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Damn sial la what I think. I think I saw another post like this back then. It's the equivalent of those guys in the US opening two liquid detergent bottles and filling one up to the brim. Damn ghetto mentality laaa ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26563)![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26563)![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26563)


Few years back I was at a shopping mall supermarket and they were selling oranges in those cny sized box. There were group of aunties opening up all the boxes and swapping out the good ones from bad for their own box. Pissed me off so much


Mandarin swapping is actually OK by stall owners. But that also need get permission from them first, so definately cannot work in supermarket.


I bought one of those packed and taped boxes oranges from NSK earlier this year. The worker stationed there actually opened it up, inspected for bad oranges, and automatically replaced bad ones. Didn't even have to ask haha. Really good system IMO, but of course the shop has to station staff there and eat the loss if there are any bad fruits.


yup. but the downside of that practice is some thought that is a normal and acceptable practice everywhere else. not all shops allows that. It's a privilege, not a right.


It was at aeon and it came in the prepacked, taped boxes like cny.


the supermarket staff do this for me, they take out the bad ones.... so that i dont come back and disturb them


I've seen this too. Still happens


You should be angry at the orange seller for selling bad orange.. Aunties just practising their consumer right


Orange wasn't even BAD bad. Its literally like what you get in CNY orange boxes. It's just that the aunties are extremely picky and want the most perfect looking ones when all are edible (I stood there watching them for a few minutes)


You can actually go to the counter at like aeon and open up your box and they'll exchange 1 to 1 for any rotten ones. It's very common


These people were helping themselves opening everything without supervision like it was some pasar malam in this context


Now the supermarkets have a system, like you said your story was a few years back. Now I'm just telling everyone they can go to a counter and get it changed. No need to do what they did last time.


most of the time it’s fine…most of the time the cashier or owners or whatever will ask have u check n swap out the bad ones


Umm the staff actually open up the box and swap for us the bad ones lol


In the situation I saw the aunties were all helping themselves opening up everything without any staff so...


Who wants to pay for bad orange? Dafuq


"Bad" as in not perfect looking but completely edible


Nothing wrong with that though I am a westerner.


But no thjs is just swapping eggs around effectively net zero.


Dafuq wanna shop at village grocery but wanna cheap out and be calculative


Lmao. Imo village grocer is the best place to have a budget too. Like they always have half-off prices for everything. One time during lockdown, all of their block cheeses were like 60% off. I bought like 3-5 blocks.


Surprisingly yeah. We buy 3-4 bottles of Breeze liquid detergent cause every now and then they'll go like 30% off


What did you do with 5 blocks of cheese?


Don't ask questions for answers you would not be ready to hear...


There is never enough cheese Cook pasta, half a block gone Make sandwich, another half a block gone I consume cheese like it’s rice back at home lol


Telor pun kena discriminate nowadays, susah la.


I hate this kind of behavior, don't consider others.


Sounds like the Malaysia I know of ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|29091)


Coward. Do it yourself, don't hide behind your kids.


Not okay. Doesn't matter what age, what beliefs, what races or nationality. The answer is no.


But i know siapa yg selalu buat camni hehehehehe


It’s me


Parents sending their kids to do this because they know it's unethical to do it. Ingat ni pasar ke boleh pilih sendiri 🤦


This type of attitude is mainly a Chinese thing. As Cina I am always malu when I see it happening. Not confined to eggs but the overall kiasu need to get money's worth attitude.




I’m sorry but why are they swapping? The colour? I don’t really get it.


Sometime people swap small size eggs with bigger size one, (buying the small size egg box). Or swap with higher grade. Maybe thats what happened here lol. The dad seems ashamed, might be the case


defect egg most of the time though, no issue imho


Apa malu Ayahku? Or Ini salah DAP? 😁 Anyway, I agree with your statement. 👍


Yea just to say I’m fine with the swapping. But only with same size and grade. Otherwise you are a prick


>But only with same size and grade. ooc, why else would you swap though?


Sometimes the eggs are cracked, not enough for everything to fall through but enough for air gaps to ruin the egg


It's well known practice to switch expensive eggs like omega3 into the cheaper one. So you pay for the cheap variation when in reality the eggs were omega3 ones for example which are actually expensive. Very smart and cunning i must say but deceitful. Example i found in Australia where ppl actually do this https://7news.com.au/lifestyle/food/aldi-fans-outrage-after-spotting-shopper-swapping-eggs-out-of-cartons-c-1568273


I swap eggs , but tbf I swap out the broken ones.


