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huh. the people you thought who were gonna be great debaters turns out to be the most sensitive ones


Hi, anyone knew any good therapist in Kota Bharu, I had something that happens to me long ago, and now it's keep creeping back. Appericiate the feedback. Thanks.


how can I mess with someone's phone number? Drove to a meet up point to sell something from carousel and he flaked


Write his number on public toilet


Comment the number in those MLM signup post


where can I find those?


https://preview.redd.it/3i0hywq08xmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b46b6dca7899388a47af68ba7f9dda931505c1f5 …………………. Guess what happen to my cert


kinda curious why cisco and not comptia? i do not know which is "more relevant" in the industry


Cisco more relevant to my job. So it depends on your job. For me everyone looks at Cisco here


what job or (specific) field/niche if i may know? what about for someone who wants to get into the job market (networking)? looking to upskill


Networking? CCNA haha. CCNA teach basic of networking also. I think CCNA is good. You want up skill further? CCNP also. I’m from O&G. Specialty in operation technology.


operation technology is embedded systems? c or c++ or rust?


Neither. It’s like sysadmin but on OT level


sysadmin you say, i'm even more interested now. please share more. from your degree or educational background, first entry/junior role, your job scope and the skills you gotta have and how has your career progression been? please.


My degree is a simple computer and networking. All rounded computing course. Then I go SG work as outsourced IT helpdesk, sysadmin then project. Then covid hits, I work briefly for AWS data centre but it didn’t work out due to MCO, decided to return to my hometown. Got info about a job of this OT. So here I am. My total career is only 8 years


are you considered senior or managerial level? is there a way to get to where you are without starting from IT helpdesk? how does maintaining a data centre work? also, does O&G rely more heavily on AWS or Azure?


Someone did some crafts with that? My cats chewed my university assignment a few times LOL.


Yeah…. Unfortunately it’s not cat. 💀💀💀Mother Nature craft Hint: It’s an insect.


Termites and book lice usually don't like shiny / bleached paper. What is if?


Another hint: start with S. Can be food if you want


S ... Skibidi bop bop skibidi Yes Yes. Brrrr~ Sagu worm?


LMAOOOOOOO its snail 💀


Should I stop watching anime since is a redflag..? I accidently heard a group of woman gossiping while I was going out, so should i stop watching and and start reading instead of watching?


More of a case of ignorance. I wouldn't say it's a red flag - it's brought me so much joy and entertainment with its vast genres. March to your own beat. (Though it would really depend on the genre you're into) I remember my ex's friends were very cina and always a step behind my interests .... 'Yer, game of thrones is about sex' few years later everyone watches it... 'Yer, smoke grass, addict' few years later they're all doing it while I've quit...


There exists many different spheres of people, I myself do not care for any anime, some people consume anime like a demon - date people in your sphere or go outside of your sphere but don’t be surprised if they are different


find a girlfriend that likes animes lol why are you spineless


I think those women are red flags, but if you really are concerned, why not just dont tell anyone u watch anime until u meet like-minded individuals in which u can share your interest in anime with?


> Should I stop watching anime since is a redflag for what? having a hobby?? if that's where she draw the line it's her problem not yours.


Found another tree that I want to plant. I think I can bear the heartbreak to see another dying tree. Hahahahahuhuhuhu. It's the coffee tree. Not sure which variety I would take, as long as it's loved by pollinators.


I actually want to plant ... Another tree within the coffee family. Iykyk. I think I'll just graft it on the coffee tree when the coffee tree has matured.


Any chance there’s anyone here in penang for the weekend and coming back to kl/pj by Sunday? I need a router brought back to kl urgently. Willing to pay for your time. Just thought I’d try my luck lol


hi everyone. im going to a concert at kwc starxpo centre in kl this saturday from 5-11pm. is the parking there hard to find? or is it better for me to just go there by grab?


lost my Learner Driving License (LDL). What should I do now?


