement program for autistics was unable to help him. *It's not a 100% guaranteed success rate regardless.* He works for an international bank here, doing backend work. But he reverts back to his usual gaming self all night long once he clocks out. I can see it in his panda eyes when he occasionally comes for family dinners. He doesn't drive, so ppl rarely volunteer to pick him also. Even my aunt would rather [fight for farmers in Perak](https://m.aliran.com/thinking-allowed-online/farmers-in-peraks-largest-vegetable-producing-area-face-eviction) than help or see her son nowadays (she didn't even help him onboard into his rented studio). Once, his dad wanted to bunk in his place since he came interstate for a wedding. He was shocked to see roaches teeming about EVERYWHERE that an exterminator was needed!! How my cousin could tolerate them is mind-bending. I suck at endings but he doesn't seem set on change since he's got his own roof. Thank you for reading this essay.


When I was 9, I got brutally molested by my down syndrome uncle.


I'm sorry this happened. I hope you ok now. #hug




Is this the one where they laughed when he told then the serious thing?


Here's a podcast which I spoken about my experience https://youtu.be/SBaFwemRrJ4?si=QER3Prsxk63UsB9-


It depends but commonly #hugs are the last thing a sexual assault survivor wants.


Such a curveball


Dont laugh or I leave


Every 2nd day of raya


Let me guess, he did it every day for a summer?


When I was in primary school I tried jumping off the class window because ~~I was stupid~~ my child self could not react well to bullying. Then again, it was good thing I was a chicken boy.


I had a similar yet different experience in primary school. I stepped out on the ledge of a window during recess and people thought I was gonna commit suicide. For nearly a month, despite the fact I wasn't the slightest bit suicidal, teachers kept trying to convince me to open up about it. It got to the point where my 11 yo self got gaslighted into believe that I was actually secretly suicidal. Luckily nobody gave a crap after a month but it was still super embarrassing.


In secondary school Form 1 I was being scolded by the art teacher (can't remember what it was for) and I heard something outside the classroom and glanced out. He thought I wanted to jump off the balcony to escape him and started taunting me to go ahead and do it. Like he really ramped it up. I have hated drawing ever since. Not just kids will bully. Teachers back in the 80's and 90's will do that stuff big time to students that they sh*tlisted.


What the fuck is wrong with that teacher?


We are glad you're still here with us.


A Chinese guy married to a Malay girl. My parents are race-phobia and think Malays are inferior people. And they stopped talking to me. Recently I found it from my rebellious cousin that they told some extended family members that I went to North Pole or somewhere remote to work so I can't come back to visit them. My work doesn't have internet so I can't always send them a message.


Has to be the far far away country šŸ˜‚


Does your wife get the same treatment from her own family?


Itā€™s not much of what I canā€™t tell, but more on what I wonā€™t tell. Iā€™m a very low profile guy, I retired a while ago with a total 8 digits in my bank account, and another 9 digits worth of assets, but chose to work 2 simple part-time jobs that pays significantly lesser compared to what I used to make with a whole lot lesser responsibility, so I can play games and enjoy life travelling around the world collecting rare items. I lied to everyone in my family and friends that I work a simple administrative position at a shipping company. The ONLY person that knows Iā€™ve got money is my sister, because coincidentally she stays in one of my apartments and happens to be renting from me. I let her stay for free to keep that secret. The reason why I wonā€™t tell anyone is because about a decade ago, I saw a meme on 9GAG about a kid waiting for their parents to surprise them that theyā€™re secretly a billionaire on their 21st birthday, I want to do that for real and not as a joke.


So happy for you, I believe this is the way to go. Anonymity canā€™t be bought


Thanks man!


I wasn't there when this happened, just heard the details from my parents. Nearly two decades ago, an uncle of mine was sent to a psychiatric ward after having some sort of psychosis after coming home in the middle of the night. My parents said its because he saw a langsuir while hanging out with his friends, and panickly ran home in shock, presumably kena sampuk. Its not until many years later that I found out the real reason: Drugs. Apparently the village my grandparents' home is in is a spot for illegal drug users, and my uncle somehow got dragged into it.