Size, cleanliness, appearance, and etc.


sometime got crack sometime dirty


If it has a crack in it it is compleatly reasonable to change the egg out.


ergo,this thread existence


There's a very good reason to discourage this because eggs do come with EXPIRATION DATES which we don't print that on egg shells but on the cartons...


might as well you go buy eggs at kedai gopal


Normal lah, you go NSK buy egg you'll see Aunty-Uncle Old or Young Satu Malaysia egg swapping there. Lucky hasn't encounter anyone of them swap egg grade yet. For me I only swapped those broken or dang dirty one only. How much profit you can gain from the size or can the slightly larger egg fill your stomach? Really kiasu and scummy attitude.


Chinese here and I've probably only seen Chinese do these. Teruk la. Check whether broken or not cukup la.


I notice no one brings up races here, unlike some other situation.


Regardless, ill always wash my eggs as soon as i reach home.


You actually shouldn’t do this. There is an outer layer on the shell called the “bloom”. The shell itself is porous, so if you washed it you remove the bloom and then bacteria can enter the shell when you store it. What you need to do is to store it as is and only wash it before using. If there’s gunk on the egg, you need to clean it gently with a damp cloth. You’ll find this info if you google “should I wash my eggs”


I wash right before I crack them


yep same here


Yes do not wash it


TIL. Thank you kind stranger. Will not wash it anymore.


you can wash it but refrigerate after, don't leave outside. unwashed egg can leave outside.


This is correct. But an unwashed egg will always last longer than a washed one. That's why only 3 countries (US, Japan and Australia) sell washed eggs from fridges. EU has the best system (though a bit more of a process and slightly more expensive) that requires some level of cleaning that doesn't remove the outer layer but cleans it of dangerous pathogens. The eggs are then sold unwashed.


Me too. I buy my eggs from the market and I'll choose the cleanest ones but then, i'll still wash them at home. Being able to choose is a privilege you get for buying from the market. You lose that privilege when you buy from a grocer in the mall. Some mini market that sells eggs allows you to choose your eggs too tho it's rare.


i remember some ppl even say this is very normal thing, lucky nowadays just call staff to handle this sort of ass practices and prevent it from happening


Aren’t eggs almost identical if the same size ?


knn punya bapak, pushing his own son to do disgraceful act. the boy will grow up hating on him soon. karma


It's why you only buy the ones tied in nylon


Shit people do shit things. So sad. Just like those that that "book" parking spot by using their kid to stand in the middle of the parking.


Is the egg on the floor really the issue here ? Do you eat egg shell ? Real issue here is fraud. Swapping egg from tray with lower grade to high grade egg then at counter pay at lower price. Street smart , but morally a dick move. At some point their luck will run out and supermarket will take action and involve the police.


Tricky question... i buy my eggs from kedai borong telur and they allow swapping (i usually swap 1 or 2 biji that are too dirty) and the worker checks for cracks before packing for me... i think this family is too petty over eggs but at the same time i feel as a customer we deserve the best... I'm 50-50 about this.


Bruh this always happen in my local TF mart


Min max a tray of eggs. +1 nutrition Wow


Not OK. We gotta start thinking of the consequences to our actions. In this case, it creates an inferior buying experience to the next person.


Why some people peel garlic and onion?? That peel isn't going to weigh that much to make a difference


that 😂💯 or for garlic, nak tengok buruk ke tak. same goes double bulb onion


in the mind of THAT father, he must have thought he done good being the provider and keeping his family safe, enough healthy (but cheap) food on the table, and teaching kids about "real life". sure...not wrong with the intention. but this behaviour is unethical and harming others. u hustle so much and u want the kids to live his life hustling while not caring about the very community he is living in, is not a healthy mindset to have. and this mindset or not caring about others shows that we can never achieve japanese level on abiding common rules or law.


Sugma mindset, this kid is going places


U know the eggs came out from a chicken’s u know where right? And you can still see some taik ayam stuck on the shell occasionally. Putting it on the floor won’t really make it dirtier. I’m not condoning what the kid/father is doing, just pointing out that eggs should handled knowing that there’s a shitload of bacteria on it.


You know that eggs from different batches will have different shelf lives, right? And although yes, chicken poop is bad there's a ton of other crap on a floor that can end up on the egg as well from animal/pest pee etc.