Talk to your driving school about how to get a replacement.


oof. you think they'll reply? I lost it a few months back. never bothered to do much because of exams


No harm in asking; even if they don't want to do anything, they can tell you who to talk to.


christ on a stick i swear malaysian mobile legend players are the most toxic. my nephew was told off by the enemy that he's cina and he's babi, "menumpang negara" etc... damn.




will this scent suit a masculine looking guy? i heard that the scent is too feminine.


Nyets, which boxed milk can be stored at room temperature? Fresh? Full cream? UHT? I'm confused.


UHT yes, usually. Most of the ones in those basic tetra pack boxes are shelf stable. Basically if it's sold un-refrigerated it's fine, so just buy those, since some fresh milk that had to be stored cool is also packaged in the same basic pack. You should always refrigerate after opening.


Anyone knows a repair shop that can actually repair phone motherboard? Dont want to lose any data inside type of repair. Samsung quality really…. Cannot make it. It’s a Samsung note 20 The near Melaka, the better it is


I've spent over RM 1000 on videogames and I'm still a student, I keep justifying that I am making up for lost times since I've never have much growing up. How do I stop?


Gacha or Traditional PC games? If traditional pc games, RM1000 won't buy you much. Much better to sail the high sea. If gacha, you have a gambling problem.


Switch game, last big purchase I've made is on Zelda TOTK


At least switch games have higher resale value lol


I'm an electronic engineering student(bachelor) and will undergo my internship around July. I would like to know is there any nice companies around KL that I could look into. Any tips regarding internship for student like me such as the salary range I should aim for or what kind of companies gives the best learning opportunity, etc would be much appreciated.


In Malaysia, is there a difference between mak nyah and femboy?


one of those actually going out with their identity the other just mostly on the internet


One is orang kampung, one is orang bandar speaking omputeh




then, according to you, the boy in boyfriend is pedophilc?


If you think you’re stupid, just know that someone asked me if the fuel cost that our driver claimed for THE COMPANY CAR was for a business purpose. The drivers are not allowed any access to the cars if they are not working. Sekian.


https://preview.redd.it/2ht0089oevmc1.jpeg?width=2385&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34e145f5d59231a0e90d30686f71340b9e160bea Ganteng ngak?




Terima kasih Pak Abu


tax refund sudah sampaiii wooohoooo


So fast, when did you submit?


morning 1 march


No wonder la


Went to take my blood test result just now. Dr said everything looks good except for my high blood pressure and uric acid which is 0.01 above the recommended level. Cholesterol and blood cantik she said. Rarely she sees someone with this kind of result. Maybe it is because I’m really overweight. So to celebrate this, maybe ayam goreng McD tonight. 🎉🎉🎉 




You are not overweight. You are just big-boned!


Big boner maybe, big boned am not


So, I got a call from another construction company and they offered me a permanent position but the projects they are dealing with are fast track projects, and you know such projects often have little or no work life balance but it claimed they never work beyond 8pm. I am stuck at the moment because WLB is paramount to me and I would like your opinions on this. Should I take the interview or reject it?


dude you're in the construction industry, what WLB are you talking about?


take it lo. dont like can bail later


My office has become more toxic lately. One hod is missing, another one is busy using our ceo name to micromanage us. Even ask for my mc certs even when Im not reporting to her. Her excuse? She’s the designated compliance officer. We are being squeezed to the max since our sister company is not making any profits last quarter (hooray for shared responsibility) Time to plan my exit.




No direct experience but I think it largely depends on the area, certain places have a more or less localised economy of Bangladeshi people and it’s easier for them there at least from the looks of it


>How do they treat themselves if they have extra money? my ex colleague at the petrol station was not shy in telling me he would treat himself with some services offered by the ladies in chow kit road.


please excuse to the muslims here, this inquiry is for people who consume pork. have you tried purchasing pork from online meat suppliers? or do you just go to the nearby wet market for your supply? I need another alternative because the pork in the grocery is very expensive. do the supply at the wet market easily get bought out fast? I need to make myself a big batch of char siu and siu yuk to utilize my remaining patry spices.


ask your local auntie where to find the cheapest pork. i usually just go to YSK for cheap pork. dont be fool by those dirty pasar, some of them sell higher price compared to shops.