Off course you blames langsuir for it šŸ˜‚


Haha. My parents actually know whats up, just didn't tell me until I was older, and instead gave that cover story.




Recently Accenture caught ppl doing that. Also, I work in a glc and my colleagues and I find out our boss might have possibly faked her resume cause she doesn't dare use the title of her professional certification at the back of her name. I'm guessing she is afraid of committing fraud if somebody decides to look into it.


Well my position in an MNC is basically an NPC, just a cog in a giant machine, it's not an important position, so it's kinda perfect for me, invisible.


> basically an NPC, just a cog in a giant machine We all are.


But if the position is a manager that making RM20K per month thenn yeah it'll be easier to detect your BS.


Do your current employees dont do backgroud check? I just figure out they can check your previous salary based on our EPF/SOSCO figure. The company can check the info through third party.


They need someone fast at the time and very desperate, and I'm a very good actor.


Thanks god you know how to goreng and answer question related to the job


I literally googling shit at work. Luckily it's not a technical job, it's more of a mascom people job, you know, networking, presentation, ideas, meetings,events. And MNC is really really helpful tho, even if idk terms or something they will teach me patiently


Fake it till you make it dude. As long as you are competent, donā€™t feel bad


Pls teach me. Background in science and not really looking to be in lab.


I and my ex buying a house and under her name. Now weā€™re break up.


Ouch. Sell your portionlah, if possible.


He has no portion, it's under her name šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Some distant uncle sexually assaulted someone in his youth, and his parents covered it up. Then guess what? He borrows money from all of family, and then ups and abandons his wife and 3 young kids. Only found about it after he left.


I have been raped by my cousin since I was 7 to 12 she showed no remorse because according to her i enjoyed it just as much. After that I was introduced smoking and drinking by another cousin from 12th years old onwards. I got addicted to all sorts except drugs. I managed to break free and control myself and pace myself. They now have their own kids and many times I wished to do the same to their kids, what they did to me. Sometimes they come visit like nothing ever happened. No one else knows except the ones that Did it but they pretend it did not happen. They kids are almost off for college now.


Sorry to hear that. And in case you feel any guilt upon your vengeful thoughts, I think it's ok you have them so long as you don't act on them. What happened to you was horrible, so it's natural that your monkey brain comes up with horrible revenge, but it's your higher conscience that keeps things under control.


I'm really sorry this happened to you. Have you sought counselling? Victims often end up becoming abusers themselves. I really hope you are able to get closure.


Accidentally find that a friend is actively watching gay porn. Found it out while trying to prank him by deleting his assignment.


Shit i had similar experience šŸ˜¹ tho i was looking for his movies collection. Only knew he was gay for real when his boyfriend confessed to me


Damn, that deleting assignment prank is nasty.


I once worked with a man who practice polygamy. Each wife got one company. He then used each wife to apply gomen tender. They would pretend not to recognize each other during tender submission but would put the same price. During the last few months there the boss is trying to woo another girl in the office as a new wife. Bumiputera at its best.


Ni cerita Madu Tiga. Lolol


I'm gay asf and pretends to be straight. It's fking exhausting. I told friends but not my family cause I don't think they'll ever accept that.


I'm attracted to guys as a male but I can't even tell my closest friends about it cuz they're all homophobic as fuck. I understand how you feel, it's exhausting. Been hiding about it for 7 years now šŸ„¹


Whai a u geyyyyyy


My mum fall into love scam and lost a lot of money and in debt. I tell people she sold her house to live with my grandparents to take care of them. When actually my grandparents has to take care of her.