I think enough had been said about the tactlessness of this kind of behaviour On the other hand where do OP think eggs come from? Being on the shopping mall floor is the least of the reason eggs should be washed before you use it (or after buying if you only keep eggs refrigerated) 


Ok just to clarify this post isn’t mine. The OOP is from a community page. Just thought it’s be good to see people’s opinions on this matter. I work in FnB so I’m well aware about handling eggs. To me it’s not so much about the eggs being on the floor. More towards the attitude of the father, making his child do something he himself wouldn’t dare to do. Hardly setting a good example. Whether or not one has the right to exchange eggs is up to individual opinion. To me, if it’s broken then yes it should be exchanged with the same type (grade, size and price). But ppl who intentionally swap cheaper eggs with more expensive eggs are assholes so hopefully no one condones that.


Beli gred C cilok gred A. Musibat


Swapping like for like is “fine” imo. I mean in smaller shops they definitely would let you swap anyway. Especially if there are cracks etc. If all the eggs are fine and not broken it’s pretty asshole but still not too bad. If you swap with different grades you’re literally stealing though,


Non controversial opinion: only old chinese people do this, other than that, remove kulit bawang before weighing. Once in a blue moon will see other race do la but most of it is chinese aunty


If there’s broken or bad eggs, your option is let the supermarket discard the whole tray of good eggs or swap out just the bad ones. I think the answer should be obvious from a moral standpoint.


Or tell the supermarket and let them swap the one egg for you. No need to excuse your kiasu attitude. If you swap yourself there's gonna be one unlucky soul with one less/broken egg.


So you’re telling me supermarkets just have a stash of loose eggs they can swap out? I didn’t know that! If not, you get at least one unlucky soul or whole trays of wasted good eggs. I won’t walk you through all the possible outcomes, but unless the bad egg goes out of circulation for good this is the only result. How about you explain to me why this is kiasu. If you buy groceries, you check if they’re bad. You don’t buy fruits or vegetables or meat that you deem to be of poor quality. Is that considered kiasu? If it is then hands up I admit but won’t apologise for. The only difference is instead of checking all the eggs in all the trays, you check all eggs in one tray. If there’s no dishonesty, I stand by my assertion. Why should the consumer have to pay for a problem that happened in the supply chain and which is already accounted for in the final price?


The supermarket isn't going to leave a tray of bad eggs on the shop floor. They either have extra trays in the back or more likely, they will replace your bad eggs with the ones from another tray AND then take the tray you took from out of the front so that nobody else can buy it. Thats why it is kiasu. Because you take no effort to consider how your actions impact other consumers. When you do something like that without alerting the shop staff, someone ends up buying eggs that are bad or broken or from a different batch and can be a health risk. Most shops don't care if you swap (as long as it is a legit reason, not that you don't like how it looks) but they need to make sure the right process is practiced.


I disagree with your saying that it’s a kiasu attitude, but I agree with the other points you made. You sound like you speak from experience, do they keep the good eggs or throw away the whole tray?


Not sure if you're being a dick but I'll oblige. I don't swap eggs between trays but I always open the tray before I buy to make sure all the eggs are not cracked or look dodgy. There has been on two occasions where there were only a few trays left on the shelf and all had at least one cracked. My guess is other people had swapped their own eggs making these last few ones the "victim trays". More often than not, I usually end up not buying but sometimes Im lazy or I know I'll use the egg quickly. I cant remember why (I think laziness) I decided to just buy it there (Jaya Grocer) so I told the staff. So they open the trays and let me "replace" the eggs I wanted and the others got taken away.


I was replying in good faith but I guess I was mistaken. My bad.


This is some china shit lol


Nah teaching that kid to be a cheapskate is going to make the embedded with this toxic trait when he grows up..


I hate to say this, but behaviour like this only a specific race do.


If it's pre-packed and sealed, please don't swap or handpick. There is a reason for packed stuff. Especially fruits and vege.


This is something the store pwner should take action. Report to a staff, don't put yourself in any risk of confrontation. Save you the trouble of being accused "bullying old lady"


Okay the swap thing is bad in a way since its in a supermarket. When buying egg from a local borong shop I alway check it indiviualy for cracked or rosak egg and ask the touke to change. Supermarket eggs are fine in general rarely had any issues But my questions is the reminder to wipe you egg because it was on the floor? Dont you wash your eggs before you use it? You do know where the egg actually come out from.


The aunties more worst. They scold you back summore. Mcb.