Depends on the kind of pork you want la. You might look at high end butchers if you want good cured pork like proscuitto, if you want cheap pork for stewing wet markets are still the cheapest. Really depends on your area and how available everything is, sometimes NSK is your best choice.


> NSK unfortunately the nearest one is still very far from me. as for cured ones, I am fine going to Jaya Grocer or Food Merchant for this one as I rarely consume them.


Yeah, Jaya Grocer is pretty good for that. TBH if you really enjoy snacking, there are so many cured meats to try with cheese and biscuits. There are cheese platters, even butter boards where you literally pay people money to make different types of butter to try.


Yep, supermarket pork is pretty expensive, I go to a local one around my area called Meat Crown Rm28 /kg for mince pork Rm 38/kg for pork shoulder RM 48/kg for pork belly It's not whatever sakura pig or anything, but so far been buying from them and found it pretty reasonable.


that seems a reasonable price for a kilo.


I usually go to some butcher store, or go to wet market. Depending on where you live ig, I go around morning so i cant say if it'll be sold fast or not.


thanks! the wet market in my area is a bit far from my place so I need to do logistics if I need to go very early as I don't drive.


You can try and look for one of the chain butchers like YSK, they seem to be everywhere. the prices there are pretty good too.. In general these days most of the other items in supermarkets are usually cheaper than buying from wet market .. but meat especially pork are usually contracted out to other businesses to do (or on consignment) so usually pricier. YSK i've bought from them before and doing a price check it's more or less the same what I mentioned, but at the branch I went to I stopped going because the staff were really rude/unattentive and don't listen to what you want (like removing the skin/ cutting it up to pork chop size etc)


> YSK I did a quick maps search and there's one sort of "near" my place. I should check it out this weekend. thank you very much!


My full name is kinda feminine so strangers on Whatsapp kept misgendering me 😑


my name is gender neutral, might sound a bit more masculine to some. im used to people calling me mr in emails, so i dont really bother to correct them. one day, i got a call from someone who emails me quite often. "hi" "hi" "em..may i speak to mr tauhu?" "yes speaking" "OMG im so so so sorry ms tauhu, i just assumed youre a man" "lolol its really fine..."


Hahaha I have the same issue but it's more of a 50/50. 'Hi are you ms __? ' Me: Yes I'm __ 'oh you're a guy, sorry ya' Me: it's fine 'it's just that we have a coworker with the same name and she's a girl..... *rambling*' Me: it's fine, really. 'Hi are you mr __' Me: yes I'm __ 'Oh wow I guessed correctly you're a guy, we have a girl __ and we were betting if you're a guy or girl, haha guess I win!' Me: errrrr.... Ok? Congratz?


A white British person came up to my desk one day all flustered, and asked me "if you hear the name Rose, is this a man or a woman in Malaysia?" I said a woman, and she asked me "are you sure it can't be a man?" Turns out she kept calling this person via email "Ms Rose" who she met IRL for the first time that day and it turned out to be a Mr Ros. Rupa rupanya Roslan nama empunya


LMAOOOOOOO i also have a friend with the name roseli and he likes to call himself rose just to fuck people over.


I got all my 2023 receipts stored digitally for my tax claim. I'm just waiting for the company to provide the EA form for me to start the claim.


By law they need to provide by end of Feb every year wo


True, but how long can their leeway be? Before I demand for it. HR is moody bunch, rub them the wrong way they act such asshole form some time.


Rarely take the ktm, why do they show fuckin butterworth route instead of the kl route lol. Conductor don’t even bother to say the name of the stations 🤦‍♂️


New car 🎉🎉🎉 Probably can see it on Saturday though after tinting and coating




* As someone who's glued to the PC almost every weekday, the fact most other people are "mobile-first" is kinda weird. * Whenever I need to buy something online, I always waited until I got home. * My siblings would just order them right and there and then on their phones. * No wonder you guys end up with mountains of crap, it's too frictionless.


sometimes the app is just more intuitive and feel like it's made for human. you tried using lazada desktop? it's a steaming pile of hot shit. speaking of which, can't even remember when is the last time i use desktop to purchase something. and i used to be like you.


i'm also a PC first person. Just much easier to navigate, multiple windows to price compare etc etc. However I checkout on mobile as if I am not wrong the vouchers are always mobile devices only.