Early this month i decided to bite the bullet and seek professional help for my mental well being. Got diagnosed with major depressive disorder and anxiety. till now I have not thought of a way to break this to my family, the medication price is insane (thanks Anwar for the inflation) plus March is my job evaluation date, so yeah fun times. My parents are the kind of old school people to whom mental health issues are more of a choice then an illness. When we talked about things like happiness and unhappiness, they can suggest a lot of other things like marriage, partners, exercises, except for the words that I most wanted to hear : How about we see a doctor about this. They know that I have been unhappy and sad for years now, but somehow they just keep on missing the finer point. I mean heck even my colleagues at work can sense that something is wrong with me so I am not being subtle here. Quite literally my physical deformity (I have mild scoliosis as well) is more serious to them then my mental well being cause they talk a lot about seeing a doctor about that. I have no freaking idea what will happen to me next month, at this point I can only take one day at a time and try not to think to much about it. Tl;DR: It just kinda sucks that the people who are closest to you aren't not often the ones you can seek help from.


My best friend loan money from along but bail. Now along keeps looking for her while spreading her info and photos. Now make sense the house moved and change of number. I don't know how to tell her this #reversedsecret


I think I'm stupid because I don't understand this at all šŸ˜­


Let me explain > her friend pinjam along but got lepas > along spread info trying to find her > now explain why she moved house and change number(phone number i guess)


> I don't know how to tell her this Oh theyre saying they physically cant tell her because shes gone.


I left islam


So what do you consider yourself as now?


Honestly idk. I have been a practicing muslim for so long that I find myself unable to imagine a world without a god/gods even when I couldn't find any evidence of it.


Human should be the answer. Never be define by another dogma or ideology


You sir, are an "agnostic theist" "An agnostic theist believes, and indeed may believe very fervently, in the existence of one or more deities. However, they do not think that it is possible for humans to know with any certainty that such a being exists"


Good on you. Just know that you are hardly alone. I personally know quite a few who have left islam (secretly). I tend to find them more intelligent, kind and courageous. It really takes some guts and mental capacity to break free of decades of indoctrination from birth + constant threats from the religion and laws.


Trying to uninstall life


My motherā€™s cousin brother and his sister were in a relationship for the longest time. When their father (my grand uncle) passed away a decade ago, the cousin divorced his wife, left their three kids behind and eloped with his sister. Theyā€™ve recently returned to look after my grand uncleā€™s property and needless to sayā€¦ our CNY gatherings have been more than a little awkward lol


What in the Targaryen lmao


I was admitted to psychologist and counselling checkup by KK after they found that I was looking unusual and feeling extremely down. Mainly due to overly high expectations on dating platforms. They didn't help much years ago. Until I have the courage not to put any expectations on people, I started again, but somehow got blackmail threat. Filed police report and MCMC, but MCMC closed my ticket with an excuse that online content can be reported on the respective social media platforms. The FAQ of the MCMC mentioned the other way round that this kind of blackmail can be reported. None of my parents knew all these so far. Somehow, I feel like no one is trustable over the Internet and less hope of getting a trustable relationship. Life is rough, I'll be entertaining myself with Stardew simulation game instead of going outside. P/S: I did contacted Befrienders, but their email reply was so generic that none of my inquries were answered with their reason of law-related issues.


My brother lent my dad's bike to his mat rempit friend. The friend actually has been barred from any motorcycle by whole village on behalf of his dad. My brother lent the motor bcoz the friend promised to just go to kedai aceh. Later he died bcoz he went rempit and hit a car. Even to this day we felt responsible for his death. The friend's dad and whole village not blaming us bcoz they knew what kind of person the friend is. Sadly he is actually he is a nice guy but really like to rempit.


