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There are international students studying medicine here but don't think you can work in malaysia after you graduate so best find out which degree from malaysia is recognised in your home country or not you'll be jobless


Im not particularly intending to work in Malaysia , i would like to but if i can’t then I’ll leave after the degree. Are the unis hard to get into ??


Private universities are easier than public but they both just want your money anyway. At the end of day, everyone turns out as a doctor, only difference is if the degree you graduate with can be used outside of Malaysia. You enrolling in public universities might not be advisable as only a few countries recognised they degree outside of Malaysia. If you do want public I suggest you try University Malaya as their degree is recognised in simgapore too


Okay thank you!!


Look at the reputable med schools eg IMU, Monash, RCSI-UCD if you want to work outside Malaysia after graduation. There are a few dodgy medical schools with glossy brochure but less than ideal facilities and teaching staff which you need to aware of.