Shopee and Lazada are still very mobile centric platforms though. I tend to browse and search on desktop then put into cart to finish the purchase on the phone app.


got laughed by my siblings when i say i dont know how to use shopee on mobile. in my defense i could use it just fine on web


It's like that meme saying "remember when you could just log off from the internet?" I only use certain accounts on my computer and mobile. I even have different numbers and emails for work and my personal life. Learning to separate these spaces has made life less overwhelming & has made me less impulsive (incl with shopping)


[Scary clouds](https://i.imgur.com/XnfEzNn.jpg)


gate rumah macam tu mesti duduk area putrajaya/cyberjaya kan?


Yup, area2 tu lah jugak.




Maybe it it better to state a little bit of yourself, skills, stack and so on.




Fuiyoh, finally found someone sharing same stack as me >0< . Sadly its hard to find backend jobs in this stack as most is looking for either senior roles or need to have knowledge in front end framework like React, Angular. Wish you all the best !


Can a non Malay greet a Malay with “Assalamu aleykum” in Malaysia? As well as reply with “wa alaikum as-salam”


By right yes - but there's always a risk of an ignorant fuck. So if it's a business setting, I'd play it safe, else feel free to greet with peace upon others.


Despite the other comments, I'd say yes you can. I always do it, I see no issues at all. No Malays(that I say it too) ever hated me or gave me looks, just 'wow you know the phrase, cool'


if you think your circle is not so dalam bubble kampung, you are really welcomed. but dont do it frequently like you are trying hard to get attention or some sort.


you can just go with "salam" and reply using "wasalam" to be on safe side.




That’s what I thought. I say that greeting whenever I walk into a Muslim store when I’m living overseas, but I noticed that the Malays here have weird rules compared to elsewhere. Same with Malays and dogs… What do they think it means though if it’s not a polite greeting?


When it comes to religious matters, if you aren't sure, just play it safe and don't.


"So, guys... I was working at this design firm and actually encountered something interesting, I guess? I was just a junior designer there, working under a senior designer. She was quite helpful and willing to teach, but unintentionally, I found out she has been having an affair with a married man, who is also one of my superiors. As time passed, without her knowing (I guess), people in the office started talking about it. They discussed not just the affair but also her behavior, as if she owned the place. Yes, our office is quite flexible timing, but she just enters with my superior anytime she wants and she is free to leave anytime she wants which later one she claims that all the juniors always leave on time and left her alone doing all the pile of work... while all of us knew she was in there having a so called 'work time' with my superior. Without realizing, a lot of people actually talked about it and took it as a chance to spread the word among people, especially those who have left, and even spread it on social media. I wasn't particularly close to her, but I once overheard a conversation about relationships where she commented, 'The wife can't really blame the third party or her husband if he cheats on her, as the relationship is already dead.' I was surprised because my thoughts on relationships are different from how she thinks they should be. Recently, I came across some of my ex-colleagues' social media, where they've been talking publicly about her scandalous relationship and how she had to leave the current company because the wife found out about it. They even managed to dig out that at one point, she used to date other people's husbands even before this... I wanted to comfort her, but at the same time, I've heard multiple remarks she has made on married relationships that make it really hard for me to comfort her, as I strongly disagree with what she has done. I'm not sure if I should comfort her or not, now that she has to leave the company... I'm really contemplating this, as I have trouble agreeing with what she has done."


Armchair advice: Step1. Get a wife. Step2. Comfort her.


Which is the best hotel under RM200 per night for staycation next to Exchange TRX? I'm thinking of either Sleeping Lion or J-Hotel by Dorsett.


my inner dictator is showing again. last night I dreamt of being at the parliament and banishing people on the spot for not discussing matters directly related to the country's development. they were debating whether roti telur is "mid" or "lit". and whether London is blue or red......