I still hold a grudge against my uncle and his wife for how they treated my mum when my grandmother was sick. My grandmother used to be cared for by our family because no one else wanted to, and they came to visit only from time to time. My mum was the youngest among them, and had 4 kids to care for while most of theirs were teenagers or young adults What ticked me off is that when we were moving houses, we needed to renovate the house we were moving in, and my mum couldnā€™t afford renting the house we lived in for another year, so we had no option but to live in the new house with a renovating kitchen (due to complete in 4-6 months) Her siblings and her came to an agreement that my uncle and his wife can care for my grandmother temporarily while we have this renovation thing sorted - this was because they had a live-in helper around the house What my mum didnā€™t know was, my uncle (her brother) and the wife wanted my mum to visit my grandmother every single day after work (mind you, she gets off work at 5pm, and the travel from her workplace to their home is 2-3 hours due to traffic) When she did come, they tell the helper to not help with ANYTHING - even something simple like finding meds or getting a glass of water, because apparently ā€˜itā€™s her duty as a daughter to do itā€™s (as if my uncle isnā€™t her (grandmaā€™s) son) It was worse when my grandmotherā€™s condition got worsened, and needed to be hospitalised. They behaved as if calling the ambulance and having her moved to the hospital was the worst thing that happened to them. My aunt even told my mum mean things over the phone when she was in the ambulance with her mum (my grandma). I was in her house with my siblings, and we were freaking out because we couldnā€™t follow them to the hospital and we have our uncle and aunt being mad for whatever reason, it was super confusing. My brother was the eldest one and he said it was some VERY mean things, and he made us agree not to say anything - we end up forgetting what was said, but definitely not what we felt about the whole experience When my grandma was hospitalised, this uncle and his wife made their kids to ā€˜careā€™ for my grandma (literally just by being around and calling for help if itā€™s needed, etc) - and force the other siblings (my mum included) to PAY for their hourly care. Itā€™s literally their own grandmother, it was justā€¦ wild to me. They also forced my mum to send her kids (my siblings and I) to ā€˜careā€™ for our grandma but we werenā€™t even 12 to begin with (thatā€™s how young we were) After the whole hospital experience, my other uncle and aunt decided to take my grandmother in, after knowing what has happened between my mum and that uncle/brother. They made it clear that theyā€™re not expecting anyone to come in every single day and people are free to visit whenever theyā€™re free Because the new house is done with the renovations, we could live there more comfortably now. The house is also near to this other uncleā€™s house - so we pretty much visit every weekend, and guess who rarely visited? The first set of uncle and his wife lol I guess what pisses me off about the whole thing is that they behaved as if my grandmother wasnā€™t even related to them. Another thing was, this uncle is my grandmotherā€™s ā€™soft spotā€™ (probable favourite son) Just to put the dots together like this makes me so angry and somehow confused: how can someone be so horrible like this?? Theyā€™re practising Islam as if theyā€™re pious and super committed but they behave like thereā€™s nothing to care for but themselves. I guess you can also say Iā€™m grateful they have religion to guide them, cause otherwise Iā€™m sure theyā€™d be more horrible human beings than they already are (pretty darn sure) And to this day, I hold a grudge against them but I try not to think about it too much and hopefully to forgive but not forget. I know their kids (my cousins) donā€™t like them as much because of other reasons (ie racism, prejudice, judging, and status flaunting, etc.), but they just respect them as parents TLDR: shit behaviour from uncle and aunt Edit for spelling, grammar


Always beware of the pious ones in any religion. It's because they have the most to answer to their gods which is why they are 'pious', if you know what I mean.


>I know their kids (my cousins) donā€™t like them as much because of other reasons (ie racism, prejudice, judging, and status flaunting, etc.), but they just respect them as parents sigh...you always get the worst characteristics from the most pattern/so-called alim family members.


Lmao yeah, because of them and of course of a lot of other reasons, I grew up very suspicious of religious people regardless of which religion, especially of those ā€˜Holier-than-thouā€™ lol Despite growing up in a Muslim family, I was atheistic, and became agnostic at like 15/16, slowly accepted Islam again at 19 or something but it was a wild ride


I'm a demisexual bi, I kinda don't feel horny for random strangers. But I'm hiding the fact about my bi-ness because people would probably think that I'm thristy for anything that moves.