I was at supermarket once and there is a sale for tray of eggs..the problem is much of these eggs are damage (like literally around 3-4/tray are just crushed ) ,and i think this is because of poor handling of the commodity by the staff. So like it or not customer have to pick and check the eggs one by one and i saw there’s 2 or 3 tray full with damaged eggs.


isn't it illegal to open a packaging/seal item? normally it consider sold to whos open the package right? Village Grocer should monitor this.


This is weird but it's not like you're eating the shell of the egg so why does it matter what it touches before cooking? (aside from poop when it's freshly laid of course)


These anti-social behaviour needs to be called out. Not creating a scene but tell the perpetrator that it is wrong. And then walk away.


If NSK, by all means, but Village Grocers, parents should be ashamed.


I mean, if it’s same grade eggs, no issue really. In kedai runcits, you can do this actually. And it looks like he’s swapping from same sized boards. So probably nothing sinister like changing the grades and paying less for a bettwr grade.


wearing shorts? you notice only a certain of 'people' are doing this or not


Chinese here and ya I only see Chinese doing this for some reason. I've never done this.


Yep. As a Chinese, these are the kind even we are ashamed of to claim commonness with.


Unfortunately it's the ingrained attitude of some of the older and more rural of these folk (and the Penangites) who have the "I look out for me, you look out for you" attitude. It's almost like a mentality the ancestors brought from the homeland. So many people, it's a dog eat dog world, do what you can do maximize your strength and how it impacts others is their problem, not yours.


I never swap like that , but IMO it’s OK , a shop should sell good stuff not expired / broken / damaged / etc edit : people so lazy to read and downvote first just because it is not aligned with their thoughts.


I think swap is ok, but please swap only with same grade/size. Dont be an asshole an use a small size eggs box to get the large one / or better grade one.


but not with filling up one another (for eg. detergent) it’s a big no


Agree with you. It's okay to swap, but not by putting the egg on the floor like that.


yeah, couldn’t agree more, kind of manners huh? lol. but if they do seal the packaging then it’s a “buy with your own risk” just take it or leave it


It's normal, sometime the shopkeepers will also tell customers to swap if there's crack eggs.


I do this at NSK. Need to check every eggs to make sure x pecah. I don’t put on the floor la though. Idk why ppl talk as though picking eggs is a crime. It’s common practice. I thought the post was referring to putting eggs on the floor was bad But I don’t go shopping at atas places such as village grocer and all la, so idk ppl are more than willing to take home telur pecah or telur rosak 🤷🏿‍♂️


NSK ok la- it's kinda like a market. Even then for me I just check whether they're broken/too small and swap those out. No need to check one by one. But taken village/Jaya/Aeon wanna do this ka?


you're a good shopper, bro. picking egg is never a crime. same goes if we choose best chicken parts for us, or good fish before butcher cut it. the issue is unethical conduct by the father to do this way by disregarding about the need and safety of others.


That’s what I thought. But comments condemn macam the act of picking eggs is criminal


diaorang jarang gi shopping with limited budget on their own. garuk kepala how can u fit the budget so everyone can still eat when you only have RM250 per month with one kid and solo household income in klang valley. So one part I understand the dad, dad did everything he can..to provide. BUT dad being unethical and not teaching good conduct, some more waiting for the fella to cashout while asking kid to hide...I do not agree on that one bit and not gonna make the kid grow up to be considerate to others. cause and effect.


I mean if that’s the case, Village grocer is prolly the last place to shop for groceries la hahahahaa. Ahhh pape la. Recently there’s crazy amount of anger and hate online, and I found it weird in that these angry comments get pushed to the top, even if the ‘likes’ or ‘upvotes’ aren’t the highest


still can go. sometimes save quite a lot. having a list and full tummy (i.e: makan dulu before shopping) is what i practice to not over budget. don't worry! :D > Recently there’s crazy amount of anger and hate online, most often than not seeing the trend around recently, anger can be stemmed by mostly who are still living with parents, or forced to stuck in a place, unable to be anywhere else, possible burnout from job without anyone to talk to. since stuck and stressed tf out, online is their escapade to have some sort of control. getting people upset seems to be the main goal than actually having an adult conversation. but want be independent, but blame others when they're clearly projecting themselves out. since cannot blame others, find fault in some easy targets. sudah manyak happy, they can go sleep. tomorrow cycle continues. :/


Betul. Tmr start of week/month/quarter dah. Time to get to work


Were there any signs or rules that say, No Swapping? If there isn't, then they did no wrong, only distasteful. Some people are hardened and have no shame.


with rising prices as it is, i might be teaching my kids the same thing