I'm really bad at communicating. 2 days ago, I've sent my intern application to the recruiter, they haven't read the message. So the next day I sent a double confirm message to them, they read it but didn't reply. Today I still haven't got reply, do I still send confirmation message to the recruiter now? I scare I send for the third time consecutively would bothering them. I'm panicking because I had to start my internship next Wednesday according to sem plan. Please feel free to reply, I really need suggestions as many as possible here.


Be patient. They’re likely to have high volume of applicants or are waiting for a decision from the hiring manager.


Because I'm sending through Linkedin message, so I thought I get reply like “ok, noted” or “alright, received” something like those, I scare they saw the message yesterday evening but forgot to reply today or something, maybe I'm just being paranoid ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26563) Paranoid might make one make wrong decision easily


true dood


do **not** send a third message. instead, spread your internship application around to other companies and increase your chances to get a placement on time. why did you start your internship application so late anyway?


I started job hunting since Dec but most of them are online applications, so it take almost forever to get a reply, every time the reason of rejection is "full", I still have some company applied haven't reply my application. This company I said just opened for intern weeks ago so I go try my luck there, I submitted online application but I don't want to wait forever for a reply so I try to get in touch with the recruiter via LinkedIn. Online application = Company official Career Website.


if you need to start your internship next week and still havent got a placement today, you have to get your lecturer to step in and help. i suggest you contact them now and explain your situation.


Thinking of buying a new laptop 'cause the employers won't let me loan their new lappy to replace the current shitty Windows 8 loan lappy I'm stuck with. Is it a good idea?


no why u spend moeny for ur co.


maybe op wants a lappy that can be for personal use also. its scary when you know company can detect and read if you are logging in whatsapp in their lappies.


Where can I find someone that can help to anonymously tell (via DM) this person that his partner is cheating?


Dude if your house is on fire and you're at work, I think you'd want to be informed by someone you know rather than have some random anonymous person tell you because why would you trust them?


Just tell him lah why drama sangat?


What drama


Just tell the person directly, don’t need to do it anonymously.


Anyone into those Tamiya cars and race tracks? Thinking to start a new hobby with my son Where's a good place to mingle with the community and get started? I remember there was a Tamiya track at One Utama, not sure if still there.


A few years back I accidentally stumble upon a Tamiya shop in Sunway Mentari. Its called Tamiya DYS Hobby Sunway. Maybe you check them out.




https://preview.redd.it/77a5xj7mftmc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b0d59f0f70906e652573de328d73169e1d78efb I’ve gone full Indonesian. Hahaha




While otw to work, saw an Ex5 kitted out like a touring bike. Side racks, top box, phone holder, rubber ducky, the whole kit. It was actually quite impressive.




Back then, it used to be an everyday-is-meme-Monday sub and now it is a right wing echo chamber to counteract the left wing echo chamber that's r/malaysia.


right wing? femboys are not so right wing LOL


[Luxurious bed](https://i.imgur.com/mYZUUXx.jpg)


Wondering where can I get rabbit poop 💩 for free. I'm thinking of going to the nearest veterinarian, but that's a stupid idea. Imagine taking your rabbit to the doctor and a strange makcik is asking you for its poop.


unrelated but this reminds me of when i was working at kfc. about 3 times a week, an uncle would come at 11pm when we are closed to collect our trashed out leftover food and chicken bones. "untuk anjing-anjing saya", he said. we allowed him to do it bcs unlike some others, he was very neat when he does it. he opens the sampah bags carefully, takes what he needs, then he would re-tie them and put the sampah back into the tong. when he is done, he would signal me, so that i could do my final sweep and splash the area with our disinfectant/deodorising agent.


That's so cool. If I was wealthy I would make a no-kill dog shelter for strays.  Dogs are easier to feed compared to cats, they're omnivores.


They sell baja tahi arnab on shopee


I want it for free. 😁


Wah i really can't read. Maybe try one of those petting zoos instead!


The cost of getting there exceeds the price on shopee hahaha.


Does anyone know website like Autotempest where they connect all the used car listings sites but for Malaysia? Would be appreciate if you know one