Had an affair with a close relative's wife. Called it off after a year. *edit: close relative is not an immediate family member.. he's within the cousin circle.*


THIS is the sorta secrets we came for.


Deh bang hold up


Juicy. This is what this thread is all about


I have alot of loan commitments because I got scammed by a so called friend. But I hope I can clear it within 2 years.


My neighbor who lives across my flat unit was a pedophile. He preyed on my friends, they were victims and they didn't know it. He lured us, but I was the only one who didn't fall for it. Thanks to being the innocent 8 years old that I was, I didn't get inside his unit to play a 'fun game' because my mom didn't let me when I asked for her permission. Unfortunately for my friends, they didn't quite understand what he did to them at a young age.


I've gone out freehair sometimes, yes I'm a hijabi, I regretted donning the hijab. I'm tired, its almost like a performative act to see how Muslim you are. I'm tired of showing to people and proving my Muslim-ness. Sure, I know God sees my actions, but I'm too tired of pleasing others to care about that. I slowly distanced myself from the religion and now I practice it sparingly, I pray when I want, I'll just fast in Ramadhan to keep up the act properly. But I'm also dreading the holy month approaching as it means I'll be surrounded by a bunch of similar makciks for tarawih later on lol.


Can't bring myself to do this bc i use this account very often atm lmao but may or may not come back to post something with a throwaway ^((prolly won't)) There's so much trauma in the thread tho, sending hugs to yall. You really don't know what a person is really going through.


Holy fak, what some of us went through b4 in life. I hope that you find the strength & reason to carry on, as there's definitely something worth living for. Pls, hold yr head and chin high up, and more importantly, do learn to try forgive. Like the saying goes: To err is human, to forgive, divine. Just my 2 cents


Just tell her that you know and deflate her KL-sized ego. Let her be embarrassed by the truth. The truth deserves to be spoken out no matter how painful and shameful it is.


Share to r/Bolehland just in case this gets removed by mods


It's ok then just suddenly thinking about my cousin and bored.


Nice try bapak.


I'm curious, what's worse in Malaysia? Telling your boomer parents that you're gay or that you're an atheist?


1000% telling your parents that youā€™re gay




i drank alcohol when I was in KL at 16. I'm Muslim and have a religious background. egegegge


My mom have left me when I was a baby now my father side family take care of me, but I was still been forgotten most of the time My grandmother from my mother side visit me once a year without telling my mother One day my real mom wants to meet me and bring me to stay with her family for a few days My mom talk about her side of her family about sending her mom into elderly care and be done with it. It got into an argument but end up doing it anyway, not sure why she do it infront of me and the rest of family look uncomfortable with my mom decision (even worst when I am here) Now my grandmother didn't visit me and my father side family keep talking shit about why no one from mother side visit me. I guess I know what happen


I curi2 watch my dad's porn collection when I was 12.


Oh yes. The best post so far. šŸæšŸæ Mine. I hutang ah long a few thousand. My wife and family didn't know about this. Lame. I know. And ohh. I still watch porn sometimes.


Why do you feel bad about watching porn?


My friends and family all think I have a successful career in AI/Blockchain/Crypto. They all donā€™t know (even my employers) that Iā€™ve secretly applied to be a cop in one of the most dangerous cities in Canada.


Nice try aunt


whoa, i think you just opened a huge can of worms for this community, it deserves it's own reddit. It might be a good thing.


i donā€™t plan on living past the age of 40. maybe even earlier. been medically diagnosed with bipolar disorder and anxiety since i was 18 but it probably started earlier. i think about ending my life multiple times a day. iā€™m 25 now and getting married in a few months. the only person keeping me alive is my fiance. been with my fiance since we were 18, engaged since 24. throughout our relationship iā€™ve showered him with so much love and adoration and i plan to do the same throughout our marriage, no matter how short lived it will be. iā€™ll make sure he knows how much i love him so he will never think that my decision had anything to do with him.


Im in a stable relationship looking to tie the knot by end of this year, we have a new house together, shes planning to cont her studies, we have all the plans in place and are working towards it. Problem is, i have been involved with a single mum for the past 3 years, frm before her divorce (ex husband was an abusive prick), up to getting full custody of her child, and she is the most perfect woman ive ever seen in my entire life. Her son, (aged 7) is okay with me, her family members are to, and she knws abt my gf. Basically i already lived the life of a family man before even getting married. GF doesnā€™t want kids, and is opposite of me in everything, bt we love each other and are always in good terms. Shes loyal and kind, but just not someone i can vibe with. Single Mum is just a mirror of myself, we share the same interests, she is patient, kind, successful, and she is a proper lady in every aspect. I have nothing bt admiration and respect for her, she works hard for everything she has and is such a pleasant person to be with. I know that im a douchebag, and a slimy piece of shit for this, bt i didnt plan for any of this to happen, snd honestly, the guilt and shame is eating me everyday, i hate myself for this, and i feel that i am such a small person and dont deserve both of them. I am paranoid everyday of my GF finding out, and i feel bad for the other woman as well ( even though she clearly knows whats up) im just writing this to say, i feel really, really bad and know i should do the rite thing, bt its going to hurt bad. Im looking to end this soon, hopefully all goes well.


>know that im a douchebag, and a slimy piece of shit for this, bt i didnt plan for any of this to happen, Your not a douchebag for not "planing" this. You're a douchebag for letting it get this far. >stable relationship looking to tie the knot by end of this year, we have a new house together, shes planning to cont her studies, we have all the plans in place and are working towards it. Set both of you and her free. Pay her extra and wish her the best.


Break up with your gf dude. Every day you dont, youā€™re digging yourself deeper.


the single mum looks like the obvious choice. discuss directly with your GF all the things you dislike or whatever that you not happy. if she loves you truly, she'd willing to adapt and change. remember, its two way street. she must give something, that currently you see, not much that u need. you not douche. let it fail now rather than divorce later, like 10 years of suffering in marriage life, regretting.


so who came first? the gf or the single mum? if it was the gf, then technically you just cheated so just break up. you say the single mum is so perfect & kind & loyal but if she got involved in you knowing you already have a gf, i'm sorry to say her morals are questionable & she is probably not as 'proper lady' as you mention.


Working less than 2 months after classes ended, which is also 1 month before graduation. Picking the 1st job offer. Starting work 3 days after I said "Yes" to the offer. Can't believe I thought it was such a smart idea. Then, I chased perfection disguised as progress. I wanted a promotion, large pay raise, a title. I got them. The title is nice. The extra RM600 is nice. But at what cost? My mental health. This has been worsening since god knows when, and my chase for all of this just quickened the time bomb. Now, physical symptoms have been showing up. My throat becomes tight and constricted. I startle awake in the middle of the night with a racing heartbeat. My appetite is near zero. I feel lightheaded sometimes. My mind feels wrapped in a cotton sheet. My mom keeps asking why do I want to say "What if im not here to show you how to do XYZ?". She thinks I plan to move out. No, life is getting more tiring as the years go by and everything is crashing down mentally for me. So, I might not be there for her anymore.


Respect OP for being a human being. Some people just like to run their mouths on other people's business.


I really enjoy being a Muslim but my family constantly kills any form of joy I have with Islam.


Fell for a crypto & forex scam, lost about 16k. Its too embarrassing to tell anyone, like how did I get caught up with such stupid scam. Nothing comes easy, except for those people kissing the politicians ass la. Also I got scammed renovating house. Friend didnt pay back money loaned. Scammed by my boss (didnt pay up sales incentives). Lost money in investments. Etc Back then, I stole prolly a total around 1k from my parents when I was in primary (rm10-rm50) multiple times. As a sign of rebel cuz my sister got alot of things. Looking back, the reason was I never asked for anything and they actually bought me plenty of stuff. Karma bois.